Household Cleaner Toxic Chemicals

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Potential Hazards of Home

Cleaning Products

A Report by Womens Voices for the Earth

Household Hazards
A look at the potential hazards of chemicals in
household cleaning products and their association
with asthma and reproductive harm.
By Alexandra Gorman
July 2007

The author is grateful to the many people who
contributed to this report including Ann Blake,
Ph.D., Environmental & Public Health Consulting;
Bryony Schwan, Biomimicry Institute; Dori Gilels,
Beth Berlin, and the entire staff of Womens Voices
for the Earth. Content and scientific review was
provided by Ann Blake, Ph.D, and Tony Ward,
Ph.D, of the Center for Environmental Health
Sciences at the University of Montana. Womens
Voices for the Earth would like to acknowledge
the generous contributions of our members,
Cedar Tree Foundation, Educational Foundation
of America, Marisla Foundation, Alida Messinger
Charitable Lead Trust, Ms. Foundation for Women,
Thanksgiving Fund, Tides Foundation Reproductive
Justice Fund, and Thomas Waters Foundation,
which helped make production of this report
Cover phototgrapher: Isabel Poulin | Agency: Chapter banner photographer
AZ Jade |
Report design by Amy Kelley, Bozeman, MT.

Womens Voices for the Earth

Executive Summary

ow clean is clean? We all have different answers and

personal preferences regarding the cleanliness of our
homes and surroundings. The many types and brands
of cleaning products available on store shelves is staggering. In
most cases, when we choose a cleaning product, we are primarily concerned with whether or not it will do the job, going on
the assumption that if a product is sold in the grocery store,
it must be safe for use in our homes. This report questions
that assumption. Household cleaning chemicals, like tens of
thousands of chemicals found in the consumer marketplace, are
available to the consumer with virtually no information on the
potential consequences for human health and little oversight by
the government.
Household Hazards was written to provide information on
certain chemicals in cleaning products which may pose health
hazards. Specifically, it looks at the research on cleaning
chemicals such as monoethanolamine (MEA) and ammonium
quaternary compounds linked to asthma, and glycol ethers,
alkyl phenol ethoxylates and phthalates linked to reproductive
harm (e.g. birth defects and fertility problems).
Some research has associated these cleaning chemicals with
health impacts, such as occupational asthma in cleaning
workers, so it is reasonable to question their use in household
cleaning products. Other research in laboratory settings links
exposure to certain cleaning chemicals with reproductive harm,
such as birth defects or fertility problems in animals. While the
impacts of chronic exposure to these chemicals on reproductive
harm in humans have not been fully researched, the scientific
data compiled in this report, while inconclusive, does present
a valid cause for concern. This report also highlights the need
for additional studies to fully ascertain the safety of using
household cleaning chemicals over the course of a lifetime.
Many consumers, especially those who have asthma or women
of childbearing age, are accustomed to making choices to avoid
exposure to chemicals with potential for harm. This report is
intended to provide additional information to consumers who
may prefer a precautionary approach to using certain cleaning
products in their home.

Common household
cleaning chemic als
linked to asthma an d
repro duc tive harm
M ono ethanolamine ( M E A)

is a sur fac tant found in some

laundr y detergents, all-pur pose
cleaners and floor cleaners and is
a k nown inducer of occu pational

Ammonium quatern a r y
comp ounds are disinfec tants

found in some disinfec tant

sprays and toilet cleaners that
have been identified as inducers
of occupational asthma.

G lycol ethers , such as 2-

butox yethanol, are solvents

commonly found in glass
cleaners and all-pur pose spray
cleaners that have been linked
to reduced fer tilit y and low bir th
weight in exposed mice.

Alk yl phenol ethox y l ate s

(APE s) are sur fac tants found

in laundr y detergents, stain

removers, and all-pur pose
cleaners, which have been found
to reduce embr yo sur vival in fish,
and alter tadpole development.
APEs are commonly dete c ted
as contaminants in r ivers and
streams, and have also b een
found in household dust.

Phthalates are carriers for

fragrance in glass cleaners,

deodorizers, laundry detergents
and fabric softeners, which
have been linked to adverse
effects on male children,
reduced sperm count in adult
men, and increased allergic
symptoms and asthma in


very day we are exposed to hundreds of different chemicals in products

we use to clean our homes, personal care products we use on our
bodies, in the pesticides we spray in our homes, offices, gardens, and
playgrounds and in our food, water and air. We know from biomonitoring
studies (in which human fluid or tissue samples are screened for the presence
of contaminants) that many of these chemicals are entering our bodies.
Numerous industrial chemicals have been detected in human
blood, urine, hair, breast milk and umbilical cord blood. There is
now mounting evidence that links chemical exposure to the rising
Wh i l e scientists have
levels of chronic health problems in the general population. While
k n ow n fo r a long time that
scientists have known for a long time that high levels of exposure to
h i g h l evels of exposure
some chemicals can be linked to certain chronic diseases, research
to s o m e chemicals can be
now suggests that even minute traces of some chemicals may affect
l i n ke d to cer tain chronic
processes like gene activation, hormone production and brain
d i s e a s es, research now
development in newborns.
s u g g e s t s that even minute

t ra ce s o f some chemicals
m ay a f fec t processes like
g e n e a c t ivation, hormone
p ro d uc tion and brain
d eve l o p m ent in newborns.

At the same time, it appears that the average American citizen has
become increasingly concerned about her or his exposure to germs,
and the diseases they may cause. Advertisements tell us of new and
improved products which will protect our familys health by killing
germs found on every surface we may touch. Not surprisingly, over
the last several years we have seen an ever-increasing number of
cleaning products on the market. Overall, the U.S. market for household
cleaning products was $14.4 billion in 2005. 1 One marketing study revealed
that the U.S. market for household cleaning products increased 3% between
2004 and 2005. This growth was predominantly driven by the 23% increase
in the category of disinfectant products. 2

Unfortunately, advertisements fail to mention that many cleaning products

contain chemicals that may actually be harmful to our health. Womens
Voices for the Earth (WVE) published this report to highlight two particular
health concerns associated with chemicals in household cleaning products,
asthma and reproductive harm. We selected these health concerns for two
reasons. First, we believe that asthma and reproductive harm are currently
of particular interest to women. Second, we found sufficient research on
the links between cleaning chemicals and health to substantiate a valid

concern for vulnerable populations such as children, persons with asthma

and women of childbearing age.
This report is not intended to be a comprehensive review of the hazards of
all cleaning chemicals. For example, industrial cleaners can contain higher
concentrations of chemicals, and in some
cases different chemicals altogether,
than those used in household cleaners.
Some cleaning products also contain
chemicals that are linked to cancer and
neurological damage, as well as acute
hazards such as skin, eye and throat
irritation and burns. While these health
impacts are important, particularly for
workers in the cleaning industry, they are
not the focus of this report. Additional
resources are listed at the end of the
report with more detailed information
on these and other hazards.

