Otitis Media With Effusion in Children A Follow Up Study in West Baghdad Iraq

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Communication Disorders, Deaf

Studies & Hearing Aids

Al-Juboori et al., Commun Disord Deaf Stud

Hearing Aids 2014, 2:4

Research Article

Open Access

Otitis Media with Effusion in Children: A Follow up Study in West Baghdad,

Ahmad N. Al-Juboori1*, Ameer A. Al-Aqeedee1 and Hussam D. Saeed2

of Otorhinolaryngology, Al- Fallujah General Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq


of Community Medicine, Ibn Sina College of Medicine, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq


author: Professor Ahmad Nasrat Al-Juboori, Department of Surgery, Ibn Sina College of Medicine, Al-Iraqia University, Baghdad, Iraq, Tel:
+9647902892674; E-mail: [email protected]
Received: October 20, 2014; Accepted: November 20, 2014; Published: November 27, 2014

Copyright: 2014 Al-Juboori AN, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Objective: To study the clinical, audiological and radiological characteristics as well as treatment outcome of
children less than 12 years old suffered from Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) from West Baghdad, Iraq.
Materials and Methods: This is a follow up study performed upon 180 child under 12 years old, diagnosed
having OME by clinical, audiological and radiological means, they were treated in Al-Ramadi and Al-Fallujah
General Hospitals drained from West Baghdad and Al-Anbar Governorate, during the period from May 2010 to July
2012. The data obtained from the parents, clinical examination and investigations like Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA),
tympanometry and lateral soft tissue x-ray of the neck had been done. The treatment outcome studied after follow
up for six months.
Results: There were 54.4% boys and 45.6% girls. The main presenting symptom was hearing impairment
(brought by family) (47.2%) and the main presenting sign was retraction of tympanic membrane (91.7%), the mean
amount of hearing loss by PTA was 22.6 5.5 dB. In 92.2% of patients tympanometry was type B. The size of the
adenoid measured by Adenoid\Nasopharyngeal ratio was located mainly on Grade 3+ (43.3%). All the patients were
given medical treatment, 61.1% of them responded. Patients that failed to response to medical treatment underwent
different modalities of surgical means represented mainly by myringotomy and adenotonsillectomy.
Conclusion: There was significant correlation between the size of adenoid and the type of tympanogram and
hearing threshold. The treatment was mainly medical, while surgical means if indicated they were myringotomy
accompanied mainly with adenotonsillectomy.

Otitis media
Tympanometry; Audiometry




Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) is defined as an inflammatory
state of the middle ear characterized by the presence of fluid in the
middle ear resulting in decreased mobility of the tympanic membrane
and a conductive type of hearing loss in the absence of signs and
symptoms of acute infection [1,2]. It is one of the common health
problems seen in children and, when inadequately treated or left
untreated, it may lead to sequelae and complications, consisting in
permanent hearing loss and impairment in development of speech and
language [2]. The prevalence of OME is rather variable, ranging from 6
to 64% [2-10]. Approximately 90% of children (80% of individual ears)
have OME sometimes before school age, most often from 6 months to
4 years of age. In the first year of life, about 50% of children will
experience OME, increasing to more than 60% by two years. Many
episodes resolve spontaneously within three months, but 30% to 40%
of children have recurrent OME, and 5% to 10% of episodes last one
year or longer [2-10]. However, the main clinical problem for some
children with symptoms of OME is occult; in 40% to 50% of cases of
OME, neither the affected children nor their parents or caregivers
describe significant complaints referable to a middle-ear effusion.

Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids

ISSN:2375-4427 JCDSHA, an open access journal

Moreover if the ear canals are narrow, it is very difficult to examine the
tympanic membrane, and then OME can easily be neglected to a
superficial examination [11]. When inadequately treated or left
untreated, OME may lead sequelae and complications, consisting in
acute otitis media with tympanic perforation, retraction pockets,
tympanosclerosis, adhesive otitis media, cholesteatoma all clinical
conditions characterized in children by permanent hearing loss and
impairment in development of speech and language [12-14]. The
association of OME with the Eustachian Tube (ET) dysfunction and
the disorders of the nose have repeatedly been confirmed [4]. It is
often associated with an abnormal or malfunctioning ET, which causes
negative pressure in the middle ear and leaking of fluid from tiny
blood vessel or capillaries into the middle ear. Problems with the ET
can be caused by viral infections, injury or birth defects (such as cleft
palate) [15]. Hypertrophy of the adenoids and ET dysfunction are
often considered to be causal factors of OME. Recent guidelines from
otologists, pediatricians, and allergists based on clinical evidence
support the role of atopy in the development of OME; the important
role of allergy in the genesis and recurrence of OME is also supported
by data literature that evidence a statistically significant differences in
audiological characteristics among atopic and non atopic subjects
suffering from OME. In fact in atopic children it found a
predominance of bilateral OME and an higher hearing impairment
[16,17]. Furthermore, OME produces a complex multifactorial process

Volume 2 Issue 4 1000122


Al-Juboori AN, Al-Aqeedee AA, Saeed HD (2014) Otitis Media with Effusion in Children: A Follow up Study in West Baghdad, Iraq.
Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids 2: 122. doi:10.4172/2375-4427.1000122

Page 2 of 5
that is why the pneumatization of the mastoids and the variation in the
gaseous diffusion in circulation has an important role in the negative
pressure phenomenon in the affected middle ear. Fluid from the ears
of children with otitis media with effusion usually does not show
infection with bacteria. In some cases, however, the fluid may contain
organisms such as Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus
influenzae, Moraxella catarrhailus or other bacteria [18]. Medical
management would potentially be of greatest benefit if it could speed
the resolution of an episode of OME. Hence, randomized controlled
trails carried out in primary care setting would be those most
appropriate to consider using resolution of OME as the outcome. Most
trail follow up children for one to two weeks after therapy. If at this
point the therapy is ineffective, there is no reason for further follow up
as it is unlikely to be of benefit thereafter. However, if it is effective
after one to two weeks, then follow up for the recommended watchful
waiting period of 12 weeks is necessary to see if it is of benefit in the
longer term and might be used to reduce the proportion of children
being considered for surgery [19]. The potential of OME to cause
serious sequelae and complications that may affect childrens life longterm; make the disease an important health problem. Environmental,
epidemiological and familial factors play an important role in
pathogenesis of OME [20]. The aim of this study was to study the
clinical, audiological and radiological characteristics along with the
treatment outcome of children less than 12 years suffered from OME
in west Baghdad, Iraq.

and/or local decongestant and in presence of Upper Respiratory Tracts

Infections (URTI) or adenoid inflammation systemic antibiotics was
administered. After two weeks the children underwent new
examination that confirmed the treatment up to 12 weeks or with
evidence of lack of medical therapy benefit lead to surgical choose in
form of myringotomy alone or may be associated with grommet
insertion, or myringotomy and adenoidectomy, or myringotomy and
adenotonsillectomy. The clinical course was followed up to six months
after surgery.

