Au GD21 2 PDF
Au GD21 2 PDF
Au GD21 2 PDF
Productivity is a goal of every AutoCAD user. Unfortunately, using AutoCAD every day does not, in
itself, make you more productive. You improve productivity by choosing the shortest, most efficient
technique for each specific drawing problem. Learn how to improve your productivity by tapping into
AutoCAD's hidden secrets and eliminating repetitive steps. Wouldn't you be more productive if you
could eliminate half of the clicks and picks you're making today? See for yourself the 12 hidden
productivity secrets that elude most AutoCAD users.
Without a doubt more people than ever are frustrated with their ability to become truly productive
with AutoCAD. I have also found that the majority of users I meet have had no formal training on
how to use AutoCAD. Why should they? because You dont know what you dont know! Getting
training from knowledgeable and certified training professionals will give you the skills you dont
know you need, so you can improve your productivity. Attending this session and other sessions at
AUGI CAD Camp is an excellent step toward greater productivity.
Lets begin by addressing a couple of major misconceptions. The first is that productive users are
programmers. This is not necessarily true. There are many advantages to writing code and the goal
of programming is to eliminate repetitive tasks and steps. There are many ways to reduce the
number of clicks and picks, thus eliminating repetitive operations, without having to program.
The second misconception is that if you work faster youll be more productive. Speed has nothing
to do with being productive! Even todays super-fast computers may only save a few seconds in
processing speed on large drawings as compared to machines from just a few years ago. I find
many users are wasting time by trying to do it faster.
In this session I will address many of the simplest yet most powerful techniques to bring your
AutoCAD experience to a new productivity level by eliminating many of your daily repetitive steps.
You can become instantly more productive by choosing the shortest, most efficient method and
best technique for each specific drawing problem. What if you could eliminate 20, 30, or even 50
percent of the clicks and picks you are doing today? Wouldnt you be more productive?
In this session youll experience what Ive found to be the 12 greatest tips for better productivity.
Well count them down beginning with number 12!
Heres one that I use just in case someone has changed the grips settings and made monkey grips
in AutoCAD 2005.
In AutoCAD 2006, it would look like this:
SECRET REVEALED: If you cut and paste your system variable settings from your AutoCAD Text
window into Microsoft Word, you can do an Edit>Replace with a ^W for all white spaces (find) and
replace with a <space> to clean up your custom script file with just two clicks.
SECRET REVEALED: System variables and their settings vary from release to release. Its always
important to use variables from your currently working and active AutoCAD desktop.
If you want to get all the system variables for AutoCAD 2004 use the editor in the Express Tools.
This is the fastest way to create an editable script file. Remember that Express Tools are NOT
supported in AutoCAD 2005 and higher. That means there are no new system variables in this
creation tool.
Warning: The System Variable editor under Express Tools only gathers variables up to and
including AutoCAD 2004!
#10 Seeing is Believing if You Can Find What Youre Looking For.
What is the number one command used by AutoCAD users?
Over the years I have found that the thousands of AutoCAD users Ive trained are using Zoom and
Pan more than any other command. Why? Because they are constantly looking for the things they
need to edit.
Get the best performance from your AutoCAD session by adjusting real-time Pan and Zoom with
IntelliMouse inside AutoCAD and on your PC. You can adjust Zoom percentage and scroll
increment for the mouse wheel. The standard Microsoft IntelliMouse is a two-button mouse with
a small wheel between the buttons. You can use the wheel to:
Zoom in a drawing without using Autodesk software commands
The scroll value adjusts the number of lines scrolled for each increment of wheel rotation. Using the
wheel to scroll is a fast and easy alternative to using the scroll bars.
To ensure the pan feature works when you depress the wheel, make sure the MBUTTONPAN
system variable is set to 1. When MBUTTONPAN is set to 0 youll get the Object Snap popup menu.
To adjust the zoom percentage, change the value of the ZOOMFACTOR system variable. The initial
value of ZOOMFACTOR is 10. You can enter an integer value for ZOOMFACTOR in the range 3-100.
The value you enter represents the percentage change in zoom level for each increment of wheel
rotation. For example, when ZOOMFACTOR is set to 10, each increment of wheel rotation changes
the zoom level by 10 percent.
If you want to add aliases, this is done by editing the text file acad.pgp which stands for the
ProGram Parameters file. The acad.pgp file can be found in the Support directory of AutoCADs
program placement (for AutoCAD 2002: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD
2002\Support\acad.pgp) and (for AutoCAD 2004 and later: C:\Documents and Settings\LOGIN
NAME\Application Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 200X\R16.X \enu\Support\acad.pgp). Please note
that since AutoCAD 2004 there is a hidden support folder for each user login. This was done to
support roaming profiles in the Windows 2000 and XP environments.
