Lesson Plan 1 28

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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Kyrstlin Ziegler

Grade Level: 12


Content and Standards RL 4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they
are used in the text; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meanings or
language that is particularly fresh engaging or beautiful. RL 10 Read and
comprehend literature, including poems. L3a Apply an understanding of syntax to the
study of complex texts when reading.


Prerequisites: Students will have knowledge on the writing style of John Milton.


Essential Questions: What are the dangers of pride?


Instructional Objective: Students will gain an understanding of the first half of John
Miltons Paradise Lost.


Instructional Procedures: Part 1: The teacher will administer a handout on some

background information on Paradise Lost. The teacher will explain what the text is
about and what the students should expect while reading this difficult piece. Part 2:
Students will break up into pairs to read out loud the first part of Paradise Lost in the
Interactive Reader workbook. The workbook has comprehension questions
throughout the text, which the students will answer. A video to extend knowledge
may also be presented at this time for groups who are doing really well and groups
who are struggling with ideas. Part 3: The teacher will bring the class together at the
last ten minutes of the period to review the text and comprehension questions as a
class. The teacher will then administer a homework writing assignment that will be
due on Friday, 1/29/15.


Materials and Equipment: Holt McDougal British Literature Interactive Reader

workbook to read through and answer comprehension questions on Paradise Lost.
Laptops to complete the homework assignment. Pre-printed background information
on Paradise Lost. Mysteries of the Bible video resource for extension and


Assessment/Evaluation: Determining the students knowledge and understanding

of the material through the in class discussion. Grading of the homework writing
assignment. An informal discussion rubric will also be used to grade students in
groups to allow for different types of learners.


VII. Differentiation: Individualized Activities: Students that are struggling will have
the support in class from their partners while partner reading and answering
comprehension questions together. Students will also have access to a video to
spark discussion.


Technology: Laptops will be used for the students to type their homework and view
the video.


Self-Assessment: Do the students have a good understanding of the first book of

Paradise Lost? How well do the students understand the text and the language that
it is written in? Are they participating in the discussions? Were their comprehension
questions correct?

Lesson Reflection

In planning and preparing for this lesson, I started with our

essential question, What are the dangers of pride? This essential
question not only allowed for expectations of the lesson but it started
by activating students prior knowledge. In my first few weeks, I have
learned the importance of gaining students interest at the beginning
of a lesson. Being in many college classes before, I always thought the
most important part of a lesson is the actual core content that it is
being taught; however, after extending my understanding of pedagogy
through experience I have come to realize it is just as important to
understand how to teach, as it is what I teach.
This brings me to another part of my planning and preparation,
which is demonstrating knowledge of content. In this lesson, it was
essential for students understand the background information of,
Paradise Lost in order to build a baseline for learning. The students
needed to have a spring board to jump off, and if this not evident
before introducing material, a plethora of material and learning
experiences are lost. By introducing background information to the
students, it also allowed me the chance to better understand the
knowledge of my students and their needs. For example, it was
extremely important for students to understand the importance of a
Christian Muse in Greek mythology. By sharing with the students that
there are nine goddesses who preside over the arts and sciences was
essential. Milton follows the Christian tradition in evoking a muse
throughout his poem, which establishes the poem as a Christian epic.
This allowed students to have an interesting side conversation about
the fall of Adam and Eve to discuss the messages involved and how
the themes overlap into Paradise Lost.
I have come to recognize the importance of having students
relate to the text through multiple venues; however, I have also
realized how easy it is for students to get off track and on different
tangents that may have nothing to do with our essential idea. This is
where setting instructional outcomes has become so important. At the
end of this lesson, my most basic goal was for students to be able to

comprehend the text and make extensions based on their own

experiences and values. By setting this outcome, I was able to redirect
multiple students with higher level analyzing questions throughout the
text. This not only kept the students on track but also allowed them to
navigate the text through meaningful connections and dialogue with
their peers.
Perhaps the most important skill that seniors can learn in high
school is how to find and use resources. I was able to set up a map
for students to follow. I used the History Channel video, Mysteries of
the Bible as a resource to challenge and extend the students
knowledge for anyone who seemed to be taking off within a group.
This allowed the students to stay focused on the task at hand and
delve into ideas that may have not been brought up within a given
group. I also took the time here to explain the role that videos in
education can play. We also discussed how they could be used to
reinforce ideas in a text while adjusting to visual learners.
Differentiated instruction, as described above is beneficial to
students, as long as planning coherent instruction was done correctly.
One thing I have noticed through my experience so far is that students
need clear and exact instructions throughout the lesson. Not only do
students need these instructions at the beginning of a lesson but
instructions also must be repeated and reinforced throughout the
period. For example, I made side notes throughout the textbook during
preparation, which allowed for clarification. When students reached
these parts, I used the opportunity as a checkpoint for the students.
My directions and expectations were clearly stated at each checkpoint,
and I was able to ask students if they needed redirection or further
clarification. At times this can seem like an elementary teacher skill;
however, I realized through my planning and preparation that this can
help resolved many pit falls throughout a lesson. When preparing, it is
very important to ask yourself, What could go wrong? This allows
the chance for teachers to fix a problem before it actually occurs in a
lesson. One group in particular, was so focused on comprehending the
text, they forgot to transact with the text throughout the process of
reading. By reminding students about the importance of transacting
with the text, these students made more impactful connections with
the topic being read and discussed.
In final analysis, the reason I choose English as my concentration
was the ability to design many unique assessments for the students.
Our students are sadly becoming too familiar with high stake testing
experiences, so allowing different opportunities for expression and
understanding is important to any English classroom. In this lesson,
not only did students answer comprehension questions while reading,
they were also able to take part in informal grading discussion. This
type of informal assessment like group grading based on discussion
with a rubric, not only promotes student understanding, but also helps

students achieve 21st century learning skills. At the college level, it is

extremely important to know how to work with others and fulfill tasks
within a group. This can sometimes be harder for one student
compared to another, but it is almost impossible to succeed in college
now without these skills. By planning this lesson I was able to allow for
multiple modes of assessment comprehension to allow multiple types
of learners the ability to succeed.
If I had to do one thing differently throughout the lesson, I would
have broke the students into larger groups of perhaps three. Three
students per group seems to allow for multiple perspectives and also
challenge students to see how they formulate solutions to the task. I
have found that working in pairs has its benefits, but it also allows one
student the chance to dominate discussion and therefore rob other
students the chance to comprehend material and make personal

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