Frank Kepple On Noticing
Frank Kepple On Noticing
Frank Kepple On Noticing
Words simply cannot explain the sheer intensity of the beauty of these experiences. The
feelings are profoundly intense and ecstatic to the point where you feel like every fibre of your
being is dancing, singing, and revelling in the unexplainably intense and exquisite joy of the
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experience... You feel like you are trillions and trillions of light years from the physical,
revelling in dimensions of mind-boggling beauty... all concept, all notions, all idea of the
physical is just completely, totally and utterly lost. When I am in these states, I feel like I am
home, and there lies the danger. And that's why the physical never comes back to you in
the same way you left it.
Frank J. Kepple
Table of Contents
Several years ago, I was browsing an internet forum entirely unrelated to spiritual matters. In the
off-topic section, there was a thread titled "Astral Projection Technique." Curious, I clicked the
title and read the opening post.
The author of the thread claimed that, by using a certain visualization while falling asleep, he
was able to leave his body. At which point, he was free to fly around, explore other planets, and
travel to some "elsewhere" place called the astral plane, inhabited by spirits and souls of the
deceased. He claimed to travel to his friends' houses and verify their activities at the time,
proving the reality of the experience. What's more, he could travel backwards and forwards in
time, visit alternate realities, and occasionally break through to "higher planes" where he
encountered angelic beings and had powerful transcendent experiences.
I found such a bold claim absurd. I put no stock in such weird things, having abandoned my
religious beleifs after graduating high school. I was about to exit the thread before something
caught my eye-- the author went through a step-by-step walkthrough of his technique. By
practicing the steps given, I too could leave my body and verify the experience for myself.
This was deeply unsettling. For the most part, I only believed in what I could detect with my five
physical senses. There was no "afterlife" or "spirit world" as far as I could tell. Even when I was
religious as a child, I was taught to take everything on faith-- God and heaven were well beyond
my grasp until physical death. But, if I used this technique, maybe something magical would
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Thus began a strange and beautiful journey that dramatically changed my personality and the
direction of my life for the better. Along the way, I have spent countless hours reading about
I soon encountered the work of Robert Monroe, a successful businessman who began
experiencing spontaneous OBEs in 1958 after listening to sleep-learning tapes. Monroe
rejected the occult belief systems surrounding the out-of-body experience and found his own
answers, encouraging others to do the same. His most common answer to any questions
regarding OBEs was "Go find out for yourself!" Monroe developed an audio technology called
Hemi-Sync that aided the listener in accessing altered states of consciousness, including the
out-of-body state.
I took to Monroe for a number of reasons. His work was free from occult terminology and
religious dogma, and he seemed to maintain an open and skeptical mind throughout his
explorations. Even though he was a major iconoclast, I trusted Monroe's experiences more than
any other out-of-body explorer.
In following Monroe's path, I encountered the work of Frank Kepple. Frank is unknown outside
of certain online circles, but during his time at the Astral Pulse discussion forums, he made
some monumentous discoveries of his own. Frank developed his own model of
consciousness, perfected a new OBE-induction technique, and even went beyond the farthest
reaches of Monroe's explorations, finding an entirely new "level" of consciousness. (Though
Monroe certainly had some mind-blowing transcendent experiences of his own.)
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In 2005, Frank was working on publishing a book and setting up a virtual classroom to teach
others his techniques. He fell into ill health and was forced to retire from online particpation. He
has not been heard from since, and is presumed to be deceased. Thus, despite the critical
importance of his work, it has yet to be widely promoted.
Which brings us to this resource.
Frank made many posts on the Astral Pulse discussion forum over the years. Douglas Eckhart
(aka Gandalf) took content from these posts and put together the Frank Kepple Resource, a
web page devoted to Frank's model for the Wider Reality. This resource was an excellent aid in
my own endeavors. I have read it many times over. However, it left much unsaid.
In order to more fully promote the work of Frank Kepple, I have put together The Expanded
Frank Kepple Resource, which builds on the original created by Douglas. This expanded
resource contains more of Frank's words on the structure and content of the Wider Realtiy, the
nature of consciousness, and an extensive practical section devoted to Frank's method for
exploring the Wider Reality, which he called phasing. Frank's input on a wide variety of related
issues has been included as well.
In several parts of the Expanded Resource, the reader will find editor's notes enclosed in
brackets. These are sections of text where I feel it is beneficial to include additional information
and context.
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This expanded resource is dedicated to Frank, and is composed mostly of Frank's own words.
Thus, I find it unnecessary to take any credit for piecing it together. I offer this resource
anonymously so that Frank's work gets the credit that it deserves.
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This web page is intended to provide a detailed overview of Frank Kepple's model for Astral
Reality, or what he refers to as the Wider Reality. Frank's findings concerning a range of related
issues has also been included so as to provide a one stop resource for those who wish to learn
about Frank's contribution to afterlife research. If the theories presented here are of interest to
you, then I recommend that you look up Franks posts on the Astral Pulse discussion forums
where all of this information and more, can be found.
The information here has been culled from Frank's many posts on the Astral Pulse forums over
the years. What you will read is Frank in his own words, as far as possible; I have had to
paraphrase here and there and restructure some paragraphs in order to present the information
in its current format.
I have created this resource as a tribute to Frank and to promote his own findings in the field of
afterlife studies. Frank's work has built upon the pioneering research of Robert Monroe and
provides an update to it. I believe Frank's new model is of critical importance and deserves to
be promoted. I hope you will find his contribution to the exploration and understanding of the
astral world as rewarding and stimulating as it has been for me.
Douglas Eckhart (Gandalf)
Editor of the Frank Kepple Resource
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Before I let Frank take over, I thought I would provide a brief introduction to his background for
those that may be unfamiliar with the man himself:
Frank Kepple is an English researcher who has a long term interest in the theory and practical
application of astral projection and exploration, out of body experiences and related areas of
afterlife studies. He graduated in Electronics and worked as a Science Consultant in industry for
many years before taking early retirement in the South of France so as to more fully
concentrate on his research.
Frank first became interested in afterlife studies and the work of pioneering astral researcher
and author Robert A Monroe when he came across one of his books in a second hand book
shop over 20 years ago. On a whim, Frank decided to read it as he thought that the author was
either completely mad or onto something. Frank did not blindly accept everything that Monroe
wrote; neither did he automatically dismiss it all: His scientific outlook led him to put Monroe's
findings to the test by trying to replicate his work. Only then would he be satisfied that Monroe
was indeed onto something. He never looked back!
Not only did Frank replicate Monroe's work, he pushed the boundaries of Monroe's research
even further. In recent years, Frank has spent a lot of time contributing to the Astral Pulse
discussion forums where he has provided a wealth of information and invaluable advice to
many. One of his aims in recent years has been to set up a 'Frank Kepple Foundation' in order
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to promote his own research, although this project has yet to be realised.
Frank has since retired from on-line participation due to ill-health, but it is hoped that this
resource will provide a detailed overview of his research to date, so that people will continue to
build upon his work in the future, just as he built upon the work of Monroe. Modern research into
the Wider Reality is only just beginning...
What follows is Frank in his own words:
Around 20 years ago, I came across the subject of astral projection when I just happened to
see Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body in the window of a newly-opened New-Age bookstore
in the vicinity of where I was living at the time. For some reason (and now, of course, I know the
reason) I felt compelled to buy the book out of sheer curiosity. Which was strange because
there's no way you'd ever find me in a shop like that (not even now) least of all buying some
OBE mumbo jumbo.
I read the book through a number of times. After which my sense of logic said to me this is
complete nonsense; but my curiousity had been ignited to the extent where I thought, well, what
if it isn't.
So I fought myself for a while and came to a conclusion. I thought, right, let's assume that
everything written in this book, as amazing and as loony as it may seem, let's assume it is all
real. So, I'll give these exercises a genuine try, over a reasonable period of time, and, if it is just
a load of mystical mumbo-jumbo then nothing will happen.
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Well, much to my surprise, I began to get projection symptoms and I never looked back. Which
is why I feel that if these skeptics would spend just one ounce of effort actually attempting OBE
for themselves, many of them would finally start to get an inkling of what people such as myself
have been going on about all this time.
Prior to that I had no notion whatever of anything to do with astral projection. I enjoyed my own
inner-space, as it were, and I was definitely an introspective person. I liked my own company
and being amongst nature (still do) but I was by no means a loner. I have always enjoyed
physical life and in my youth, I was ambitious to the extent where I cringe now thinking about it. I
had my dreams just like any other person, but never attached any particular significance to
them. To me they were just dreams and that was that. You could say then I didnt have a
mystical or religious bone in my body and, despite my 20-odd years of non-physical
experiences, I still say the same.
So you could say that on the one hand I was not a believer, as such. But on the other hand I
was not dismissing it entirely. I was merely curious as to which of my conclusions was the most
apt. I had no particular favour for either one. Okay, it was surprising that I received some
definite effects. But this was more light-hearted surprise as opposed to a surprise founded on a
definite bias to the contrary. Because knowing what I know now, I think that if I had begun from
the standpoint of being biased towards Monroe being insane, this would have precluded me
from having the experiences that I did. My saying that is pure conjecture, of course. But it does
appear the case that a persons ability to perceive is directly proportional to their willingness to
believe. You have to be open to it, so you dont close yourself off from having these
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More traditional mystical approaches tend to refer to all the 'astral worlds', 'planes' and the like,
that are meant to exist beyond our physical world. The reality is that all these other
'planes/worlds', including the physical, are in fact part and parcel of one entire spectrum of
consciousness, intertwined. I call the totality of our consciousness, when everything is included
together, as the Wider Reality. As we are primarily focused on the physical world, we only really
perceive the physical. This leads us to think that the rest of the Wider Reality is somewhere
else. This is incorrect. The Wider Reality is in fact ALL here, the crucial factor is that we have
chosen to focus our awareness into a specific area of that entire spectrum of consciousness
for the purpose of gathering experience.
Now, the Wider Reality is apportioned into 4 Primary Areas that I label Focus 1 to Focus 4
inclusive. You can call them what you like. The actual label you place is irrelevant. For ease of
understanding, however, we need to call them something simple and logical.
Right, so consciousness is apportioned into 4 areas. Someone asked me recently if there was
anything beyond Focus 4, i.e. a Focus 5 or such like. The answer is, to my knowledge, within
our particular system there are just 4 Primary areas. But consciousness doesn't end there.
Consciousness is infinite. There may well be an infinite number of other systems either like
ours or perhaps wildly different. But let's just concentrate on the structure of our particular
system and get people projecting properly with that first.
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Our system can be divided into Focus 1, Focus 2, Focus 3, and Focus 4. Together they form
the totality of our Consciousness Continuum, or all that is (at least in our system). Each of us
has our very own Consciousness Continuum that exists across these four areas.
Okay, so here's one of the most important aspects you MUST understand: When I say there
are 4 Primary Areas in our Wider Reality, I want you to fully realise beyond any doubt that these
areas are NOT places! They are FOCUSES OF ATTENTION along your very own
'Consciousness Continuum'.
Monroe was a pioneer in this and he was the very first person, to my knowledge, who realised
that these areas were actually focuses of attention and not places. Hence the term "focus" in
the focus numbers that Monroe talks about such as Focus 10, Focus 21, etc. Why "focus"?
You might ask. Well, that is the reason.
Now, our Wider Reality is apportioned into 4 Primary Areas and each person has what is called
their Primary Focus. Anyone reading this within the physical (Focus 1) has their Primary Focus
set to the physical. When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift our
focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1. Think of your Primary Focus as your
"home focus" if you like. Say you visit a friend at another address. For the duration of your visit,
the address of your friend's location has become the address of your location also. But that's
only for the duration of your visit. Your home address remains the same. It's just that you've
changed address temporarily. And that's what we do when we project. Our Primary Focus
remains the same, but we temporarily shift our focus of attention to another area of our
consciousness continuum.
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Throughout the time we are alive and kicking within the physical, our Primary Focus is Focus 1.
Now, when a person dies, what we objectively view as "death" is an objective representation or
translation of the person switching their Primary Focus from Focus 1 to Focus 3 of
consciousness. You see, when you switch your Primary Focus, all subjective interaction with
your physical body is stopped. In other words, the physical shell stops functioning as you shed
it and go to live within Focus 3. This area is known as the Transition Area for various reasons.
Now, I just want to say again, that all this is not some weird and whacky theory I happened to
dream up one day. What I am saying to you is how it is, as far as I can tell. Everything I am
putting across to you I have experienced first hand. With a little effort and a little practice on
your part, you can experience it too. Ignore those that claim you have to reach a particular
"level" of "incarnation" before you can access the "higher" areas. We actually occupy ALL of
consciousness ALREADY. Every one of us has the EXACT SAME subjective structure! There
is no such thing as any one person being more advanced than any other. In fact, the people
who have the hardest or most difficult time in Transition, tend to be the highly religious and
deeply spiritual types. They just get bogged down in their own belief constructs and end up
trudging through the Astral Mud, as I call it.
One of the great benefits of knowing how the Wider Reality is organised is when you die, you
know exactly where you are and exactly what to do. Rather than end up floundering in the dark
not knowing anything. But there are many other benefits you can gain from this too while you are
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Now, there are 4 Primary Areas and your current Primary Focus is Focus 1.
I want you to also think of these Primary Areas as being intertwined with each other. They are
not strung out in a big long line. They are all continually intertwined and connected. Remember
they are NOT places. For example, in the physical you may be in one town, then you travel
down the road to the next town. These areas are NOT like that. They are all intermeshed and
intertwined with one another. Because of this, it is perfectly possible to objectively experience 2
or more Primary Areas at once simply by tuning your focus of attention. You do NOT have to
"travel" anywhere. Within the physical, we have Time, Space and Distance to contend with. But
once you "step outside" the physical there is no Time, so there is no Space or Distance either.
But that's not to say you do not perceive the idea of Space and Distance coupled with a
semblance of Time passing. But these notions are mere legacies from having lived within the
physical world and have no bearing in fact.
Many people ask me how I travel from one area to the next. I don't, because there is no Space
to travel through. I used to have difficulty in navigating the Wider Reality. Then, one day, the
penny dropped. The difficulties I was having were not because navigation is difficult. My
difficulties were coming about through my failing to realise just how easy it was. I was trying to
travel from point a to point b as in the physical. In other words I was trying to travel through
Space over a Distance and there is no such thing. Everything within the Wider Reality is
contained within the same point. So if you are at one place, you are at all places at the same
time. Because there is no Space. That is why I say we each occupy all of consciousness
already. The only difference is in your objective perception of your surroundings in terms of
where, along your consciousness continuum, you are focusing your attention. And that comes
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right back to what I was saying on the outset: these areas are NOT places, they are focuses of
Are you beginning to see now why these areas are NOT places?
So we all know Focus 1 of consciousness. It is the physical. Focus 1 incorporates what I call
the Wider Physical. This would include the region some call the real-time-zone or RTZ.
Personally, I dislike using the term real-time-zone as there is no such thing as "real" time and it
is not a "zone". But, then again, I look at this with a scientific air and, in science, you have to be
congruent as to the terms you use and get your definitions in order.
To be honest, I can't see the point of projecting into the RTZ (or the Wider Physical). Apart
from the novelty value, there isn't much you can do and it would appear a LOT of effort for very
little return. Because of that we will start with Focus 2 of consciousness.
Focus 2 of consciousness is what is commonly known by psychologists, as your "sub
conscious" but there is nothing "sub" about it. Focus 2 is where most people do their dreaming,
lucid dreaming, their "astral projecting", their meeting up with all manner of demons and devils,
etc. Focus 2 of consciousness contains all manner of personal faculties such as your memory
and your imagination. Without Focus 2 of consciousness we simply wouldn't be able to think
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rationally or create anything within the physical. It holds all our belief constructs that we happen
to subscribe to. And it is this latter point that is rather interesting. You can actually project within
Focus 2 of consciousness and objectively view representations of your very own belief
constructs that you hold. However, taking on board the fact that people typically think that this
area of consciousness (to them the Astral) is a separate place, the Astral will actually become
whatever you believe it is! This simple fact, unbelievably, has been the source of thousands of
years of confusion as regards the wider reality.
The problem has been simply that mystics have always thought they were projecting to some
place outside of themselves. Yet what you are actually viewing, within Focus 2 of
consciousness, are the objective representations of your very own belief constructs. So if you
actually believe the Astral is packed full of demons and devils... then demons and devils you
shall perceive. Because what you are actually viewing are the objective representations of your
own beliefs. People have the idea that "the Astral" is a weird and magical place where you get
all manner of Alice in Wonderland effects such as your thoughts coming to life. Many mystics
just accept this as a given and lead people into thinking they could possibly meet up with all
manner of doom, gloom and danger.
But do these people ever stop to think, even for a moment WHY their thoughts come to life?
WHY there is such a thing as an Alice in Wonderland effect?
It is only when you look at the situation from the point of view of a scientist trying to objectively
make sense of it all that you realise the simple reason of why this effect comes about. For
almost 5 years I battled with this question. I fought all manner of demons and devils and slayed
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dragons galore. Then, one day, the penny dropped. I realised that thought equals action. That
was it! I was in a place where thought equals action. I remember the time distinctly even to this
day around 18 years later. But it was only much later when I realised precisely WHY thoughts
equalled action in this weird and wonderful kind of place called the Astral... WHY did thought
equal action? Simple! It was because I was projecting into my own mind. In other words, I was
offering myself the objective knowing of my very own internal subjective actions!
This simple realisation led me on an amazing voyage of discovery through my very own mind. It
was truly fascinating as I learnt to know myself from the inside out, so to speak. Wow, if I had a
problem, I could now step right into myself and find a likely solution. Plus, it was from this
realisation that I got to know about the way the subjective and the objective translates both in
terms of awareness and in terms of energy. This latter discovery has since helped me to make
some very profound realisations about the Wider Reality.
Focus 3 is even more interesting: This area of consciousness is a collective term that
incorporates all of Monroe's Focus 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 areas. This region features all the
'Hollow Hells', 'Hollow Heavens' and everything in-between. Monroe's Focus 27 represents the
'upper level' of my Focus 3. Focus 3 is where we all go when we 'die' i.e. after physical death
our primary focus switches from Focus 1 to Focus 3. Focus 3 is also known as the Transition
Area, for reasons which will be explained in due course.
Focus 3 is what I call a 'common area' of our Consciousness Continuum. This means that
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unlike Focus 2, which is ours alone and can only be experienced by ourselves, our Focus 3
area of consciousness intertwines with everyone else's; we can all share in each other's Focus
3 areas of consciousness and interact with each other. As you step into Focus 3 then you will
find that it is much like the physical is. Here you can meet people in a totally objective sense
exactly as you can while physical. Within this region it is obvious these people are not merely
creations of your own imagination. It is as obvious as it is apparent that other people are not
merely creations of your imagination within the physical.
There are billions of people on the mid to upper branches all interacting with each other in an
objective sense, just as we all do within the physical. The upper branches of Focus 3 are VERY
physical-world like indeed, even better in fact on the top-most branches. In my mind I call it the
supra physical, sort of like the physical on steroids! In Focus 3 you will find an almost infinite
variety of different environments that people have created for themselves to live in, either
knowingly or unknowingly. Many of these environments are wonderful and beautiful, some are
boring and others are horrific. When people create objects and environments in Focus 3, these
things remain until removed, so it is possible to turn up at a location long forgotten about by its
creator. It may even have other people hanging about in it! You could even stick around here
and add your own touches if you like! Creating things in Focus 3 is slightly tricky as it involves
the subjective creation process but with practice you can get the hang of it.
Note: One of the most fundamental rules of the Wider Reality that you must take on board is the
rule of 'Like attracts Like'.
This is important in order to understand the myriad 'worlds' of Focus 3: After physical 'death',
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people with similar beliefs and values will tend to gravitate towards the environments in Focus 3
populated by those of similar beliefs (their collective beliefs created these areas). Furthermore,
they will tend to stay there until they have a fundamental shift in beliefs and/or values, at which
point they will move on to 'higher' regions of Focus 3 where people are more free thinking.
These 'upper areas' of Focus 3, where people are happily free of dogmatic beliefs, are the
regions labelled Focus 27 by Monroe. The number of environments in these upper reaches of
Focus 3 is huge but here you will find many of the environments described by Monroe, such as
'The Park', the 'Life Review Centre' and so on.
Just to clarify: Focus 3 is HUGE! So say I have had experience with 2 thousand people on the
lower branches, as I call them, of the Focus 3 tree. This 2 thousand may account for 10% of
people (highly unlikely!), 1%, or 0.0000000000001% (perhaps looking more likely). I really have
no way of knowing at this stage. There is so much to explore here!
Focus 4 is the real mind blow! This is the 'top end' of our Continuum of Consciousness. It is
pure subjective energy. When we engage with Focus 4 we become our 'Wider Selves'. This is
the end goal of Focus 3. This is why Focus 3 is also called the Transition Area. Focus 3 allows
us to prepare (at our own pace, be it centuries or thousands of years in some cases) for our
eventual primary switch to Focus 4.
Primary Focus 4 of consciousness is the subjective source of all the actions in consciousness.
You see, the energy for our actions has to come from somewhere. We don't just create
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something from nothing. An idea, for example, is an action in consciousness. It is energy with a
particular direction, you could say. Now that energetic action had to be sourced from
somewhere, in the sense that the raw energy didnt just come from nowhere.
When we look at ourselves in terms of energy, what we are is essentially a human energetic
transducer that converts raw subjective energy into objective becoming of all manner of
description. When we project within subjective reality, each of us typically places ourselves in
the position or anticipation of facing objects. But when you enter Primary Focus 4, you cast off
all notions of things and begin merging with the underlying subjective energy. That same
energy, down the line, as it were, will ultimately split off here and there (again all in a manner of
speaking) and create a thing. That thing could be a soccer ball, a human being, a house, a
plant, a giraffe, or whatever.
Now, in merging with energy, I do NOT mean you are merging into a vast pool of nothingness.
On the contrary, typically, you are merging with a specific action of energy. I suppose you could
say, in a very broad sense (and only in a very broad sense) you are merging with a thing but a
thing in terms of its conceptualisation, or its source in other words. And that source of all that is
within our system is Primary Focus 4 of consciousness.
So, ultimately, all things can be traced to an action in energy, the ultimate source of which is
Primary Focus 4. So you could say that Primary Focus 4 is the area of the action of the thought
before it is created. But again, only in a manner of speaking because, from the Primary Focus 4
standpoint, there is no before. All simply is. The concept of before comes into it as the action
is engaged further down the line as it were.
