Iep Rubric
Iep Rubric
Iep Rubric
IEP Rubric
A rubric is a self-assessment tool, which is constructed to review the critical components of a process such as writing IEPs. The
components are described in operational terms from best practice to less acceptable practices. By self-assessing using a rubric a person,
team or staff can reflect on where they are in implementation practices. The domains are listed in the order in which they appear in an IEP.
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP Rubric
document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
Student _________________________________
IEP Developer_______________________________
Date _________________
(date form filled out)
District/Building _____________________
IEP Reviewer_______________________________
1 (Needs Development)
Type of IEP meeting and IEP
components do not match.
Incomplete information or
information recorded inaccurately.
4. Student eligibility
categorical areas (Primary,
Secondary, Tertiary)
5. Persons Present (Required
participants, Procedural
2 (Proficient)
3 (Exemplary)
Date of IEP is within 12 months and reevaluation within the last 3 years. Type of
meeting matches completed IEP
Parent and student information recorded
completely and accurately.
Duration and reevaluation date match type
of meeting.
Point Value/Notes
Point value_____
Incomplete information or
information recorded inaccurately.
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
6. Transfer of Rights
1 (Needs Development)
Incomplete information or
information recorded inaccurately.
2 (Proficient)
3 (Exemplary)
Information completed for transfer of
Point Value/Notes
Point Value _____
Section 7B: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Ages 3-21 years)
1 Strengths, interests, and
preferences addressed
1 (Needs Development)
One or two of the three addressed.
4. Description of academic,
developmental, and or
functional strengths of the
2 (Proficient)
Vague description of
strengths, interests and
Partial evaluation information
(evaluation documentation
does not match or represent all
evaluations in definition of
disability area of which some
are time referenced (either by
date or by time period (e.g.
recent, last month)
Some state and district
assessments are reported. State
and district wide assessment
scores are reported with
minimal discussion of
performance in comparison to
Focuses on instructionally
relevant information, but with
brief/vague comparison with
average peers or standards.
Vague reference to districtwide assessment and
functional implications of skill
3 (Exemplary)
All three addressed. Clear distinction
between strengths, interests and
All current evaluation information matches
the number of and represents kinds of
evaluations in definition of disability area
of which are time referenced (either by
date or by time period (e.g. recent, last
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
All state and district assessments are
reported for current year and previous
years as appropriate. Grade level
difference such as large performance
difference compared to peers and
benchmark expectations in specific areas
from statewide testing, system level
benchmarks. Domain area weaknesses are
identified. (Preschool differences in age
appropriate skills will be used in
comparison to peers.
All the following elements must be clearly
All specific levels of academic,
developmental, and/or functional
performance addressed with multiple
forms of evidence in the areas of strength
within the general education curriculum.
Performance stated in measurable,
Point Value_____
Point Value_____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
1 (Needs Development)
2 (Proficient)
5. Description of academic,
developmental, and or
functional needs of the child
Focuses on instructionally
relevant information, but with
brief/vague comparison with
average peers or standards.
Vague reference to districtwide assessment and
functional implications of skill
3 (Exemplary)
objective terms describing what
student can do relative to strength...
Specific comparison made to average
peers or standards.
Functional implications of skill
development addressed.
Relevant evaluation and district-wide
assessment information included.
Provides information detailed enough
to make progress decisions.
Meets the stranger test
All the following elements must be clearly
All specific levels of academic,
developmental, and/or functional
performance addressed with multiple
forms of evidence in the areas of need
within the general education curriculum.
Performance stated in measurable,
objective terms describing what
student cannot do relative to needs.
Specific comparison made to average
peers or standards.
Functional implications of skill
development addressed.
Relevant evaluation and district-wide
assessment information included.
Provides information detailed enough
to make progress decisions.
Meets the stranger test
Describes meaningful, observable, and
measurable behaviors related to current
functioning for all goal areas. Directly
related to each goals measure of progress
and contains a number. Meets stranger
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
7. Other information
essential for development of
1 (Needs Development)
Not completed or no statement
indicating None at this time.
2 (Proficient)
Information is vague and does
not support the need for
activities or supports that are
not directly related to a goal.
3 (Exemplary)
Rate of learning difference, such as large
difference in rate of learning in compared
toward the trajectory toward the
benchmarks, OR IEP goals when provided
high quality tiered support and specially
designed instruction.
Addresses a foundation for support for
identifying needs, developing goals and
determining services.
Completed appropriately if necessary, or
None at this time stated.
Point Value/Notes
Not addressed.
Current performance
described with impact of
disability implied. For
preschool age, partially
describes involvement in ageappropriate activities.
Section 7C: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Ages 3-21 years)
1. Special considerations
1 (Needs Development)
Yes answers not explained
elsewhere in the IEP.
2 (Proficient)
Yes answers explained
elsewhere in the IEP.
3 (Exemplary)
All yes answers explained thoroughly
elsewhere in the IEP.
Addresses a working knowledge of the
consideration of special factors.