Use of Cleaning Products

Given our growing interest in a sanitary
home environment, a staggering amount
Phototgrapher: Nikola Hristovski | Agency:
of cleaners and cleaning chemicals are
used in the U.S. each year. While overall
statistics are difficult to obtain, the following figures help demonstrate the
scope of the $14 billion cleaning product industry.
n Americans wash approximately 35 billion loads of laundry each year.

Nationally, the institutional cleaning industry is estimated to use five

billion pounds of chemicals each year. 4

n On the state level, data from California show that in 1997, 34 tons of air

fresheners 5, 74,000 tons (147 million pounds) of all-purpose cleaners, 109

tons of toilet bowl cleaners and 102 tons of glass cleaners were sold each day
in California 6.
A study on chemicals used in household products in New Jersey and
Massachusetts showed that in those two states alone, 28 million pounds
of chemicals that are known or suspected neurotoxins, carcinogens, or
reproductive or developmental toxicants were used in soaps and other
detergents. An additional 259 million pounds of these chemicals were
accounted for in specialty cleaners and polishers. 7

Impacts to Indoor Air Quality

While much attention is paid to outdoor air pollution, it is important to note
that we spend the vast majority of our time (87%) indoors. 8 In fact, indoor
air is often more polluted than outdoor air, and cleaning products play a role
in generating some of that pollution. 9 There are concerns with the volatile
nature of cleaning product chemicals since they evaporate into the air we
breathe. This problem is exacerbated when we clean in small unventilated
spaces such as a windowless bathroom, where levels of cleaning chemicals
in the air can be highly concentrated. Cleaning chemicals can also end up
in household dust. Studies of household dust have shown high levels of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), asthmagens and other toxic
chemicals. 10,11

A M ay 2002 nationwide
s t u d y by t h e U.S. G eological
S u r vey ( U SGS) showed that
n e a r l y 7 0% of the streams
te s te d co nt ained breakdown
p ro d u c ts of detergents,
w h i le 66% contained
disinfec tants.

Impacts to Water Quality

Cleaning products also have an impact on water quality. After normal

use, cleaning products are rinsed down the drain and eventually
released with the effluent of wastewater treatment plants or from
septic tanks into our ground and surface waters. While there is
relatively little data available on the impacts of cleaning chemicals
on the environment, we do know that cleaning products containing
phosphorus or nitrogen can contribute to nutrient-loading in water
bodies, leading to adverse effects on water quality. 12 Many cleaning chemicals
survive the sewage system intact and are released into streams. A May 2002
nationwide study by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) showed that nearly
70% of the streams tested contained breakdown products of detergents, while
66% contained disinfectants. 13 Nationally, concern is growing about these
chemicals in wastewater, particularly in terms of the impacts they may have
on fish and wildlife exposed downstream of a wastewater treatment plant. 14

Impacts of Cleaning Products on Human Health

Cleaning chemicals can also take a toll on human health. We are exposed to
these chemicals through regular application of these products in our homes
and the subsequent presence of cleaning chemicals in our air, water and
household dust. We are well aware of some of the short-term impacts of
cleaning chemicals, such as skin, eye or lung irritation. This information is
usually recorded on the product label with a caution or warning. However,
we know considerably less about the impacts of long-term exposure, and the
possible connections to chronic diseases. In the next few sections of this
report, we will discuss a growing body of research that examines the link
between cleaning chemicals and chronic health impacts with a particular
emphasis on asthma and reproductive effects.

Who is Uniquely
Affected by
to Cleaning

Women in the Home

Traditionally, cleaning has been deemed womens work, and while gender
roles have changed culturally over time, one study showed that women today
are still doing over 70% of the housework in the average home. 15 Women
who spend most of their time at home may also have a higher exposure to
potentially hazardous cleaning chemicals.


Women and Men Working

in the Cleaning Industry
The cleaning industry in the U.S. employs about 3.4 million cleaning workers.
While both men and women work in the cleaning industry, men make up
nearly two-thirds of the work force in janitorial and building cleaners, and
women comprise nearly 90% of maids
and housekeeping cleaners. Nationally,
over one-third of housekeeping cleaners
are Latina women, while another 20% are
African-American. 16 Rates of minority
employment in the cleaning industry also
vary by region. One study conducted in
San Francisco found that 99% of hotel
room cleaners were female, 31% were
Filipina, 35% were other Asians and
28% were Latina. For 95% of these hotel
workers, English was a second language. 17

Photographer: RYANW |

Children in the Home and at School

Children are disproportionately impacted by cleaning chemicals, both
at home and at school. Children are often more vulnerable to chemicals
because their organs and immune systems are not yet fully developed, and
certain chemicals may interfere with the development of
their neurological, endocrine and immune systems. At the
D ata from the American
same time, babies and childrens exposure to chemicals are
As s o c i ation of Poison Control
generally higher because they breathe more often and more
Ce nte r s indicates, household
deeply than adults, and consume more food and water per
c l e a n e r s were the third largest
pound of body weight than adults. 18 Young children also
c ate g o r y o f substances associated
crawl on the ground and frequently put their hands in their
w i t h calls to poison control
mouths, thus transferring chemicals from floor and carpet
ce nte r s, with over 218,000 calls
finishes and cleaners directly into their mouths. Children
made in 2005.
are also at greater risk from accidental poisoning incidents
associated with cleaning products. Data from the American
Association of Poison Control Centers indicates, household cleaners were
the third largest category of substances associated with calls to poison
control centers, with over 218,000 calls made in 2005. Over half of those
calls (121,000) were made in response to an incident involving children ages
six and under. 19 The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) recommends
protecting children from exposure to cleaning chemicals in a number of ways
including only cleaning while children are out of the house, and securing
cleaning products in locations that are not accessible by children. 20

Specific Health
with Cleaning

What is Asthma?