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I freely admit that I (for one) do not have the full answers. I will not get them until I can take in
the full picture of Focus 4 of consciousness. I am not even sure whether it is actually possible
for a physically focused individual to take in that full picture. With my very latest work in making
inroads into Focus 4, I have made developments now to the extent where if I had published a
book on my Focus 4 experiences 6 months ago I'd want to scrap it already. Focus 2 and Focus
3 are easy by comparison, as they are so earth like or human like and people have usually
just made something up for the rest. In the olden days they called it god in significance of all
they couldnt explain. But technology moves on, our understanding widens, and this topic is no
different. Today we are attempting to broaden our understanding and pave the way for the new
paradigm. So here we are calling it Focus 4 of consciousness. An area in consciousness that
we can now learn to experience for ourselves (with a little effort in the right direction, of course).
Now, anything involving Focus 4 of consciousness is completely mind blowing, and I do not say
this lightly. It is an area I have not been able to explore as fully as I would like. It is my current
challenge, you could say.
The BIG difficulty with Focus 4 is that its an area of fully subjective reality. There is no notion of
Time, so in turn there is no notion of Space either. Focus 4 occupies no Space at all and yet it
encompasses the other areas, namely, Focus 1, 2 and 3. So our whole physical universe (and
all the other universes besides, but lets put them aside for a moment) is encompassed by
Focus 4. Yet outside of Focus 4 there is nothing because Focus 4 encompasses all that is
within our system. Focus 4 occupies no space, yet it encompasses our whole physical
universe. Okay, so thats the first hurdle. Problem is, to us, if something occupies no space
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So how does my model equate with Monroe's? Well, in most ways they sit very well together.
My model can best be viewed as a simplified version of Monroe's, but with additional features
which are due to discoveries made by me during the course of my explorations.
For those familiar with Monroe's system of labels, here is a basic comparison as far as
Monroe's Focus C1 = my Focus 1
Monroe Focus 3, 10, 12, 15 & 21 = my Focus 2
Monroe Focus 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27 = my Focus 3
Here the comparison ends, as my Focus 4 has no Monroe counterpart.
More on the Correlation with Frank's Focus 2
Between Focus10 and Focus 21 of the Monroe model there is a region that in my Phasing
Model is the guts of F2. If you think of Monroe F10 at one edge of F2oC as a whole, with
Monroes F21 at the other, in the middle are the guts of it, so to speak. But my saying in the
middle Im not trying to imply Focus 15. Unfortunately, there is a large lump of consciousness
that simply doesnt relate to the Monroe Model. I think I have mentioned to you before that
translate it into what I call a wider Focus 12. Anyhow, when people make what I call the switch
thats where they typically end up, in their imagination. This is kind-of slap-bang in the middle of
F2oC that I translate into Monroe terms, as the notion of a wider Focus 12.
This, of course, begs the question of why do we have these models? And why are they
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different? First, simply because it's not possible to explain it any other way. In the physical, if I
wanted to explain to you about water, for example, I don't need to present you with a model of
its properties. Because anyone can just turn on a tap, or go for a swim in a lake, or stand in the
rain, or something. But with inner realms of reality you can't just point to an objective example
and say there, take a look at that. So to explain what we mean, we have to develop a model that
represents the inner, i.e. subjective, reality. Monroe was the first person, to my knowledge, to
realise that the areas of consciousness we project to are not places, as mystics typically (and
wrongly) assume. They are focuses of attention. Monroe, therefore, developed a model of
consciousness that took account of this. In his work, he noticed that the various focuses of
attention had certain individual properties, which were objectively viewable and repeatable. So
he labelled these states with an arbitrary series of numbers, in an effort to help other people
understand the wider reality. The Monroe model is really good in many ways, but it still falls
short of taking account of the true extent of the wider reality. For example, the Monroe model is
excessively individualistic. This makes it ideal for beginners, but each of us is a focuspersonality participating in a simultaneous cycle of manifestation. As opposed to the
reincarnational cycle that Monroe appears to support, along with mainstream religious and New
Age models. Not that I actually know much about mainstream religion or New Age, but from
what I gather they generally support the somewhat incorrect reincarnational model, as opposed
to the correct simultaneous model. So the challenge, then, for anyone like myself, trying to map
the inner reality in a more straighforward scientific sense (as opposed to the somewhat
convoluted religious and mystical constructs) is how to translate the typology of all-that-is in a
true sense, into some kind of model that people can relate to. The Monroe model is very good.
For a first attempt by a lone explorer it was something special, and it is still very applicable
today. But it was my frustration with the Monroe model in my attempts to go beyond Focus 27
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that led me to develop a completely new model that I call the Phasing Model.
I only wish I could present to you an objective provable model. Oh, wow, that is my ultimate
dream. Alas, at present I cannot. All I can do is present an unproven model, and others will
have to take my word for it. Yep, I understand exactly how short that is of what is necessary. I
live with the frustration of that thought on a daily basis. That's why I am trying my hardest to
teach people the same as I have discovered. Hopefully, a number of others will be able to
"follow in my footsteps" so to speak, and see the same reality that I see on what is now, almost
a daily basis.
My ultimate dream is to create a mathematical model and be able to display this as an
interactive graphical demonstration on a video. That would really be something, but it's at least 3
years away for me, at a guess. Problem is funding is always a burden. There are no juicy
goverment grants available for this kind of, what they see as , way out and whacky theoretical
work. But it would lay the foundations of our new way of thinking that is set to come. Because
that's what people don't have. They don't have that interactive model they can look at and play
with on a computer screen. If they had that, then it would be the ultimate. It would just explain
everything. All the old tosh would just become redundant.
More on Monroe's FOCUS 21 state:
Those familiar with Monroe's model will be aware of the Focus 21 state. This state is also
known by many astral explorers as the '3D Blackness' state. You know when you arrive at this
state as the black field of vision in front of you becomes completely 3D and you find yourself
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floating freely within it, rather than just observing it in a 2D fashion. As you can see, it lies right at
the top end of my Focus 2 and it borders on Focus 3. The 3D Blackness state, or Monroe's
F21 is what can best be described as a bridge state. This state can be viewed as the point at
which your individual mind meets the wider astral, i.e. the state where your individual
Consciousness Continuum (FOCUS 2) meets the 'common area' of your Consciousness
Continuum (FOCUS 3). It is the jumping off point for all adventures in Focus 3, or the Astral
Proper as some people call it.
I decided to use the label 'Focus Z' (as in Zero) to describe this state as it is unique in the
Wider Reality and seems to deserve a label of its very own.
During the phasing process, people will pass through this state on their way to F3, but many
people are unaware of it as they tend to flash through it so quickly. This is a shame since the FZ
state is quite awesome in its own right. You can simply relax and float peacefully through the
black void, just chilling out. Another thing you can do is to call forth any piece of music you care
to think of and you will hear it all around you in glorious surround sound! You can also form
'astral windows' in this state, which will display any particular scene you care to think of in
glorious high definition! You can use this as a jumping off point into F3 if you like: all you need
to do is will yourself to step into the scene and there you go. There is likely to be plenty more to
discover about the FZ state and further exploration is warranted.
Regarding Monroe's Focus 35 "The Gathering"
At some stage, late in his career, Monroe came up with the F35 concept. He called it "The
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Gathering". Apparently, there is meant to be some kind of collection of alien spacecraft there
monitoring "Earth changes". Now, while I am a great fan of Monroe, anyone starts talking to me
about little green men in flying saucers I tend to hit the brakes and engage reverse gear pretty
quick. :) Monroe could well have made incursions into F4oC. There are parts where I think he
perceived F4. Or at least an F4 overlay. All the 4 primary focus states are massively
intertwined. They are not separate places all neatly laid out alongside each other. That's how I
came to find out about F4 in the first place.
In depth: Focus 1
As stated in the summery, Focus 1, labelled by Robert Monroe as C1, is what we usually refer
to as the physical or material world. For the duration of our physical lives, our Primary Focus
remains Focus 1 (F1). Anyone reading this within the physical (Focus 1) has their Primary
Focus set to the physical. When we project, our Primary Focus does not change. We may shift
our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1. This means that it takes a bit of
effort to temporarily shift our focus of awareness to other focuses, like F2 or F3 (or F4 if you
are really ambitious!). After physical death our Primary Focus will switch to F3 that that will be
our 'home focus' while we go through the transition phase which will eventually allow us to make
the permanent switch to F4. At this point, F4 will become our Primary Focus once again and the
cycle is complete.
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F1 encompasses EVERYTHING that we regard as physical: the world, the galaxy and the entire
universe. If you want to know who created the universe, I have been reliably informed that it was
us! The purpose of the physical universe is to experience objective reality. At some point we
got together, from a Focus 4 perspective, and decided to create a common pool of subjective
energy that would manifest itself objectively in the form that we recognise as the physical
universe, the purpose of which is to provide an excellent means of gathering experience; we
are here to experience and being physical in an objective sense is a wonderful way of doing so.
The physical world can be thought of as condensed subjective energy manifesting in an
objective manner and in creating it, we set up a series of rules surrounding this energy. The
result is of course the material principles of the universe and what we understand as Physics.
One of the most useful aspects of the physical world is that being physical shields us from the
worst effects of subjective expression: with regards to the Wider Reality, if you think about
something, you will release subjective energy; do this enough and the desired effect will
manifest. This causes problems for those who are in a poor state of mind. The lower levels of
F3 are awash with people who are stuck in their own self created hell-holes due to an ever
increasing spiral of negative energy. For example, someone who creates a terrifying situation
for themselves then results in them becoming even more terrified, resulting in ever more
terrifying situations and on it goes.
In the physical, this doesnt happen. The equivalent to this scenario is what we call a nightmare.
This is a fear generated scenario created in F2 while our bodies are resting. However, if the
scenario becomes too terrifying, then we wake up, i.e. return to F1 where these energies have
little effect. However, when our Primary Focus has switched to F3, we have nothing to stop us
and it is possible for us to get caught up in all manner of negative scenarios, all of which
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Actually, I am NOT saying this: There is NO excuse for ANY KIND OF SUFFEREING! It is true
that we are here to experience, but that does not mean that we have to experience horrendous
suffering or that suffering is somehow 'good'. The fact is, the physical world offers us a plethora
of possible experiences, so many in fact that there is no need to immerse ourselves in endless
horrific situations just for the hell of it. Our most innate natural state is in fact one of joy, peace
and comfort; to experience the opposite to any great extent is not healthy.
In fact, the only useful aspect of experiencing agony and suffering is to learn how NOT to
experience more agony and suffering! These are NOT naturally desired states and should be
avoided if at all possible. Of course, the nature of the physical world and its freedom of action
can make this impossible, as we are emotional creatures after all. We can all expect our fair
share of pain, but there is no excuse for encouraging these negative aspects. The best we can
do is to focus on the love and positivity than can arise from such painful moments, providing we
give them a chance to do so. We should do our best to encourage an end to suffering
Astral Projection/Out Of Body Experiences:
One thing I want to make clear concerning what is normally called 'out of body experiences' is
that this name is actually incorrect. The fact is, we already occupy ALL of our Consciousness
Continuum to start with, with our Primary Focus being centred along a certain part of it i.e. F1,
F3 or F4. With regards to F1, we are primarily FOCUSED on our physical bodies and we
perceive and interact with the physical world through them but we are in no way INSIDE our
bodies. When we 'project' we are temporarily shifting our focus of awareness from F1 to
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wherever, we are NOT leaving our bodies as we were never IN them in the first place!
With regards to exploring the physical while in an 'out of body state': in such a state, what we
are therefore doing is not leaving our bodies but focusing away from them. Now, in doing so,
we can continue to perceive the physical world as a point of consciousness but it can be
difficult to navigate and to perceive properly if we're not used to it, so to make things easy we
can (usually automatically) create an energy double to focus on and use to navigate and
perceive things around us. This is the so called 'ethereal body' or astral double that people talk
about. The ethereal body only exists for as long as it is needed and it is then dissolved when
we refocus back on the physical body again. This energy body can take many forms depending
on the expectations of the projector; however they are not necessary in order to focus away
from the physical but are a common feature.
The term 'Astral projection' on the other hand is normally used to refer to trips to the astral world
or what I call F2 and F3 states. In F2 or F3, the process of 'body creation' is the same although
it is much easier for people to create bodies for themselves and they feel much more 'real' than
the temporary second bodies created for the duration of a physical 'projection'. While people
permanently engaged in F3 can adopt whatever form they wish, most people appear to
automatically adopt the form of their previous physical existence, but as it was at their physical
peak, i.e. 25 to 30 years old. This is somewhat of a generalisation but it tends to be most
One other point to note is that it is our continued desire to remain primarily focused on the
physical which keeps our energetic connection with our physical bodies intact and keeps our
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physical bodies alive. As soon as we *permanently* switch our focus then our link with our
physical bodies is broken and the physical body dies. To put it another way, the body is not the
source of the mind, nor does it sustain the mind; the reality is that the mind sustains the body;
as soon as the mind decides to disengage permanently, the physical body will die.
The Real Time Zone:
When talking about physical projections, people often talk about the physical world and a 'buffer
zone' next to it. This buffer zone is like an exact parallel of the physical world and is where we
project to when navigating the physical world in a non physical manner. I used to accept the
notion of a buffer zone between the physical and the astral but no longer do so. I now believe
that what we call the buffer zone or 'Real Time Zone' is in fact all part and parcel of the physical
world. It is just that Focus 1 or the physical is made up of a lot more than what we perceive from
a normal, physical perspective. I suppose we could call this the 'Wider Physical'. You have not
actually gone "out" of body at all. You have simply taken a step "back", so to speak, from the
front-line physical in terms of your current focus, into the wider physical. You cannot go "out" of
someplace where you were never "in" in the first place. If someone moves their location from
point a to point b, this logically presupposes the person was actually at point a to begin with. If I
want to go out of one room into another room I have to initially be in that first room.
In terms of the body, we are not located in that first room, we are merely focused within it, as if
from a distance, if you like. The analogy falls down rather quickly but imagine looking into room
one from a distance through a telephoto lens, then you shift your focus to room two. In a sense,
and only in a sense, this is what we are doing.
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Reality Fluctuations:
Projectors often talk about 'reality fluctuations' when involved in a RTZ projection. For example,
you may be floating around your room, looking down at your body and everything appears just
as it was when you were physical, except it was dark outside and now it is light! Hold on, the
door is in the wrong wall! These fluctuations are not really fluctuations, they are *overlays*. You
see, F1, F2, F3 and F4 don't sit one on top of another in a nice, organised, linear manner. The
reality is that they all intertwine together, much like several strands of string bound together to
form rope. You can experience F1 and *at the same time* experience an overlay of F2 or even
F3. This is how I expect mystics have their visions. They experience an F2 overlay of Jesus or
whoever, and this is on top of their F1 experience. The end result is seamless so you would in
effect see Jesus walking around in front of you in the parking lot or wherever you were having
your vision! Ghostly manifestations may also be a result of overlays, perhaps F1/F3 overlays,
allowing the witness and the 'ghost' (i.e. someone residing in F3) to perceive each other.
Overlays or fluctuations as they are more commonly called, can be kept to a minimum with
practise: you need to practise keeping your mind as focused and emotionally neutral as
possible during physical projections and eventually you should be able to observe your RTZ
surroundings with a good degree of accuracy.
More on Overlay Experiences
One of the most shocking experiences for beginners is having these "overlay" experiences.
There are 4 primary areas of consciousness and they are heavily intertwined. You may be
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projected into the RTZ and viewing your room, yet you may see fleeting glimpses of other
people here and there. They are not "in your room" in the normal physical sense. You may be
viewing an overlay of several areas of consciousness at once. This is perhaps one of the most
confusing aspects of this art and it has lead to all manner of weird and whacky theories of
hauntings and so on. The presence you felt was probably just another aspect of yourself. Other
aspects of yourself are one of the first "entities" people tend to meet as they are resident within
Focus 2 of consciousness. It would appear the most common overlay for beginners is a Focus
1 & 2 overlay. This causes the typical reaction of, "Help, there is someone in my room!" Yep,
it's yourself, lol.
Once you recognise there are these 4 primary focus states, and you learn about the typical
AIC's (actions in consciousness) that go on there, you can then pick out any overlays. Like,
there was a member the other day who wrote about being in the RTZ and seeing WW1
soldiers. That's a typical F1/F3 overlay. People who project into the RTZ and have all kinds of
"weird stuff" going on as well, meaning, they can see their room, but at the same time they
perceive other stuff happening, are having an overlay experience between F1 and wherever.
WW1 soldiers marching about is a typical F3 AIC as F3 is the Transition Area. Meaning, the
place everyone ends up after disengaging from the physical. So if you see a person or groups
of people wearing soldier's uniforms wandering around lost, looking for their unit; or still
attempting to fight a war, that kind of thing, you know that's an F3 AIC. I mean, all kinds of other
stuff goes on there besides, but people in soldiers uniforms are a common and fairly obvious
indicator of where you are.
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If you think of something and it immediately comes to life, then you know you are focused within
F2oC. So a typical overlay is an F1/F2 overlay. Where a person can perceive their room, but all
kinds of fearful things are happening besides. Thats because they are feeling fearful and they
are seeing the objective manifestations of their fear coming to life, as it were, within F2oC but
overlaid within F1.
Many people who are classed as mentally ill, are stuck in a kind of permanent overlay
experience between F1 and wherever. People who hear voices and see things that arent
there that kind of thing. These are typical overlay experiences. Because, as I say, the 4 primary
focuses of attention are massively entwined. Its just normally we place a kind of separation
between here and there, so to speak. Which is a handy thing to do as it makes typical F1 AICs
a lot easier to perform. You dont want to be driving along in your car having all manner of F2
visual overlays, for example.
There are two basic types of perception in consciousness: subjective and objective. When
transitioning between the two there is a period of adjustment necessary. It takes about 10 years
to become fully accustomed to objective reality. Until such time as a person is fully integrated,
they will have all kinds of F1 coupled with wherever, overlay experiences. Typically, children
experience F1 and F2 overlays. Playing with an imaginary friend is an extremely common
F1/F2 overlay. Not that your average child psychologist or parent sees it that way, of course.
But thats what it is.
When you transition the other way, it all comes about in reverse. Instead of being primarily
focused within objective reality and experiencing subjective-reality overlays, you are primarily
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focused within subjective reality experiencing objective-reality overlays. The time it takes to
shake off the adoption of the constructs that cause these overlay experiences varies massively
between individuals. Someone, such as myself, who more or less fully understands the
process, will spend basically as little or as long as they want in Transition. But there are people,
generally highly religious types, who have typically joined their particular idea of heaven, who I
imagine have hundreds of years equivalent to go yet, before they finally realise its all a
construct they are subscribing to within F3oC.
We cannot help but be bound by our beliefs. Every AIC we engage within F1 relates to a
construct of one type or another. Our perception creates our reality and one of the MAJOR
factors influencing of our perception are the beliefs that we subscribe to. The key is to realise
that. So it becomes not a question of trying to get to a state where you hold no beliefs, no, it
becomes an exercise in being very careful about the kinds of beliefs you take on board!
Changing your beliefs quite literally changes your physical reality. You will hear many spiritual
new age types talking about how true change comes from within. Yes, that is true. But do
these people actually know WHY that is the case? Not really. It is because your perception is
creating your reality, not merely viewing it as virtually all people assume. And, as I say, the main
factor that is heavily influencing of your perception are the core beliefs that you hold.
So again, its not a question of dropping all beliefs, its a question of only taking on board the
core beliefs that influence our perception in ways that are beneficial, both to ourselves as
individuals and to society as a whole.
Parallel Universes:
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The Wider Physical is a very interesting area which I am just starting to get to grips with. When
you are exploring the Wider Physical you come across all manner of tubular structures, astral
gateways and all manner of weird and wonderful entrance structures. I now believe that at least
some of these may lead to other parallel physical universes. There is not just one universe you
see. While ours is vast enough, it would appear that we created many other parallel physical
universes as well. Some are very similar and others are wildly different. I am now of the opinion
that they all exist very close to each other but on different vibrationary levels. It is perfectly
possible to "travel" between what are commonly called parallel universes. A seasoned
projector can do this (though not in the physical sense... yet?) by travelling along the myriad of
tubular structures that link all the various different realms of physical-reality universes. I suspect
this underlies Monroe's F35 experiences, described in his book. I have never found an exact
parallel for F35 and I believe that he may have actually arrived at a crossroads of parallel
physical dimensions. However, instead of these crossroads residing somehow 'beyond' F27,
these parallel worlds may in fact interact at a much closer level, somewhere in the Wider
Physical level, or what we call the Real Time Zone. Like many aspects of the Wider Reality, this
area requires further study.
Opportunities For Providing Proof:
As I always say, the only way a person can prove experiences to himself or herself is to gain
knowledge of an action that is unconnected with themselves. Physical projection, once
mastered, is an excellent opportunity to get some. For example, in one RTZ projection I had
fairly recently, I was outside and saw a large van making a delivery to the bakery. I popped back
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to physical, threw on some clothes, walked down the road to the bakery to check and there was
the van. This is just one example but once you have done this kind of thing a few times, residual
doubts about your experiences will soon be dispelled.
In depth: Focus 2
The region of your Consciousness Continuum that I call Focus 2 is very interesting. Unlike
Focus 1, 3 and 4, this area of your consciousness can only be experienced by you. It is an area
of individual consensus reality that nobody else has access to apart from you.
Focus 2 of consciousness is the next area inwards, so to speak from F1. Now, anything that
ever has, or ever will come about within Focus 1 originates within Focus 2 of consciousness.
This is the area of a persons imagination; it is where all ideas come about, all impressions, gut
feelings, etc. Each and every manifestation that is brought into being within Focus 1 oC,
absolutely all of it, every invention, every design, every piece of art of any description, etc.
without exception originates within Focus 2 of consciousness.
Focus 2 oC is the place the olden day explorers termed the astral. It is perfectly possible to
enter this area and engage in whatever belief construct you like in 3D. Its the place where most
of us do our dreaming. If a person develops a degree of lucidity while they are dreaming, then
this is where they will have a lucid dream. If they purposely enact some kind of "projection
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this is where they will have a lucid dream. If they purposely enact some kind of "projection
technique" then they can often enter this region with certain expectations, which will pan out as
an "astral projection" experience as opposed to a dream or lucid dream. But these actions are
all essentially the same. All that changes is your level of awareness and your expectations.
The key fact about engaging with F2 is that all your belief constructs will be represented in front
of you in glorious 3D! As F2 is divided into many, many areas which all hold different beliefs,
thoughts, memories and experiences from your life, you can engage with these belief
constructs as you wish.
Group Constructs
In the past, people have created actions in consciousness, such as higher self and gods
and such like, to the extent where they have become what are known as Group Constructs.
These group constructs are lodged within the area of Focus 2 of consciousness, in an
individual sense, and en masse within a particular layer of Focus 3.
Many of these constructs keep being repeatedly played out both within Focus 1oC and,
following disengagement from physical focus, Focus 3oC.
