Eng Year 6 Narrative Hot Air Balloon Gradea Work Sample
Eng Year 6 Narrative Hot Air Balloon Gradea Work Sample
Eng Year 6 Narrative Hot Air Balloon Gradea Work Sample
against the achievement standards; when giving assessment feedback; and when
explaining the differences between one students achievement and anothers.
Grey highlighting identifies those aspects of the achievement standard addressed in
the work sample. Annotations in black text refer to the assessment pointers while
those in coloured text highlight additional, specific qualities evident in the work.
Grades are assigned at the end of the year based on the rank order of students. Grades
should not be assigned to individual assessments. Student achievement is reported at the end
of the semester or year using the letter grades and achievement descriptors. Letter grades
and achievement descriptors should not be used to assess individual pieces of work.
Creates an engaging,
imaginative text by selecting
appropriate elements of text
structure. Develops a
comprehensive sequence of
events and maintains interest
throughout, e.g. a climax, a
meaningful resolution.