A 2 0 0 4 re por t from the

N at i o nal Center for
H e a l t h St atistics states
t h at t h e incidence of
a s t h m a among pre s c h o o l - aged children
ro s e by 1 60% bet ween
1 980 and 1994,
a ccounting for 14
m i l l i o n missed school
d ays e a c h year and $3.2
m i l l i o n in treatment

Asthma is a chronic condition in which constriction and inflammation of the

airways can cause wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and shortness
of breath. There are two types of asthma, allergic (or sensitizer-induced)
asthma and irritant asthma. Allergic asthma occurs after the immune system
becomes sensitized to an environmental allergen, such as from animal dander,
dust mites, pollen, or chemicals found in the workplace. Once sensitized,
these allergens can trigger the immune system to produce an inflammatory
response which restricts the airway, causing an asthma attack. Irritant asthma
does not involve the immune system, and can be triggered by a single
exposure to an irritant such as exercise, cold air, tobacco smoke or other
chemical exposure. 21,22 Asthma triggers in the environment can also
include mold, and chemical components of architectural finishes, floor
care products and cleaning products. 23 While most asthma develops
in childhood, it can also occur in adults. Occupational asthma, for
example, is acquired later in life and caused by exposures to chemicals
or other substances on the job. 24

The Rising Incidence of Asthma in the U.S.

Rates of asthma are increasing for both adults and children. According to
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 20 million people in
the U.S., including 6.1 million children, have asthma. 25 Asthma accounts
for more than 14 million outpatient clinic visits and nearly 2 million
emergency room visits each year. 26 A 2004 report from the National
Center for Health Statistics states that the incidence of asthma among preschool-aged children rose by 160% between 1980 and 1994 27, accounting
for 14 million missed school days each year and $3.2 million in treatment
expenses. 28 According to the Centers for Disease Control, an estimated 9
million children (12.5% of children, or one out of 13) under 18 years of age
in the United States have had asthma diagnosed at some time in their lives. 29
Asthma is the most common serious chronic childhood disease, and is the

third-ranking cause of hospitalization of children under age 15. The annual

cost for health care and lost productivity associated with asthma is estimated
by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to be $16 billion. 30

Chemicals in Household Cleaning Products

Linked to Asthma
Several chemicals present in some household and industrial cleaning
products have been identified as asthma triggers or are known to aggravate
existing respiratory symptoms. These chemicals include monoethanolamine,
ammonium quaternary compounds, tall oil or rosin, chlorhexidine and several
others. 31 This report will focus on monoethanolamine and ammonium
quaternary compounds, as they have specifically been identified in commonly
used household cleaning products.

Monoethanolamine , also known as MEA, is a chemical commonly

found in detergent. MEA is a surfactant, which enhances the cleaning power
of a detergent. Surfactants work by getting in between dirt and a surface
(a kitchen counter, a piece of fabric or even human skin), allowing water to
more easily wash away the dirt. MEA is used in household cleaning products
such as laundry detergents, all-purpose cleaners and floor cleaners, among
others.(See Appendix 1 for a partial list of common products containing
monoethanolamine.) Monoethanolamine has been identified as a known
inducer of occupational asthma in cleaning workers. 32,33 Research has not
been conducted to assess the impact, if any, on asthma in individuals cleaning
their own homes with products containing monoethanolamine.



Ammonium quaternary compounds are a family of chemicals known

for their disinfectant and detergent properties. They are also used as fabric
softening agents. Ammonium quaternary compounds, are found in household
cleaning products such as disinfectant sprays and toilet cleaners among
other applications. (See Appendix 1 for a partial list of common products
containing ammonium quaternary compounds.) These chemicals have also
been identified as inducers of occupational asthma in cleaning workers. 34,35
Research has not been conducted to assess the impact, if any, on asthma in
individuals cleaning their own homes with products containing ammonium
quaternary compounds.

Research on Asthma
Linked to Cleaning
As stated above, there is scant
research available on asthma in
individuals caused by the cleaning
products they use in their homes.
However, research on the incidence of
occupational asthma among cleaning
workers clearly demonstrates a link
with exposure to cleaning chemicals.
These studies provide a sound
rationale for a precautionary approach
to using these chemicals in the home, particularly for vulnerable populations
such as individuals with existing respiratory conditions, pregnant women and

Photographer: Thomas Widmann.

Studies on Cleaning Workers and Asthma

A January 2001 study published by the American Journal of Industrial
Medicine reported that janitorial workers have twice the rate of occupational
asthma than other workers. 36 A May 2003 study in the Journal of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine on cleaning products and asthma
concluded that about twelve percent of work-related asthma can be linked to
cleaning product exposure. 37 Data from Washington State show that some
6 percent of janitors experience a job-related injury from chemical exposure
to cleaning products every year. 38 In New York, a study of urban minority
asthma sufferers revealed that 61% of individuals working in janitorial jobs
reported exacerbations of their asthma symptoms associated with their
workplace. In Spain, several asthma studies of more than 4,000 women
highlight the impacts of working in the domestic cleaning industry. One
study found that women who did (or had done) domestic cleaning work had a
much higher prevalence of asthma than women who had never done domestic
cleaning work. Researchers concluded that 25% of asthma cases seen in study


Photographer: Brandy Lintz.

participants were linked to domestic cleaning work. 39 Another Spanish study

of cleaning workers found that private home cleaners reported the highest
prevalence rates of asthma. Asthma risk in this study was associated with
kitchen cleaning, specifically oven cleaning, and furniture polishing. 40 A third
follow up study in Spain found that female domestic cleaners had asthma or
chronic bronchitis and suffered short term exacerbations of their respiratory
symptoms more commonly on days that they worked, and specifically in
relation to exposure to cleaning chemicals such as diluted bleach, degreasing
sprays and air fresheners. 41

Cleaning Product Use and Respiratory Effects in

Use of cleaning products has also been shown to exacerbate or increase
the incidence of asthma in children. A 2004 study in the United Kingdom
published in the journal Thorax 42 found that frequent use of household
products was associated with persistent wheezing among pre-school age
children. Other recent studies have shown that exposure to household
cleaning chemicals increases the likelihood of asthma among children. 43
Past studies have also shown that institutional cleaning chemicals used in
schools have impacts on asthma and other respiratory problems in schoolage children. 44


Reproductive and
Developmental Effects
Exposure to chemicals can have adverse impacts on both human and wildlife
reproductive systems. Reproductive effects include alterations in sexual
behavior, decreases in fertility, menstrual changes, changes in the onset of
puberty, cancers of reproductive organs, miscarriage, premature birth and
other effects. Sometimes the effects of exposure are not seen until the next
generation. For example, when a pregnant mother is exposed to chemicals,
this exposure can also impact the developing child and lead to developmental
effects, such as birth defects, low birth weight, impacts on cognitive
development or other harmful outcomes. Reproductive and developmental
impacts occur at varying doses and exposures to environmental chemicals.
In some cases, very low doses will have one impact, while higher doses of the
same chemical will have a different impact. The research described below
involves laboratory animal research conducted at many different dose levels,
which may or may not be comparable to human exposure associated with
using household cleaning products containing these chemicals. The research
does, however, provide a rationale for a precautionary concern about the
release and ubiquitous presence of these chemicals in our environment.