There are tremendous joys to be had here. Myself, I love running through all my childhood
memories, for example. Anything you ever felt, saw, experienced, etc., etc., in your life, you can
relive again within Focus 2 and in stunning detail. Absolutely anything and everything your
physical senses have ever experienced, and I mean that LITERALLY, is recorded by your
senses and stored within Focus 2, plus all your dreams too. F2 is where you do your
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dreaming every night so you are actually well used to this area.
When engaging with F2 worlds, you will find that the characters there can be quite limited in
their range of abilities. This is because they are constructs made by you. Dream characters are
a typical example of these constructs. When you are in a dream state in F2, your awareness is
usually pretty restricted anyway, usually to the scenario depicted, so you don't really notice. If
you enter an F2 area while fully aware, you will soon notice something odd if you try to engage
these characters in meaningful debate or try to get them to do something other than what they
were doing. They come across as being a bit vague and not quite 'all there'. This is one of the
BIGGEST differences between F2 and F3. Some people ask how I can tell the difference
between F2 'dream' characters and real people in F3. Don't worry, You WILL be able to tell!
People in F3 engage in a whole range of actions, communicate with you directly in meaningful
dialogue and act in ways that you could not predict, just as they do in F1/physical. This will
become obvious to you once you gain a bit of experience of F2 and F3 environments.
I should point out that although this is your own personal area and cannot be experienced
directly by others, it is still possible for someone to communicate with somebody else in an F2
state (such as a dream for example - which is just F2 with restricted awareness). Someone else
from outside, say F3, can try to communicate telepathically and this communication will
hopefully manifest itself in the F2 experiencer's world, perhaps even as a representation of the
communicator. With any luck, the communicator may even succeed in raising the F2
experiencer's awareness to an F3 state, resulting in full face to face contact. This can happen in
a seamless manner and is another example of 'overlays' in action, in this case F2/F3. This is
how it is possible for those who have 'passed over', to use the old terminology, to communicate
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In depth: Focus 3
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Now, if you shift your focus of attention to Focus 3 of consciousness, please understand that
you are still not in a separate place. You are still within your own Consciousness Continuum, but
Focus 3 is an area of common consensus reality, so things are very much like the physical,
indeed even more physical than the physical if you know what I mean; like the physical on
steroids! As it is a common consensus reality (like F1), it means that you can perceive and
interact with everyone else and they with you, just as in the physical.
This is where people go when they 'die', i.e. make the Primary Focus switch from F1 to F3.
F3 is also known as the Transition Area, as it is where we all go in order to begin the process of
adjusting back to subjective reality once again and to prepare for our eventual Primary Focus
switch back to F4. This is the ultimate purpose of Focus 3. How long this process takes to
complete will vary from individual to individual and everyone progresses at their own pace.
Some people can take hundreds or even thousands of years, in our terms. There's no rush!
This level equates to Monroe's F23 - F27 areas. Focus 3 is big, and I mean HUGE! You could
probably spend thousands of years exploring this area and only manage to cover a fraction of it,
with new additions and changes occurring all the time.
The fundamental rules of the Wider Reality are readily apparent here in that 'Thought = Action'
and 'Like Attracts Like'. This means that people of similar mindsets will tend to gravitate
together with others of a similar persuasion. The subjective energy of these groups then allows
for the creation of environments suited for the groups in question, although I should also point
out that you often get individuals living in some environment by themselves; this is because they
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have chosen to do so, or expect to, depending on their expectations on crossing over. As I
said earlier, F3 is also known as the Transition Area, as it is where we all go after physical
'death', when our Primary Focus switches to F3 (instead of F1) in order to begin the process of
adjusting to subjective reality once again and for our eventual Primary Focus switch back to F4.
This process proceeds at each individual's own pace, so we could be talking hundreds or even
thousands of years for some people! The whole process can be hampered by the fact that
many people may not know that they have 'died' or they may have strong religious beliefs which
means that they spend years in some created heaven of their own expectation, along with
others of similar beliefs. They only remain in these scenarios for as long as they hold these
beliefs, so once they begin to have serious doubts about their 'heaven' then their energetic
structure will change, opening up other possibilities for these people and a chance to engage
with a more free thinking area.
All the heavens of mainstream religion can be found here as well as all the hells. These are all
scenarios created by people's beliefs and expectations. If they really believe that they will be
going to hell, complete with fire, brimstone and fork-wielding demons, then that is where they
will end up, suffering alongside others of similar persuasion. Like any F3 scenario however, at
some point they will begin to question what in Hades is going on and if this thought process
goes on then the penny eventually drops, allowing them to leave.
Afterlife researcher Bruce Moen calls all these self-created afterlife scenarios 'hollow heavens'
and 'hollow hells' to highlight the fact that they are created by US, due to our own expectations;
we are not governed by some God-like figure. Nobody judges us or punishes us; the reality is
that we punish ourselves. If you are a serial killing cannibal and love it, after death you will
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gravitate to areas populated by other serial killing cannibals. This may sound great, but a few
hundred years of being eaten alive by other people of the same persuasion as yourself is
punishment in itself and allows you to see things from the victim's perspective. After a while,
this tends to override the cannibal's joy in being able to continually indulge in his favourite
activity. Eventually, the cannibal rejects this mode of thought and frees himself from it, allowing
him to gravitate to something better.
Focus 3 can best be thought of as a tree, with the least free thinking areas towards the bottom
and gradually becoming more free thinking up to the top. With the lower branches, they are
populated by all kinds of people involved in horrific practises who are basically slaves to their
basest animal instincts. Many will not even be aware that they have 'died'. This region equates
to Monroe's F23 - F24.
Further up the tree, you find all the heaven and hell scenarios and other places created from
people's expectations after death. They are populated by those who had very strict,
fundamentalist religious views on what would happen to them in the afterlife. You will also find
many other groups and individuals engaged in an almost limitless amount of other scenarios of
their own making. Again while some of them are aware they have transitioned from F1, others
may be unaware that they have 'died' or are confused about exactly what has happened to
them. This region equates to Monroe's 'Belief System Territories' of F25 - F26.
Then, towards the upper branches of the F3 tree, which equates to Monroe's F27 label, you
have the free thinking areas where people are most well balanced and have no fundamentalist
mindsets, or warped desires to kill babies with chainsaws. They are very happy, fun loving and
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joyful. I tend to refer to their attitude as 'dead and loving it'. These upper (or more correctly:
Wider), free thinking areas are also huge in number and you can find all manner of interesting
people and locales there. There are too many upper F3 areas to possibly count, but they do
include some important locations made famous by The Monroe School, such as The Park,
where people often come to chill out while recovering from their physical world experience, The
Life Review Centre, the Library and so on.
I honestly urge you to be prepared for a bewildering array of 'worlds' when you engage in F3;
some are wonderful, some funny, some horrific! You get all kinds of towns and places full of
people and you might just come across people living alone. It all depends on the person in
question. Lots of people are 'dying' these days with no particular religious beliefs so they end
up in transition just basically doing what they have always done. Basically, the F3 regions are
chock full of people who are acting out all manner of scenarios. And I really do mean *all*
manner of scenarios you could possibly think of, and more (infinitely more). At the base level
you find people engaged in the most disgusting acts of depravity, where child torture, murder,
rape, et al, are the norm. As you go higher, or more correctly wider, you come across regions
where people are engaged in all manner of other pursuits, many of which have a religious or
mystical slant. Beyond that you get to the upper branches were everyone is the most free
thinking and well balanced, as I have described earlier.
Once you can reliably project your consciousness into these regions you can have a lot of fun
chatting to the locals and finding out what's what. But I do agree that it is very spooky at first
because it all seems so real. That's because it *is* real.
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The key thing to do, or rather not to do, is start to overly analyse whatever the circumstances
are that you find yourself involved in. The best state of mind to be in is that of a passive, mildly
curious observer. Problem is, if you begin to react to the circumstances, especially emotionally,
your own release of emotion will cause reality fluctuations that can (and often do!) vary from
mild to wild.
What happens then is, you become entangled in a situation where you have the astral
circumstances you found yourself in. Then, superimposed on that, are the circumstances you
are creating from your own release of thought-release-emotion. Which all gets mighty confusing
and generally scuppers the experience. If you feel circumstances are getting out of hand, rather
than try and "make it right" simply go back to Physical (F1) and project again.
You do come across some interesting cases. During one exploration, I met a very interesting
lady called Mary who had built herself a wooden church and was waiting for god to come and
bless it for her. You cannot help but have compassion for these people. She had held her faith
all her life that one day she would be meeting god after she died and there she was, waiting
for him.
She asked me if I was waiting for god too, and if I was lost. I said I was a traveller passing
through (as I tend to do). She invited me in and offered to share what she had. Saying if I was
lost then I could stay in her little place while waiting for him and he would bless me as he
would her. Once I was blessed then off Id go to heaven and all that jazz. I gave her my
thanks and, once I was out of sight, Phased back to physical to make notes.
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demand comes along and the person snaps out of it. But once someone is sans physical then
different rules apply.
There is no need to eat or to excrete, no need for sleep, and so forth. So for someone caught
in a loop there is nothing much that will come along and make a demand, break their attention,
thus snap them out of it. For example, if there was a need for sleep then, after 20 hours or so,
the person would get tired, fall asleep, and thus break the construct. Or they would end up
starving hungry, or eventually get a severe need to use the bathroom, or whatever. But no such
thing applies and people can become locked in these kinds of constructs for what we would
gauge as a time period. This time period could be from minutes to even hundreds of years.
There are no hard and fast rules.
Retrieval work:
The solution is to somehow interrupt a persons thought patterns to make them start thinking of
something else. As they do so, the objective circumstances they keep repetitively finding
themselves wrapped up in will dissipate.
[Editor's Note: The concept of "retrieving" souls of the deceased has existed since
ancient shamanic practices.]
There are many people resident within the upper branches of F3 who try to help people free
themselves from this kind of predicament. They are usually referred to as Helpers. Plus, you
get people such as myself who regularly project to this area and see it as a challenge to break
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some of these constructs in which people become entangled. Some people call it Retrieval
work and I too use that term loosely.
Helpers and people in F1 who engage in Retrieval work can also try to help those living in
closed off belief system scenarios such as the hollow heavens, hells and all the other
scenarios that people end up in. Helpers from these upper regions are always on hand to help
these people and often try to get through to hopeful cases whenever there is a possibility that
the individual in question is beginning to question his or her circumstances. Eventually people
start to question the validity of their circumstances, thus the framework of the belief construct is
gradually laid bare and people progressively gravitate to the upper branches of F3.
Note: when I use the term top or upper to describe this region I dont mean in a superior
sense, like this top region is more religious. If anything, quite the opposite is the case.
The people who are engaged in the religious constructs are the ones caught lower down, which
is kind of ironic when you think about it. This is the main reason why I, personally, detest any
kind of fundamentalist religion. These kinds of belief constructs are presented within the
physical as a boon to progression in the non-physical, when in fact they turn out to be a barrier.
But within Primary Focus 3, you can also see that many more people are disengaging from the
physical these days with no particular mystical or religious beliefs, and are thus finding the
progression through transition very much easier to achieve.
Creating your own environments in F3:
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Within Focus 3, you can construct whatever you like. I made a tree house in a dense forest that
ran to the edge of a lake. I made an ocean and a lovely open-plan house with a veranda that led
out onto the sand. Ive created all manner of plants, grasses, fish and other animals.
Now, the great thing is, within Focus 3, once you create something, it remains until you choose
to change it, so you can go to it whenever you like. You should also be aware however, that so
can anyone else, both those who live in F3 and other people phasing there like you, so don't be
surprised if you turn up sometimes and find other people there!
Its quite tricky learning to create things in F3. You have to merge with the underlying subjective
energy. It is not like F2 where your thoughts immediately come to life. You have to concentrate
a little harder. But there is a knack to it that you soon pick up and then it becomes second
nature. If you get stuck, simply ask someone to help you. Youll find people are ever so helpful.
Also, upper F3, do not be surprised to get all manner of people who obviously know you very
well, coming up to say hello. Yet you havent got the foggiest idea who they are!
A good reason for learning how to create F3 environments now is that people in the know, so to
speak, construct a place for themselves so, when they permanently disengage in a physical
sense, i.e. when they die that is where they go... to their own place within F27, or the upper
branches of Focus 3 as I call it.
One of the useful aspects of F3 exploration is that you contact people, get their details and try
to verify that they used to live in the physical world later. I have managed to make a number of
verifications of people I met within Focus 3 of consciousness of my Phasing Model.
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You can chat to these people and often they'll tell you about their physical lifetime. Now and
again you can find out some info you can check, say, by keying it into a search engine. If ever a
person wanted concrete "proof" of the whole experience, particularly the fact that there is no
"death" then this is the place to do it.
I was chatting to a guy not so long ago and he told me his name and that he was an engineer in
his physical life. He invented this steam hammer whatever it was. I didn't understand much of it,
to be honest, I'm an ex-engineer but I have zero interest in steam engines. I nodded politely, as
you do, while clarifying the key points. Anyhow, I keyed the name into Google and, sure
enough, what he said was absolutely true. But that's just one example of quite a few I've had.
After a while you move on from the "proof thing" so to speak, you just learn to accept it and get
on with other things.
There was a time once I came across an Arabic place, it was a kind of eating place sort-of like
a cafe. Anyhow, I was asking the "owner" there what the name meant. It was a weird sounding
name, very unusual. Well, I guess anything Arabic would be unusual to me as I understand not
even one word. But he said that one of the words in the two-word name (aagh, I forget what it
was now as it was about 3 years ago this happened). Anyhow, one of the words was this
ancient arabic word for... ? And that's what I forget now, but at the time I made careful mental
note. I searched for this word all over the Internet. I kept looking and looking and finally I came
across this one website and there was this word. I was gobsmacked when I saw it because the
description of its useage or meaning was exactly as the old Arab man had described. It was a
very unusual very ancient word. In other words, it was just nothing that I could ever even have
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From what I can gather after talking to a lot of people within Focus 3, it would appear that our
"previous" physical life becomes in a sense like a dream, a very vivid dream. We still hold all
the memories of our experiences within Focus 1, but people in the main appear quite happy
with that.
In my posts I'm putting aside how to go about phasing to Focus 4. That's your prize, as it were.
The icing on the cake, the end goal. I'll direct you to Focus 2, show you the way to Focus 3 and
then introduce you to Focus 4. I'll stand by you on the edge of the transition, even give you a
little push, lol, 'cos that's me. But once you step over that edge you are on your own. That's the
way Focus 4 is. It's not for the unwary. Your life will simply not be the same when you come
back. This is no joke, this is Frank being very serious.
Please do not underestimate the Focus 4 experience. Like I say, this is Frank being serious.
Focus 4 is just something else. If someone worked at it they could be having F4 experiences
within a year. I'm not saying it's gonna take mega time. Okay, they'd have to be a little dedicated
to get that far in such a short time, but it is by no means impossible. But please, realise, your
whole sense of "body" is totally blown away. You will never, ever look at physical life the same
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whole sense of "body" is totally blown away. You will never, ever look at physical life the same
way again.
Seriously, please no one underestimate the sheer gravity of a Focus 4 experience. Monroe was
touching on it a few times. He gave me the clues, so to speak. Focus 4 experiences are one of
the most profound experiences anyone can have in this system. All sense of "body" is totally
disintegrated. You will not return from a Focus 4 experience as the same person who went.
There is no turning back from a Focus 4 experience. You get to realise what your life is all
about. Things that perhaps no one should know become known to you. You come back
realising the truth, the stark truth. Every belief you have ever believed in, every known that you
have ever known just gets zapped.
In a sense it makes you realise what is truly important.
In depth: Focus 4
The Next step inwards from Focus 3 is Focus 4 of consciousness. Once you have finished
your physical world experience and have spent some time in F3 adjusting back to subjective
reality again, you will at some point be ready to switch back to Primary Focus 4. F4 is where
things really start getting interesting!
PRO version
Once we engage with Focus 4, we become our 'Wider Selves'. I don't like using the term
'higher self' as you have no higher or lower self. You are you; it's just that you have focused
your attention from your F4 perspective to a narrow F1 perspective for the purpose of
experiencing the physical world. When you engage F4, you are engaging your full perspective
once again.
Those whose Primary Focus is F4 have no form at all. They exist as energy essences, or what
we might call a point of consciousness. I can't really tell you how many people are resident in
F4, but it is certainly a huge number in human terms. Im not sure how many people will
remember the kids TV sci-fi series of about 30 years ago, or so. It was called Captain Scarlet
and you had what were known as the Voice of the Mysterons. They were these mysterious
beings that would talk to you out of nowhere. Well, thats a bit like how it is communicating with
people who live within Focus 4.
So what's Focus 4 like? Well, you need to realise that F4 is nothing like F1, F2 or F3. It's
unique. You phase into what feels like a huge interconnecting communications network. In a
way its like plugging your computer into the Internet. But you are plugging your mind into an
infinite network of other minds. There is, of course, a LOT more to it than that. But in a nutshell
thats the simplest explanation I can come up with. While it is an exciting thing to do, I have to
mention that it is not for the feint of heart, or for anyone who is not totally grounded in
themselves mentally.
The problem you might say, is you can get to feeling like you have lost your own mind.
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Thing is, we get so used to having only ourselves in mind. And communicating in this area is
fully mind-to-mind. So what you do is merge your mind with another mind or minds (now multiple
merging is really freaky, lol) and you communicate via thoughts, imagery, feelings, and so forth,
in ways that are appropriate for the subject matter you are communicating about.
In a sense, though, it feels like someone is invading your mind, and the more egotistical parts
of you may battle against it. With me it took about a hundred attempts before I became
comfortable with the process.
The Graduates that Monroe talks about in his work about must surely be people who have
adopted Focus 4 of consciousness as their Primary Focus. I can see no other explanation. I
am also convinced that Monroe touched on Focus 4 quite a number of times during his
experiences but for some reason the penny didnt quite drop with him. With me, it was my
frustration in my attempts to go beyond F27 of his model that led me into the discovering of
Focus 4 of consciousness. Not that I actually saw it as Focus 4 at that time. The label came
later. But it was obvious that the area was a completely different area to the Transition Area of
focuses 23 through 27 of the Monroe model.
As I have said, there are many, many people resident within Focus 4. Pure energy essences
you might call them, that you can tap into. These people are quite knowledgeable and do come
across as kind of god-like you could say. But thats only because they are subjective energy
essences that exist primarily as a point of consciousness, so to speak. When we each (for want
of a better word) complete our current movement through consciousness, or as Monroe was
saying graduate, we too will reside within Focus 4 solely as an energy essence, or a point of
PRO version
consciousness. This is simply part and parcel of adopting Focus 4 as your Primary Focus,
instead of Focus 1 or Focus 3. But I guess people in the past have just misunderstood whats
If I had come across Focus 4 before my guides had given me a detailed briefing of what to
expect, then even I could well have mistaken my interactions as some kind of communication
with divine being(s). Because thats precisely the way they come across. They radiate a kind of
energy that tends to turn you to emotional jelly. But they are not gods as such. The energy
they radiate is merely a product of adopting Focus 4 as your primary focus. If any of us chose
to do the same, we would radiate the same energetic signature. Well, that is what I am told. I
wont actually know until I try it myself, of course. :)
I should point out here that I have also discovered people in the Wider Reality who have
adopted a kind of 'semi-F4' state; people in this state are kind of half in F4 and half out of it, so
to speak. They can also come across as kind of 'god-like' if you come into contact them without
knowing what's going on. Again, it's due to the energy signature.
The strange thing is, we actually are now resident as a point of consciousness within Focus 4.
We have not in any way left Focus 4. What we have done is to adopt a different Primary
Focus for the purposes of our experience. You can imagine it as one continuum of
consciousness that extends, like a telephoto lens, if you like, from Focus 4 through to Focus 1.
What we objectively view as death in subjective energy terms is an objective translation of the
action of a person shifting their Primary Focus from Focus 1 to Focus 3. After your life within
Focus 3 you, in a manner of speaking, die again, when you shift your Primary Focus from
PRO version
Focus 3 to Focus 4. And that completes your cycle, you could say.
You don't have to switch to Focus 4, you can continue living within Focus 3 if you wish. But
eventually you might decide on creating other concepts for your experience. All this is done
from Focus 4.
Note: I have to be wary of using terms such as beginning or end, because when you are
speaking within the context of Focus 4 these terms simply dont exist. From the point of view of
Focus 4, your life here is a movement that you initiate in consciousness for the purposes of
your experience. We don't "return" to F4 as we never left it in the first place.
How Focus 4 fits in with the rest of our system:
As I have said before, we in our F4 states decided to create this physical universe (and lots of
others besides), all for the purpose of allowing us varied opportunities for new experiences.
When it comes to setting up a physical world system like our physical universe, certain supply
lines and structures have to be put into place. Each physical world system has 3 basic areas
of consciousness that ultimately connect to Focus 4. So the main area or ultimate creative
source, is Focus 4. This area is common to all the physical worlds that are connected to it.
Focus 4 is what you might call an umbrella area, and the other 3 areas of each physical world
within our system are nested within that overall umbrella.
So say you had Focus 4 and 100 physical-world realities. Note: there are actually an infinite
number of other physical-world realities within our whole system. But here let us say there are
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just 100.
Each physical reality has a Focus 1, obviously, because physical reality is Focus 1. So there
are 100 Focus 1s, together with 100 Focus 2s and 100 Focus 3s. Each of these areas is
nested within one Focus 4.
The best way of thinking of Focus 4 in my opinion, is to think of it as the ultimate creative source
of all that exists within our entire system. In other words, all the original plans, archetypes,
models, etc., etc. of all the physical realities connected to Focus 4, are held within this area.
Focus 3 is a Transition Area that is reserved for people returning from their physical
experience. People generally have to go through a period of shaking off all the belief constructs
they brought into objective reality during their physical experience, to enable them to merge fully
with the subjective reality of F4 again, at which point they can decide what to experience next.
Focus 3 also has sections that serve as what could be termed areas of our collective
unconscious but for our purposes, thinking of it as a Transition Area will suffice.
The original archetypes held in Focus 4, that are to do with all the potential states and
probabilities possible within our particular physical dimension, are downloaded into Focus 2.
What people then do is pick and choose whatever actions they fancy and play with them within
their area of Focus 2.
Essentially, the action of doing this creates a pool of individual probabilities within Focus 2, and
each person in question decides which of these probabilities to bring into objective reality, i.e.
PRO version
In F4, everything is to do with subjective concepts and F4 is the source of all concepts that
eventually manifest in objective reality. You can decide to merge with the underlying subjective
energy that forms the concept of anything you care to think of and experience being that thing,
or more correctly, the concept of that thing. You can experience being the concept of a flower,
a rock, a cloud, an ant, or a human being. For the really adventurous, you can also experience
more abstract concepts, like being a sound (this is fun!), or a day of the week - that's right, you
can experience the concept of 'Tuesday'! There is no end of concepts that you can engage
with - I told you it was freaky!