The total number of OME suffered was one hundred and eighty, 98
boys (54.4%) and 82 girls (45.6%); with a male: female ratio of 1.19
there was no significant differences among the sex. The age of children
ranged from 2 to 12 years old with a mean age of 5.7+2.4 years. Figure
1 shows the distribution of the cases according to age and sex; the
study of the mean did not evidenced difference among the groups (t
value=0.6905; f.d.=18; p=0.4987). With r value of 0.91 and 0.89 for
boys and girls respectively, regression analysis showed a strong
correlation between the first ages of life and OME disease; it is also
evidenced by the two peaks at two and five years of life either for boys
and girls.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted from May 2010 to July 2012 in Al-Ramadi
and Al-Fallujah General Hospitals and was performed upon 180
children up to 12 years old suffered from OME and who were coming
from different areas in West Baghdad and Al-Anbar Governorate. The
study was approved by Al-Anbar Health Directorate, and an informed
consent was taken from the parents of the suffered children. Patients
data included age, sex and presenting symptoms (hearing impairment
referred by parents for the lower ages and/or by patients; scholastic
retardation; snoring and/or mouth breathing; earache); all the patients
underwent ENT examination, including otoscopic examination. If
present the wax was carefully removed. All children with tympanic
membrane perforation, acute otitis media and chronic otitis media,
cleft palate and Downs syndrome were excluded from the study.
Suspecting OME subjects underwent tympanogram; the results were
evaluated according to Fiellau-Nikolajsen's modification of Jerger's
system [21]. The results were classified as Type A (+100 and -100
daPa), Type B (no pressure peak), Type C1 (-101 and -200 daPa), Type
C2 (-201 and -300 daPa). Furthermore a Pure Tone Audiometry
(PTA) was used to assess the hearing threshold [19] which was done
only for children above the age of six years (62 patients ) because the
test is subjective one, we tried to do the test in younger children but
the results was not conclusive, tuning fork test was also done but the
test in younger children was not informative. The PTA was done using
six frequencies (250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 Hz). Further
investigation, if indicated, included plane x-ray of the neck in lateral
views to assess adenoid size, were measured by A\N ratio, where N is
the distance between the posterior superior edge of the hard palate and
the anteroinferior edge of the sphenobasioccipital synchondrosis, and
A is the distance between the maximum convexity of the adenoid and
a line drawn along basocciput. A\N ratio below 25% was scored as 1+,
those between 26% and 50% as 2+, those between 51% and 75% as 3+,
and those between 76% and 100% as 4+ [22]. OME suffered were
treated with medical therapy consisting of local nasal steroid, systemic

Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids

ISSN:2375-4427 JCDSHA, an open access journal

Figure 1: Age and sex distribution.

OME diagnosis was also studied in relation to months and seasons
and it was evidenced that with 61.11% corresponding to 110 cases the
peak of OME suffered resulted in winter with a significant statistical
difference among the months (t value=2.4749; f.d.=22; p=0.02) (Figure

Figure 2: Seasonal variation of the patients with OME during the

period from May 2010 to July 2012.

Volume 2 Issue 4 1000122


Al-Juboori AN, Al-Aqeedee AA, Saeed HD (2014) Otitis Media with Effusion in Children: A Follow up Study in West Baghdad, Iraq.
Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids 2: 122. doi:10.4172/2375-4427.1000122

Page 3 of 5
Regarding the presenting symptoms, 47.2% of the suffered children,
hearing impairment referred by parents result the commonest
presenting symptom followed by scholastic retardation (20%) and by
snoring and or mouth breathing (18.3%). Table 1 showed the
distribution of presenting symptoms in order of frequency.
Presenting symptom



Hearing impairment (brought by family)



Scholastic retardation (referred from the teacher)



Snoring and or mouth breathing



Tympanometry evidenced a type B curve in 92.2% of (166 cases

302 ears), type C2 in 5% (9 cases16 ears) and type A in 2.8% (5 cases
10 ears), while hearing threshold performed on the children aged more
than 6 years old, corresponding to 62 cases, showed a mild hearing
impairment (<20 dB HL) in 54.8%, an impairment from 21 to 30 dB
HL in 24.2%, and more than 31 dB HL in the 21%.
The relationship between the type of tympanogram and the hearing
threshold showed that all the cases with type A and most of the type
C2 had less than 20dB HL hearing threshold as shown in Table 3.
Hearing threshold
(62 cases)

Type C2

Type A

<20 dB HL

22 (40 ears)

7 (13 ears)

5 (10 ears)

34 (54.8)


21 to 30 dB HL

13 (24 ears)

2 (3 ears)

15 (24.2)


>31 dB HL

13 (24 ears)

13 (21)


48 (88 ears)

9 (16 ears)

5 (10 ears)

62 (100)



Fullness in the ear or ear discomfort



(non 2






Table 1: The presenting symptoms of total 180 children with otitis

media with effusion.
As for otoscopy the retraction of Tympanic Membrane (TM)
resulted the commonest sign (91.7%) followed by hyperemia of TM
(86.7%) , dull TM (81.1%), fluid behind TM (11.1%), and air bubbles
behind the TM (10%) (Table 2).
Presenting sign



