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BMW Car Radio-Bavaria C Buisiness RDS
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BMW CAR RADIO BAVARIA C BUSINESS RDS‘This operating manwalis available in the folowing languages: German No. 01 209785 030 English No. 01 21 9785 03% French No. 01 229785 032 ‘Spanish No, 01 23.9 785 033 Rian’ No. 01 249785 034 Swedish No.01 25 9785 035, Dutch” No. 01 26 9786-096 Danish No 01279 786 037 © 1991 Bayerische Motoren Werks (BMW) AG ‘Munich, Federal Republic of Germany ‘May not be reproduced, ether in part or whole, vwihout the witlen permsson oF BMW AG, Munich (Orse: No. 0 21 9 736091 English Vii9t Prnted n Germany=e aN in RDS TP [i ele ols aly mos Plame Os] CE | Display and control elements. 1 Onioff switch, volume control 2 LED for thiefprocfing function 3. Cassette slot 4 Display (Display of wavelengths, station in the case of an RDS station, channel, frequency, station search sensitivity, station key, tone setting, cassotte and CD eperation) TONE Selector key for tone, loudness, balance and fade control Tone acjustment Tone adjustment Track selection Noise reduction selection Cassette eject Dgene Memoryistation keys, code nurrber entry, CD selection Rado Data System Rogional stetion operation VHF (memory levels | and tt) Medium wave, long wave Trattic Program (station identification for traflic reports) Trafic Announcement (muting switch for announcementideniification) Function key (selection of manual frequency input CD operation and functions) Station search with ¢can function Station search keyYC Tal Back of radio/control unit ‘ati connection Attachment ‘etal dversity connection Flattype fuse, 5A Connecting bushing for: ~Front wet loudspeaker + 1) = Front ight ludspeaker (2) = Rear lft loudspeaker + (3) =Telephone mutira (4) = Positive terminal R (5) ~ Rear right loudspeker + (6) = Front tt loudspeaker — (8) UUUUUG TTT TI wr ° ag || bo. a5 556) all Ub Permanently positive terminal 30 (9) = Speedometer signal ior speed-deperdent vouume control (10) Front rightloudepeakor ~ (11) — Rear lof loudspeaker —(12) Lighting terminal 58g (13) Rear right loudspeaker — (14) Earth terminal $1 (15) Automatic aerial and windscreen geval ampltier 0° Sound HiFi amplifier (16) (Connections 7 and 17 are notin use) 6 Connection for CD 6 Sslektion CD changerEquipment and functions Radio operation —FM (VHF), AM (MWILW) radio reception =12 memery slots for FM, 6 each for ww — RDS function in FM range Stations are displayed by name and if ‘appropriate by channel rumber. When: ever a station can be picked up over Various frequencies, the frequency with the best reception quality will be auto: maticaly selected. REG operation in FM range Aregional channel s selected. ~ Station search with automatic or manual fine tuning Automatic station search with scan function = Manual frequency selection —Tralfic reports with station identiication (TP = Traffic Program) and Tratlic An ouncemant (TA) when the sound is muted ‘Audible signal if tis impossible to pick up a tratfic-report station, Volume raising for trattic reports i out put volume 's muted or very low. Volume control for trafic reports ‘Tone setting — Separate treble and bass contiols ~ Loudness: Treble and bass are raised at low vo ume settings = Fade contro: ‘Adjustment of balance between font ‘and rear loudspeakers = Balan Volume balance of lefthand and right hand loudspeakers Cassette operation ~ Automatic and manual track reversal = Motor-driven cassetie ejection ~ High-speed fast-forward and rewind — Music search function in either direction = Dolby” B and C noise reduction ~ Automate epe grade selecton andls- play ~ Automatic cleaning display ~ Cassette intertupion for vaticrepots Baby a he dle mal a0 asim of Doty dae pana” Dalby arate {ieansng Corporston A AT ES AT A MR CD operation Selection function for up to 6 CDs Tile browse in either direction —Flapid forward and reverse skip ~Tile'search with scan function ~ Random play. The so! plays titles at random ~ CD interruption for traffic reports = Temperature warning Electronic thiefprooting function Code-type thiefprooting LED for antithett protectionAuxillary equipment CD changer (BMW BAVARIA CD 6 SELEKTION) Aerial diversity: With mote than one aerial fitted, the set kroadeasts the signals from whichever ‘aorial is rocoiving the best signal. = Speec-dependant volume control Telephone muting: ‘The volume is automatically lowered when the telephone is in use, Muting is sly ted when trafic repons are ‘being broadcast.Radio operation =I Tone setting ig Cassette operation CD operation S Thiefproofing function ae Warranty conditions 7uo me a Tuning to a station via automatic search (HER) Sect dosirod wavoband Switch on radio: press volume control A different waveband is selected every time the kay is pressed ‘AM- between MW and LW FM— between FMI ard FMI Display: (EDD: Press key or hod it down, Tothe left: descending tequency se- ‘uence. othe right: ascending frequency se- ‘uence. Only strong stations are sought during the inital run; if 2 second run is necessary, fainter stations will also be sought Sensitvity level selection: Low sensitivity: Press key once. High sensitivity: Display: Press key twice. 