So within F4, for example, and this is one of my favourites, I can become harmony, as a
musical concept. I can become a musical chord, and in doing that I can interact with other
minds who enjoy playing the same game, as a concept. So between us we can become
harmony. Once you get used to the place, as it were, you can have fun mixing and matching
concepts. Another favourite of mine is to become the concept of a colour, another mind may
become a contrasting colour. So between you, you become the concept of pleasant contrast.
Now, to make it really interesting, introduce the concept of musical harmony. So now you can
become the concept of musical harmony while also becoming the concept of pleasant colour
contrast. And so it continues.
You can become anything, as a concept. You cannot objectively experience these concepts,
you actually BECOME them.
Now, and this is the whacky thing, you can also become your current physical life... but as a
concept! In other words, you become your current physical life as the ongoing objective
PRO version
manifestation of a linear series of concepts you are choosing to experience. In fact, you realise
that absolutely everything that exists is founded on an original concept lodged within the area of
Focus 4.
Like I say, anything can be experienced as a concept. Another one of my favourites is Tuesday.
This one really tickles me. I start off by becoming the concept of linear time, then condense it to
years, months and weeks. Now down to days. So I become the concept of a day, now give
them names, so I introduce the concept of a name and form them into a circle. So I introduce
the concept of a circle, and so on. But the day that makes me chuckle the most is Tuesday.
With me, everything starts and ends with Tuesday for some reason. So to come around again
you have to introduce the concept of repetition, plus the concept of beginning and end, and by
that time Im losing it because becoming the concept of beginning and end - within a
completely timeless area - just cracks me up laughing so I lose it and transition to F1.
Problem is, once you start experiencing all this kind if thing, you will never look at your physical
life in the same way again. You go through phases where you just cant take anything seriously
any more because you know the underlying truth behind it all.
2) It is an area of simultaneous time, as opposed to linear time that we experience within this
physical reality. So everything that is about to happen, has happened and is happening, is all
happening at once within the same moment (within infinity everything happens an infinite
number of times). This means of course that there is no death, no beginning or ending:
everything just IS. However at the same time, there is ever-expanding consciousness.
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Time obviously exists, but the notion of linear time is a physical realm construct only.
Experiences within subjective reality are outside of any time constraints. Within Focus 2 and
Focus 3 you can see people showing evidence of a kind of legacy of having lived within linear
time constraints within the physical. But that's a local event that is all to do with the individuals in
question, just the continuation of a habit rather than a specific function of the environment. One
of the most mind-blowing concepts to take in mind about the wider reality is the notion of infinity,
i.e. the notion of there having been no beginning, nor will there be any end. Also, within infinity,
everything happens an infinite number of times. Which is another one of those mind- blowing
aspects. Also, the wider reality occupies no space. As there is no time, there is no space and
distance either.
Ultimately, sampling F4 consciousness can be a very rewarding experience when you get it
right. Because then all your Wider Self is laid open for you and you can revel in the excitement
and the enjoyment of it all. Stand transfixed by the sheer awesomeness of it all. Find out who
you truly are. Know there is no death. Know that life is just one continuous cycle of knowing that
has always been. Know that there is only ever-expanding consciousness. Engage the concept
of Infinity. Become that concept within Focus 4 and you will never be the same person again.
Imagine the sheer ecstasy of a million orgasms all happening at once. Those are the kind of
sensations Focus 4 gives you, and thats just scratching the surface!
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I have been asked several times if there is anything 'beyond' Focus 4. The answer is, to my
knowledge, within our particular system there are just 4 Primary areas. But consciousness
doesn't end there. Consciousness is infinite. There may well be an infinite number of other
systems either like ours or perhaps wildly different. Nobody to my knowledge knows anything
about these potential other systems.
Monroe talks of 'Focus 34/35', but as I have said earlier, I believe that Monroe was
experiencing something else. I believe his F35 experiences were actually relating to areas of
our Wider Physical, where alternate physical dimensions (within our F1 to F4 system) seem to
converge. Ha ha, no wonder I couldn't find it!
The interesting aspect about these other physical worlds within our system and the weird thing
about them, is that they all occupy the same physical space. The actual characteristics of the
different physical dimensions within our system can be wildly different but they all have this one
thing in common, in that they occupy the same space. Anyhow, what 'separates' them, if you
like, are these Trans-Dimensional areas in consciousness that allows each physical universe to
overlay on one another. I have been trying to get to grips with these Trans-Dimensional areas
for about a year now. Who knows where they lead, to be honest.
Now, I have it on good authority that it IS possible to 'travel' between Trans-Dimensional areas;
when I say travel I mean actual physical travel. It is also possible to do this non-physically as
well, so I am told. So my theory is that these UFO sightings might in fact be a kind of 'bleed
through' from another Trans-Dimensional area: an area that has people living within it who have
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already learned how to design some kind of craft with the ability to travel between physical
Anyway, back to the potential for other systems outside of our own F1 to F4 model:
From reading Monroe's later work, I wonder where the heck he was sometimes. He was way
out, but not in Focus 4 terms. There was something else. Seriously, I reckon he was about to
attempt to step into *another* system of consciousness from Focus 3: entering into an 'ExtraDimensional' state that is outside of our F1 to F4 system completely: that is what I have been
trying to study for ages, the possibility of these Extra-Dimensional areas. I reckon that is why his
physical was put at risk. Okay, Im guessing now, I admit, but I am going to completely retrace
his footsteps in the future.
If he were trying to enter another dimension totally, i.e. another system, then that is just
incredible. That is not Focus 3, 4 or 5, that is just completely into the unknown...and I mean total
unknown. Unless he was attempting to enter Focus 4 while holding a complete objective
knowing of that fact. That would just be crazy. Youd just be short-circuiting every subjective
energy circuit that ever was. I doubt anyone could have the objective will to do that; just too
many natural laws against you.
I just wonder what on earth he found and what secrets there are still to be unlocked from
Monroe. Im going to begin again from page one and work through it until that final piece of the
jigsaw falls into place.
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Ultimately, I am not sure if we can actually project outside of our Wider System. I have never
done it. I think Monroe tried it, from what I can gauge, but it entailed the withdrawal of his
subjective physical-body consciousness. In which case your physical body has about an hour
of life in it before it expires (seriously). To be honest, Im really not sure. You have to
understand that this kind of thing is way, way, out on the edge as it were. You are SO far out
its unreal. There are so few people who have ever encountered this kind of problem. Monroe
appears to have tried to encounter it. I am sort of teetering on the edge wondering whether to
take the plunge and see.
I suspected that someone had been following me around on my astral journeys for a while but I
could never nail anything down. Matters came to a head (as my guide knew they would) and one
morning I just said something like, "Look, I know you've been following me around for a while
now. So let's cut all this nonsense and just make yourself known." Which he did (as, again, he
knew he eventually would).
Since then I never looked back and I now wonder what I ever did without them. I've got two
regulars, my main one Harath and there's this woman called Freda.
Guides come from all manner of places. Also, they know all about the person they are
attempting to interact with. So they tend to approach you in a manner suitable to you. With me,
for example, Harath first began to stimulate my curiosity. Then he gave me the distinct
impression someone was following me around and generally looking after my interests. Also, I
found there are what I call, 'guides in passing'. I perceive them as people who just happened to
sense I was having some difficulty and, as they were in the vicinity, they made a short detour to
help me out. After which they just carry on with whatever it was they were doing. I've never
actually seen these people, but I do sense them in the distance.
From my experiences, I would say the first step to take is to become open to the whole idea.
Then just ask for help in a small way first. Also, be specific. It's no use asking for help in
Trust is very important too. People have this idea that the Astral is a really nasty place full of all
kinds of devils and demons. Well, I've had my full share of scary moments on the lower
branches of F3, but none of these frightful situations can harm you in any way. And none of
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these people have any real power except to scare you, and cause you to release fear, which
instantly goes to creating and fuelling all manner of scary circumstances that surround you.
The plain and simple fact is, if you lend yourself open to the concept of guidance then there are
many people non-physical who will give you a helping hand.
If you are with a guide, they will not let you experience more than they know you can bear.
Which means you can go ahead and experience whatever it is, fully in the knowledge that
(however confusing it may appear at the time) you will be able to work through it eventually.
As an example: One of my experiences was of being taken to a garden with children playing, all
around. Some where lying sleeping in the shade of the trees who had been badly traumatised
as a result of what they had experienced on the Physical. Eventually, they would awaken and
learn how to play again. It turns out that one of those children, was me.
Realisation of this caused an instant and uncontrollable burst of emotion that is still within me
even now. I can feel it, as I type, welling up at the sides of my head wanting to explode
outwards into floods of tears. Quite why, I do not know. All I do know is I that need to keep
working on solving the mystery of what this is about in a rational, logical manner.
As I said, the term 'guide' should be used in the loose sense of the word because there are
many people in F3 who will help you to varying degrees and who could be labelled 'guides' or
'helpers'. This is because F3 is generally full of helpful people! There are also quite specific
people who will be taking an interest in your journey, lets say. Members of what I call your 'nonPRO version
physical family' who you can contact within the upper branches of F3. Sometimes, when you are
exploring F3, you will come across all kinds of people who will greet you like an old friend and
you havent the faintest idea who they are. But thats just another thing you get used to.
One important pointer concerning guides is this: With the whole guide thing you have to be very
careful you dont trip up over yourself and start creating various constructs within Focus 2 in
order to fill the need for a 'guide'. Each of us has many, many different constructs or aspects of
ourselves that we create within Focus 2 for all manner of purposes. People who subscribe to
mystical belief constructs such as a 'higher selves' often meet these aspects they have created
within Focus 2 in order to satisfy this purpose (not that they actually see it that way). As a
general rule, you have to be very, very careful regarding Focus 2. Its a real sneaky area that
can catch you out if you are not careful.
What about the appearance of guides? I find that guides, like many F3 people in their raw state
(i.e. when they have not adopted their favourite human form), can come across as a ball of
sparkly light (well, that's how I perceive it). You quickly get to recognise them because they
radiate a loving kind of warmth, which initially makes you feel all humble and gooey inside. But
you soon get used to it. They can also read your thoughts and they will approach you in a form
they believe will be most pleasing for you. That is why, if you read other people's accounts of
meeting guides, the style of approach will always tend to differ. This is why guides sometimes
appear in forms of angels etc depending on the expectations of the individual. Sometimes this
is due to the experiencer's own perception i.e. an overlay experience, but there is no doubt that
guides themselves will often choose a form which they think you will be comfortable with or
expect in some way.
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All in all, imagination plays a big role. If you relax your mind and imagine the circumstances in
which you would most like to meet a guide, this will send out a powerful signal that you are
ready to meet up.
Guides will help you greatly in your exploration of the Wider Reality and they will help you to
realise some astounding things. Concerning my regular guide Harath, I now know he is a future
aspect of 'me' living in another physical-reality universe who came to find the 'me' living in this
physical-reality universe. It's all absolutely incredible stuff. This brings me on to the concept of
'reincarnation', which I have discovered is a bit more complex than people have thought up until
Frank's findings concerning the concept of reincarnation
Reincarnation is a confusing issue. I used to subscribe to the notion that we all lived sequential
human lives, one after the other, as did Monroe. You will find that the standard concept of
reincarnation runs through his work. However I have now come to the conclusion that this is not
quite right. It is fair to say, from a Focus 4 perspective, that we all certainly do experience many,
many human lives. The difference is, we don't experience them sequentially, we experience
them all simultaneously.
Focus 4 of consciousness holds what you might call our individual Primary Essence. Each
individual is a focus of his or her Primary Essence. Stemming from each of our Primary
Essences, if you like, are many, many other focuses. A person may have thousands of other
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focuses who are experiencing physical lives, both in our physical world and in many other
physical dimensions too, but these other focuses are NOT us. But they are directly connected
to us, if you like, as they are a focus of the same Primary Essence.
We can MERGE with these other focuses as they are of the same Primary Essence and they
can MERGE with us. When I say merge I mean we can search within us and experience them.
They are, most certainly 'other lives' and other lives we can merge with and experience. But
they are NOT us. They are other focuses of our Primary Essence.
Again, within subjective reality there is NO time. There is no such thing as past and future. All is
present. This aspect of subjective reality is one of the most misunderstood aspects and
causes a LOT of confusion. I've said a number of times that all this is to do with the way these,
what are called, Trans-Dimensional Areas in consciousness function. I've been studying them
for a while and they are mighty complex to get to grips with. I still have not managed to suss
them out, yet.
But what people are calling 'past lives' are, in fact, encounters with other focuses of their
Primary Essence. The basic mistake people make is they assume the other person is them.
How can it not be them? People think to themselves, after all, they know SO much about them.
They can sense them inside, so it must have been another life, they assume. Just like when
people looked to the sun and tracked its movements. It was OBVIOUS the sun revolved around
the earth. Of course, the sun does not actually move around the earth at all. Quite the opposite.
In a similar vein, these people are assuming that the people they are merging with are them. But
the people that we encounter within us, in this particular respect, are NOT us. They are other
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focuses of our Primary Essence that we can merge with. I have done this a number of times. All
you need do is project to Focus 4 and all will become apparent to you.
What people are calling 'past-life regression' is, in fact, a merging with another focus in the
action of an F1/F4 overlay experience. But I actually doubt that even these are all true mergings
with other focuses. It may just be people observing other people within Focus 3 and not
understanding that there is even a Focus 3.
There is a difference between merging and observing. When you merge with another focus you
actually feel as if you have become that person. You haven't actually become them, all you have
done is to merge with them. But it does feel like you have become them for the duration of the
merging. Hence the reason why people mistakenly assume the other person was them at some
Again, there is NO TIME within subjective reality. I cannot stress this point too highly. It is the
source of MUCH confusion and misunderstanding.
It is fair to say that at least some of our physical focuses who are experiencing our physical
dimension may be engaged in several different time-frames simultaneously, so in this sense
and in this sense only, we, from where we are sitting in this time-frame, may have other focuses
who are currently engaged in physical lives in our historical past and perhaps we can offer
ourselves glimpses of their lives, seeing how we are sharing the same physical system.
However, they are still experiencing their lives at the same time as we are experiencing ours.
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I am NOT saying that the people who are thinking they are connecting with 'past lives' are talking
a complete load of BS. Nope, I am saying they are making the basic misassumption that they
were once the other person. They are making the mistake of assuming their lives are occurring
in a linear time framework. i.e. occurring in a sequential manner. In other words, that each life
proceeds one after the other. Nope, all your focuses are living simultaneously and every one of
your focuses is a different person. What 'connects' them all, if you like, is they are a focus of
the same Primary Essence within Focus 4 of consciousness and that is what makes it possible
to merge with them. You DO have other focuses that you can merge with, but they are NOT you.
You are you and they are they. But people are SO transfixed with the notion of linear time they
cannot think beyond it.
I have talked about 'retrieval work' many times in the past. This is when people in F3 decide to
dedicate time to helping those who are stuck in emotional loops and belief constructs lower
down the F3 tree. These people are usually referred to as 'helpers'. There are also those who
are currently physically engaged, yet have decided to do their bit to help those on the lower
branches of F3. Their work is generally known as retrieval work. The author and afterlife
researcher Bruce Moen is one such expert in the art of retrievals and his approach involves
helping people to make use of an F1/F3 overlay approach which doesnt involve a full focus
switch to F3.
I too have engaged in retrieval work from time to time, in the early days with the assistance and
guidance of Harath (my guide). The idea is to try and contact those who are trapped in
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emotional loops (and such like) on the lower F3 branches and hand them over to the care of
helpers who will take them to the various reception centres in the upper branches of F3.
What follows is an account of my very first retrieval, just to give you an idea of what they are like:
I had discussed trying retrievals with Harath in the past and one day he evidently felt that I was
ready for it. Well, this is how it went:
---------------(I pick it up from initial contact with Harath)
Your boy is in good hands [refers to the horse I lost]
I have a perception of a white stallion, only he kept the black mane. Yeah, that would be typical.
And the lower half still flops left, and the upper flops right, what a crazy horse. Thanks for letting
me know. I might try and pay a visit sometime.
So what's on the cards today Harry boy, sorry, Harath?
You sure you are up for it, Frankie?
Ah, so you *do* have a concept of revenge! Yeah, I'm up for it, but I'm not sure where I fit in.
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Just use your imagination and go with the flow. Remember, I'll be in the background to give
you some pointers.
Where are we going?
Just over there and down a bit.
What, er, how come we are already here?
Because you came direct to me, I didn't come to you. You're still not used to reaching out
directly yet, are you. I suppose it will take a while after your years of going around and around
Alright, cut the sarcasm: Mr. Almighty who only happens to have a million year advantage. Okay,
so if you're so clever why do you need me?
Technically, I don't. But your radiation is more suited to the task in hand and it gives you
What do you mean radiation? You don't seem to be radiating to me. Well, not any more than
That is because I tone it down, and you are getting more used to it.
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-------------------Hopefully this gives you an idea of the kind of thing that retrieval work involves. While this work
can be highly rewarding, I should advise that it is not for the nervous. You WILL engage with
some truly horrific circumstances: all the worst that humanity has to offer and then some. At the
same time however, the satisfaction gained from rescuing someone from such horrific
circumstances is its own reward.
Afterlife Researcher Bruce Moen
Bruce Moen's Focused Attention method is essentially a method of teaching people how to
have an F1/F3 overlay experience. But the way I do things is slightly different in that I teach you
to actually step into F3 and have a walk around. This is a darned sight trickier but far more
rewarding an experience, in my view. Im not saying that to in any way denigrate Bruce Moens
work because his work is very genuine. He himself states quite categorically that the actual
stepping into these areas is rather tricky, so he teaches people the easier option, if you like,
which can be very rewarding. But there is nothing like fully stepping into the area.
What Bruce is doing is rather than seeking to make The Switch to Focus 2, he skirts around that
and looks to remaining within F1 primarily, but to overlay that, in the mind, with an experience of
F3 using the imagination as a kind of primer or kickstarter. Quite a nifty technique that does
certainly work as I've researched it myself. If you are looking for a straightforward, non mystical
approach then it's certainly one worth considering. Has been tried and tested too as this is the
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only visited this other physical dimension four times so far and the first time I was simply too in
awe to think properly. Also, Harath has taken me to the same area each time (the area where he
once grew up) so I am not sure how representative this area is with the planet as a whole.
Another difficulty putting a general spoke in the works is, because of the awesome nature of the
experience, I'm finding it difficult to continually keep my thoughts and emotions in check. So I
often experience reality fluctuations.
From what I have gathered thus far: they have basically the same human form only they are of a
smaller build than the average Anglo Saxon. I know there are male and female and they wear
basic clothing. I don't know yet whether or not they have the ability to reproduce in a normal
Earth sense, and I haven't seen any children.
They have houses and streets similar to what we have. Only the material from which these are
made differs from the normal steel, concrete, brick and glass structures we have here on Earth.
I'm not sure about transportation. I haven't seen any cars or buses. As I say, they do have
streets but the ones I have seen have no markings on them suggesting any kind of traffic
instructions. Harath says they can transport themselves as necessary using genetically driven
craft which I talk about further down.
They appear not to have any kind of government or monetary system. While they can
communicate by talking like we do, they are also in touch with each other on a telepathic or
mind-to-mind level as well. They always talk to me verbally, however, as Harath says that is the
custom. The people have always been happy to see me and expected my arrival. They smile
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and laugh just as we do, and they know about our existence here on Earth.
As far as technology is concerned they are way more advanced than us. For example, their
physical-matter appears to be genetically derived. The best I can currently describe it is, rather
than manually constructing a house like we do using bricks, mortar, and so forth, they grow
theirs out of various kinds of genetic material.
This I admit sounds a bit daft because it conjures up images of planting a house-seed in a
patch of soil somewhere, feeding and watering it each day encouraging it to grow. Yet as daft
as that may sound, Harath assures me that *is* the basic principle. Though the actual
technology, when put into practice, is way different.
The planet is subject to a cycle of daylight and nightfall. I am not sure if they are subject to
weather conditions in the same way we are, or whether they measure "time" like we do. On my
first visit it was night-time and the area was lit by rows of lights which jutted out from the tops of
the houses. But they have neither electricity nor light bulbs, as the light is generated genetically.
I do have a pet theory that some so called 'UFO' reports you hear about might be actual craft
created by people from other physical dimensions who have developed the ability to build a
inter-dimensional vehicle. Perhaps I ought to make clear that UFO-sightings and the like, really
don't interest me. The few bits and bobs I have read about over the years seem too far-fetched
for words IMO. You know, all the stuff about the USA being in league with aliens and there's that
Area-51 place. Plus all the conspiracy stuff. Okay, there may be an element of truth
somewhere. But I reckon it has long-since been lost under layer-upon-layer of kak that's been
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I have experimented with my body's energy system for many years and I can say that the
overall concept of a system of 'energy centres' or 'chakras' is a correct one. The problem is,
there are so many belief constructs about them that this tends to confuse matters. For this
reason I tend to use the term 'energy centres' rather than the word 'chakras' as the later is so
heavily weighed down with eastern/new age baggage.
I have found that we certainly do have an extensive energy system which is closely related to
our physical bodies. This system features a series of energy centres based at different points
along the length of the human body. In nature, creative energies tend to spin clockwise as we
would call it, and I have observed that these bodily energy centres also rotate in a clockwise
These energy centres are whorls of energetic movement, they are not fixed in stone. But you
can imagine them as a kind of sphere in the approximate locations you see typically presented
in chakra diagrams. They spin clockwise and are oriented such that they spin along the axis of
the spine.
The further up you go the faster they spin. It starts at the root (red) and you could think of this
red centre spinning at about 10 or 12 times a second. Then add that factor for each one going
up. The strongest vibrational colour is, therefore, purple. This energy centre has a strong
directing influence on all the others.
These energy centres are translated as different colours, as colour has different vibrational
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qualities that are affecting, in terms of energy, in different ways. Colour is a Truth, meaning
there is a representation of colour within all dimensions. Energy has specific qualities that
objectively translate in particular ways, and one of those ways in which we objectively view
these particular differences or translations is in terms of colour.
Each energy centre is affecting of various functions of the body. But this is to be thought of,
again, as not absolutely fixed in stone. This is because all the energy centres are affecting of
each other to varying degrees. They are NOT acting in isolation, in the sense of each energy
centre doing their particular bit (as I have seen many websites trying to make out). They are all
influencing of each other and all work in combination. But there is a particular accent placed on
each centre to the extent where a particular energy centre could be said to be more influencing
of certain factors over another.
For the purposes of bodily healing, I have found that the energy centre that is the most affecting
is the 4th one up, which is the green or the heart centre as it is often called.
Basically, in my experience, the general notion of 'chakras' is correct but be careful about
getting bogged down with all the belief constructs that have built up around our body's energy
The Nature of Dreams
You are NEVER "just dreaming". Your dreams form your very reality, in a physical sense, and in
every sense.