How Common are Reproductive and

Developmental Effects?
Unfortunately, there has not been systematic or comprehensive tracking of reproductive or developmental effects in the U.S., making it difficult to establish
known trends in human conditions overtime. While
there are certain birth defects that have known causes,
such as those due to nutritional deficiencies or maternal alcohol abuse, many reproductive and developmental effects have unknown causes. Many scientists
now believe that chemical exposure, even at very low
levels, can have adverse impacts on the reproductive
system, and important research is underway to better understand the mechanisms and consequences of chemical exposure. 45
Due to both practical and ethical considerations, most of this research is
conducted in the laboratory and does not involve human testing. Despite
the limited amount of data on reproductive and developmental effects in
humans, what we do know raises sufficient cause for concern. For example,
research indicates that there is a widespread incidence of neurobehavioral
problems at birth and in childhood; birth defects involving malformations
of the male reproductive tract have been increasing; breast cancer incidence
has risen for decades and only recently began to decline; the incidence rate
of testicular cancer in young men is rising; and declining sperm counts have
been documented worldwide. 46 While the exact chemicals or mechanisms to

Phototgrapher: Yann Poirier | Agency:


explain these impacts are still uncertain, they teach a

precautionary lesson about our ubiquitous exposure
to environmental chemicals.

Chemicals in Household Cleaning

Products Linked to Reproductive
and Developmental Effects
This report will focus on three groups of chemicals
commonly found in household cleaning products
that are of concern for their potential as reproductive
or developmental toxics. These chemicals are
glycol ethers, alkyl phenol ethoxylates (APEs) and

Glycol ethers are a large group of organic solvents

Photographer: Yi-Hue Men

widely used in cleaning chemical formulations for both

industrial and household applications. 47,48 Solvents are
degreasing chemicals which help dissolve stains or dirt,
particularly those made of fats or oils. Several glycol
ethers have been identified as reproductive toxins. It
is worth noting, however, that slight differences in
glycol ether structure can drastically change their toxicity. Thus the potential
reproductive effects listed below cannot be attributed to all glycol ethers.
The US EPAs hazard summary for glycol ethers states:
Animal studies have reported testicular damage, reduced fertility, maternal toxicity,
early embryonic death, birth defects, and delayed development from inhalation and
oral exposure to the glycol ethers. 49


Occupational exposure to glycol ethers has also been shown to result in

reproductive and developmental impacts. Studies of exposed male workers
show some indication that glycol ethers can reduce sperm counts among human
males. 50 Pregnant women exposed to glycol ethers in their work environments
were significantly more likely to have children with birth defects such as neural
tube defects and cleft lip. 51 A recent study in California was the first to assess
exposure to glycol ethers from use in home cleaning. The study measured actual
emissions of glycol ethers and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) under
normal home cleaning conditions and assessed their contribution to indoor air
quality. 52 These researchers suggest that potential exposures to VOCs such as
glycol ethers like 2-butoxyethanol from home cleaning can be high enough to
exceed threshold safety levels established for industrial settings. In particular,
potentially dangerous levels of these chemicals were seen in smaller, poorly
ventilated rooms (such as a bathroom), where floor cleaners were used in
combination with air fresheners.

2-butoxyethanol , also known as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether

(EGBE) , is among the more commonly used glycol ethers in cleaning products.
2-butoxyethanol is a volatile chemical which evaporates into the air as cleaning
products are used. In addition to inhaling 2-butoxyethanol vapor, research has
shown that skin can also absorb 2-butoxyethanol vapor from the air, making
skin a major pathway of exposure to this chemical. 53 2-butoxyethanol appears
to show weaker reproductive effects than some of the other glycol ethers. 54
However, studies on laboratory mice found reduced fertility among female
mice exposed to 2-butoxyethanol, and lower birth weight in their offspring. 55
2-butoxyethanol is also the most potent glycol ether
in terms of red blood cell damage, which can lead to
anemia. 56,57 There is widespread use of 2-butoxyethanol
in household products, including glass cleaners, carpet/
rug cleaners, floor cleaners and oven cleaners among
others. (See Appendix 1 for a list of common products
containing 2-butoxyethanol.)

2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol , also known as diethylene glycol monomethyl ether (DEGME)

is another glycol ether commonly found in household
cleaning products, particularly floor cleaners. (See
Appendix 1 for a partial list of common household cleaning
products containing 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol.) 2(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol has also been identified as a
reproductive and developmental toxin. In laboratory studies,
offspring of rats exposed to 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol
developed various birth defects including malformations
of the ribs and cardiovascular system. 58

Alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) are a class of

chemicals which act as surfactants and include nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) and octylphenol
ethoxylate . Surfactants are chemicals which get in
between dirt and a surface (on a kitchen counter, a
piece of fabric or even human skin), allowing water to
more easily wash away the dirt. APEs are often added
to laundry detergents, laundry stain removers, hard surface cleaners and all-purpose cleaners to increase their
cleaning efficiency. 59 Approximately 450 million pounds
of APEs are produced annually in the U.S., of which
15%, or approximately 68 million pounds, are used in
the manufacture of household cleaning products. 60 It is
estimated that half of the APEs manufactured ultimately pass through wastewater treatment systems into surface waters. 61 The USGS found breakdown
products of detergents in 70% of North American streams. 62

Photographer: Rebecca Parkin.