1 strong station ‘maint station Tone setting - see Page 12 for details Via scan search ‘Switch on radio: press volume control (Hiiam) Select desired wavebane A different waveband is selected each time the key is pressed AM ~ between MW and LW FM — between FMI and FMIL Hy Pressey. Stations with strong reception are sought Inascending frequency sequence and are audible for about 8 seconds, Display: In order to continue listening to the station scanned: Press key again or press # or AD keys. ‘Tone setting -see Page 12for etal.Via manual frequency selection (Biiiag Seeet desis wavodana ‘Switch on radio: pross volume control AA different waveband is selected every time the key s pressed: ‘AM — between MIN and LW FM — between Fill and FMI GE Peess tuncton hoy Display’ (em 1056 mee) ress key within 8 seconds or (eUe} keep it pressed down for rapid search Tothe left descending frequency se. quence. To the right: ascending me frequency se- Tone setting see Page 12 for detais. RDS station reception RDS (Radio Data System) is a broadcast Ing and receiving gysiem in the VHF range which sets reception alternatives and displays the station names. The information is transmiited by the sta- tions via five signal codes: = Program Identification PI = Program Service name PS. = Alternative Frequencies AF = Tratfic Program TP = Trafic Announcement TA Even in the most unfavourable of condi tions, Altemative Frequency selection en- sures the best possible reception within a ‘certain reception area, If @ station which transmits RDS informa tion is picked up, the frequency is dis- played firs! and then after the information. has been evaluated the station name will appear. Tho radio always salocts the best fro- quency trom the alternatives being picked Up. A certain amount of time is needed to evaluate this information, depending on the strength of the signal being received. Note: Ifthe reception quality ofthe station being picked up decreases and there i no other irequency available. the radio begins a Search which is indicated in the display wit SEARCH. Iino interterence-free altemative is aval- able oF ifthe signal is too weak, the fre- ‘quency continues to be displayed. In order to turn the RDS function on or of Be In erdar to set the desired station: ress kay o¢ SC hoy ore = and ID keys. Display: Flashing up the irequeney display: (GH Kon ne = ard + boys pressed down at the same ‘me. To display the frequency permanently Press # end a a Picking up a regional channel Certain siations divide their main chan- nels up into regional channels either ‘throughout the day or at speci tmes. Regional channel splits can be identfed by fuctiation between more than one fe ‘quency on the same channel, as if the set wore. fauly, 28-4 resull of the siaton Switching t0 different frequencios or over lappng Ifa regional charnel decreases in ec9p- tion qualty cesotte the ROS function boar in mind thet fecional channels usualy only broadcast on a small number of fre- quencies, There Is therefore ite scope {br tre recaiver 10 locate regional chant nals on trequences whicn offer better re cepton 10 Rs TE ‘Selecting the desired regional channel: Mm ‘A regional channel's reception may be displayed in an abbreviated form, such as BR2 OBB" nz ames) Diepay: Note: the REG function has been switched on and the staton changes, a search auto- matically takes piace, displayed as ‘SEARCH. Traffic report reception Switching on and Display Press key, Only stations which also transmit traffic announcements are audible in the VHF range. The rado aulomatcally searches for One of nese stations and TF flashes. Cassette or GD operation is interrupted for the duration of a vaffic report. ihe TP key has net been pressed, aT ‘appoare in the display whenever a traffic- report station has bean picked up. To set a diferent trafic-report staton: (HOU) Press key or SC key or # and AP Keys. Only strong stations are sought during the intial run; f @ second run is necessary fanter stations will aso be sought ‘Once the reception area ofa