Living Streets LA Case Study
Living Streets LA Case Study
Living Streets LA Case Study
The Living
Los Angeles
for Everyone
Many cities and towns across the U.S.
are moving beyond creating bike lanes and pouring
new sidewalks. As they consider ways to retrofit
their car-centric streets to accommodate all users,
municipal agencies are also rethinking their regulations
and retooling the way they evaluate the efficacy of
their communities networks of roadways.
Momentum is building:
In Los Angeles, one sign of the growing interest in
repurposing roadways into inviting public spaces
is the rapidly multiplying enthusiasm for street festivals
in celebration of non-motorized transit. In the summer
of 2006, when the Pasadena Freeway was shut down
for a few hours for the ArroyoFest Walk & Ride, 5,000
people showed up, most of them bicyclists and skaters.
Only four years later, the first CicLAvia drew 100,000.
Reflecting an emerging, grassroots vision of streetscapes as welcoming venues where residents can
walk, play, relax and socialize, a group of Silver Lake
neighborhood activists began developing the concept
for L.A.s first community-designed pedestrian plaza.
Completed in March 2012, Sunset Triangle Plaza
is located in a triangle of asphalt formed by three
intersecting streets. It features a sidewalk living
room with movable tables and chairs, planters, and
whimsically decorated pavement. This pilot project
was brought to life by a unique public-private partnership, led by the Los Angeles City Planning Commission,
called Streets for People. (See photo, p. 5)
Over the last six years, California lawmakers have
passed a series of ground-breaking laws aimed at
reducing greenhouse gas emissions and requiring that
our streets be designed to accommodate all road users
(see sidebar). Since transportation accounts for a
huge share of Californias greenhouse gas emissions,
transportation planners and city officials are now
mandated to find bold, innovative ways to help
people shift from short automobile trips to walking,
biking, and mass transit. Creating more compact
communities, and redesigning and retrofitting our
urban roadways will be essential to reaching this goal.
Green LAs
The Living Streets Initiative is Green LAs effort to
apply the principle of streets safe for all users
to Los Angeles. We are concerned not just with creating roadways
that fairly and inclusively balance the needs of walkers, bicyclists,
transit riders and drivers. Because environmental restoration
and economic equity are core values for Green LA, we also are
dedicated to revitalizing neglected neighborhoods. Working to
transform streets in the Citys urban core into vibrant, inviting
and green community spaces is a great place to begin.
involve local residents in the street design and planning process, using
their priorities and needs to bring improvements to specific streets;
help restore our urban ecosystems by adding trees and green space, and
incorporating features that capture rainwater and clean urban runoff.
Traffic calmingcurb extensions or corner bulbouts, traffic circles; sidewalk configurations that
facilitate social activity and create elements
of surprise.
The Need
People trying to cross
a busy street with no
nearby crosswalk.
BELOW: An unmaintained
sidewalk, broken by tree
roots, a common occurrence
in Los Angeles.
The Obstacles
In Los Angeles, with its 6,500 miles of public streets
and resources too tight even to cover such basics as
sidewalk repair and pothole filling, most of the features
considered best practices to promote the health, safety and
enjoyment of our streets are not easy to realize.
Although the Los Angeles General Plan includes policy language
reflecting complete streets principles, the City has yet to put
this intention into practice. Of the handful of LA streets with
substantial pedestrian- and bike-friendly elements, most were
created in connection with large private or public (Metro or CRA)
developments. A few other limited, small-scale pedestrian-and/or
bicycle-oriented sidewalk elements have been built on portions
of blocks by community-based organizations.
For planners
or community
interested in developing
a Living Street project, no
public records exist that
document the Citys limited
forays into non-standard
street improvements. And
no guide exists that might
explain how to navigate the
six or more different city
departments and agencies
that have a say in retrofitting
existing streets and/or
building new ones. Moreover,
any effort to repurpose
L.A. streets is hampered by
circumstances on the other
side of the counter, where
balkanized City departments
rarely communicate or
collaborate with each other.
The Solution:
Green LA believes the best way to spark substantive
change is to lead the way with good practice. Policy
change at the state and municipal level may indeed be a start. But it
will not lead to meaningful, transformative implementation without,
at minimum, the creation of well-built model projects co-designed
by local residents.
Projects conceived and executed in this way can help policymakers,
agency staff and residents visualize what Living Streets might look
like. In addition, they can demonstrate to the Citys elected officials
and relevant department managers that Living Streets are not only
appealing, but achievable and affordable.
Good Practice
To this end, Green LAs Living Streets Initiative
has created a three-pronged strategy:
Demonstration Projects: Design and build
demonstration projects featuring a few simple, easily
removable elements such as sidewalk living rooms and
street porches.
Demonstration Projects:
Green LAs Living Streets Demonstration Projects
aim to show that underutilized pavement can
relatively easily be converted into welcoming and
dynamic public spaces. They are designed to be simple and
inexpensive to build and install; they are also temporary,
with easy to move features and components.