APEs, and particularly NPEs, are of great concern, as they are the only detergent
additives which become more toxic as they degrade. 63 Nonylphenol (NP) is a
breakdown product of NPEs which is known to mimic the hormone estrogen 64
and impact the production of testosterone, both of which can have numerous
reproductive and other health impacts. 65 In female rats, exposure to nonylphenol
delayed the onset of puberty and altered fertility. In male rats, octylphenol
and octylphenol ethoxylate decreased testicular size and sperm production 66,
and nonylphenol also reduced
testicular size. 67 Both octylphenol
and nonylphenol stimulated the
growth of human estrogen-sensitive
breast cancer cells; and octylphenol
was found to be ten times as potent
as nonylphenol in generating this
effect. 68

APEs are found in rivers and sediments at levels that can

cause harm to aquatic organisms such as fish, frogs and
turtles. Exposure to APEs at levels as low as 3-10 micrograms/
liter reduced the number of fertilized trout eggs.

A significant concern around the

use of APEs centers around their
impact on wildlife, particularly in
aquatic ecosystems. APEs are found
in rivers and sediments at levels that
can cause harm to aquatic organisms
such as fish, frogs and turtles.
Exposure to APEs at levels as low
as 3-10 micrograms/ liter reduced
the number of fertilized trout
eggs and caused reduced embryo
survival and abnormal embryos in
another fish, the Japanese Medaka.
The development of leopard frog
tadpoles was affected by exposure
to a combination of octylphenol and
UV light. 69

APE contamination has also been

found in human environments. For
example, in one study, 4-nonylphenol was detected in the house dust of each of 120
American homes tested. 70 Another study showed that nonylphenol was detected in
food purchased in German supermarkets. In that study, 40 kinds of adult food and
20 baby foods were tested and all samples showed some level of nonylphenol.71 Not
surprisingly, nonylphenol is also found in humans during biomonitoring. A recent
study detected nonylphenol in the urine of 51% of human volunteers tested.72

Photographer: Eric Engbretson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Div. of Public Affairs.


Some progress on APEs and NPEs in cleaning products has been made in
recent years. Both the European Union and Canada have banned NPEs from
these products. 73 Proctor & Gamble, a major cleaning products manufacturer,
also voluntarily eliminated NPEs from their products. 74 In 2006, WalMart

announced a new initiative to encourage its product suppliers to eliminate

NPEs from products sold in WalMart stores. 75 Without mandates, however,
APEs and NPEs will likely continue to be used in many cleaning products.

Phthalates are a class of chemicals widely used in consumer products,

primarily as plasticizers to make brittle plastics soft. 76 They are also used in
cosmetics and household cleaning products (in deodorizers, laundry detergents
and fabric softeners). 77 One particular type of phthalate, dibutyl phthalate
(DBP) , is also found in floor polish and window cleaners. 78 It is difficult for the
consumer to determine if phthalates are present in cleaners or other consumer
products. Generally, phthalates are incorporated in the fragrance, the contents
of which are protected by trade secret laws. A 2002 study of cosmetics detected
phthalates in nearly three-quarters of products tested, despite the absence of
any mention of phthalates on any of the products labels. 79
The label, if it lists ingredients at all, will often simply state
fragrance without identifying the specific components.
Thus, in this report, we were unable to compile even a partial
list of household cleaning products containing phthalates.
Certain phthalates have been shown to cause reproductive
and developmental harm in laboratory animals, as well as
more acute impacts such as organ damage. 80 Reproductive
effects associated with exposure to phthalates include changes
in male sexual characteristics, reduced sperm count, and
damaged sperm. 81 A May 2005 report showed an association
between adverse effects to male children and their mothers
exposure to phthalates during pregnancy. 82 A study on
children with allergic symptoms found a correlation between
levels of phthalates in housedust and allergic symptoms and/
or asthma in children in those homes. 83

Generally, phthalates are incorporated

in the fragrance, the contents of which
are protected by trade secret laws.
Reproductive effects associated with
exposure to phthalates include changes in
male sexual characteristics, reduce sperm
count, and damaged sperm.
Phototgrapher: Karen Struthers | Agency:


A Special Note on Air Fresheners:

Air fresheners are a category of cleaning products that have experienced
enormous growth in recent years. Development of new products, ranging from
scented candles to battery-operated or plug-in devices and a great variety of
scented aerosols and air sanitizers, has been rapid. One study noted that the
market for battery-operated air fresheners increased 191% between 2004 and
2005. 84 Advertising and marketing of these products has also intensified, aiming
to convince consumers that air fresheners are an essential part of a healthy,
good-smelling home.
However, the mechanics of air fresheners only provide a superficial impression
of cleanliness and may contain a number of particularly hazardous chemicals.
First, they contain fragrances, which
are irritants associated with watery
eyes, headaches, skin and respiratory
irritation, asthma and allergic
reactions. Exposure to phthalates,
which carry the fragrances in these
products, can also aggravate asthma 85
and are linked to reproductive harm.
Finally, air fresheners may also
contain VOCs such as xylene, ketones
and aldehydes 86 as well as benzene
and formaldehyde, both of which are
known carcinogens. 87

Photographer: Iwillnotsuccumb |


A study of 14,000 pregnant women

in the United Kingdom performed
by epidemiologists at the University
of Bristol in England showed a link
between the use of air fresheners
and aerosol sprays and an increase
in headaches and depression in the
mothers, as well as ear infections and
diarrhea in their babies. In homes where air fresheners and aerosol sprays were
used on most days, women experienced 25% more headaches and 19% more
post-natal depression than women in homes where such products were used
less than once a week. Babies under six months old who were exposed to air
fresheners on most days had 30% more ear infections and a 22% greater chance
of diarrhea than babies exposed less than once a week. 88 While it is not clear
which chemicals (or which combination of chemicals) found in air fresheners
may be responsible for these effects, the results of this study raise concern
about the safety and necessity of these products.

of Chemicals
in Household

ome cleaning products are minimally and inadequately regulated in the

United States. Agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), all of which have the scientific
expertise to regulate chemicals found in these products, lack the jurisdiction
to do so. OSHA only regulates occupational exposure to industrial chemicals,
including industrial cleaning chemicals. The EPA does not regulate chemicals
used in the home unless they are registered as pesticides. Similarly, household
cleaning chemicals do not come under the jurisdiction of the FDA,
which regulates, among other things, food, over-the-counter and
prescription drugs, animal feed and veterinary medications, medical
At t he core of the toxic
devices such as pacemakers, and nominally, cosmetics and personal
c h e m i cal threat to human
care products. The Consumer Product Safety Commission, the
h e a l t h a n d the environment is
agency with the most relevant jurisdiction over household cleaning
t h e f a c t t h at tens of thousands
chemicals, has 480 staff responsible for monitoring over 15,000
o f c hemicals are used in
consumer products nationwide. As a result, they tend to limit their
Am e r i c a n industr y, placed in
focus to acute hazards such as poisoning.
p ro d u c t s, and released to our

e nv i ro n m e nt, with vir tually no

i n fo r m at ion on the potential
co n s equences for human
h e a l t h a n d little oversight by
the government.