Second, read through for any commands that you may wish to customize that are present in the
file already. There might be an alias already. Another reason is so that you dont take a short key
assigned to another command or vice versa. For instance, many people like to type C for COPY
rather than C for CIRCLE. Adding your command alias will overwrite any previously assigned key.
Add to the .PGP file do NOT modify existing alias!
Add your command aliases to the bottom of the pgp file. The last alias read is the one that works.
Also if you would like to return to the default aliases you only have to delete the ones you created
at the bottom of the file.
This whole idea behind this file is to allow the user to take plain commands and reduce the number
of keystrokes necessary to execute them. It is not intended to combine several commands together
or to support LISP files or other programming features.
Cut to Clipboard
AutoCAD DesignCenter
Select all
Toggles Group*
Toggles Snap
Copy to Clipboard
Toggles Grid
Toggles Group
Insert hyperlink
AutoCAD 2005 and earlier: If you want to make your own keyboard shortcuts, type customize
in the command line, right-click on any toolbar button or from the Tools pull-down menu choose
customize and choose keyboard. Pick a Category such as Dimension. Pick a command such as
QDIM. No current keys are assigned, so you can pick your own. In Press New Shortcut Key:
assign it a shortcut such as CTRL+Q or add multiple keys. You can also use unassigned
accelerator keys like F12.
AutoCAD 2006: If you want to make your own keyboard shortcuts, type customize in the
command line and right-click on any toolbar button or from the Tools pull-down menu. Choose
customize and choose Interface. Pick your favorite command from the command list inside
the Custom User Interface (CUI). Then drag and drop the command into the shortcut key.
SECRET REVEALED: Most people try to choose keystrokes with semantic meaning, when in fact
they only need to make sense to yourself. For example, left-mousers should use right-side keys,
and right-mousers should use left-side keys. This way, there is no hand-crossing or awkward
reaching across the keyboard.
SECRET REVEALED: For AutoCAD 2005 and earlier the accelerator keys and shortcut keys are
kept in the ACAD.mnc file.
SECRET REVEALED: When you make your own keys, the info is stored in ACAD.MNS file (Menu
Source File) (for AutoCAD 2002: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2002\Support\ACAD.MNS)
and (for AutoCAD 2004 or 2005: C:\Documents and Settings\LOGIN NAME\Application
Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD 200X\R16.X\enu\Support\ACAD.MNS). Please note that for AutoCAD
2004 users this is a hidden support folder for each user login.
SECRET REVEALED: For AutoCAD 2006, the accelerator keys and shortcut keys are kept in the
ACAD.CUI file.
^c executes a cancel
native English
executes an Enter
SECRET REVEALED: You can add an Image tool by dragging an image file from DesignCenter onto
the Tool Palette.
SUPER SECRET REVEALED: You can also change the scale and rotation of a block tool without
exploding or redefining the Block. Right-click on the Block Tool and choose Properties.
Windows and Internet Explorer
Autodesk enabled the use of dragging and dropping files directly from Windows Explorer onto a
Tool Palette. This works in a similar way to dragging content from the DesignCenter to a Tool
Palette. Some of the file types that can be dragged to the Tool Palette from Windows Explorer are
drawing files and image files.
Sharing Your Blocks on Tool Palettes
Tool Palette Groups
Tool Palette groups are a way to simultaneously control the display of certain Tool Palettes. You
might have a Tool Palette for electrical and another for plumbing when creating building plans.
Maintaining organization used to be difficult as all palettes were open and active at once. But this
organization problem has been resolved with the Group feature when customizing, if youre using
Tool Palette Extension in AutoCAD 2004 or AutoCAD 2005. By default, All Palettes is active.
There are some problems with the group feature. Groups are not easily shareable, as they are
stored with each users AutoCAD profile. But I have a solution for you!
Managing Tool Palettes with Paths
Just like managing your support path statements in AutoCAD, you can set a Tool Palette path
location and not use the group feature.
SUPER SECRET REVEALED: You can also create a blank palette window with no tools by setting
an empty path or a path that does not exist. AutoCAD will automatically build the necessary XML
content as an ATP file with support folder locations for images.
Note: The technique listed here is for vanilla AutoCAD only. Architectural Desktop (ADT) and
Autodesk Building Systems (ABS) do not have an Import or Export option like the ones found in
AutoCAD 2004 and 2005.
Note: It might seem obvious but its worth saying: Make sure the path locations for the source
files exist in your support path locations under Options Files.
Protecting Your Tools
Once you have created your content and set your palettes in a shared folder, youll want to protect
them from being modified. Network drives can be set to read only and local drives can be set by
right-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer and setting the properties of the folder to read only.