Demonstration Project #1
El Sereno Street Plaza,
Huntington Drive
For a pilot project in El Sereno, local residents working with
Council District 14 and Green LA chose a central spot in the
downtown business district adjacent to a busy Food 4 Less store and the local
hardware store and across the street from the Barrio Action Youth & Family Center.
The extra wide parking buffer adjacent to six-lane-wide Huntington Drive, and the
pedestrian and retail activity in the area make this an excellent location. Residents
also specifically decided to choose a location not adjacent to a restaurant or caf
to be sure the space would be seen as 100% public.
14th District Council Member Jos Huizar Identified funds to help pay for the
project, and through five community workshops, residents created a design that
captures local character through elements including giant terracotta pots, locally
popular fruit trees and ornamental plants and the silhouette of the iconic Elephant
Hill cut into the metal fence screens. Part of the plaza is on a wooden platform at
sidewalk level, with the remainder at street level, providing multiple spaces and
experiencesand universal accessibility.
Community members will help build the custom designed benches, planters
and platform working with members of the Los Angeles Conservation Corps.
Residents chose built-in tables, chairs and metal umbrellas to create the sense of a
permanent public space and avoid the need to move the furniture in and out every
day. Because the project will be installed on an existing red curb area, no parking
spaces will be lost.
StatusGreen LA applied for permits in fall 2011 and expects is to obtain
approval and complete installation by the end of 2012.
BELOW: Community
visioning workshop
for El Sereno.
Project #2
York Boulevard Street Porch,
Highland Park
During the community design process for the York Boulevard
demonstration project in Highland Park, community members, working with
Council District 14 and Green LAs Living Streets team, selected what will become
the first street porch, in Los Angeles. Located on the shady side of the street
on the most active block of York Boulevard, and intentionally not attached to any
particular business, the street porch will provide community social space and
support all nearby businesses.
Council Member Jos Huizar identified city funds to pay for the project, and
through four workshops and many committee meetings, the community developed
an organic design featuring inset tile mosaic and river rocks; the motif alludes to
the history and natural environment of Highland Park and honors and engages the
areas emerging creative community.
The porch creates a social focal point and adds a bit of aesthetic appeal adjacent
to a lackluster paseo leading to a public parking lot. It also features an elevated
platform that puts it at the same level as the sidewalk. Because of its location
between an existing bike lane and the curb in a red curb area, no parking spaces
were lost.
StatusGreen LA applied for permits in fall 2011 and expects to obtain approval
and complete installation by the end of 2012.
Located on the shady side of the street on the most active block
of York Blvd., and intentionally not attached to any particular
business, the street porch will provide community social space
and support all nearby businesses.
Prototype #1
Fickett Street
Prototype #2
Wabash Avenue
This Prototype, on a typical neighborhood
commercial corridor, includes the following pedestrian
safety and green elements:
high-visibility zebra-stripe crosswalks, with advanced stop bars and yield lines
a mix of large-canopy palms and more traditional shade trees
curb extensions to provide bus bulb-outs at all stops
curb extensions continuing at lengthy red curbs, to provide more space
for activity
add bike lane in place of continuous painted median, retaining left turn pockets
at intersections
bioretention areas (in planters surrounded by low curbs) incorporated into curb
extensions where appropriate
Prototype #3
Whittier Boulevard
This Prototype, on a major arterial boulevard
with several bus lines, includes the following pedestrian safety
and green elements:
high-visibility zebra-stripe crosswalks, with advanced stop bars and yield lines
pedestrian refuge median at key intersection with Mathews Street
existing Ficus trees retained; lifted sidewalks repaired and renewed;
new planting areas
bus shelters, shade trees and planting areas on all four corners at Soto,
a major transit intersection
curb extensions to provide bus bulb-outs where space allows and for new
activity areas along edge of park
bus- and bike- only lanes to improve transit service and bicycle access
bioretention areas (in planters surrounded by low curbs) incorporated into
curb extensions where appropriate
LEFT: Residents at
community meeting
identifying possible priority
street improvements.
Engagement in
the Selection &
Design Process
The heart and soul of Green LAs Living
Streets Initiative are the people who live in the
neighborhoods where our prototypes and demonstration projects will be built. Green LA firmly
believes that community change must be community
driven; we therefore launched our initiative by first
engaging local residents.
By linking up with local neighborhood organizations,
we engaged in a lively, instructive, and creative
participatory design process in each of our three
project neighborhoods El Sereno, Highland Park, and
Boyle Heights. The most extensive process occurred in
Boyle Heights, where our project partners are the East
Los Angeles Community Corporation (ELACC) and the
Union de Vecinos (see sidebar). Because of their deep
roots in the community, these grassroots organizations
were able to bring together over 50 Boyle Heights
residents to form a Community Task Force that led the
selection and planning of the prototypes.
Architect Holly Harper, the initiatives coordinator, and
designer Steve Cancian of Shared Spaces led task
force members in putting Living Streets principles
into practice, explaining phases of the design process
and coordinating construction. In workshops and
walk audits spanning six months, members studied
and assessed eight sets of interconnected streets,
identifying those four zones most urgently needing
safety improvements; they then weighed and mapped
out various site and design options, finally selecting
smaller stretches of two to three blocks within each
zone where the prototypes are being developed.