Identifies opportunities for addressing
behavioral needs in the PLAAFP
containing baseline data related to
Point Value/Notes
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
1 (Needs Development)
2 (Proficient)
3 (Exemplary)
behavioral concerns, positive
behavioral interventions and supports
needed to address behavior.
Identifies opportunities for addressing
communications needs in the PLAAFP
containing baseline data related to
communications concerns and supports
that are needed for addressing this
Evidence of integration and
coordination throughout the students
course of study and educational
Point Value/Notes
3 (Exemplary)
All the following elements must be clearly
Measurable goal statements related to
Based on 1 year expectations
related to standards and benchmarks,
and includes:
o Conditions
o Behavior
o Criteria
If entry into 9th grade or by age 16,
whichever comes first, or younger, if
determined appropriate by IEP team,
relates to post-secondary expectations
and one or more area is checked.
Supported by baseline data from the
PLAAFP using the same level of
Address the students needs that result
from disability that is identified in
Point Value/Notes
1 (Needs Development)
Vague goal statements weakly
related to priority needs, standards
and benchmarks, or current
functioning and baseline. Goal does
not represent a meaningful
behavior/skill (for example grades,
credits, etc.).
2 (Proficient)
Measurable goal statements
related to
standards/benchmarks, but not
appropriate for 1 years
growth, nor related to
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
1 (Needs Development)
2 (Proficient)
2. Evaluation procedures
Criteria for mastery and
evaluation methods specified
for each goal, objective,
3 (Exemplary)
PLAAFP through multiple sources of
Provide access to the general
education curriculum.
State the conditions (materials/stimuli)
Contain a measurable and observable
skills (uses and action verb)
Specifically states what the student
will do in the action.
Relevant to the child achieving future
Procedure includes assessment strategies
what data will be collected and how often to
monitor students progress.
Aligns with baseline and goal criterion.
Clear relationship to frequent,
repeatable measures of progress toward
Includes how often progress will be
measured e.g. documented observation,
charts, tally sheets, CBM probes.
Provision of sufficient measurement
intervals to evaluate the childs
progress toward achieving the goal(s)
by the end of the year.
Statement included that indicates when the
school will inform the parent of progress
toward meeting the goal.
Interim report allows the team to
reconvene to address additional needs
of the student if necessary.
Entire district standard, benchmark,
extended benchmark, or other
curriculum/district outcome reference
clearly related to goals (distinct relationship
to goals).
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
5. Major milestones/short
term objectives
a. Students
participating in districtwide assessment
1 (Needs Development)
Includes one or two statements,
weakly related to goal, and not
6. Major milestones/short
term objectives
b. Students participating
in alternate assessment
7. Progress reports
Inaccurately completed.
2 (Proficient)
Includes two or more
measurable statements in
logical progression toward
goal. Reasonable and
milestones/objectives. Dates
expected included.
3 (Exemplary)
The graph option is used. The starting point
is the baseline score/percentage. The
ending point is the goal score/percentage.
The aim line of the graph accurately shows
the expected rate of progress in order to
accomplish each goal.
Point Value/Notes
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
Section 7-E: Student Supports/Accommodations/Special Education Services
Services, activities, or
1 (Needs Development)
Does not accurately reflect needs as
expressed in the IEP.
Classroom testing
2 (Proficient)
Some instructional
accommodations relate to
students strengths/needs as
expressed in the PLAAFP
from which goals were
developed. Considers 3 of 5
of the components.
3 (Exemplary)
Accurately reflects needs as expressed in
the IEP.
Point Value/Notes
Point Value _____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
4. Description of each
service, activity, or support
(Supplementary Aids and
1 (Needs Development)
Descriptive statements provided for
each yes answer from
consideration of special factors, but
vague or inconsistent reflection of
student needs (e.g., use of calculator,
tests read orally if needed). If entry
into 9th grade or by age 16,
whichever comes first, or younger, if
determined appropriate by the IEP
team16, services, activities and
supports must relate to postsecondary outcomes.
2 (Proficient)
7. Transportation
8. Physical education
3 (Exemplary)
Descriptive statements provided for each
yes answer, from consideration of special
factors, clearly reflecting student needs. If
16, services, activities and supports relates
to post-secondary outcomes. Specially
designed instruction, for each goal area is
written for the content area is specified.
Special education service
(supplementary aids and services and
services are specially designed
instruction e.g. direct instruction in
basic reading skills)
OR special education transportation
Support clearly assists the student in
benefitting in general education.
Accommodations planned for statewide
testing occur during classroom
Descriptive statements provided for
necessary professional learning and training
for staff or parents to implement the
specialized services.
Answered. Clear explanation given for
students requiring or not requiring supports
to advance appropriately in attaining annual
Answered appropriately. Clear description
provided of transportation needs based upon
what is documented in the PLAAFP, impact
Answered appropriately. If modified or
specially designed, description and/or goals
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
10 | P a g e
Section 7-F: Statewide and District-wide Assessments Determination
1. District-wide assessment
1 (Needs Development)
Answered, but no description of
included, and should have been.
Alternate assessment not justified.