PRO version
Within the mind are many facets of conscious awareness. A facet of conscious awareness is
just a collection of mental faculties the mind uses to operate within whatever realm of existence
it wishes to experience. All these are just basic tools, really, only mental ones. Each facet of
conscious awareness has its own memory facility and memory banks are not necessarily linked.
This is why, with dream consciousness, you tend not to have any knowledge of memories
associated with the physical waking consciousness. The converse is also true, i.e. people do
not remember their dreams, unless, some part of the physical waking consciousness bleeds
through; and so part of their dream experience gets stored in the memory of the physical
waking consciousness rather than the dream consciousness.
People in the sleep-state tend to limit themselves to specific areas of consciousness that are
highly subjective. So by definition they don't have any objective knowledge of what they are
doing. Under such circumstances, making any kind of contact is next to impossible. It's not a
question of waking them up. They are already fully awake, but they are deeply engaged in
subjective action.
The actions people engage themselves in are many and varied. They could be doing anything
from just wandering aimlessly alone, to engaging in some complex mass-consensus scenario
involving maybe thousands of people all playing various "roles"... and anything else in-between.
Just about anything and everything is possible within consciousness. There is only one thing
within the wider reality that is actually impossible, but it doesn't relate to this at all. So, yes, it is
definitely possible but at present rather difficult for us to accomplish.
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Many people have dreams about war, or other such upsets. This is representative of the
underlying conflicts caused when we create aspects of ourselves that could be said to be in
opposition with each other. This is typically objectively manifest when a person is caught in a
circumstance where one aspect of them is saying to take one route in life, and another aspect
is saying to take another, and they would appear to be in opposing (or near opposing)
directions. So we find it safer to tackle these issues within what we call the dream state.
In this state we experiment and indulge in all manner of scenarios. It's a state where we can do
basically whatever we like and "get away with it" as it were. So we often use it as a kind of
release for all manner of things depending on the character of the person in question. This is
how people have come to figure out that their dreams might actually mean something. They do,
but in my view people take it too far when they publish books that claim if you dream about, say,
water, then that means X, or if you dream about the colour red, then that means Y. Because in
reality there is no such universal translation that can be applied. Dreams are a highly subjective
experience and, as such, are as individual as fingerprints. In the dream state, we allow
ourselves an awareness of the subjective and the objective (in terms of states) and we let them
flow freely and intertwine in harmony. In this state we allow ourselves an interaction that we
would not normally engage within Focus 1, the physical. And it is an interaction that is free of all
linear-time constraints. We can experiment and indulge in all manner of creative options, for
example, an artist may create a piece of work in Focus 2, take a look at it, make all manner of
adjustments and changes, and then bring that work into objective reality.
In interacting with the subjective aspects of ourselves, we often create a series of objective
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images in order to produce a reference framework for our understanding. So while this imagery
is presented to us as a reality, it is also symbolism at the same time. Plus, it is a very unique
symbolism that is presented in a language that only the individual can understand, and maybe
one or two other individuals, relatively speaking, who are genuinely psychic and have the ability
to translate a person's inner-sense activity from the imagery in question.
This is why many of us have experienced a situation where we remember a dream, or some
element of it, and then at some stage in waking life, could be an hour later or even a month or
two, some physical situation will come about and the instance it does we will remember the
element of a particular dream.
The best I ever managed to do, to date, is I've had three people come to me to say they had a
dream where I played some kind of part and, on these occasions, the person was someone I
had actively tried to contact and they had no knowledge of it beforehand. Problem is, though, I
have had a number of occasions where I tried to contact people and they did not say they
dreamt about me. Plus, I have had people say they made contact with me in their dreams and I
have no knowledge of it. So, apart from those three definite hits, everything else has been very
hit and miss.
I think perhaps your best chance of making it work is if two people agreed on some kind of
codeword or phrase beforehand, that one would suggest to the other to "come awake" on
hearing the word or phrase. Plus, I wonder if it might not work better if the people knew each
other fairly well on a personal level.
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Despite our current difficulties, I do feel that objective knowledge of dream contact will be
something that definitely gains in popularity as people broaden their awareness, and begin to
offer themselves progressively more objective knowledge of their subjective actions. I can
envision a time, not too far in our future, in perhaps 10 or 15 years from now, where the
possibility of meeting someone within your dreamscape will be as accepted within ordinary
society as meeting someone down your local high street.
Your reality is basically wherever you focus your conscious awareness, such that everything
within that reality becomes "real" to you. Most people have their focus fixed towards the
physical, so everything within the physical, therefore, is "real". With people who learn to focus
within other realms of existence, they still have a tendency to think of the physical realm as
being the "real" reality. They then use the experience of this as a kind of reality-yardstick against
which their non-physical experiences are judged. Doing that doesn't work as it merely creates
all manner of confusion.
What is hallucination and what is real? I've spent a long time studying this aspect and can
conclude, without a doubt, every form you see is real regardless of the source of that form. In
other words, whether the form you are seeing is produced from your own release of
thoughts/emotions or whether it has been produced by other means, it is real, regardless of
source. Likewise when people ask, was this real or just a dream? There is no such distinction.
Dream reality is just as real as waking reality from the standpoint of the mind: which is where
you should be looking from.
People do, of course, look from the standpoint of the physical consciousness and consider the
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dream consciousness to be unreal. I can well understand where they are coming from. But if
you look to the physical from the standpoint of the dream consciousness, the physical looks
equally unreal too. However, when you look from the standpoint of your mind, each and every
circumstance experienced by all facets of conscious awareness, look equally as real as each
other; and that is the true situation.
Have you ever had a false awakening? Where you dreamt you got up and went about your
normal day, and then at some point you suddenly realised you had dreamt the whole thing? In
the midst of that "dream" I bet you never questioned it. To the extent where, to all intents and
purposes, you thought you were living in physical reality. Until some aspect of your
consciousness jogged you out of it, maybe your alarm-clock went off, or something like that.
But I think when people generally start realising that all reality is "real" then classic questions
such as, "Was this real or just a dream" will simply fade away. The only problem with the phrase
"just a dream" is the word "just".
Dreaming and Death
Believe it or not, many people get caught in their dreams, i.e. they die in the night and just carry
on dreaming whatever it was they were dreaming about. Some dream they woke up and went
about their normal day, and then keep going around that loop totally oblivious to the fact they are
in a completely different sphere of reality. Several times I came across instances where people
were caught in this dilemma, and in others too.
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On seeing me, sometimes the person in question would begin to think they were dreaming or
hallucinating! And they'd shake their heads in disbelief and get on with what they thought was
their ordinary physical day. When in fact, everything they were experiencing was taking place in
a realm that, when they were physical, they'd have considered dreamland, i.e. being in a place
where nothing "real" exists. Yet to them, the place is now just as real as physical reality...
because that is precisely what they think it is!
Dreams vs. OBEs
People who say that obe's are "vivid dreams" are correct, but usually for all the wrong reasons.
I would suggest that first people should find out what a "dream" is exactly before making any
kind of comparison. Otherwise people lead themselves into the engagement of the action of
making a comparison against an unknown quantity. Which is a bit illogical I may say.
A dream is an objective interpretation of a person's engagement within subjective reality. So in
wider terms what's the difference between that and an obe? I can't see any.
I don't meditate at all and I'm not actually sure what meditation is.
I tried to find out once but the descriptions vary depending on the beliefs of whoever was
putting forward the description.
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On one website, for example, one with a primarily Buddhist slant, they were talking about no
less than 500 different types of meditation. I mean, that's just daft in my view. How can there
seriously be 500 types? If each type took a person just 3 months to learn it would be 125 years
before that person could form any conclusion as to which type was best for them. A highly
impractical proposition. Anyhow, I gave up in the end.
I came to a kind of loose consensus about this and concluded that meditation is probably some
kind of state similar to the Monroe focus 3 state. Only with a different balance of elements in the
underlying action-equation in consciousness.
Regarding Trance States
I've always said that I could never get to grips with what people were meaning when talking
about being in a "trance". There are so many varying definitions of the word trance it could
largely mean any state that was not physical. In contrast, the Focus 12 state is a specific state
that people can recognise. But, like I say, there appears to be so many varying definitions of
what a trance is, it would seem that anyone who projects their consciousness to anywhere but
the front-line physical is in a trance.
Drug Use as a Means of Exploring Consciousness
I've never taken any drugs apart from the odd prescription medicine and a moderate amount of
alcohol. I certainly wouldn't recommend people take drugs in order to have experiences. Fresh
mushrooms are legal in the UK, and when I used to live there, I have known people who have
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taken mushrooms. Unfortunately, they all simply end up having whacky experiences that they
are not mentally and emotionally prepared to handle. Plus, I cannot for the life of me understand
how people can eat those things. They actually smell of rotting flesh and blood. Just smelling
them makes me want to puke.
The "problem" with drugs is they give people experiences they are not psychologically
equipped to handle. I've said a number of times there is a humongeous difference between a
drug-fuelled whacky experience and a controlled conscious-exit projection.
A classic example is the case of Susan Blackmore who had a few drug-fuelled "out of body"
experiences that were highly subjective in nature, and then she went on to plug herself as some
kind of authority on the non-reality of the obe phenomenon. Talk about making yourself look
daft! From what she says it is blatantly obvious she has never had anything like a truly objective
experience (and probably never will now).
[Editor's Note: Susan Blackmore is a noted author and researcher on OBE-related
phenomenon. She became interested in this phenomenon after having several
spontaneous OBEs under the influence of marijuana. She is a leading skeptic on the
Some drugs are quite powerful substances and I can understand why a government would
make them illegal. But I simply cannot agree that that is the right course. I just want to make
clear, here, that I am speaking purely as a member not as a moderator, as there may be
possible legal technicalities else; and you can't be too careful these days, with the sheer
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hysteria that abounds from all the scaremongering in the mainstream media.
But making these substances illegal, simply prevents people from experimenting safely. There
should be reliable, unbiased official information that educates people as to the effects of, for
example LSD.
Otherwise, you engender the very situations that other people use to point the finger saying all
these substances are dangerous. So by making them illegal and punishable by punitive prison
terms, you prevent people from getting proper information, which causes all these horror
stories to arise, and so they use the details of these horror stories to justify their continued
It's just a continuous, highly self-defeating vicious cycle.
They should be decriminalised forthwith, and dispensed from licensed outlets in known
concentrations just like alcohol. In my personal view, if people want to eat mushrooms, or
smoke whacky baccy, or take LSD, or whatever, it's their body and their business. I choose not
to, but that's my choice. People should not be forced to take for example, LSD any more than
they should be forced not to.
Anything can be dangerous if it's uncontrolled. You can't just get in a car and drive it any old
how. There are strict rules that must be observed. Cars have killed far more people than LSD
ever will. But people still drive and cars are more popular than ever.
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Drugs should not be just available willy nilly, but they should not be banned either. They should
be able to be purchased through properly licensed outlets in strictly controlled concentrations.
As I say, just like alcohol and like, for example, in Amsterdam where you have the coffee shops
that sell a variety of different types of weed and what they call "space cakes" which I think are
mushroom cakes.
In any event, the crux of this whole thing is not merely to have whacky experiences. It's all about
learning how to become a serious practitioner of the art. In my view, the drugs aspect is highly
detrimental to our credibility in our becoming of a legitimate science.
There are 4 primary areas of consciousness that I labelled Focus 1 to Focus 4. Since coming
across this, I've flipped through various mystical works and it would appear, in the midst of all
the ornately-worded stuff, that some of the early teachings also point out that consciousness is
sort-of "divided" into 4 primary areas also. For example, I do very much believe that the
Christian: Body, Psyche, Soul and Spirit originally referred to the 4 primary areas or focuses of
attention. But like much of the old mystical works, the original teachings have just gotten lost
under layer upon layer of confusion.
One of the works I studied was about Judaism, not that I know much about it. But in the midst of
all the ornate lingo it was sort-of obvious (well, to me at any rate) that what they are calling the
World of Emanation sounds like Focus 4 of the Phasing Model. But what they are saying is all
wrapped up with the notions of God being the creator and stuff. When Focus 4 is simply our
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archetype, the area that contains the source of all possible actions in consciousness within our
system. But again, what they have done is objectify everything. I always think it doubly ironic
how people can objectify Focus 4 of consciousness, as Focus 4 is a purely subjective area.
The Judaism World of Creation, World of Formation and World of Action, I reckon is virtually
certain to be Focus 3, 2 and 1 of the Phasing Model, respectively. But as to whether the
"planes" you are talking about bear any relevance to the Phasing Model to be honest, I doubt it.
Problem is, these "astral planes" vary depending on which mystic or book you happen to
believe. One of the main reasons for that is because people have not realised they were
projecting within their own individual areas in consciousness, or Focus 2 of the Phasing Model.
You can always tell this because mystics tend to speak in terms of "levels". Anything "below"
the level they say that the heavens and hells are situated but "above" the physical, is Focus 2 of
the Phasing Model, which is your own individual area in consciousness.
Here you typically see the objective manifestations of your own belief constructs. So if you
believe that there are 7 planes with 7 sub-planes, or demons and devils, or whatever, whatever
then that is what will become your reality. So people project with the notion of xyz, they see the
objective manifestation of their belief in the notion of xyz. Then so, as far as they are
concerned, their belief was confirmed. So the more they believe it, the more they project and
see it, etc., etc., ad nauseum. Problem is, they don't actually realise they are projecting within
their own mind. :)
So astral planes typically do not actually relate directly to the primary areas. More like the
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primary areas "contain" these notions of astral planes, or whatever notions you happen to
subscribe to are all contained within these areas.
To give you an idea, a Primary Area you can think of like a town. An "astral plane" would be a
district within that town, an "astral sub plane" would be a street within that district. So the street
would relate to the district, as the street would be contained within the district, in turn, the district
would be contained within the town.
Being spiritual is simply about widening your awareness in order to incorporate all aspects of
your own Self. In other words, "spirituality" is not something you learn about, it is something you
become. Your physical self actually becomes a different focus of consciousness. It gradually
becomes this different focus of consciousness as you learn to incorporate the wider aspects of
your Self.
Science and Religion
Thing is, there is only one wider reality that is constructed in a particular way. So in theory
everyones basic explanation should be largely the same, provided they have managed to hack
their way through all the crud and have reached the base reality, so to speak.
Science and religion are both belief constructs that we created to provide us with information
about our reality. We are steadily ditching the religious stuff and replacing it with science-based
constructs. I suppose, as a race, we just got sick of hearing about stuff we couldnt prove and
so we created constructs that would fulfil those definitions of proof. Such as, double-blind
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testing, for example. So now thats become the reality yardstick, if you like.
Thats why science and religion can never come together. We created science constructs to
replace the previous religious constructs. You could think of religion as being the Physics of the
day. In another sense, the Model T Ford will never come together with the cars of today. Its
time has passed; its something weve moved away from. We look back and think what a quaint
little thing and laugh when we think about having to drive one. In years to come, people will look
back and think of our beliefs in the same way.
You Create Your Own Reality
Your perception creates your reality and is heavily influenced by your beliefs. You cannot get
around that. So the only real choice you have is to monitor very carefully the beliefs that you
take on board, so to speak. For your beliefs are, in a sense, creating your reality. So in true
terms, if you don't like the reality you are creating then change your beliefs. It's a little more
complex that that, because we do have interactions with others we need to take account of. But
that's the basics of it.
It is essential to understand that we do not co-create. We create our reality by use of our
perception. Our perception is a tool, if you like, that receives its reality-creating signals that are
filtered through whatever belief constructs we happen to subscribe to. Obviously, certain belief
constructs, such as gravity, are more influencing than others. So there are obviously influences,
but there is no co-creation.
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The future is by no means "fixed in stone". The future comes about as a particular mix of
probabilities you choose to bring into physical existence from Focus 2oC (which is where the
Void is, right on the "edge" of Focus 2). The way you can start giving yourself a future
advantage, then, is to specifically create future probabilities that you wish to come about. The
place where you do this is in the Void, as it were. Rather than playing back the past, simply play
back your desired future. Realise I'm skirting over a LOT of detail here and I go into it much
more in my book. But all you need to do is use your imagination to create as detailed a scene
as possible, about whatever it is you want to come true for you. In doing this it helps to be
practical, after all, you don't want to be going against your existing belief constructs too strongly.
So if you create a reality where the next day you physically fly to the moon, then, chances are, it
will not come about as a physical reality.
I found this works best with small details.
Your perception creates your reality, but heavily influencing of your perception are all the belief
constructs that you currently subscribe to. This means you can easily get into a situation where
one part of you is happy to experiment and go along with the new process. But another more
commanding part of you is looking on with bemusement at what on earth you are trying to do,
and will actively resist any change in your internal status quo. So that's why I find it best to make
small incursions into the active reality-creation process. This is about where I am with this at the
Take a small area of your life where you may be having difficulties. Go to the Void, set the
scene and have the characters engage in a kind of stage-play. You will be the director of that
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stage-play as well as playing the central character (which is a bit freaky at first but you get used
to it). Now direct the stage-play in accordance with your chosen directions. I'm not saying
absolutely everything you create will come true as a matter of fact. But the past year that I have
been experimenting with this, I have had circumstances regularly come about that were
definitely beyond coincidence.
We cannot help but be bound by our beliefs. Every AIC we engage within F1 relates to a
construct of one type or another. Our perception creates our reality and one of the MAJOR
factors influencing of our perception are the beliefs that we subscribe to. The key is to realise
that. So it becomes not a question of trying to get to a state where you hold no beliefs, no, it
becomes an exercise in being very careful about the kinds of beliefs you take on board!
Changing your beliefs quite literally changes your physical reality. You will hear many spiritual
"new age" types talking about how true change comes from within. Yes, that is true. But do
these people actually know WHY that is the case? Not really. It is because your perception is
creating your reality, not merely viewing it as virtually all people assume. And, as I say, the main
factor that is heavily influencing of your perception are the core beliefs that you hold.
So again, it's not a question of dropping all beliefs, it's a question of only taking on board the
core beliefs that influence our perception in ways that are beneficial, both to ourselves as
individuals and to society as a whole.
We engage in mass belief constructs that say it is alright for a child to have "imaginary friends"
and such like, but not adults. An adult we would typically call them "crazy" and such like, but with
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a child people typically go aww, the child is so creative. Many times people come on and talk
about the frustration of being able to remember being able to focus within aother areas in
consciousness as a child, but now they find it difficult.
At some stage they make a switch to become fully integrated within objective reality. This is a
case of adopting various mass belief constructs about what people typically call "reality".
Basically, the child learns what is, or is not permissable, and most simply fall into alignment with
it. Not all, but most do. People who don't we typically call schizophrenic, or one of the myriad of
other names we have for people who see and hear things that "aren't there". As this switch is
thrown, a kind of "veil" is placed between here and there, so to speak, and the individual
becomes fully immersed within the physical. When you choose to disengage physical focus,
you have the same transition but in reverse. There is an area of consciousness set aside for the
purposes of the transition action. In my Phasing Model of consciousness I labelled it focus 3 of
consciousness. The reverse transition is where you are shaking off the notions of objectivity
and adopting a subjective lifestyle again. Whereas when a person is "born" they have to shake
off the notions of subjectivity and adopt a fully objective lifestyle.
If you have heard people talk of some kind of up and coming "shift" in consciousness, then
what is meant by this is people are moving over to the idea of being immersed within objective
reality... while still holding an objective knowing of their actions within subjective reality. We are
at the beginning stages of that shift. Some people are calling it the beginning of a New Age and
all that gubbins. But basically, all it means is as I've described. No longer will we place a strict
"veil" between here and there. Not that there is really any here or there, I use these terms in a
manner of speaking.
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that just needs to be kick-started following which it usually runs all of its own accord... but only if
we let it. Once we start trying to fight it, then all manner of problems can arise. Fears begin to
materialise and so forth. All of which puts a major spoke in the works.
From studying a large number of cases, I see that people who have difficulty tend to have an
underdeveloped intellect. I'm not saying these people are stupid. They may well be extremely
intelligent as far as their physical life is concerned. It's just that during their physical experience
their intellect became a kind of slave to their ego consciousness. Even if these people would
have had some non-physical experience, rather than expand their intellect to encompass the
true nature of it, they chose to engage in all manner of mental contortions to reference the
nature of the non- physical experience to physical matter reality.
Of course, once they disengage physical focus they tend to become immersed in a myriad of
mental conflicts to the extent where it can take the equivalent of hundreds of years of time for
them to work through (because there is no re-engaging physical reality to get them out of it).
What it all boils down to is they enter the subjective reality of the transition experience with no
objective knowledge of what is happening. So they begin to flounder.
Faulty thinking, mistaken beliefs, and the like, are the causes of all inner conflicts (to a lesser or
higher degree depending on the individual). They all have to be dealt with before the wider
perception experience becomes more as we would like it. Fear and doubt can (and often
does!) place people in all manner of weird and whacky circumstances. The whole answer to the
question of how to deal with these kind of difficulties is way beyond the scope of this post.
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However, my up and coming book expands greatly on what I touch on here. Suffice to say, fear
never lurks in the background ready to strike out unexpectedly. Only people who try to mask the
symptoms of fear, have to live within the gloom of delusional oppression caused from such
self-limiting beliefs. And, unfortunately, for many people, the Universal Laws of creation are
founded on the concept of free will. So you are allowed to ruin yourself by taking a fragmented,
torturous approach if you absolutely insist on it.
The way I eventually overcame my own fears and doubts, was to take SLOW steps. Every few
steps I would stop and reinforce to myself that experiencing this reality was something I wanted
to do, something I felt joyful about. In other words, create a short statement that you can believe
in, something that makes you tingle with joy when you read it aloud to yourself. Then repeat it
within the non-physical environment.
The statement you create has to be in your words, because the words have to resonate with
you in a joyous and harmonious way. But to give you an idea, here's an example of what I would
typically say, "I breathe in the atmosphere of this wondrous place and experience the joy and
the beauty of my inner being. It is my privilege to perceive the true reality of consciousness. As
I do so, I become at peace with myself knowing that all of consciousness is forever open for
me to experience."
When I say, "breathe in" I intake a few breaths just as if I were within the physical. Speaking of
the physical, you could try saying a statement worded like this a few times a day within physical
reality, as the statement would be equally valid. After a while, you'll find you no longer have to
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say anything to yourself as the attitude you are attempting to engender simply becomes you.
It is doubly important for you to realise that while practising this art, you must be centred and
calm, neutral in thought and emotion, whilst being in an overall condition of relaxed
attentiveness. That is the optimum state. The other important aspect for you to realise is we are
not puppets. We all create our own reality in accordance with our beliefs and expectations, and
no one is imposed upon without his or her consent. All limitations we come across are merely
choices the individual in question has placed for their experience.