PHOTOS: Community
members at participatory
design workshops for the
Boyle Heights Prototypes.
Our Partners in
Boyle Heights
East Los Angeles Community Corporation
advocates for economic and social justice through
affordable housing development, community organizing
and education. ELACC has been in operation since 1995.
Union de Vecinos is a grassroots community
based organization that promotes civic participation,
democracy, and the development of community power
in Boyle Heights and the City of Maywood. Union de
Vecinos started in 1996 working for the preservation
of the Pico Aliso public housing projects. Sixteen years
later they have a Network of Neighborhood and Issue
Committees working for participatory democracy,
economic and environmental justice, affordable housing,
and healthy and safe community neighborhoods.
The Living Streets Initiative
Living Streets
Other Plans
to Overcome
crosswalk with
very wide stripes
in direction of
Los Angeles
only installs
the simple type
of crosswalk
consisting of
two transverse
lines, per
standard plan
Manual of
Uniform Traffic
Control Devices
(MUTCD), 2010
Guidelines for
Marked Crosswalks Across
consideration of
this treatment at
all intersections.
crosswalks have
been installed
by LADOT but
only under
pressure from
local groups.
Living Streets:
Where We Go From Here
Green LAs long-range goal is to facilitate the building of a
citywide, neighborhood-based network that can lead a grassroots
advocacy movement for Living Streets. Because Green LA is already a working
coalition of Los Angeles-based environmental and community-based organizations
united by shared concerns with restoring our urban ecosystems and a shared
commitment to environmental justice, we are well positioned to lead this kind
of work.
Over the next few years, however, Green LAs advocacy work around Living Streets
will focus on building the groundwork for transformation. Most of our work will
continue to take the form of creating model projects that can inspire, educate, and
help to raise the level of discourse about what kind of city we want to live in.
We will also expand the participatory design and planning process that we initiated
in 2010, and advance our work on the Implementation Blueprint. Our specific
objectives for 2012 and 2013 are to:
Obtain necessary permits and raise funds to build at least one of the three
prototype Living Streets in Boyle Heights that were selected and designed
by a task force of Boyle Heights residents in summer and fall of 2011.
Expand on the vision of the prototype streets by working with our Boyle
Heights partners to complete community-created Pedestrian Safety Plans
for larger areas surrounding the prototype streets.
Build an additional Living Street demonstration project with community
residents and stakeholders.
In the course of the permitting and construction process for the prototypes,
continue to refine and update the Implementation Blueprint to further
document specific barriers that arise, and determine the best ways to
overcome them.
Identify regulations, procedures and practices that may need to be modified,
and recommend possible policy solutions to ensure that developing and building
Living Streets projects in the City of Los Angeles is easier to accomplish.
Green LAs Living Streets LA Initiative was started by the Transportation Work
Groups Living Streets Committee. The committee represents organizations and
professionals committed to reclaiming street space for people, in order to build a
healthier, more vibrant and sustainable Los Angeles.
Staff, consultants and key leaders on the Living Streets LA project are as follows:
Holly Harperis an architect and coordinator for Green LAs Calles para la Gente!
Boyle Heights.
Alexis Lantzis the Planning & Policy Director for the Los Angeles County Bicycle
Coalition; she is on the steering committee for Los Angeles Walks.
Ryan Lehmanis an urban planner and is working on Green LAs community-driven
Living Street projects on York and Huntington Boulevards.
Margot Ocaasformerly of RENEW LA County, is a consultant working on projects
that support Complete Streets policies and programs to affect health-positive
change in LAs built environment.
Steve Rasmussen Cancian is a landscape architect with Shared Spaces, who led the
participatory design processes for the Calles para la Gente! Boyle Heights project
and York and Huntington Living Streets projects.
Stephanie Tayloris Green LAs Executive Director. She oversaw theLiving Streets
Boyle Heights RENEW Initiative(Calles para la Gente! Boyle Heights).
Partners: East LA Community Corporation, Union de Vecinos and Councilmember
Jos Huizar who is leading the way for new street projects including the El Sereno
Street Plaza and York Boulevard Street Porch, and committed to help seek funding
for the Boyle Heights prototype streets.
Writer: Becca Wilson [email protected]
Graphic design: Colleen Corcoran
and Joseph Prichard
Demonstration Projects After Renderings: Kelli Rudnick
Boyle Heights Prototypes After Renderings: Abby Jones
Photographs by: Deborah Murphy, Gary Leonard, Colleen Corcoran
Living Streets LA
RENEW LA County is made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention through the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
About Green
LA Coalition
Founded in 2005 by local environmental leaders,
Green LA embarked on a singular mission to transform
Los Angeles into a national leader in environmental
health and equity. Green LA grew into a vibrant
network that is building a movement to win campaigns
that can transform Los Angeles into a just and
sustainable city. Combining grassroots activism with
insider knowledge of City Hall, Green LA plays an
essential role in greening the city.
Green LA is a project of Community Partners