Steffi E036614
Steffi E036614
Steffi E036614
Institut fur Theoretische Physik III, Universitat Giessen, D-35392 Giessen, Germany
Laboratoire de Physique de la Matie`re Condensee, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
Centre de Mathematiques et de leurs Applications, Ecole Normale Superieure, 94140 Cachan, France
Received 5 February 2001; revised manuscript received 3 October 2001; published 28 February 2002
It is shown that fractal drums and jagged geometry resonators may be more damped than ordinary Euclidean
systems. Several damping mechanisms are examined and studied by numerical calculations. The results depend
on the dissipation mechanisms but globally they increase with localization, frequency, and the irregularity of
the resonator. The increased dissipation is due to the uneven spatial distribution of the vibrational amplitude in
two different ways. First, it is related to the partial confinement of the vibrational modes. Secondly, increased
dissipation may be due to singularities in the amplitude distribution. This is the case when a few points exist
where the vibration is pinned to zero inducing local logarithmic singularities. This last effect can be spectacular: a single defect can dominate the surface damping by viscous forces of a square drum.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.65.036614
65 036614-1
n ,
A 2n 2n
2n 2
n x,y
dz n
dF d .
dF d dxdy K 1
K 3 d
d 2z n
dx 2
dz n
dz n
K 2
d 2z n
dy 2
/dt ].
the boundary. For simplicity we do not consider these complex effects, assuming that they can be neglected as compared to the other damping mechanisms. Then, the force
on an element dxdy takes the simple form dF 1
dxdyK 1 (dz n /dt) and the value of P n is P 1,n
A 2n K 1 n .
The second term is proportional to the gradient of the
local membrane velocity. It corresponds, for example, to
damping due to the viscosity of an embedding fluid 6. If
the fluid above and below the membrane is pushed by the
membranes displacement, its vertical velocity will depend
on x and y. There will exist a gradient in the fluid velocity
and an associated viscous force and dissipation. Here the
damping is due to a vertical viscous force of the form dF d
dxdyK 2 (dz n /dt) dxdyA n K 2 n sin(nt)n(x,y).
The amplitude gradient n (x,y) is the strain of the membrane. The energy loss per cycle in this case is P 2,n
A 2n K 2 n dxdy n n . The damping depends on the
spatial distribution of the vibration and strain and thus on the
geometry of the drum.
The third term describes damping due to internal viscosity
if the membrane is viscoelastic. Owing to its finite thickness,
the upper part of the membrane is slightly more stretched
than the lower part. In this case the upper layer moves relatively to the lower layer. As these layers slide, there exists a
viscous force which dissipates energy. The relative horizontal displacement is proportional to the curvature d 2 z n /dx 2
d 2 z n /dy 2 z . It is also proportional to the membrane
and thickness 15. The energy loss per cycle in this case is
P 3,n A 2n K 3 n
dxdy n
d 2 n
dx 2
d 2 n
dy 2
. 7
Q 2,n
Q 3,n
K 1 n
dV 2n
K 2 n
dV n n
K 3 n
Q NL,n
sin 2 /3 ,
where r 0 is of the order of the local small scale of the irregular geometry. For a fractal drum r 0 is of the order of the
small cut-off scale of the fractal. The gradient / r
r 1/3 tends to infinity when r tends to 0 3. This corresponds to a local infinite stress and strain of the membrane.
Such a property should be true around every salient point in
the structure.
Note that real physical objects only present rounded
wedges. Around these wedges, the derivative does not tend
to infinity but to a large finite value proportional to the inverse of the curvature radius of the contour.
Due to the existence of singularities, precise eigenfunctions are required. The method described in 7 was chosen
because it allows for the large spatial resolution required for
the study of fractal resonators. The computation is made on a
discretized square grid with lattice distance a. The 200300
lower modes have been computed and are studied here. The
states are given by their numerical values at sites i, j of the
square grid, normalized by the relation
, 10
dV n n
represent damping
The constants K 1 , K 2 , K 3 , and K NL
factors which depend on the specific system and its material
properties. For simplicity, they are assumed to be frequency
dV n d n /dx d n /dy
A 1
2n i, j 1.
i, j
FIG. 2. Fundamental mode n1. Top: Distribution of the amplitude. Bottom: Distribution of the absolute value of the strain or
amplitude gradient. One observes strain peaks at the salient edges,
but the edges situated in the bays are partially screened and see
smaller strains. Courtesy of J. F. Colonna.