Self, Aspects of Self, and "Essence"
The underlying pure subjective state is that of Essence or Self. This state is as pure a
subjective a state as the physical is as pure an objective a state. In other words, the two could
be said to be at the two extremes of the subjective/objective spectrum; where our current
physical reality is virtually 100% objective... and Essence, is virtually 100% subjective. So, for
example, if you decide to drop a little objectivity you will enter what Monroe labelled the Focus
10 state, say. Drop a little more objectivity and you will enter Focus 12, a little more and you
enter.... etc., etc. Eventually, if you were to drop all notion of anything to do with objectiveness,
you would experience your becoming pure Essence (again).
I suppose you could say doing such would be the non-physical equivalent of "going home".
What really turns me on is finding out how all this came to be. But more to the point, how "I"
came to be. Which is why I keep on doing it. And in finding out how I came to be, I'm finding out
how everyone else came to be too, and how the planet was formed and all kinds of things like
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That's the key to all of this. First you've got to study yourself, find out all your own motivations,
your desires, your intents, your core beliefs. You've got to start noticing yourself *continually*.
Monitoring every thought, every feeling, every reaction that takes place within you, and keep
asking yourself WHY you think the way you do, and WHY you feel the way you do, etc., etc.
keep doing this and, slowly but surely, you will start breaking through to the very core of your
own Self.
[Editor's Note: The constant questioning of "Who am I?" was the primary teaching of
Hindu sage Sri Ramana, and it is widely practiced in several schools of Zen.]
Communicating With Essence
If you wish to contact your Self, simply ask to communicate directly with Essence. Don't worry if
objectively you are unfamiliar with the term Essence. Subjectively, you will know what you mean.
You don't actually need to go through any kind of "projection technique" to do this. Simply lie
down and relax your mind and ask to communicate directly with Essence, and you should sense
a door opening (so to speak) in your mind. It might take you a few attempts to get the hang of it.
Focus 4 and "Total Self"
When you adopt Focus 4 as your Primary Focus you "connect" with your total self. I use the
word connect guardedly as you are not disconnected now. No one is. All we have done is
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chosen to focus our mental attention along a particular path. I always think of it as the difference
between a very wide-angle lens (F4) and a telephoto (F1). Here we have chosen to focus our
sense of mental attention along a very specific path for the purposes of our experiencing a
particular course of objective events. The concepts of which are formulated individually and en
masse by us all within Focus 4, simply for the purposes of our experience.
Now, if you were to offer yourself a Focus 4 experience of the same kind as I have then, from
within that experience, you would view your current physical life as a concept. What I'm trying to
get across is it's *just* a concept. That's all, nothing more than that. Your whole physical
existence is reduced to a mere concept. Just one of zillions of possibilities. A physical life filled
with experiences over, say, 80 years, from the Focus 4 perspective is a tiny drop in a huge
ocean of experience.
The general thrust is on the expansion of experience, not a repetition of experience. One
experience leads to another and another. Within Focus 4 there are many, many conceptual
opportunities open to a person, including, I am assuming, the ability to repeat the experience of
your current focus if you wanted. After all, there are no limits. But I very much doubt you would
want to looking at it from the Focus 4 perspective. According to my knowledge it's not
something that happens.
The Higher Self Concept
Within Focus 4 of consciousness is also where you can find all your connections to your other
focuses, which will be resident within other physical realities within our system. There are a
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huge number of other physical realities and you will have many, many other focuses resident
within them. This has led many mystics to believe in the idea of your Higher Self being a kind of
collective entity that somehow encompasses all of your focuses. Some mystics even take this
notion a stage further saying that, at present, i.e. while physical, you are a kind of fragment of
some kind of whole. Then, when you die, you kind of become one again and rejoin this allencompassing whole entity or Higher Self. This is, of course, a complete load of dingo
droppings. But I do, of course, very much understand why these people have come to these
kinds of conclusions over the years. Some more modern-day mystics have even taken this
contorted notion yet a stage further. To the extent where, they are claiming that when your final
incarnation is complete, you gather together all the various fragments of yourself. Then the
whole of you, sort of, comes together within a kind of huge mothership of beingness and off
you travel to your next adventure. This is, again, just yet more dingo droppings.
Other Selves and Aspects of Self
Probable selves are aspects of you, as in created by you on a more local level, as opposed to
other "selves" or focuses which are created in Essence or the "oversoul" region of
consciousness. People tend to use different terminology for the same regions of
consciousness so that's why I've given a couple of examples. So, yes, probable selves are
aspects of yourself.
You see, thats why the so-called higher states are not higher at all. They are just closer to the
near 100% subjective state of Essence. Anyone can enter these states! You dont have to give
all your money to charity and live the life of a monk, or whatever. Though I am sure you can see
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where these primitive thoughts came from once you realise the truth of the process. Because
the more a person would latch onto the physical, i.e. traditionally speaking, the more a person
would be into money, sex, physical prowess, etc., the more difficult they would find it to release
the levels of objectivity necessary in order to reach the more subjective states closer to
Aspects of Self
All of us have an infinite number of alternate selves, together with a huge number of other
focuses of Self who are engaged in all manner of other physical-world and "other world"
scenarios. And I'm not counting all the zillions of probable selves, and the equally huge
numbers of other, what could perhaps be called, more minor aspects of Self. All these aspects
of Self are available to us, simply because they ARE all us.
Within Focus 2oC you meet many Aspects of yourself. Aspects are not other focuses but
Aspects are created by you to perform various functions within consciousness. Unfortunately,
there is a lot of very sticky mystical residue that pervades this topic and people often get
confused. You can almost always tell if the person you are interacting with is an Aspect or not.
Aspects are usually resident within F2oC and they tend not to say much, or they perform
particular tasks and thats that. Perhaps they might sound confused, or they just mirror your
actions, or they just stand there grinning, or something. Whatever it is they perform, even if they
appear quite lucid, they always tend to come across as if they have a bit missing. Its difficult
to explain but you will recognise it at the time. Sometimes they can show you places. For
example, if you are thinking about wanting to visit a particular area of consciousness, you can
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create an Aspect of yourself that will go there, have a scout around, and come back and tell you
things about it. Or you can have them meet you as you project and they will show you places. I
mean, this is one of those actions that is a lot easier to say than to do. But once you realise it is
possible then another link falls into place.
You already carry all the memories of all your other focuses within you, as within subjective
reality all time is simultaneous. Though it's a bit tricky to sort out what's what, as there are so
many of them it all gets rather confusing. I keep trying to access this area of Self but all I keep
getting are what I call overlay experiences, where it's like you are viewing pictures on a film that
never wound on, and all the exposures were made in one frame. So if you look carefully you
can see snippets of every individual photo, but each one is distorted by the other and so makes
hardly any overall sense.
I now and again manage to merge with another focus but, to date, after about four years of
attempts, I have only ever came across two aspects of myself I can readily communicate with. I
merged with several others but they were too wrapped up in their own problems to do with their
physical life. One, for example, was a gangster who had been cornered by the police and was
about to get shot in the head. Another was shipwrecked and drowning, and others have just
been going through their lives totally oblivious to the fact I had merged with them.
Death and Dying
We DO NOT die. We actually shed our physical bodies as a tree sheds its leaves.
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Ive said before a number of times that what we objectively view as death is the action of a
person shifting their Primary Focus [of attention] from Focus 1 to Focus 3 of consciousness.
There is NO death! We are NOT our physical bodies! Our body is merely a biological machine
that contains various senses, motor capabilities and communications facilities that allow us to
create the experience of being physically oriented. We point our focus of attention at it and we
can experience wherever the body happens to be.
People "move on" in all manner of ways. They may choose a particular circumstance, for
example the circumstance of an "incurable" disease for the purposes of their exit experience.
Or they may choose a more dramatic exit. But, ultimately, each person chooses their mode and
time of exit. Though I do very much realise that virtually all people, particularly people in western
society, are not geared up mentally to accept this yet in an objective sense. There are people
who, for the purposes of their experience, choose to engage in a life-threatening circumstance
and then decide to "recover" from it. There are all manner of reasons why, and all manner of
circumstances where people choose to do this. Some people, for example, rather than
choosing to manifest a disease, manifest a certain kind of "disability" and all manner of things
Our loved ones do not "die," they will always be. None of us really live here. It's just a place we
all created for the purposes of our experience. Think of it like you go on holiday, and you stay
temporarily in a place, have some different experiences for a while, then go home again.
Regarding Suicide
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To commit suicide you'd have to be in a pretty badly screwed emotional state. Problem is,
these people think that doing away with the Physical body will, in some way "put them out of
their misery".
Difficulty with that is, their collective sense of conscious awareness doesn't actually reside
within the physical body at all. It resides in the "body" they are left with after they mutilated the
physical carcass. You cannot actually kill yourself. Sure, you can place the physical body in a
situation where it will no-longer continue to function. But you are still left with You at the end of
the day.
In a sense, "suicide" could be considered a basic learning process, albeit a rather drastic one.
However, I think people ought to consider there is a difference nowadays between what we call
"suicide" and an act of self-deliverance. An act of self-deliverance is classed as a logical
decision by the person in question. Whereas a suicide is generally classed as an irrational
decision by someone in dire need of psychological help as a result of clinical depression
and/or what we would class as mental illness.
In my experience, some forms of mental illness are tantamount to torture. It can very easily
reach the stage where the person in question feels they simply have no alternative but death [as
a form of escape]. It is all very well for the sociologically comfortable to pass their judgement
upon these people. Social snobbery takes many forms I suppose. But go and actually work with
these people and then see how you feel.
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The whole question, I would suggest, is a LOT more complex than most people assume. In the
first instance, I would recommend people read Final Exit by Derek Humphry. He touches on a
number of important basic issues regarding this.
Plus, I would respectfully suggest people try to gain an understanding of this issue by actually
working with people who feel a psychological need to do away with themselves, as it were, as I
did for a number of years. I think you would find it rather enlightening.
I have had a very close experience. She was a youngster, female, boyfriend left her and her
world fell apart. She died in my arms as I heard the ambulance arriving. Something I will never
forget. Still got the whacking great scar on my inner forearm from punching my fist through the
side window to get the front door open. Tore my inner forearm in half. 20 years later I still
remember it like it was yesterday.
Frank's Predictions Regarding the Future
There will be science constructs in a hundred years, but, as I say, in about 20 years the science
of Physics will make the discovery I talk about. This will pave the way to our development of a
completely new science. This will be our current science of Physics *plus* the incorporation of
subjective frameworks of reality. So in my mind I always think of it as Physics plus.
First, there will be an acknowledgement of the area that I label Focus 2 of consciousness. This
will lead to a completely new study of the role of the imagination and dreams. This will lead
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science to conclude that the brain is merely a physical interface. That what we call our mind is
in fact remotely located from the body. Once this fact is accepted then all manner of major
discoveries are made.
As these new discoveries are being made, people begin to accept less and less the old
explanations such as those presented by mystics and religion. These constructs simply get
pushed further into the background of our awareness. One exciting aspect that you could say is
a bit of a turning point, especially where ordinary people are concerned, is a new machine is
invented that enables people to reliably project into F2oC. It uses particular sound and video
patterns and acts like a far more advanced Hemi-Sync or Binaural Beat setup that we have
today. Scientists discover there are certain unlocking keys in the brain that can be triggered
from using certain patterns of light and colour.
These machines start off a new craze. Every kid wants one for Christmas, that kind of thing.
Adults pay little attention at first, but soon they catch on and begin to realise the power of being
able to create future probabilities in F2oC that can be brought into physical existence. Steadily,
the concept of us creating our physical reality is accepted. Suddenly, people are meeting up
within F2oC and having fun, realising the enormous possibilities of the place. Very quickly, it
becomes accepted. Then people begin discovering F3oC. Following which it is only a matter of
time that the riddle of life after death is solved.
As this is happening, all the old mystical and religious constructs get pushed further and further
behind us. Some die-hard religious types start a kind of counter-revolution trying to stop people
from interfering with what they claim are sacrosanct areas reserved only for god and angels,
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and that kind of thing. But everyone just dismisses it as tosh. Thing is, science and spirituality
never really come together either. Science just takes off and leaves all the old constructs in its
wake, as people get more and more curious about exploring the wider reality for themselves.
And that latter point is the key to it all. People realise the truth for themselves. In realising that
truth, they also realise how wrong the early constructs were. How far off the mark they were, etc.
There is a lot of material out there written about our Wider Reality. A lot of it is guff. There is
also some good stuff amongst the dross. As always however, don't just accept what you read
as gospel truth. Research moves on and new findings replace old ones.
In spite of that, I would recommend three authors in particular:
ROBERT A MONROE: His pioneering work is seminal. His first book, Journeys out of the Body
is now largely outdated, however I would recommend his two later books, Far Journeys and
Ultimate Journey. He is prone to a bit of poetic metaphor now and again which does tend to get
in the way sometimes but overall he is fantastic. It all started here!
BRUCE MOEN: A 'graduate' of the Monroe school. He attended the Monroe Institute and was
deeply impressed with what he found. He has now become an important author in his own right
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deeply impressed with what he found. He has now become an important author in his own right
in the field of afterlife research. He generally follows the Monroe model and is a specialist in the
art of retrievals. He is a pioneer of a particular focus approach that utilises an F1/F3 overlay
enabling the practitioner to interact with F3 realities while still remaining largely within F1. I have
had some success in duplicating this approach but I am not as good as Bruce. Again, like
Monroe, he has a tendency for poetic licence sometimes, particularly with regards to his
'Unconditional Love' aspect, which I tend to view as being more the effect that subjective
energy has on us rather than an energy in itself.
JANE ROBERTS: This author takes a psychological approach to the Wider Reality, as
transmitted through 'Seth', her guide. I have read two of her Seth books and I can vouch for
their accuracy. Too much concurs with my own experience, particularly in the way Seth talks
about the structure of consciousness. When I first read the books it was a revelation to me as
hardly a page went by that didn't qualify something or other from my own experience. However,
it has to be said that Jane Roberts gets more than a little tiresome in places, but I suppose it
was the 1960s.
The term "phasing" was originally coined from an idea presented by the author Robert Monroe
who spent much of his physical lifetime researching OBE phenomena. His early work, detailed
in his first book Journeys Out Of The Body, followed very traditional lines of study. Such that
strong parallels can be drawn between his experiences detailed in that book, and the work of
the traditional mystics.
However, his later books Far Journeys and Ultimate Journey, published many years later, reveal
how his work had progressed to the development and formation of a completely different
model of consciousness. His early locale concept had been totally replaced by a series of
mental Focus Levels. These levels were labelled by using an escalating series of arbitrary
numbers. Each level was identified from the mental impressions presented that Monroe
categorised and labelled, so that others could follow in his work and duplicate his experiences.
At some point in his experience, Monroe was able to determine the profound truth, that there is
no separation within consciousness. Whereas in his early work it felt to him he was leaving and
separating from his physical body in the more traditional sense. His later experiences led him to
conclude that he was not "leaving" his body at all. But what he was doing, in his words, was
changing the phase relationship between himself and his surroundings. It was from this
discovery that the term "Phasing" came into being.
Monroe was an electronics engineer by profession, and it so happens that I too graduated in
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electronics, so I understand where he was coming from when he talks about phase
relationships. You can have two voltages present on the very same wire (you can have many
numbers but for this example we'll have just two). To all intents and purposes, those two
voltages are mixed, but at the same time they are separated. What separates these two
voltages is the phase-angle relationship between them.
Monroe used this phase-angle relationship idea as an analogy to describe the relationship
between the physical or objective layer of consciousness, and the non-physical or subjective
layer of consciousness. Each respective area of consciousness occupies the same area in
"space" and to all intents, they are mixed but at the same time they are separated. So Monroe
figured there was a 180-degree Phase Relationship between the two areas of reality. To him,
projection became a case of "switching phase" between the physical and the non-physical.
Phasing, therefore, entails initiating a 180-degree phase shift between the physical and the nonphysical realms of reality. The way this is done is rather different from the traditional ways of
initiating an "out of body" experience. In fact, Phasing does not incorporate any kind of out of
body feelings at all. The normal bodily vehicle can remain and all that changes is a person's
The key to Phasing is to just let the experience flow. You need to allow yourself to become it,
as opposed to trying to go to it, or point to it, with some kind of "method." Just lay back and
simply become it. At which point people usually say, "Yeah, but Frank it's okay for you but when
I close my eyes all I see is blackness. Well, that is all I see at first!
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I think often that people are too hasty to discount these initial stages, and they just go off on
some method.
When I close my eyes all I see is blackness. But I think the essential difference between me
and many beginners is when they close their eyes they are not really noticing. And that's
another key to it: that of noticing self. I think people become too wrapped up in methods and
techniques, and it prevents them from really noticing themselves.
Okay, so as I say, when I close my eyes all I see is blackness, which is normal. I'll wriggle
around a bit to get comfortable, maybe my knee is itching and my hair is tickling my ear or
something. So I'll sort all that out and just concentrate on breathing gently for 5 minutes or so.
Now, because I am noticing as opposed to avidly trying to perfect and follow some technique
or method, in the traditional sense, my full attention is taken by the simple act of noticing.
People often tell me that they keep trying and they are saying about how they are concentrating
upon holding their awareness outside of themselves, and at the same time they are
concentrating on "raising energy" and doing everything correctly, and whatever; but nothing is
happening. That's right, because all their attention is fixated elsewhere, whereas all my attention
is fixated on noticing.
Noticing what?
Well, nothing at first, there's not much to see really but blackness. But then, after a short while, I
may see that perhaps one part of the blackness is not quite so black. Perhaps there was just a
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brief flash of something, then maybe a sensation of a movement somewhere else. Maybe I just
heard someone call my name. Hmm, that's interesting, I might think, I wonder where that came
from. But I don't get too curious I just keep noticing. I might see swirling areas of not quite so
black as the rest. I might see flashes of this and that. As I am offering myself these images, my
attention is steadily becoming more fixated within.
As my attention becomes fixated within, from the act of noticing, at this stage I am not aware of
my physical body. Part of my awareness realises that somewhere in the background is a
physical body, in bed, etc. but I have phased away from it. Before, the forefront of my
awareness was my physical and 180 degrees turned around from that, in the background of my
awareness, was the non-physical. But now there has been a phase shift, i.e. a turning through
180 degrees. Now, my previous foreground (physical) is my background, and my previous
background (non-physical) is my foreground.
This is what is meant by "phasing" because you cause a 180-degree Phase Shift between the
non-physical and the physical. As I say, Monroe first coined the term as he was an electronics
engineer and he was picturing it like it were two voltages, 180 degrees out of phase with each
other. Hence he coined the term Phasing. But I guess people generally have difficulties
picturing two voltages 180-degrees out of phase with each other. So, instead, imagine a
revolving door that is the entrance to a building. Any old building, it doesn't matter.
You are standing outside the building. So the "outside" is your reality. You are aware of a reality
that exists inside the building, but is closed to you by the door. Now, go through and turn the
door 180 degrees and stop (oh, in case anyone doesn't know there are 360 degrees in a circle,
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so 180 degrees is half a circle). Now, you are inside the building. So the "inside" is your reality.
You are aware of a reality that exists outside the building, but it is closed to you by the door.
Now again go through and turn the door by 180 degrees, and stop. So now, the outside is your
reality again.
Each time you go though the door and turn through 180 degrees, there is a 180-degree phase
shift between your awareness of the outside and your awareness of the inside, in terms of your
Okay, so as my attention becomes fixated within, from the act of noticing, this causes a 180degree phase shift between my awareness of the physical (outer) and my awareness of the
non-physical (inner) sense of reality. So from then on, I continue to notice anything that may
come about. I'm not all that curious, I'm not trying to make anything happen, I'm not enacting
some kind of method or technique, I'm simply looking within and noticing what is taking place,
and the act of doing that is focusing my attention.
As a person focuses their attention within themselves, through the action of noticing, they allow
themselves to view "snippets" of other dimensions of reality. This action is translated
objectively as the perception of flashes of all manner of this and that, random images that come
and go, all kinds of spurious sounds, and so forth. Sometimes these snippets can form what I
call 'astral screens' where you objectively perceive something similar to a cinema screen effect
in front of your non-physical field of vision, complete with moving images and sounds. What is
happening is that you are objectively offering yourself snippets of other dimensions of reality. If
you then decide to step into these scenes, you will find yourself in that 'location', within that
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[Editor's Note: Since the 3-D Blackness and further on have already been discussed in
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[Editor's Note: Since the 3-D Blackness and further on have already been discussed in
the section of The Wider Reality, and since most beginners will be concerned with the
early stages of the phasing process, this overview only covers Focus levels 3 through
Focus 3
At focus 3, your Primary Focus, or your primary area of focus in your consciousness continuum
is Primary Focus 1 (PF1) the physical. But your focus of attention has become withdrawn from
the "front line physical" as I call it. So you become introspective.
At focus 3, you are still very much in the physical body but you have, in a sense, forgotten
that you have one. Because what has happened is, your attention has turned inwards and you
are now laying back looking at all the pretty patterns and things that a person typically offers
One of the main characteristics of focus 3, for me, is my breathing becomes quiet so I'm not
aware of it. My body breathes totally silently and I have next to no input from my physical
senses. In the preliminary stages, I am aware of the birds singing outside, for example, but I
am not focused on them. All sounds become in the periphery of my awareness as I turn my
focus of attention inwards. After about 10 minutes I sink deeper to the stage where I am merely
looking within and noticing how my attention has turned inwards. Focus 3 is a very neutral, quiet,
passive and introspective state that I use all the time, for example, when I am searching for
inspiration on something. Usually when I am searching for a way of explaining something and
nothing pops into mind, I will take 20 minutes or so, lay back and enter the focus 3 state and
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there will be my answer. Focus 3 is the state (from my communications with people having
problems following the Monroe model) I would gauge many tend to confuse with focus 10.
Focus 10
Focus 10 is basically the same mental state as when a person is completely absorbed when
watching a movie, for instance; where their attention has been captivated to the extent they are
neither aware of the room they are in, nor the chair upon which they sit.
Only difference being, your attention is captivated by the imagery you are perceiving in your
mind's eye. And, at the point of being internally absorbed, this is Focus 10.
The various states should flow from the initial MABA state. Problem is, it is not just a question of
being very relaxed. The MABA state is not something you feel, it is an actual "state" that you
become or you "phase" into. As you become the MABA state you should feel a definite shift in
consciousness (180 degree phase shift in awareness).
People get the idea of the mind awake body asleep (MABA) and think all they need to do is
simply relax their physical body and everything happens for them. That may be the case with
some people but many others get mighty frustrated when nothing happens. I have been saying
for some time that I consider it more productive to forget concentrating on the physical body
completely. Rather, concentrate upon shifting your awareness through the simple "noticing"
exercise I talk about.
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[Editor's Note: For a detailed discussion of Focus 10, see Fred Aardema's paper here:]
Focus 12
From Focus 10 you should naturally make a quick and seamless transition to Focus 12. This is
where all kinds of abstract imagery can come about; together with all manner of sounds such
as, pops, bangs, Velcro-like tearing sounds, and even music. These events seem to just come
about at random. For example, I hadn't heard anything for a while, just visuals. However, this
morning I heard a loud series of knocks and, next moment, someone shouted my name at the
top of their voice. What all that was about I have no idea.