Retraction of Tympanic Membrane (TM)



Hyperemic TM



Dull TM



Fluid behind TM



Air bubbles behind the TM



Table 2: The presenting signs of total 180 child with otitis media with
effusion seen by otoscopic examination (more than one sign was
present in the same patient).
Type of treatment

Total (%)

Type B

Hearing impairment (patient complaint)

Discovered accidentally
otological) examination

Type of tympanogram

Table 3: Correlation between type of tympanogram and hearing

threshold (62 cases114 ears).
Regarding the size of adenoid based on a A\N ratio, 22 patients
presented a grade 1+ (12.2%), 36 cases (20%) grade 2+, 78 patients
(43.3%) had grade 3+, and in 22 cases (24.5%) the adenoids resulted of
grade 4+. It was evidenced a strong correlation between the adenoid
size and the tympanogram; in fact the 70 cases (89.7%) and 41 cases
(93%) of children with adenoids grade 3+ and grade 4+ presented a
type B tympanogram respectively.
The examination after two weeks of medical therapy evidenced an
improvement in 110 children corresponding to 61.1%; in all these
cases the therapy was confirmed for a total of 12 weeks. In other cases
the children were selected for surgical treatment; in particular of a
total of 70 patients, 28 (40%) corresponding to the 15.55% of the total
underwent myringotomy and adenotonsillectomy, 25 (35.7%)
corresponding to 13.88% of the total underwent myringotomy and
adenoidectomy and 11 (15.7%) corresponding to 6.11% underwent
myringotomy with grommet insertion. Failure of surgical treatment or
recurrence happened in five patients (7.1%) (Table 4).

Numbers of patients subjected (%)

Treatment outcomes
Success (%)

Failure or recurrence (%)


180 (100)

110 (61.1)

70 (38.9)


70 (38.9)

65 (92.9)

5 (7.1)

-Myringotomy with grommet insertion


11 (15.7)

-Myringotomy+Adenoidectomy alone

25 (35.7)

23 (32.9)

2 (2.85)


28 (40)

26 (37.1)

2 (2.85)

-Myringotomy+Tonsillectomy alone

6 (8.6)

5 (7.1)

1 (1.4)

Table 4: Treatment modalities and there outcome of children suffered from OME from West Baghdad.

Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids

ISSN:2375-4427 JCDSHA, an open access journal

Volume 2 Issue 4 1000122


Al-Juboori AN, Al-Aqeedee AA, Saeed HD (2014) Otitis Media with Effusion in Children: A Follow up Study in West Baghdad, Iraq.
Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids 2: 122. doi:10.4172/2375-4427.1000122