As indicated by Eqs. 811, the Q values depend directly on the spatial distribution of the eigenfunctions and
their gradients. The vibration distribution is shown for states
n1 and n4 in Figs. 2 and 3. One can observe that the
modes are singular near the wedges of the boundary, i.e.,
their derivatives are infinite at particular points on the surface. The fundamental state is localized in the large central
region of the drum. It decays very rapidly when entering
narrow regions 7. Second, the absolute value of the gradient is smaller in narrower regions. This is caused by the
decrease of the amplitude itself. The decrease of the gradient
corresponds to a screening effect analogous to Laplacian
screening. For Laplacian screening, the region with large Laplacian fields here n ) has a dimension equal to 1, inde-
FIG. 3. Mode n4. Top: amplitude distribution. Bottom: distribution of the absolute value of the strain or amplitude gradient. At
higher frequency, because of the smaller wavelength, the modes
penetrate more deeply into the narrower regions close to the boundary and the strain peaks are more uniformly distributed. Courtesy of
J. F. Colonna.
4n x,y dxdy
FIG. 5. Q NL in arbitrary units for homogenous nonlinear damping in different geometries plotted versus the normalized frequencies / 0 . The symbols represent, respectively, squares for the
square initiator, empty triangles () for the fractal drum of first
generation, empty triangles () for the generation 2, filled triangles
() for generation 3, and circles for the rough structure. The same
symbols as in Fig. 4. There exists a strong effect of the frequency
and of the geometry. One observes that in the same frequency range
the fractal drums exhibit a large dispersion of the Q factors. This is
due to very different localization effects, as shown in Sec. IV.
to Eq. 13. The relative localization volume V n /L 2 or participation ratio measures the relative volume occupied by
this mode.
Figure 6 shows the different localization volumes V n /L 2
computed from the amplitude distributions. The states are
indexed by their normalized frequencies / 0 and the different symbols refer to different geometries. The cloud of
points in this figure are indicative of the wide dispersion of
the participation ratios, first, between different systems and
second, also for a given system. Only for the square drum,
where the eigenstates are delocalized sine functions, V n /L 2
4/90.44 for all states. The relative localization volumes
of the second triangles down and the third-order drum
filled triangles are distributed between 0.05 and 0.35. These
values reflect a very different behavior of the corresponding
modes. The upper values are not very distinct from the value
of a regular square drum and accordingly, the respective
wave functions are more or less distributed over the whole
system. The modes that are significantly more confined than
V n /L 2 0.3, are called localized. Most interesting are the
modes with values of less than 0.1. We can see in the figure
that there are several of them that occur in branches around
special frequencies. Examples are the modes around / 0
10 and 14 for the second-order drum. It is exactly those
modes which show the smallest Q NL factors in Fig. 5. A
different behavior is found for the rough drum circles. Its
localization volumes above 0.3) indicate that its vibrations
are not localized, as expected as this resonator possesses no
screened regions. The following discussion permits us to relate in a formal manner the observed dispersion in Fig. 5 to
the observed dispersion in Fig. 6 linking directly damping
and localization.
Using V n one can obtain a rough estimate of the quality
factors by distinguishing between regions of large and small
amplitude. We consider the regions of large amplitude and
define an average absolute amplitude by n
V 1
n dxdy n . For a localized mode, assuming that the
amplitude is approximately zero outside its localization volume, one can write the normalization condition as n 2
V n 1 or
n V n 1/2.
dV V n 0 n 0 .
This semiquantitative prediction means that Q 2,n is essentially independent of frequency and localization, which is
compatible with the data in Fig. 2 where we found that the
effects of geometry are relatively small.