Another example which sticks in mind, came about the other week: after the coloured foggy
mist I normally perceive at Focus 12, all I got was a picture of a man of about 60 years of age
repeatedly trying to tell me something. He was at the window of a small wooden building about
10 or 15 feet away. I could see his mouth moving but couldn't hear a thing. I don't know where I
was at that stage: Focus 23/24 maybe.
I used to get loud knocks, like someone banging on the front door. I forget the number of times
I actually got up and went to the door convinced that this time there really was a knock at the
door. But no. Sorry I cannot be of much help than that. It's just that much of what you say is just
typical of what can happen. Like where you say you heard a chainsaw starting up, yeah I can
well believe it.
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I also used to get a sound like a jet place flying low overhead. For ages that would bug me. If it
weren't a jet plane it would be a helicopter, lol. Then once I went through a phase of hearing
these ghastly screams, they were really freaky. Then there was the time when I'd hear random
shouts, like, someone would shout my name, just from nowhere. Or they'd shout HELLO! And it
would sound like there was somone right beside me in the room I was in. It would shock me out
of it and I'd fully expect there would be some kind of intruder in my bedroom. But no, it would all
be normal.
Lately, I have been seeing a lot of textured effects. Brown and yellow colours seem to
dominate. When I went through this phase before I'd get lots of shades of blue. Really deep
blues as well. Not long ago I went through a phase of getting pictures. Just still pictures of
people I have never seen before, not to my objective knowledge that is. It was just a picture
phase, I suppose, and now it's effects again. What has happened the past few days is I have
been softly focused on an effect, expecting it to melt away and then getting the feeling of
forwards movement as per usual. Then, suddenly, there is this enormous BANG! And the whole
effect explodes like a firework into a million falling stars. The first time it happened was about a
week ago and it nearly shocked the life out of me! I never zapped back to C1 so quick, lol.
As you begin to perceive those impressions try and remain as mentally still and as neutral as
possible. Simply be a passive observer and just let events unfold. Getting scared or excited
tends to zap you out of it. I thought it might be useful to mention that sometimes you can
perceive shapes that look a little fearsome. I always remember the time when it looked like the
head of a large wolf was pressing against my face.
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Focus 15
I discovered Focus-15 for the first time last week. Or at least I think I did. I'm not exactly sure
how it came about, but I was lying on my bed just letting my thoughts drift and I felt a kind of
shift. Didn't really notice it so much at first, it was something that dawned on me perhaps a few
minutes (not exactly sure) after it came about. It felt like I was entirely physical, so I slowly
opened my eyes expecting the state to break, but it didn't. The only way I can explain it, is it felt
as if everything within the physical had just stopped, freeze-frame like.
Within my mind, it was as if there was no future and no past, and all that existed was the present
moment; which felt expanded or widened somehow, and I was living in it.
[Editor's note: Frank's experience is almost identical to Eckhart Tolle's awakening
experience as recorded in The Power of Now. This warrants further research.]
I expected the state to break any second but it didn't. Within my awareness came the
description of "no time" that I had read before about Focus 15, that we talked about previously.
I can say that that's exactly how it felt. Like time had just stopped. I'm sure that it hadn't. I'm sure
the world outside was continuing as per usual. But it felt like, for me, it had stopped. What also
felt doubly weird is the fact that I was fully awake and alert within the physical! But there was a
sensation of being ever so slightly removed from my normal, fully awake self. But I do stress
the word slightly. I stood by my bed and slowly walked to the window. As I was doing so, I got a
distinct sensation of travelling through time. Which I know sounds weird but it did feel weird. I
then walked back to where I was before and got an incredibly strong feeling of dj vu. It
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was as if I had gone back to the time when a minute previously I was standing by my bed. So I
walked back to the window and the same feeling came about. I experimented by repeatedly
walking to various points in the room, and each time I would return to a point, it was like I had
returned to the time when I was there previously. It was exactly as if I was reliving the same
moment, over and over.
After about 10 minutes (or that's how it seemed) I got a distinct feeling that "I" had come to the
forefront of my awareness again. I was still in the physical as before, but without that strange
feeling. In other words, everything became normal. I am absolutely certain that I was within the
physical at all times. I touched various physical objects, for example, and everything felt just as
it usually does.
I'm sure this is the Focus-15 state. Because the description, "no time" just captures the feeling
absolutely. But, as I say, I'm sure that time, in a wider sense, continued as normal, and the state
pertained to me only. If I were to try to expand on the "no time" description, to me it felt as if I
had my past and my future, and a large area had opened up between them. My mental focus
felt as if it were situated right in the middle of this area... as if all that existed was a perpetual
"now" and everything I did was time-referenced to that.
I hope to enter this state again and experiment further. The enchanting aspect is the fact of
being fully awake and alert within the physical. Difficulty being I cannot recall how I got there, but
I'm sure it'll happen again before long. The fact of it being so physical is why I missed it before.
I was thinking of the state in the sense of it being more of a non-physical state. But it would
appear not. Based on my experience it would seem to be a different type of physical focus!
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I keep searching around the Internet for more info, but haven't found anything more than the
usual bog-standard description of "no time". It looks to me like yet another one of those
situations where no one really knows, so everyone parrots everyone else. Of course, there is
always the possibility that what I discovered is not Focus-15 at all. But the "no time" description
suits it to an absolute tee.
The true experience of becoming the Focus-15 state, is an incredibly more profound sense of
reality than the somewhat puny objective notion of "no time". Now that I've managed to put twoand-two together, so to speak, I can see that Focus- 15 is a state where we actually manifest
the very probabilities that go to creating the circumstances we experience within objective, i.e.
physical, reality! On the surface it would appear that by directly manipulating in the Focus-15
state, a person could literally forge his or her own physical reality. Though, at present, this
remains something of, what you might call, a glorious possibility. I accept that each of us
already creates his or her reality, but to actually access the very state in which we create the
probabilities for that reality is something very profound indeed. The temptation to begin playing
with my objective-reality control mechanism is proving very hard to resist! Needless to say, this
has opened up a completely new avenue of research for me, and is something I shall be
exploring over the coming months.
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These profound mental states are right there, alongside all of us, just waiting to be
experienced. But we pollute the purity of these states with our own objectivity, and that prevents
us from becoming the true state. Instead, what we experience is our objective interpretation of
the state, not the state itself.
You do not experience the state, you BECOME it, and in this sentence lies the key difference
between objective and subjective reality. Now, each subjective state has a level of purity, let's
say, which must remain intact otherwise we cannot become the state. Unfortunately, it appears
that what perhaps virtually all people do is "pollute" these states with objectivity. Therein lies the
core of the problem.
When the state becomes polluted with a person's objectivity, the person ends up in a position
where they are attempting to "view" the state. This is, of course, impossible. But that doesn't
stop people trying. :) And this neatly brings us to the situation we have today, where people
describe these states in terms not of what they are... but in terms of what they see into them.
Acceptance is the key. We all deny ourselves, well, most of us anyway. Quite why we do that I
don't know. But everything we ever wanted to know is right there, within us, just for the asking.
All we have to do is allow that change to take place. Sometimes doing that can be the hardest
thing in the world, which is where faith comes in. People who come into this just get too hung up
on techniques. They follow this and follow that. When all you need to do is lay back, relax, look
within yourself and let it flow. Just simply allow it to happen. However it comes about, just let it
be. Don't question it, just let it flow.
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The physical only looks as real as it does because it captures our focus to an extreme extent. I
can now withdraw my awareness, for example, even while walking down the street, so it
appears like I take a "step back" from the front-line reality. As such it all starts becoming very
From the standpoint of being immersed in one reality, another reality will be viewed as an
objective translation. If I allow myself to become completely immersed within another reality, for
example, I fully merge with another focus, then the physical (together with my physical life here)
becomes to me "like a dream". When I cease merging with the other individual and focus within
the physical again, I become completely immersed within this reality and the reality I was
merged with before, now becomes to me "like a dream".
People get the idea that you have to "leave your body" to experience the Wider Reality. You
ALREADY are bombarded with every input from every reality that ever was. But, for the
purposes of experiencing this particular physical reality, in this particular time-frame (out of the
infinite numbers that are available to you) you apply a specific kind of "filter" that allows you to
experience it. That one filter that you are currently applying is what, in Phasing terms, is called a,
"focus of attention".
Once you widen the scope of that filter, the more of the wider reality that becomes open to you.
Which is great. That's what you are trying to do. But don't be confused by it all, when it all starts
becoming open. Simply accept it and mentally "home in" on the areas you wish to experience.
In other words, focus your attention on the part that interests you. Again, that's why I say, these
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really an issue with the more traditional approaches due to the "separation" factors involved.
In-Depth: Noticing
How it tends to begin at first is you are sitting or lying down just wondering if you are doing it
right, or whatever, then one of the first signs of making progress is you will suddenly "snap
back" to your normal physical state. At which point you will look back and realise that a moment
ago you were fully conscious and following a train of thought, but you were not actually fully
focused within the physical. You may have been hearing voices and sounds and/or seeing
images, you may have been having a conversation with someone, or whatever. And you realise
this has just happened as you snap-back to physical. If you persist, what will happen is you
begin to notice yourself slipping into the state. In other words you begin to recognise when it is
happening and this allows your thinking to "go along with the flow" of it. This gives you the ability
to remain fully aware and phase shift further from the physical, while remaining fully conscious
of you doing so.
At first, people close their eyes and all they see is blackness. Unfortunately, this can put people
off thinking they are never going to do it. When I close my eyes all I see is blackness at first.
But if people learn to actually notice what is taking place they may see that one area of black is
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not quite so black as the rest. Then they may kind of sense something. Then there might be a
little fleeting something or other that just passed by. Perhaps a swirl of colour, maybe you just
heard a sound, or think you heard a sound but it's confusing because you didn't hear it with your
ears. Perhaps you just heard your name. Then maybe there was a flash, or was there? Now
there's that sound again. And there's this swirling purple colour with a hint of yellow and red in
the middle. Now someone's singing something... at which point people tend to get
overwhelmed thinking, "Hey, I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Then they get zapped right out of the
state, all excited realising that it's working for them. Eventually, people get to the stage where
they see what is commonly called "hypnogogic imagery" (this is the Monroe Focus 12 state).
Many people ask me, "What do I see?" Well, at first all I see is blackness. But as my eyes and
face start to relax I see a light in my mind. It is in an upwards direction, almost straight up but
cranked back a bit. It's not a pinpoint light like a torch, it is more like an area of light, like a lightgrey/white cloudy area. I focus my attention on this cloudy area and after about 10 or 15
minutes it's like the cloud descends on me and I'm surrounded by this grey/white cloud. At this
point I'm almost at the stage where I have made the switch. Once I make the switch, the
whiteness generally changes to swirling clouds of colour. Then there is a feeling of forwards
movement for a second or two, at which point I emerge into the 3D-Blackness at the Monroe
Focus 21 state (or Fz of the Phasing Model).
Be prepared to just roll with it and see what's offered. The optimum state is to be a passive
observer and you release an air of mild curiosity. But I know very well how difficult that is to do
in the beginning.
Within the F2 environment if your mind is racing, you tend to zoom off with it too. Like, you'll go
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shooting off into "space" at a million miles an hour and that kind of thing. Problem is it causes
your mind to race even more so you just keep zooming about here and there. Next moment you
are back in the physical wondering what the heck happened. Many times I have had people say
to me that they projected for the first time and they got really excited and then suddenly they got
hit my this force of energy that caused them to zoom off.
They ask me what is this mysterious force that they got hit by, is it a "neg" or something? Nope,
it was just the force of their excitement. They released that energy within the F2 environment
and whoosh; they zoomed off on their own sense of excitement.
You need to start trying to ground your thinking and learn to change your perception gradually. I
found the best most productive state is to remain emotionally neutral, just release a mild
curiosity and see what turns up. Otherwise events can easily start running away with you and you
lose it.
I lost it for the first time in ages the other morning. I was moving forwards fairly quickly and the
"ground" suddenly came to a stop, like a cliff edge, and I suddenly found myself hanging in mid
air looking down at the "water" about 300 feet below. The change was so quick it caught me off
guard and I actually zapped right back to physical. This hasn't happened for ages, and would
not have happened if I hadn't been impatient to get to where I was going. You don't want the
changes to take place too quickly else a part of you can freak and zap you back to physical.
Now, I'm assuming you are able fall asleep. In which case, next time you arrange to do so, go
to bed an hour earlier than you would normally do and, rather than letting your mind just drift off,
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simply look within yourself and notice what goes on. You don't need to bother about what your
physical body is doing, simply focus within yourself and let that take your attention. You need to
get your imagination working (this is a most important aspect) and create some kind of mental
scene within your mind. Keep noticing it. Notice how the picture builds and becomes more
lifelike the more you concentrate on it. Notice how your attention wanders sometimes, notice
how the internal landscape changes. Notice how you are noticing yourself in the action of
noticing. See yourself on several different "levels" of noticing. Notice how it often feels like
there are several of you all noticing each other at once. You need to get your senses involved
within you. Notice how you can see things, hear things, touch things, have it all going on inside
your imagination while you notice it happening. Then, at some point, your attention will become
captured by it. You'll notice changes taking place, people will start talking to you and you will
begin conversing back to them. Events will start taking place, they'll take on a life of their own
and, for a short while, you will join in. Then, chances are, you will suddenly freak out thinking,
hang on a minute, I'm not creating this!
You'll feel yourself "return" to the physical and you will be thinking back to a moment ago, when
it was like you were in another world, a different realm of reality (because you were!). This is
Phasing. It needs no trance, no meditation, no energy work, and no other "body". There is no
feeling of separation, no immense fear, no "out of body" sensations, no vibrations, and no other
weird feelings at all. All the while you feel like you are the same you, and all that changed is your
It's all sparked off through the simple act of noticing together with a huge dollop of imagination
as a kick-start. It's not something you sit and wait for, it's something you actively work towards
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achieving. People who sit around waiting usually a) get bored, or b) fall asleep.
Frank's Phasing Experience
To give you an idea, this was me yesterday morning. I began and all I could see was blackness.
So I got comfy over the next 10 minutes or so and then felt very relaxed. My eyes were closed
and all I could see was blackness just like most of us when we close our eyes. So I let my
imagination wander (but not too much else I lose focus and fall asleep). A few random thoughts
crossed my mind. I tried to picture Monroe and how he was doing, I thought of the forum and
Sarah bouncing on her trampoline. I wondered about how many others were trying the same
and pictured a huge trampoline with hundreds of us all bouncing on it. Then I saw an area of
greyness develop in front of me. I said hello greyness how's it going? It changed to a
whiteness and enveloped me. That's interesting, I thought.
Then I got what I call the ink blots. It's like I see a texture of a cream coloured soft paper with
great splashes of black ink over it. Next moment I was "travelling" through the 3D Blackness of
Fz. Total time from physical to Fz was about 20 minutes. Pretty much normal in other words.
Tried to Phase Shift to Focus 4 several times and failed. Had all manner of overlay experiences
that were recognised and noted. Phase Shifted to Focus 2. Objectively analysed a few recent
new beliefs about the wider reality. Worked on my current studies regarding Trans-Dimensional
areas in consciousness. Tried to Phase Shift to Focus 4 again and failed. Phase Shifted to
Focus 3 as a result of an idea I had while in Focus 2 just before. Interacted with a few people
but had little idea of why I was having the interaction. Felt there were clues in this area that
would help me but nothing in particular was coming to light, so Phase Shifted back to Focus 2
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I feel the main problem people have in shifting focus is their physical body in particular their
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I feel the main problem people have in shifting focus is their physical body in particular their
feeling of it. The key is to concentrate on shifting focus within you; in the sense that what you do
is create a kind of duplicate reality within the realms of your imagination which serves to draw
your attention away from the physical proper. This puts you a few rungs up the ladder, so to
speak, to the extent where taking the next hop isn't all that difficult.
The easiest transition to make is from Focus 1 to Focus 2 of consciousness. This is mainly
because we communicate with Focus 2 of consciousness virtually continually without realising
it. Our imagination and memory, for example, is located within Focus 2. So anytime you imagine
or remember something you are accessing Focus 2 of consciousness. Our imagination is
actually the very source of all that we create within the physical. Simply put, if you cannot
imagine it then you cannot create it. It is no coincidence that successful people also tend to be
highly creative individuals. If anyone wants to start changing their life then they have to start
imagining differently to what they are doing now. To me, it's like teaching someone to drive. I
could go in all day about the intricacies surrounding the engine. Electronics and mechanics I
know a lot about and I could harp on all day about the technicalities of the engine, the gearbox
and the myriad of control systems. But that doesn't actually teach people how to drive. To do
that what we need to do is sit the person in the driving seat, teach them how to switch it on, get it
in gear, and start rolling forwards. It doesn't matter what all the switches are for, or what's under
the bonnet, we just need to get rolling and we'll take it all step by step. And that's how I view
projection. I need to get people consciously switching their attention to Focus 2. That's what
gets you rolling.
Let's choose a simple rundown. You are sitting at a table peeling potatoes.
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Right, so you'll be lying in bed, aware of your physical body, yet in your mind you will be
imagining there is another "you" who is sitting at a table peeling potatoes. Now, chances are this
image will not be too clear at first. If you are like most people you will sense the image that you
are creating, rather than actually see it. All you will likely be seeing is the blackness behind your
closed eyes. So the image of this other "you" will be indistinct and hazy and none of it will make
much sense.
Now, what we do is start to engage the senses of the "you" who you are creating in your
imagination. Remember, your imagination is where you want to go to. Your imagination is
situated within Focus 2 of consciousness. Once you are there, you can use F2oC as a launchpad to get you to Focus 3 or Focus 4. Alternatively, you can stay within Focus 2 and have a
nosy around, or you can come away towards the physical and have an RTZ experience. It's
entirely up to you. But first you have to get yourself within Focus 2, and to do that we need to
initiate "the switch".
So what you do is look at the table that you imagine this imaginary "you" is sitting at, see the
wood it is made from, and feel the texture of it. In other words, engage the senses of the
imaginary "you" sitting at that that table. It may not be a wooden table, it may be plastic. The
detail is yours to decide and to imagine. You are not engaging the senses of your physical body
lying on the bed. But the physical senses of the "you" who you are creating sitting at that table,
in your mind. Doing that causes you to be more creative and shifts your focus of attention
towards this imaginary person. So you've felt the table and to the side of you is a bucket of
potatoes and to the other side of you is another bucket with water in it. On the table is a peeling
knife. What colour is the handle? See the colour, pick up the knife and feel it in the person's
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hand. Again, you are not feeling it with your own physical hand. The hand doing the feeling is the
hand of the imaginary person you are creating in your mind.
Take one of the potatoes from the bucket and start to peel it. How does it smell, what sound
does the knife make as it shaves-off the potato skin? When you have finished peeling then plop
the potato in the bucket with the water. Did you hear the splash? Are you getting what I mean
now? The idea is to create something not too elaborate, but not something so simple that you
get bored and fall asleep or give up. Make it something that you enjoy doing, something simple
that you can engage your senses, but make it a little repetitive so you can progressively build on
the imagery, but not so repetitive that it become tedious and boring. In a rundown example
published the other day, a member built a log cabin for himself. This kind of thing is ideal,
because you have a series of repetitive actions but you are building something at the same
time, which makes it far more interesting than merely doing some repetitive action on its own.
The more you practice this, the closer you will get to initiating "the switch". This happens when
your focus of attention is captured by the imaginary imagery. You actually become the person
you are imagining. Or you may end up in the same room as them and start talking to one
another. This is kinda freaky when it first happens, lol, but you quickly get used to it.
Initially it's a little shocking, or at least it can be. Suddenly it'll be you sitting there peeling the
potatoes within the same non-physical reality you were previously imagining from a distance. At
which point you'll think, "Aagh, hang about, I'm not imagining this!" This realisation will tend to
shock you out of the state. But after a few attempts you get used to it and you'll be able to
remain where you are.
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Now, if you create a rundown of sufficient character for yourself you will be able to step into it.
But just because trampolining works for one doesn't mean to say it will work for another. That's
the big problem with the climbing the Rope idea that was first presented by Sylvan Muldoon
reiterated later by Robert Bruce. As a mental rundown, it's a great idea and it happens to work
well for some people. But ever so many people have reported problems with it. This is
unfortunately what happens when you adopt a one-size-fits-all approach. So as I've said a
number of times, you need to adopt a mental rundown that has all the qualities of engaging the
senses, but not something so simple you get bored and not something so complex you lose
the thread of it. Once you hit on it just right, that's when you'll step into it.
But having said that, you don't actually have to step into your rundown absolutely perfectly. We
need to take a little step back here and ask ourselves why are we creating this rundown in the
first place? Reason being we are wanting to help ourselves make 'the switch' from Focus 1 to
Focus 2 of consciousness. The mental rundown we create is simply to aid us in doing that. But
the stepping into our mental rundown is not the end point of the exercise. It is merely an aid to
the transition between Focus 1 and Focus 2 of consciousness. After a while you should be able
to find your internal connection I mentioned on another thread yesterday. Think of the rundown
as using stabilisers on a bicycle or using some kind of buoyancy aid while learning to swim. The
ultimate aim is to be able to ride or swim without the aids. Well, our ultimate aim is to be able to
simply relax and look for that place in our minds and make the switch.
Again, what we are attempting to do in the creation of our rundown is to formulate a highly
controlled lucid dream. Only a lucid dream where we are absolutely awake and alert at all
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stages in the process. If you catch yourself dreaming you will typically become lucid. Someone
may ask then what is the difference between having a highly lucid dream and stepping into a
mental rundown? And the answer is, essentially nothing. The problem, however, is dreaming is
a slightly different action that takes place within the same area of consciousness, Focus 2, but it
is not exactly the same action. You will find that in the case of a lucid dream, you will have rather
a lot of difficulty becoming conscious enough to the extent necessary to make a reliable switch
to Focus 3. You will no doubt have a great experience. Revelling within your own mind, flying
here and there. But typically coming awake within a dream is not the way forward. If it were,
everyone would be doing it already as having a lucid dream is one of the most popular Focus 2
experiences. You need to enter Focus 2 absolutely consciously for this to work reliably. So we
create the mental rundown while being awake and alert within the physical but with the physical
body totally relaxed and out of the picture. This is the Monroe MABA state or Focus 10. There
is no direct correlation between the Monroe focus numbers and Focus 2 of the Phasing Model.
This is one of the two main reasons why I changed to using the Phasing Model. Focus 2 of the
Phasing Model I would describe as a wider Monroe Focus 12. Once a person starts getting into
this, they will realise that following the Monroe Model you more or less skip Focus 2 entirely.
The Monroe focus 12 leads through focus 15 onto focus 21, which is the 3D Blackness stage.