2 (Proficient)
Answered, but description of
modifications or
accommodations vague or not
clearly aligned with IEP
3 (Exemplary)
Answered. Accommodations or
modifications, if necessary, clearly
described and aligned with accommodations
outlined in the IEP. Alternate assessment
checked and justified.
Relate to students needs, used as an
instructional accommodation.
For GAA, and Modified assessments,
rationale for participation in alternate and
modified assessments based on criteria
provided by the Georgia Department of
Education Office of Student Assessment
and the use of decision making frameworks.
Sections clearly specify how general
education teachers/special education
teachers will carry out accommodations.
Point Value/Notes
Section 7-G: Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Ages 13-21 years)
1 Strengths, needs, interests,
and preferences addressed
2. Age appropriate
transition assessments
(formal and informal)
3. Course of study
1 (Needs Development)
One or two of the three addressed.
2 (Proficient)
Vague description of
strengths, interests and
3 (Exemplary)
All three addressed. Clear distinction
between strengths, interests and
preferences. Strengths, needs are within the
present levels of academic achievement and
functional performance as a basis for
identifying needs, interests, and preferences.
Appropriate transition assessments included
in the present levels of performance.
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
Graduation requirements and students
current status are clearly stated. Specific
identified courses and activities listed are
related to post-secondary expectations,
current skills and transition needs. Target
graduation date is documented.
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
11 | P a g e
4. Post-secondary
expectations/Area of need
(Measurable annual goals to
meet post-secondary goals
1 (Needs Development)
All four areas are not addressed
sufficiently. No transition
assessments were referenced.
2 (Proficient)
All four areas are sufficiently
addressed and include
anticipated results but are not
written as observable
behaviors. Expectations are
based on transition
3 (Exemplary)
Description includes anticipated result in
each of the areas of training, education,
employment, independent living skills and
Written as observable behaviors and resultsoriented based upon baseline data from the
Expectations based on transition
assessments which are included in
Goals are supported by baseline data from
Goals state specifically how the student will
do the action.
Goals contain an observable skill
Evidence of a connection between school,
community, and student.
Point Value/Notes
Incomplete information or
information recorded inaccurately.
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
12 | P a g e
use of Positive Behavioral Intervention
Strategies and Supports.
1 (Needs Development)
Some services checked as having
been discussed.
2 (Proficient)
(Instruction/Related Services in
General Education Classroom/early
Childhood Setting)
(Instruction/Related Services Outside
of the General Education Classroom)
Frequency of Services
(indicates either hours,
minutes per day, segments
per day, week or month (for
bus am. /pm.)
3 (Exemplary)
All kinds and types of services along the
continuum are clearly identified on the IEP
as having been discussed by the team with a
check mark.
All kinds and types of services for the
delivery of instruction are defined along the
continuum of services.
All frequency of services specifically states
services will be directly provided to the
student (e.g. 20 minutes per day, 5 segments
per week) and identifies the specific time
the service will be provided to the student.
Frequency aligns with the goals. Minutes
are listed under correct setting (general
education, special education, community).
All dates for initiation and duration of
services are addressed on the page.
Point Value/Notes
Point Value_____
Point Value_____
Point Value_____
Statement DOES NOT establish a
link between the setting and service
(specially designed instruction) that
the student will receive from the
Statement DOES NOT explain why
the student is being removed and
why the SDI cant be done in the
regular education. SDI is what the
teacher does in the classroom.
Explains what services the student
receives or segments.
Point Value_____
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
13 | P a g e
3. Provider Title/Content
Specialty Area
Extended school year
services (ESYS)
IEP goals extended or
1 (Needs Development)
Answered, but vague explanation
2 (Proficient)
3 (Exemplary)
Answered appropriately. Goals and services
described. Goals relate to and address the
students needs that result from the
disability that are identified in the PLAAFP
through multiple sources of evidence. Data
exists to substantiate the decision.
Considerations for extended school year
were determined by the team.
Point Value/Notes
3 (Exemplary)
Each goal has a graph or checklist and data
are collected and graphed per the IEP and is
stored in the Rainbow Folders.
Each goal has a graph or checklist and data
are collected and graphed per IEP and is
submitted for requests for re-evaluation.
A decision making rule is used to make
decisions about instructional changes.
A line is drawn on the graph to indicate
when a change occurs when progress is
Good evidence that interventions were
documented and implemented when
progress was insufficient.
Progress was sufficient. No instructional
change warranted for goals.
Data is collected on each objective and
graphed per the IEP.
Point Value/Notes
1 (Needs Development)
Graphs are not for every goal,
evidence of regular data collection
OR each goal has a graph without
evidence of regular data collection.
2 (Proficient)
Each goal has a graph or
checklist and data are
collected less frequently than
stated in the IEP.
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013
14 | P a g e
purple file for each
10. Overall stranger test
(entire IEP document)
1 (Needs Development)
2 (Proficient)
3 (Exemplary)
Point Value/Notes
Total Points_________
Adapted from Ohio State Department of Education State Support Team #1, Retrieved from: and adapted from 5IEP
Rubric document, Retrieved from, and
Updated 1.10.2013