The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat
The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat
The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat
1-M/ SEM02
All those who graduated from San Beda College- Manila would always be familiar with
this holy structure. Built in the 1895 by Spanish monks, the Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat
serves as the monks foothold for their missionaries in the City of Manila and the Philippines.
During the American Occupation, the monks, in fear of the spread of Protestantism in the
country and the rise of the public education system, turned their strategy towards education, thus
establishing the El Colegio de San Beda, now known as San Beda College- Manila, on 1901 at
Arlegui Street near the compounds of Malacaang Palace. Today, the Abbey still stands with its
mix of Neo-Gothic and Neo-Baroque Architecture and its interior full of paintings from various
painters; some of these painters are students from the University of the Philippines- College of
Fine Arts (correct me if Im wrong). But of course, the abbey is not limited to the church itself.
The Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat is a monastery as a whole.
In my senior year in the College of Arts and Sciences of San Beda College- Manila, we
toured inside the Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat as part of the requirement set forth in our
BENE04 class with Dom Leander as professor. During the tour, we were in awe upon seeing
the exterior and interior of the monastery such as the Dining Hall, the Chapel, and the Roman
Garden. Only a few Bedans know the existence of the Roman Garden in San Beda College. Our
recent tour in the Abbey Church for SEM02 helped me give dwell into the specific details of the
structure and history of the Abbey Church.