Household products often contain the same chemicals found in

industrial cleaning products, at a lower concentration. Information
on household products, however, is even more difficult to obtain
than information on industrial chemicals. No legal requirements
exist for listing ingredients on the labels of household cleaning
products. Industrial products, however, are required by OSHA to
have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) that lists ingredients and health
hazards associated with a particular product. No such requirement exists for
household products, although many companies voluntarily produce MSDSs
for household cleaning products as well. Despite this, MSDSs are generally
incomplete, and certainly difficult for the layperson to access and understand.
MSDSs often do not list carrier chemicals such as phthalates, nor do they
specify fragrances or other compounds present in small quantities. Many of the
chemicals of concern described above, however, can have toxic effects even at
low levels, especially when you are exposed to them every day.


The National Institutes of Health maintains a

database of ingredients for household products
The information in the Household Products Database
comes from product labels and MSDSs where they
exist, and is therefore incomplete. While it is currently
the most comprehensive information available on
household cleaning product ingredients, numerous
consumer products are simply not included due to a
lack of information provided by the manufacturer.
The lack of regulation and disclosure of chemicals in
cleaning products is part of a much larger problem.
At the core of the toxic chemical threat to human
health and the environment is the fact that tens of
thousands of chemicals are used in American industry,
placed in products and released to our environment,
with virtually no information on the potential
consequences for human health and little oversight by
the government. It is estimated that between 85,00095,000 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S.,
yet only a small fraction have been adequately tested
for safety, and less than half of them have ever been
tested for any form of chronic toxicity. Federal law
does not require any mandatory pre-market health
testing for chemicals used in most consumer products.
In 2004, the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), an EPA
program which tallies the inventories of toxic releases
and emissions from a variety of industrial sectors,
Phototgrapher: Miguel Agullo | Agency:
showed that industries released 4.2 billion pounds of
toxic chemicals to the environment. Yet, the total quantity of chemical waste
managed, a broader indicator of the greater hazard, was 29 billion pounds. 89 The
collective impact of this quantity and mixture of chemicals in our environment
is simply unknown.


Conclusion and

hopping for cleaning products involves personal choices on a number of

levels. Which products make your house feel clean? Which products
give your clothing the softness or brightness you are looking for? Which
products are priced right for your budget and available at your nearest store?
Sometimes it comes down to which products you have found to be tried and true
for years. This report aims to provide additional information for consumers who
may have concerns about their exposure to chemicals in cleaning products. With
a growing awareness about the widespread use of toxic chemicals in the consumer
marketplace, women are looking for information on how to reduce unnecessary
and harmful exposures. While research presented in this report does not prove
that the use of cleaners containing these chemicals causes disease, it does validate
reasonable concern about the potential health effects. Clearly, more research
is needed to better understand the impacts of household cleaning chemicals
on human health, which can translate into greater transparency about product
ingredients, increased use of safer alternatives and precautionary policies that
serve to protect public health. In the meantime, some consumers may prefer to be
safe rather than sorry in the absence of conclusive proof of harm.

What You Can Do

1. Make your own non-toxic cleaning products. Many recipes are
available to make your own non-toxic cleaning products. Simple and inexpensive
ingredients like vinegar, baking soda and borax can be used in many different
ways for effective cleaning. Refer to the Resources section of this report for
links to specific recipes.

2. Use less toxic products. It is not always easy to determine which

cleaning products are less toxic. Simply having a natural sounding
brand name does not preclude a product from containing chemicals you
may want to avoid. Below are some tips to help you choose less toxic
cleaning products.
a. Avoid products marked Danger, Poison, and reduce your
use of products marked Caution. Caution or Warning
appears on numerous cleaning product labels and indicates
a mild hazard from normal exposure, such as skin and eye
irritation. Danger on a label indicates possible permanent


damage, and is found on drain and oven cleaners.

Poison is rarely found on cleaning products. 90 Each of
these warning labels indicates an approximate volume
of the product that can be harmful. However, these
warning labels generally only apply to acute hazards
such as poisoning or burning. No such warning signs
are required for chemicals with long-term effects such
as reproductive harm or asthma.
b. Reduce your use of products containing Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOCs). Reducing the use of
products containing VOCs is particularly important
if you or someone in your home has asthma. The
U.S. EPAs Indoor Air Quality Program states that
the following products types are likely to contain
VOCs: aerosol sprays, cleaners and disinfectants,
moth repellents and air fresheners. 91
Photographer: John Glenn (Crowolf ).

c. Avoid chemicals that are linked to reproductive

or developmental effects. Products that contain endocrine disrupting
chemicals such as butoxyethanol and other glycol ethers include allpurpose cleaners, glass cleaners, tub/tile cleaners, degreasers, carpet
cleaners, stain removers, floor strippers and cleaners, metal polishes,
and oven cleaners. 92 Products that contain APEs are found primarily
in laundry detergents, multi-purpose cleaners, floor care products
and carpet cleaners, non-chlorine sanitizers, toilet bowl cleaners and
deodorizers. Look for products that use alcohol ethoxylates (sometimes
listed as ethoxylated alcohols) instead.
d. Look for products which have been certified by an independent
institution such as GreenSeal. These products are increasingly available
on the market for industrial cleaning applications.
e. Use fewer products. An all-purpose cleaner can handle a lot of
cleaning jobs around the house. It is not necessary to have a different
product for each room (bathroom cleaner, kitchen cleaner, etc.)

3. Buy products from manufacturers that disclose ingredients

on the label. While labeling for household cleaning products is limited,
you can reduce your exposure to chemicals with long-term health effects by
purchasing products from manufacturers who list ingredients on their labels.
If a product does not include ingredients on the label, call the customer service
number on the product and ask the company to disclose the ingredients.

4. Encourage product manufacturers to replace toxic ingredients with safer alternatives. Alternatives do exist for many of the

chemicals of concern in cleaning products. If your favorite cleaning product

contains a chemical of concern, call the manufacturer and let them know you
would prefer they use an alternative chemical.