The situation is very different for the nonlinear damping,
where we find by the same estimations that Q NL,n is of the
Q NL,n 1
dV n 2 V n 1/2 n 2 . 17
FIG. 7. Q NL in arbitrary units versus (V n /L ) for all systems, including the square generator. Same symbols as in Fig. 4.
Note that the vertical scale is linear whereas the scale on Fig. 5 is
2 1/2
In the last two sections we study cases where the dissipation mechanism is not distributed uniformly over the membrane. In the first case of practical interest, only the periphery
of the drum presents internal viscosity case 3. The membrane is purely elastic in the drum interior and viscoelastic
along the boundary of the resonator. This situation is of practical interest when one wishes to dampen spurious high frequency resonances of membranes. It is linear damping described by Eq. A2 but the integration has to be performed
only over a small layer along the boundary. We call the quality factor Q b3 .
The power P 3,n dissipated along the boundary can be
written from Eq. 7 as
P 3,n A 2n K 3 n
n a n a ,
2n a ,
where the sum runs over all boundary sites. The value of the
sum in Eq. 19 depends on the amplitude distribution and
the localization close to the boundary. Note that the square
and the rough generator show no localization. If the amplitudes behave approximately as sine waves, the amplitude
value next to the boundary is proportional to (a/) and thus
to n . It is also proportional to the amplitude factor
n (V n ) 1/2 of Eq. 15 which depends on localization.
n 2 ) 1 (V n )
Q b3 ( n n,b
( n n,b 1) , where the prime denotes the active bound runs over all boundary sites in the
ary and the sum n,b
localization regions of mode n.
This argument, which is valid for all the structures, explains the frequency power law. The interpretation of the
dependence of Q b3 on the localization, on the other hand, is
difficult, because Q b3 depends both on the localization volume and on the set of perimeter sites which are active in
the localization volume. Also, the local irregularity around
wedges could play a role as its relative contribution to damping effects could be larger than in the case of homogeneous
damping. To disentangle these various factors would require
the computation of the eigenmodes of fractal drums of higher
generations with sufficient resolution. This is currently not
In any case, if one wishes to increase the damping by the
singular behavior of the strain, one should search for a stronger divergence around salient points. This is found around
needles where behaves as r 1/2 and therefore as r 1/2.
Even in that extreme case the integrands for the various integrals mentioned above are regular and the singularities of
the geometry play only a small role. In contrast, the existence of pinned points inside a regular drum will create logarithmic singularities which might dominate the damping.
This is shown in the next section.
FIG. 10. Q b,
3 in arbitrary units for square membranes with different numbers of pinned points, plotted versus the normalized frequencies / 0 . The different symbols represent the normal square
without pinned points open squares and the systems of Fig. 10: a
full squares, b diamonds, and c open circles. Inset: The wave
function (r) is plotted against the horizontal distance r from a
pinned point filled circles and from the boundary open circles
for the system of Fig. 9a. It can be recognized that (r)log r for
r0 around the pinned point and (r)sin rr at small distances
from the boundary.
We would like to thank Jean-Francois Colonna for providing us with Figs. 2 and 3 and Markus Dejmek and Armin
Bunde for a careful reading of the manuscript and for interesting remarks. One of us S.R. has benefited from the
E.E.C. program Human Capital and Mobility. The computation was performed at the Institut du Developpement et
des Ressources en Informatique Scientifique IDRIS in Orsay, France. CNRS is unite mixte du CNRS No. 1254.
dxdy n n
a 2 /2
n i, j n i1,j n i, j
i, j
n i1,j n i, j n i, j1
n i, j n i, j1 n i, j .
In the same way the integrals in Eqs. 10 and 11 are expressed on the discretization grid as
a 2
n i, j n i1,j n i1,j 2 n i, j
i, j
n i, j1 n i, j1 2 n i, j ,
dxdy n n 2 a 2 /2
n i, j n i1,j
i, j
n i, j 2 n i1,j
n i, j 2 n i, j1
n i, j 2 n i, j1
n i, j 2 .