Page 4 of 5

Otitis media with effusion is chronic accumulation of fluid within
the middle ear, and occasionally in the mastoid air cell system. The
time that the fluid has to be present for the condition to be chronic is
generally around 12 weeks [19]. The prevalence of OME in children is
mainly determined by the age of the child and the season of the year.
The age prevalence is bimodal with the first and largest peak on
approximately 20% at two years; and the second peak of approximately
16% at around five years of age. After the age of seven years old, the
prevalence falls from 6.8% to 5% [15]; our results confirm data
literature. In our study the distribution of the case in relation to season
was different, in which the patients with OME were higher in the
winter as opposed to the summer months which was consistent with
other studies [11,23,24], this was probably due to increased frequency
of upper respiratory tract infection during winter months. The study
demonstrated that OME in West Baghdad is slightly more among boys
(54.4%) than girls (45.6%); this is comparable with some studies which
gave no significant difference in the prevalence of OME between both
genders [25], even if the literature data are discordances because some
studies demonstrate that males have a significantly higher proportion
of OME (p<0.001) while others founds that the number of girls with
OME significantly exceeds the number of boys with OME
(<chi>2=7.384, P=0.0067) [17,26]. The hallmark of OME is the lack of
obvious symptoms in those who most commonly have the condition.
Older children often complaint of muffled hearing or a sense of
fullness in the ear. Younger children may raise the television volume;
sometime OME is diagnosed when someone examines the ear for
another problem. In our study the most common presenting symptom
was hearing impairment which was noticed by the parents, secondly;
the hearing impairment discovered by the teacher due to scholastic
retardation then the patient presented with snoring and or mouth
breathing. In Syed et al. the common presenting symptom was fullness
in the ear (50.3%) [15]. A general ear examination may show dullness,
air bubbles and fluid behind the tympanic membrane or reduced
mobility. In Syed et al. the common sign seen by otoscopic
examination was dull eardrum (72.18%), while in our study the
commonest was retraction of tympanic membrane [15]. The most
common type of tympanometry results seen among children with
OME in our study was type B (92%), Kemalolu et al. [27] and Pan et
al. [28] reported that B-type tympanogram positive predictive values
were 96% and 92.57% respectively. The overall diagnostic accuracy of
type B tympanogram for predicting middle ear effusion was 100% in
the group with parental suspicion of hearing loss giving a sensitivity of
100%, which was higher than the group whose parents were not
suspicious of hearing loss. That is, type B tympanogram is the best
diagnostic tool for predicting OME in the children with parental
suspicion of hearing loss [29]. Type A or C tympanogram sometime
could be seen in the group of children with OME, especially peak
pressure value is less than300 daPa. [30] The mean air-bone gap
obtained from PTA was 22.6 5.5 dB. Meanwhile, most cases showed
mild degree of hearing loss (54.8%). Thompson in 2008, Martines et al.
in 2010 and 2011 revealed that the worse conductive hearing loss
among children with OME was of moderate degree, which constitute
up to 10% compared with 20-35% having mild degree hearing loss
[15,27,31]. These results suggests that the degree of conductive hearing
loss among cases with OME cannot be worse than a moderate hearing
loss as the skull vibrate at intensities greater than 60-70 dB hearing
level allowing the signal to go straight to the inner ear; anything
greater than this is considered to be mixed hearing loss [31]. The study
was able to demonstrate a high prevalence of adenoid size especially

Commun Disord Deaf Stud Hearing Aids

ISSN:2375-4427 JCDSHA, an open access journal

grade 3+ (43.4%) among patients with OME, this was consistent with
another recent study done in Nigeria in 2010 on number of children
with OME, where they found a significant association between type B
tympanogram and the presence of significant nasopharyngeal
obstruction with odds ratio of 4.4 [32]. It was possible that such
adenoid, even though of small size, encroached laterally to obstruct the
ET of the involved ear, such lateral encroachment was reported to be
significant in influencing development of OME. It was also possible
that other risk factors for OME such as ET dysfunction were probably
responsible for the development of OME in those children with smallsized adenoids [32]. While most cases of OME will resolve
spontaneously, some children will need intervention because of the
effects of hearing loss. This intervention may take the form of
educational and social action or the provision of a hearing aid to
minimize the impact of the hearing loss. No non-surgical intervention
has yet been shown conclusively to be of benefit. Surgical management
usually takes the form of myringotomy and insertion of a ventilation
tube (grommet), with or without adenoidectomy [33]. There were
61.1% of our cases responded to medical treatment and the remaining
patients subjected to surgical interference. More than one third of the
surgical interference there were associated adenoidectomy, and 40%
they were associated tonsillectomy as well. The efficacy of
adenotonsillectomy on OME has been demonstrated by several
randomized and controlled studies. It was speculated that tonsil and
adenoid may play a role as an infectious focus to OME, so that some
authors stated that, patients suffering from recurrent or chronic OME
may benefit from adenotonsillectomy due to removal of an infectious
source in the nasopharynx rather than the removal of a large adenoid
mass [34].
From this study we concluded, there was significant correlation
between the size of adenoid and the type of tympanogram and hearing
threshold. The treatment was mainly medical, while surgical means if
indicated they were myringotomy accompanied mainly with





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Al-Juboori AN, Al-Aqeedee AA, Saeed HD (2014) Otitis Media with Effusion in Children: A Follow up Study in West Baghdad, Iraq.
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Volume 2 Issue 4 1000122

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