5. Never mix products. Chemicals in cleaning

products can have dangerous reactions with one
another. For example, when bleach and ammonia are
combined, this mixture creates deadly chloramine
fumes. 93

6. Demand that government require companies to disclose product ingredients

and replace toxic chemicals with safer
alternatives. Contact your congressional representative and ask them to support legislation that
would require companies to disclose their product
ingredients. Also ask them to support chemical policy reform. For more information go to:


Join Womens Voices for the Earth

( or other environmental health advocacy organizations in your area

that are working to change chemical policy.

Photographer: Tracy Martinez | Agency:



Clean: The Humble Art of Zen-Cleansing by Michael de Jong, Joost Elffers Books, 2005.
Creating a Healthy Household: The Ultimate Guide for Healthier, Safer, Less-Toxic Living by Lynn
Marie Bower, Healthy House Institute, 2000.
Home Safe Home: Protecting Yourself and Your Family from Everyday Toxics and Harmful Household
Products by Debra Lynn Dadd, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Putnam 1997.
Naturally Clean: The Seventh Generation Guide to Safe & Health, Non-Toxic Cleaning, by Jeffrey
Hollender et al
Safe Shoppers Bible: A Consumers Guide to Non-Toxic Household Products, Cosmetics, and Food by
David Steinman and Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. MacMillan 1995

Web resources
Co-op Americas National Green Pages:
Greener Cleaning: Buying Guide. Consumer Reports, Greener Choices website:
Healthier Home Cleaning. The Green Guide:
Janitorial Products Pollution Prevention Project:
National Institutes of Health Household Products database (Note: This database is not comprehensive.
The information on products is obtained from Material Safety Data Sheets provided by manufacturers,
which may be incomplete or out of date).
Non-toxic Cleaning Solutions by Annie Berthold-Bond on
Safe Substitutes at Home: Non-toxic Household Products by Gary A. Davis and Em Turner, University
of Tennessee, Knoxville Waste Management Institute
Safer Cleaning Products fact sheet, Phil Dickey, Washington Toxics Coalition,


End Notes
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Sierra Club (2005).
Ethoxylates: A Safer Alternative Exists to This Toxic
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Available at:
18.23 tons of solid/gel air fresheners,
15.14 tons of dual phase air fresheners, 0.75 tons
of single phase air fresheners, 0.17 dual purpose air
fresheners & disinfectants
California Policy Research Center
(2006). Green Chemistry in California: A Framework
for Leadership in Chemicals Policy and Innovation.
University of California. March 2006, Appendix
7 National Environmental Trust, (2004). Cabinet
Confidential: Toxic Products in the Home. July 2004.
Available at:
Klepeis, N.E., W.C. Nelson, W.R. Ott,
J.P. Robinson, A.M. Tsang, P. Switzer, J.V. Behar,
S.C. Hern and W.H. Engelmann (2001). The
National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS):
a resource for assessing exposure to environmental
pollutants. J. Exposure Analysis and Environmental
Epidemiology 11: 231-252. LBNL-47713.
Available at:
American Lung Association. (2007).
Indoor Air Pollution. Available at: www.lungusa.
Rudel RA, Camann DE, Spengler JD,
Korn LR, Brody JG. (2003). Phthalates, alkylphenols,
pesticides, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and other
endocrine-disrupting compounds in indoor air and
dust. Environ Sci Technol 37:4543-4553, October
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(2005). Sick of Dust: Chemicals in Common Products
- A Needless Health Risk in our Homes. Safer
Products Project. March 2005. Available at:
US EPA (2007). Greening Your Purchase
of Cleaning Products: A Guide for Federal Purchasers.
Available at:
U.S. Geological Survey (2002). Emerging
Contaminants Project. May 2002. Available at:

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Appendix 1:

Household Cleaning Products

Containing Chemicals of Concern

Part 1:
Chemicals Linked to
Reproductive Harm
Glycol Ethers
Chemical: 2-butoxyethanol
CAS #: 111-76-2
All Purpose Cleaners:

Bathroom Cleaners:

Name of Product


Name of Product


Americas Home Value

All Purpose Cleaner


Chase Products Co.

Americas Home Value

Bathroom Cleaner


Chase Products Co.

Aroma Clean by Simple Green


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Aroma Clean by Simple Green

All Purpose Cleaner

Aqua Mix Heavy Duty Tile and

Grout Cleaner


Aqua Mix Inc.


Sunshine Makers, Inc.

Clean Swipe Spray Cleaner

Horizon Distributors Inc.

Magic American Marble &

Granite Magic


Magic American Products, Inc.

Crystal Simple Green


Tile & Grout Magic


Magic American Products, Inc.


Sunshine Makers, Inc.

Tile & Grout Magic Cleaner


Magic American Products, Inc.

Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner

Grease & Grime


The Clorox Company

Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner

Lemon Fresh


The Clorox Company

Name of Product

Formula 409 All Purpose Cleaner

Lemon Fresh Antibacterial


The Clorox Company

Aroma Clean by Simple Green Carpet,

Fabric and Upholstery Cleaner

Formula 409 Cleaner Degreaser

1 Qt (Trigger Spray)

Carpet Stain Remover

<17.0 Magic American Corp.


The Clorox Company

Its Magic Carpet Cleaner


Dymon Inc

Formula 409 Spray All Purpose Cleaner 0.5-5

The Clorox Company

Simple Green Carpet Cleaner


Sunshine Makers inc

Lemon Fresh Formula 409

All Purpose Cleaner


The Clorox Company

Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain

Remover, Aerosol


WD-40 Company

Lemon Fresh Pine-Sol Cleaner

& Antibacterial Spray


The Clorox Company

Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain

Remover, Trigger


WD-40 Company

Pro Formula 409 Degreaser


The Clorox Company

Savogran Dirtex Spray Cleaner


Savogran Co

Spot Shot Large Area

Multi-Purpose Cleaner


WD-40 Company

Simple Green All Purpose Cleaner

Lemon Scented


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green All Purpose

Cleaner Foam


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Concentrated Cleaner,

Degreaser, Deodorizer


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Extreme Clean


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Multi-Purpose Cleaner


Sunshine Makers, Inc

SOS All Purpose Cleaner

Lemon Scent


The Clorox Company

Carpet/Rug Cleaners:

Sunshine Makers, Inc.

Whistle All Purpose Cleaner


Drackett Professional,
(S.C. Johnson)

Whistle All Purpose Cleaner


Drackett Professional,
(S.C. Johnson)


Name of Product


Simple Green BBQ Grill

Microwave Cleaner


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Floor Cleaners:
Name of Product


Fresh Scent Pine-Sol Spray & Mop

Floor Cleaner


The Clorox Company

Lemon Fresh Pine-Sol Quick Floor

Floor Cleaner


The Clorox Company

Aroma Clean by Simple Green

Floor Cleaner


Sunshine Makers, Inc.