The next time you restart AutoCAD and open the Tool Palette Windows, youll see a small padlock
in the lower corner.
Taking this to another level, if you needed to find the centerpoint (centroid) of a multisided object,
you would then need to make the calculator work a bit harder. In the figure shown, you could
locate the center of a pentagon object using the calculator by doing the following with the CAL
command. >>Expression: (END+END+END+END+END)/5 would get you the centerpoint of this
non-rectangular object using any command or simple use a Point as a marker. If the object had
four endpoints then this same expression would look like: (CUR+CUR+CUR+CUR)/4.
The combinations are endless when you think about it. Knowing this information alone would save
you valuable time if you work with irregular objects or need to locate centroid points in places that
would be difficult when using tracking.
In AutoCAD 2006 we now have the QuickCalc palette that works and acts like a real calculator,
giving us a visual tool to perform our calculations instead of typing expressions.
There is no greater waste of time and effort than to use construction lines. You can eliminate
construction lines using any of the following techniques.
Direct distance entry
With direct distance entry, you can quickly specify a point relative to the last point you entered. At
any AutoCAD prompt for a point location, you move the cursor first to specify the direction, and
then enter a numeric distance.
Tracking at angles
Polar Tracking restricts cursor movement to specified angles. When increment angles are set, the
cursor will move at all multiples of that angle. You can enter any angle, or select a common angle
of 90, 45, 30, 22.5, 18, 15, 10, and 5 degrees from the list. This setting is also controlled by the
POLARANG system variable.
Additional Angles
Makes any additional angles in the list available for polar tracking. The Additional Angles check box
is also controlled by the POLARMODE system variable. Additional angles are NOT incremental. You
can add a maximum of 10 additional angles.
#2 Super Groups.
Super Groups are legends
The GROUP command has been around for a long time. It allows you to groups objects so they act
as one item. They will move as one unit as long as they are grouped. This command is most useful
for items you need to move together frequently but you dont need to make into a block.
Grouping objects is more flexible than blocking, since you can easily turn the grouping feature on
or off. However, it does not have the same memory advantages as blocks for multiple copies of
A group is a named selection set of objects. Unlike unnamed selection sets, groups are saved with
the drawing. Group definitions are maintained when you use a drawing as an external reference or
insert it in another drawing. However, until you have bound and exploded external references or
exploded blocks, you cannot directly access groups that have been defined in an external reference
or block.
When you create or edit a group, you can specify whether it is selectable. If a group is selectable,
selecting one of its members selects all members in the current space that meet the selection
criteria (for example, members on locked layers are not selectable). The ability to select groups is
also affected by the PICKSTYLE system variable. When PICKSTYLE is off for group selection, you
can individually select group members.
An object can be a member of more than one group. You can list all the groups to which a selected
object belongs by using the Find Name option in the Object Grouping dialog box. Highlight all the
members of a specified group with the Highlight option. Group members are numerically ordered
and can be reordered. Reordering may be useful in some batch operations on objects or when its
important which object is on top for display purposes.
Creating Groups
When you create a group, you can give the group a name and description. If you copy a group, the
copy is given the default name Ax and is considered unnamed. Unnamed groups are not listed in
the Object Grouping dialog box unless you select Include Unnamed.
If you choose a member of a selectable group for inclusion in a new group, all members of that
selectable group are included in the new group. Selectable groups can also be highlighted making it
easy to track and find them for revisions.
Selecting Groups
You can select groups by name at the Select Objects prompt. If the PICKSTYLE system variable is
set to 1 or 3 and you select any member of a selectable group, AutoCAD selects all group members
that meet the selection criteria. You can also toggle group selection on and off by pressing CTRL+H
All members of selectable groups are also selected when you use object selection cycling. Selecting
an object that is a member of more than one selectable group selects all the members of all the
groups that contain that object. To select groups for editing with grips, use the pointing device to
select the group at the Command prompt.
#1 Join and Attend Your Local Users Group, AUGI and AU!
Because networking is everything!
Meeting and talking to people that use AutoCAD on a regular basis can provide a resource
unmatched in its depth of knowledge and practical applications. Because networking is everything!
Local User Groups are right in your backyard. Monthly meetings of active members provide a
wealth of information, because user group members are eager to share knowledge and resources.
The more you give the more you get! Find out when and where your local group meets and become
an active member.
Autodesk User Group International is your direct voice to Autodesk. Its also free to join.
AUGI CAD Camps and AUGI CAD Matinees
These mini-versions of Autodesk University will be arriving for one-day productivity sessions in
over 30 cities around the country in 2006. What better way to increase your productivity on
AutoCAD and Autodesk vertical products!
Contact me
Got questions or need help implementing these productivity techniques? I can be reached at
[email protected].