trafio-report Station being picked up has been let, the radio automatically finds a new tratic-re- port station. If no such station is available, a warning signal wil be sounded briefly and the radio switches back tothe frequency pre viously tuned to.Setting the tatic report's volume: ‘Turn the volume contro) to set the desired volume during the traffic report. The last setting is stoced in the memory. Mating ‘Switching on: Press key when the traffic 1e- por function has been se a) ed ‘Only traffic reports are now audible, Display: [ BRVERH 5 | Removing muting BBD es orga or cater at ferent waveband or another operating mode, or press atter having switched the set off! Press TP key inthe cassette or CD mode. Memorizing stations 12 VHF (FMUFMID, 6 NW and 6 LW sta tions can be stored in the memory, A different waveband is selected every time the key is pressed: ‘AM — between MW and LW FM — between FMI and FMI Ifthe radio has been switched on, select desired wavebanc. Set desired etation’ (EG Press key or SC key or and I> keys. To memorize the station, press one of the station keys, 11..6 until the station becomes. adible again following a briof Intortuption. It he key nas already been assigned, the (old memory briefly flashes up. Display’ |" BAVERN 3 | ST When the RDS funotion is operating, a station should ony be memorized once the name ic displayed. Recalling a memorized station Select desired waveband, AA different wavaband is selected every ‘ime the key is pressed. AM — between MW and LW FM — between FN and FMI Pross desired station key 1.6. Ifthe station recalled cannot be picked up ‘emporarily, the radio automatically starts to search, Display: uTone setting (EI Tre gtoice of tone setings the display changes between BASS TREBLE FADE CON- TROL BALANCE LOUDNESS, depend- ing on how many times the key is briefly pressed. To change the setting GE Press 5 0 + hays oF Koop them held down ‘As the setting is atered. the scale charges. Dispiay: LOUDNESS is switched on by pressing the 4 key and switched off by pressing the Key. Average setting for bass, treble, balance and fade control Keep key pressed down for longor than 2 saconds. This_results in an average setting, LINEAR appears in the display. @ Setting the volume: turn the volume controCassette operation ‘Switch on set and insert cassette into cas~ sete slot as far asit wll go, with the tape facng the right. The set switches to cas- setie oparation and begins to play. Gas- sete ‘eproduction is displayed. ‘The set recognizes the type of cassette inserted — chromium dioxide (CrO2) and metal (FE| cassettes are displayed by cr. Stopping cassette operation cay en or ‘switch to CD operation. The electric motor ejects the cassette, which can then be removed. or {um ignition key to position 0 or witch off sot ‘The cassette temains in me cassette player. When the setis switched on again, Iris automaticaly n the cassette mode. 14 Setting noise reduction Depending on the number of times tho key is prossed, the set charges between aga, 00C ‘and Dolby (no display) Tape track selection @e- (Track 1 is the top and track 2 is the bok tom side}, When the tape has finished, the other track will automatically be played. Fast forward Dae >> Is displayed. The other track will be automatically played when the tape has finished. Tointerrupt fast forward: (EIU) Press key. Fast rewind (ary Pressey mice << Rappears in the display Ihe tape has been rewound fo the start itautomatically switches to replay. To interrupt rewinding (EB) Presskey. ‘Advance to next title te > appears in the display Tho tape ie advanced to the next ttle and switches to replay. The other track is played when the tape tras finished. ‘To interrupt advance: Pross key. Note: To operate tite search, there must be a break of at least 4 seconds between the Iles for the purposes of identifying the next piece of music.Repeating title (ay *e
) keep key pressed down unti TED) tnlarcitghnas ences The CD can be heard during fast forward ‘and >>appears in the display, as does the approprate tile number. Ii the end of the CD has been reached, ‘automaticaly starts to play the first ttle again. As org ae >>is displayed, itis possible, after Raving interrupted fast forward, to press the D key again to stat. Fast reverse EIT Piety prose hey, then before about 8 seconds have elapsed. hole down key until reverse should nave ended. GT Wie possible te boar the CD autng reverse and €¢R appears in the display, ‘as does the approprate tile number. Hine start of he CD has been reached, it ‘automaticaly switches to play. As long as¢
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