Break Up Floor Stripper

10-50 Horizon Distributors Inc.

Glycol Ethers
Chemical: 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethanol
CAS #: 111-77-3

Glass Cleaners:
Name of Product


Americas Home Value Glass Cleaner


Chase Products Co.

Easy Off Glass Cleaner Lemonized

With Ammonia

Reckitt Benckiser

Formula 409 Glass & Surface Cleaner 1-5

The Clorox Company

Glass Plus Mirror & Glass Cleaner


Horizon Distributors

Sparkle Glass Cleaner


AJ Funk & Co

Windex Aerosol


S.C. Johnson and son

Floor Cleaners:
Name of Product


Brilliance Floor Finish


Horizon Distributors Inc.

Jobmaster High Gloss Floor Finish,

Self Polishing, Institutional


Huish Detergents

Perk Floor Cleaner and Polish


Reckitt Benckiser Inc

Prefer Floor Finish


Horizon Distributors

Rebound Floor Finish Concentrate


Horizon Distributors

Kitchen Cleaners:
Name of Product


Formula 409 Daily Kitchen Cleaner


The Clorox Company

Name of Product


Aroma Clean by Simple Green

All Purpose Cleaner Wipes


Sunshine Makers, Inc.

Formula 409 Cleaning Wipes


The Clorox Company

Simple Green All Purpose Towelettes


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Lemon Scented

All Purpose Wipes


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Multi Purpose Wipes


Sunshine Makers, Inc

Simple Green Safety Towels


Sunshine Makers, Inc


Part 2:
Cleaning Chemicals Linked
to Asthma
Chemical: Monoethanolamine
CAS#: 141-43-5

All Purpose Cleaners:

Ariel Liquid Laundry Detergent

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Name of Product


Cheer 2X True Fit


Cinch Glass and Surface Cleaner


Spic and Span

Clean Swipe Spray Cleaner


Horizon Distributors Inc.

Cheer Colorguard Regular,

Free & Gentle, Fresh Linen

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Formula 409 Orange Power

All Purpose Cleaner

Cheer Complete, High Efficiency

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble


The Clorox Company

Cheer Liquid Laundry Detergent

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Mr. Clean Antibacterial Multi-Surface

Cleaner (orange & lemon scented)


0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

0.1 - 1 Proctor & Gamble

Dreft 2X Concentrated

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Era 2X Concentrated


Proctor & Gamble

Era Liquid Laundry Detergent


Proctor & Gamble

Gain 2X Concentrated, Gain

w/ Bleach Alternative

0.5 - 5 Proctor & Gamble

Gain 2X Simply Fresh/Cotton Fresh


Gain High Efficiency (HE),

Joyful Expressions

0.5 - 5 Proctor & Gamble

Gain Liquid Laundry Detergent


Floor Cleaners:

Ivory Snow 2X

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

SOS All Purpose Cleaner Lemon Scent <1

The Clorox Company

Spic & Span Disinfecting All-Purposee

Spray and Glass Cleaner

Proctor & Gamble

Name of Product


Easy Off Bam Power degreaser


Reckitt Benckiser

Name of Product


Break Up Floor Stripper

10-30 Horizon Distributors Inc.

Proctor & Gamble

Proctor & Gamble

Proctor & Gamble

Ivory Snow Liquid Laundry Detergent 0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Tide 2X Concentrated


Proctor & Gamble

Tide 2X Con High Efficiency


Proctor & Gamble

Glass Cleaners:

Tide Free Ultra Liquid

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Name of Product


Tide Ultra 2 with Bleach

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Glass Pluss Smart-Fill


Reckitt Benckiser

Tide Ultra Liquid

0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble

Glass Plus Glass & Multi-Surface

Cleaner (Refills)


Reckitt Benckiser

Ultra ACE 2X Concentrated,

Ultra Ace Free


Proctor & Gamble

Ultra Ace Simple Pleasures


Proctor & Gamble

Kitchen Cleaners:

Ultra Ariel 2X Concentrated


Proctor & Gamble

Ultra Ariel High Efficiency


Proctor & Gamble

Name of Product


Clorox Disinfecting Kitchen Cleaner

Easy Off Self Scrubbing

0.5-1.5 The Clorox Company

Kitchen Cleaner

1.0-5.0 Reckitt Benckiser

Easy Off Self Scrubbing

Kitchen Cleaner


Reckitt Benckiser

Dawn Power Dissolver


Proctor & Gamble

Laundry Detergents:

Oven Cleaners:
Name of Product


Easy Off Fume Free Max Oven Cleaner 1-5

Reckitt Benckiser

Easy Off Heavy Duty Oven Cleaner


Reckitt Benckiser

Easy Off Heavy Duty Oven CleanerOriginal


Reckitt Benckiser

Name of Product


0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble


0.5-1.5 Proctor & Gamble



Stainless Steel Cleaners:

Name of Product


Stainless Steel Magic


Magic American Products, Inc.

Chemical: Benzalkonium chloride

CAS#: 8001-54-5

Name of Product


Lysol Brand Disinfectant All Purpose

Cleaner- all scents


Reckitt Benckiser Inc

Clorox Disinfectent Floor & Surface

Cleaner Crisp Citrus


The Clorox Company

Clorox Disinfectent Floor & Surface

Cleaner Refreashing Clean


The Clorox Company

NA: Not Available

Source: Information on ingredients in the listed cleaning

products were obtained from Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) found on manufacturers websites in May 2007.
Womens Voices for the Earth acknowledges that formulations
of cleaning products do change over time. The information we
used for this report was the most recent information available
to us from manufacturers websites at the time.
Disclaimer: This list does not represent a complete survey of all
U.S. household cleaning products and/or manufacturers. To
create this list WVE surveyed websites of major manufacturers
which produce household cleaning products readily available
to the general public. There may be additional products from
other manufacturers than those listed which contain these
chemicals for which we were unable to obtain MSDS sheets to
confirm the ingredients. WVE acknowledges that the presence
of a chemical in a product does not imply that these products
will definitely cause harm, but rather that the possible impacts
of exposure to the chemical present a valid concern.


Womens Voices for the Earth

P.O. Box 8743
Missoula, MT 59807
Phone: 406/543-3747
[email protected]

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