Here you are at the "junction", let's say, between your own individual areas of mind (Focus 2 of
the Phasing Model) and the Transition Area, which is Focus 3 of the Phasing Model or
Monroe's focuses 23, 24, 25, 26 & 27. Or the equivalent of what Bruce Moen followers call The
Afterlife area.
This does beg the question if our own goal is to switch to Focus 3 and the Monroe model leads
more or less directly to Focus 3... then why not simply use the Monroe model?
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You can, there is nothing stopping you. However, as I've said a number of times, making that
direct transition to Focus 3 is tricky. I always maintain that it is far easier for people to first make
the switch from Focus 1 to Focus 2 and then decide what they want to do. Energy work is far
easier within Focus 2, for example, you only have to think about firing off some energy centre
and it starts buzzing away merrily. Just this morning, for example, I was floating around in Focus
2 just firing off energy centres and having them buzz merrily away, while giving myself ideas
about a section I am writing in my book.
We access Focus 2 from the physical all the time. Our memory and our imagination is
contained there. So anytime you remember something or imagine something you are
accessing Focus 2 of consciousness. This is why it is the easiest transition to make. And we
also make this transition upon sleep, of course, although sleep is again a different action in
consciousness. But it is primarily an activity that involves Focus 2 of consciousness. Now,
bearing all that in mind, you say that you were about to give up for the evening and you got a
series of really strong images and moving scenes. One was of you inside a train carriage and
looking out at some mountain range. Then you say you were not sure if this was the beginning
of a lucid dream, or maybe a Focus 2 experience... There is essentially no difference. If you
were still aware of being in the physical at the time of having these images then you were
experiencing an F1/F2 overlay experience where you offer yourself an objective knowing of two
different areas of consciousness at the same time. Typically, a person will be lying or sitting
physical-body relaxed in the physical. They will still be aware of being in the physical to an
extent, like, they haven't fully stepped into their mind, but they will be having some kind of
visions in their mind. This is a typical F1/F? overlay experience where if you are seeing
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products of your own imagination it will be F1/F2. Or, typically, the people we call "mediums"
will have an F1/F3 overlay experience, because these people (assuming they are genuine, of
course) communicate to people in what is generally known as the Afterlife area. So because it's
rather trickier, we have to take a slightly different approach. That's why we first practice stepping
into Focus 2 and we don't consider anything else until we can step into Focus 2 and then
transition to Fz. This is what we call our base state and the ability to project to Fz reliably is the
first main milestone in the Phasing process. In your case, you may find that the creation of a
mental rundown stimulates an F1/F2 overlay experience. So the next step is to let the
experience ride, enjoy it, and then learn to step into it. Simply concentrate on it and imagine
stepping into it.
This is again how having a basic map of the structure of consciousness helps in knowing what
is happening to you.
I always recommend that when you create the mental rundown, you will make "the switch" from
3rd person to 1st person much quicker and/or more reliably, if you simultaneously engage a
number of physical senses in the rundown. Smell, I have found is a powerful one with me. I love
to imagine smelling freshly baked bread. I imagine an old country kitchen with an aga-style
stove and there's a freshly baked loaf on the top cooling off. Even just typing this I can smell it
within me and I want to go to it, lol. So you will also make better progress if you imagine
something you enjoy doing. Well, apart from the obvious, of course... ha ha ha... sex, I have
found, has a very powerful pull but it has the detrimental effect of also engaging the physical.
The two can easily end up in conflict, i.e. the physical is pulling you one way, and your nonphysical rundown is pulling you the other, so to speak, and you end up locked in the middle of
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them. Music is another powerful one I find, particularly flute. I imagine I can hear a distant flute
and it's getting closer and closer. Before I know it, I've turned a corner in my mind and I come
across the someone who is playing. This kind of technique is great for transitioning directly to
Focus 3, where you engage a rundown with a "party unknown". It's kinda freaky coming across
them. The first time I tried the flute idea, I suddenly found myself in the company of a person
playing. As I approached, they stopped playing to introduce themselves and we started
chatting. Then I suddenly realised, hang on a minute, I'm not imagining this! At which point I
realised I had transitioned to Focus 3, not Focus 2 as I had originally planned.
Entering Focus 21 Via Mental Rundowns
When you enter the 3D Blackness directly, you just enter the blackness. You tend to get a few
swirling clouds of colour and some screen effects or texture effects maybe. I see these and
get a feeling of forwards movement and there I am, slap-bang in the middle of the blackness.
Well, that's what happens to me when I follow the traditional Monroe model. However, in cases
where you enter the 3D Blackness from "coming out" of an imaginative rundown: as the scenery
of your imaginary scenario falls away, it feels like you are standing on some kind of a precipice.
But if you enter the 3D Blackness directly, there is no imaginary scenery to fall away, as such.
Though, if not a full rundown, there could be some kind of portal- effect created by the person
in question that could give a similar sensation to what I'm about to describe. But if there is
nothing to "fall away", then I can see that you would not likely come across the kind of precipiceeffect that I describe. The effect of a precipice comes about because, within your rundown, you
feel as if you are within a solid kind of reality. And to all intents and purposes you are. Now,
when the scenery of your rundown falls away to reveal the 3D Blackness, it feels like the only
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piece of solid ground that's left is the square foot or two that you are actually standing on.
Everything else just falls away and you often end up standing in mid air looking dumbstruck, at
this amazing expanse of 3-dimensional nothingness in front of you.
To the person's mind, it also feels like behind you is where you just came from. This also
reinforces the effect of standing on a precipice. It's quite a big thing just to allow yourself to
float off into the blackness. Because you feel that if you take a step forwards or in a sense
steps-off this tiny piece of solid ground the person feels they are standing on, then they are
going to fall into a humongous black hole of nothing. This again serves to reinforce the
precipice effect. Once a person becomes used to the scenery falling away, they will
automatically allow themselves to float in the blackness and the sense of standing on a
precipice will no longer be felt. Or at least it will not be anywhere near as acute an effect. But at
first it can be quite daunting.
Classic Separation
One of the most popular questions people ask me is, "Frank, what is the easiest way of me
leaving my body?" You can't, there is no way at all you can leave your body. You can shift your
focus of attention into the wider physical, you can shift it to Focus 2/3/4 but you cannot leave
your body. There is no way you can step beyond the physical. The physical is an end result.
Nothing exists outside of ourselves. Some people accept this but then start taking it way too far
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Nothing exists outside of ourselves. Some people accept this but then start taking it way too far
the other way and begin calling physical reality an illusion. I step short of that by a long way.
Anyone who thinks physical reality is an illusion should walk into the nearest lamppost. It's not
that physical reality is an illusion, it's the notion of objectivity that is the illusion. To understand
what I mean by that you need to study the way the subjective translates into the objective, in
terms of energy. This knowledge can be gained from Focus 4 and Focus 2 experiences.
Particularly in regard to the way our perception creates our reality.
In the old days people would subscribe to what I call the split and separate means of
projection. They thought of an "energy body" as a kind of capacitor that needed charging in
order to bring it to life, as it were, so it could separate from your physical body and part of your
mind would split and go into this energy body. Hence my term split-and-separate. And this
energy body was a kind of vehicle that you would use in order to roam around the real-time
zone. In order to charge this body, you had to in some way "raise energy". If you failed in your
attempt then it was because you hadn't raised enough energy to cause it to separate. So you
had all these techniques you had to perform that were said to help in raising enough energy to
charge your energy body.
You can go down that traditional route if you want. As an application model it was okay in its day,
I suppose, but now it's all a bit clunky. Sort of like using a late 80s 286 PC. It'll still kinda do
what you want it to do, but it's slow and clunky. The projection technology we have today does
away with the energy raising idea.
Monroe was the forerunner with his linear focus model. His later work was just brilliant. He was
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the first person, to my knowledge, who realised that these areas we project to are not places,
but are actually focuses of attention. This was a BIG breakthrough. I have basically followed in
his footsteps over the years and eventually created a new model that incorporates a number of
issues Monroe chose not to incorporate in his model. Plus, I have clarified and added a lot that
just doesn't come out in Monroe's 2 later books. He put a lot of clues in those books but you
need quite a bit of experience already to follow what he is going on about.
You cannot separate yourself from yourself, as it is all yourself. There is no place in
consciousness that you do not already occupy. So there is nowhere you can go where you
were not already at before you set off. Because it's all you. It's just that people get body-fixated
and, in doing so, they fail to realise how "far" they extend. But a body is merely an objective
representation of the accumulation of a particular set of expectations regarding the enactment
of certain types of actions within particular areas of consciousness. It holds no other purpose.
It may well feel or look, for example, that a person "separates" their astral/mental/or whatever,
whatever "body". but there is no separation in consciousness! The only boundaries are the
ones we create; the only separation that exists is a distinction that we create also. We create
everything. All our reality is created by us. Nothing exists outside of us. What you perceive are
not artefacts that are somehow produced by, or in some way belong to, the wider reality. They
are all aspects of your experience that you create for yourself.
Likewise, people talk about "astral travel" we don't actually travel anywhere. We already occupy
these areas of consciousness, so there is nowhere we can travel to where we currently aren't.
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What people call "astral travel" is a kind of reminder they offer themselves of the reality of their
existence, in some place other than this current physical. Only what they see is an objective
translation of that wider reality. How you form your translation is entirely down to you. As I say, it
is your translation, it's your creation.
Energy Work and Classic Separation
What this practice of RTZ projection actually entails is a particular kind of energy interaction
between the yellow and purple energy centres. You need to be fairly relaxed, I suppose, so you
can focus on the matter in hand. But if you set off the purple centre and let it throb away you'll
feel a vibrational energy travel down your body and interact with the yellow centre. When you
feel the two start to "talk to each other" then you'll find you can simply rollout of the physical.
When I say "talk to each other", after a short while there comes a point when you feel waves of
a tingling, buzzing kind of energy travelling up and down your body. At which point you should
feel incredibly light and airy, and feel "static electicity" type symptoms. You might hear a static
kind of crackling or hissing and feel tingles and stuff. When I say you'll feel light and airy, it's like
you are in a tiny boat bobbing up and down on the waves of an ocean. At which point you should
be able to just roll to one side and "exit" into the real-time zone.
I often get a particular type of energy interaction between my head and my stomach area
(purple and yellow energy centres). It feels almost like I'm charged-up with static electricity that
crackles and tingles. If you concentrate on your head, it should intensify. Or at least, that is what
happens to me.
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float and shimmer in what looks like a huge shoal of flatfish. When you walk through they stick to
you. The temptation is to think ugh, and start trying to get them off you. But the more you try the
more they'll stick to you. But if you just ignore them totally they will ignore you.
So, as I say, they must be some kind of objective representation of your subjective energy. The
other place I see often is right "alongside" the suckerfish. I call it the Hall of a Thousand
Spiders. Again, this must be some kind of objective representation of the underlying subjective
energy. But it does look like a large open hall and all you can see are these huge spider's webs
all over the place. On each web is a big spider and they are all scurrying about here and there.
It's quite a sight. And there are loads of other "places" too that I have visited.
Often while in the "travelling" phase I have gone through all kinds of tunnels and other
structures. At first it'll be pitch black and then I might find myself showered in a wondrous light
that appears to be coming from some point ahead of me, or often "above". And it takes you like
a kind of "tractor beam" effect and you emerge into some world or other. If you ever find
yourself having these kinds of experiences you will realise where all the talk of angels and u.f.o.
abductions stuff comes from.
So I just thought it would be interesting if you could try what I am suggesting and see if the
same effects come about. The kinds of effects I am describing are not necessarily part of the
Monroe F10 MABA state. The energy interaction is something else that is being superimposed
on the F10/F12 experience, in that you don't necessarily have to feel the energy interaction.
When I make the switch in a strict Phasing sense, there are no energy feelings at all. But I can
initiate the energy feelings if I want to a large part of the time, and they come with some very
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interesting effects.
There are obviously specific energy centres. I can set them off more or less at will within Focus
2 and now and again within Focus 1. Sort of when I'm in the mood. I ignite my heart-centre
about once a week for the whacky feelings it gives, for example. During a projection
experience, I can often sense a light buzzing and kind of static electricity hissing and crackling
sensations that I recognise as energy sensations from the various centres. If I project in a
conventional sense into the RTZ then I get a specific kind of interaction between my purple and
yellow centre that I talked about a few times. But generally, I just let my energy centres simply
get on with whatever they need to get on with.
To me, the energy centres are like the engine in a car. You don't need to know what's under the
bonnet to get in and drive it. Projection is all about driving. That is what I teach people to do, get
into their selves and drive off into another reality. Plus, I give them an accurate map they can
follow. So they'll always know basically where they are in the general consciousness scheme of
The energy work approach is a valid approach. It's just that to me it all looks a little esoteric.
Some people like it, obviously, and people do gain benefit from it. But the Phasing Approach
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Some people like it, obviously, and people do gain benefit from it. But the Phasing Approach
does not rely on any specific energy work. I will say to anyone having difficulty with energy work
to try doing it all within Focus 2 of consciousness. Here you only have to think about moving
energy around your body and you feel it instantly. No lying there for months trying with no results
in the physical. Anything you can do in the physical you can do within Focus 2 of
consciousness. Only the effects are much more direct and more stunning to experience. But I
warn you, it can get addictive. :)
Many times I will have a lucid dream and certain energy centres will be active. When my solarplexus centre comes alive, for example, I always tend to dream that I am standing on the edge
of some precipice, looking down at the ground hundreds of feet below. That's because this
energy- centre gives me the same feelings when I look down from a great height in the
physical. So the feeling is duplicated in the dream.
When I was younger, I used to have a recurring dream that I was standing on the edge of a
huge suspension bridge looking down at the water a couple of hundred feet below. It was years
later that I discovered what is was... just the objective manifestation of the feeling being played
out within F2oC.
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I'm not sure how common this is, but I hold a remembrance of what I call "play states" I used to
enter as a child. There was a time in my life, for example, when breathing was a novelty and I
used to revel in the wonder of it while lying in my cot. What I found is when I enter this playstate then all thoughts of the physical world at large, simply falls away and it's like the curtains
open in my mind. From this point, it's usually just a matter of applying a simple awareness shift
and I'm immersed within non-physical reality.
[Editor's Note: Mindfulness of breathing (anapanasati) is one of the core techniques
taught by the Buddha for achieving freedom from suffering.]
Another technique involves staring at an object. But rather than staring at the object, try looking
into it rather than staring. There is a subtle difference that makes all the difference if you get
what I mean. You know you are doing it right when you see the object change character. When
it happens the first few times, it tends to snap you out of the state.
As an example, when I first started doing this I used to look at a picture of a woman's head and
shoulders. One day I was firmly locked into the altered state it produces then I saw, as plain as
day, the woman raised her eyebrows and then winked at me. Caused me such a shock my
heart nearly stopped. :)
Anyhow, after a while I realised that what I was viewing was not the actual picture itself, but a
kind of overlay that I had created by projecting my thoughts onto the original photograph. This I
hadn?t noticed so another aspect of myself decided to attract my attention in order to point out
the changed situation.
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Another thing you should notice when you are doing it right, is in your peripheral vision you
should see a different scene, so it feels like you are no longer in the same room. It?s normal
for me to see coloured lights, for example, like they are shining through a light mist. Yellow is a
popular colour that often comes about with me. Last time I did this was about a week ago and to
my right I could see a cascading waterfall that was sparkling with a golden yellow light, and to
my left was just a jet-black sky that was punctuated by millions of shining stars. But I have seen
all manner of things besides.
Practice Considerations
I have no particular talent for this kind of thing. I wasn't born with any kind of "gift" or anything. I
guess where I am different is I just keep plugging away until I get whatever it is to work.
Now, the physical is our Primary Focus so it does capture our focus to a high degree. With
many people it captures it to the extent that it precludes them from experiencing anything of the
wider reality. But by using various techniques we can gradually break down the barriers between
here and there, so to speak.
Controlled, conscious-exit projection is a tricky mental balancing act. You need a particular
clarity of mind to achieve it. Unfortunately, often it's only by working through the frustrations that
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clarity of mind to achieve it. Unfortunately, often it's only by working through the frustrations that
the necessary particular clarity of mind is achieved. You see, once you can recognise the
correct frame of mind then you can concentrate on keeping it, or only making attempts when
you have it.
That's why my main projection time is after I wake up. Because my thinking is clear, but there is
a certain relaxed quality about myself that makes me happy just to lie back while I go off into
myself. But when I'm not in that particular frame of mind, it's a lot harder for me. I can do it, but it
takes longer to achieve.
My body is most receptive to this kind of work after I've been sleeping for about 6 hours. I'll
wake up, have a pee, drift off for about half an hour then come awake, but not completely. My
mind will be awake but my body will be in a dreamy kind of relaxed state. By now I know exactly
how the state feels so I work on achieving that state first. If I'm a little too sleepy, then I'll have a
little sleep for, maybe, another 15 mins and see how I feel then. It sounds a bit convoluted but
I've done it so long I tend to just fall into it most mornings. Once these conditions come about, I
start looking within and going through some kind of basic mental rundown. Within about 10
minutes I make "the switch". Sometimes it can take a little longer, sometimes shorter. But the
key, for me, is to get into that preparatory state first. Because that's what makes it "easy" for
me. I can do it other ways, I've even done it whilst sitting in a semi-darkened room with other
people around in a kind of "joint sitting" as I think it's called. Which felt a bit weird the first time I
did it but the same principles apply. But I find it easiest doing it following sleep. So I tend to just
concentrate on the way I find it easiest.
Of course, to make this work you have to get into a little routine of going to bed at a certain time,
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sleeping for x-number of hours, then finding that naturally relaxed state. If you try when you are
too tired, you'll tend to fall asleep, and if you are too awake then you'll have difficulty making the
switch. But if you can get it just right (or thereabouts) then the switch should come fairly easily.
In a sense you can think about it as falling asleep but not quite. You let your body fall back to
sleep but your conscious faculties remain entirely under your control. In which case you will find
yourself fully awake and alert, but you will be focused within F2 of consciousness instead of
Focus 1 (the physical).
But people do it in the afternoon or evenings just as easy. Depends on the person I guess. No
particular rules, as such. It's just whatever works for the individual in question.
So I think its best to think less in terms of projecting or Phasing and more in terms of getting
yourself into a productive frame of mind. You can't start trying to "chase" these experiences.
Many people make the mistake of trying to use too much determination and will-power. Like
they were trying to accomplish some arduous physical circumstance. While that kind of attitude
can work well within the physical world, it can easily have the opposite effect when you apply it
to your non-physical work.
The more you try to chase the experiences the more they run away from you. So, as I say, find
that productive state of mind and have them come back to you. You don't need to "travel" or
"go" anywhere to have these experiences. We already occupy all of consciousness. You just
need to work on becoming more receptive and your mind will open to them.
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It's important not to try too hard. Any kind of tension in the mind can have a detrimental effect. I
think the medics call it Performance Anxiety, or something like that. It's best to try to relax more
and go with your own flow. That's what I do. Just lay back and look within yourself and be happy
with what comes about. Sometimes I think people make this far too complex, and they begin
treading on their own feet.
Just lay back and do it!
Be open to it, and it'll come to you. That's the big problem people have with all these
"techniques". They keep trying to chase it. They are not noticing what's going on right in front of
them. It's all there. Just lay back and notice what comes to you. That's all I do. I just lay back
and after a short while... there it is... because it's there all the time. It's just that the harder
people try the more they push it away from themselves.
That's what I love about this topic. You spend years and years to realise the sheer simplicity of
the whole thing. When you do so you just want to kick yourself at how simple it is, looking back
and realising it was right in your face all the time. But that's the appeal of it all.
Session Length
I do think it important that a person assigns at least a couple of times in the day to just sit quietly
and focus within themselves just for 5 or 10 minutes. Even if it's just to create a little rundown in
mind aiming to have an F1/F2 overlay experience. This is in addition to the person's main
practice, which should be for about 30 to 60 minutes. 45 minutes I'd say is about optimum in
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I consider the ability to allow the eyes to relax as crucial to success in this. Some people
appear to have a knack for it, others, such as myself, have difficulties. My eyes will always try to
"snatch a glance" at whatever it is I am perceiving in mind. Not so much now because I got over
it. But it took me ages. When my eyes would try to snatch a glance I'd be zapped right out of
the state I had worked so darned hard to achieve. It was most frustrating. But, I suppose that's
where being a complete, stubborn SOB comes in handy. :)
I always maintain that I do not have any particular talent for this. I just keep trying until I work it
out somehow. I think a lot of these people who have written books tend to have a natural talent
for what they do. I reckon, however, the majority of people are like me, we struggle often with
the simplest of things. That's why I have simplified the Phasing approach to as high a degree
as possible but still keeping it effective. And always remember that a person can project even
into the RTZ (Focus 1 in the Phasing Model) from anywhere within consciousness.
You know, after Rodger Bannister ran that sub 4-minute mile, around 20-something people also
ran a sub 4-minute mile in the twelve-months that followed. Which is pretty amazing statistic
since no one had done it in all the years up until then. But that's the difference. You see, Rodger
Bannister showed that it could be done. Once people realise that it is actually possible, they
start to take off with it. Once people realise that it is actually possible to detune one's
awareness and convert a lucid dream into any other projection they like, even an RTZ
projection, then we are going to see more and more people actually doing it I'm sure. Or at
least that is my hope.
Right, so one of the key aspects is allowing your eyes and face to relax. Try and take a step
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back from your eyes and look upwards into your mind from a point that is either above or below
your physical eyes. What you are trying to do is break that connection between looking and your
physical eyes. If you feel for it, you will realise that initially you are looking from a point right
behind your eyes. Somehow you have to let the eyes totally relax and then you sneak that point
away from them and look in a totally different direction in your mind while the eyes just remain
Don't worry about trying to achieve any of the Focus numbers, they are just signposts that can
help you. If you find them confusing then put them all aside for now. All that will come later. You
need to get into the basic habit of looking within you. Simply that. Put aside all thoughts of
"leaving your body" or whatever and simply look within your mind and start noticing what goes
on in there. Try to choose a time when your physical body is fairly relaxed anyway if possible.
That will help.
There is a particular direction that you need to look in your mind. After a while of practice you'll
be able to reach for it fairly easily. But at first it takes a bit of finding. With me it is almost directly
upwards but slanted back a bit. Once you find that spot, changes will begin to take place.
Rather than just black, you'll start seeing all kinds of patterns.
Concluding Remarks
Also, be pure in your thoughts. Speak kindly of people as often as you can. That's not to say
you shouldn't speak your mind, or you let yourself get taken for some mug. No, there are kind
ways and polite ways of going about all things. Always think about a person's positive qualities,
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including yourself. Go about your business with thoroughness, always use good manners, etc.
Take walks in the countryside, alone, especially in the wind and rain. Be at one with the
elements. Look up at the clear night sky and imagine flying to the stars (you will be able to do
that one day!). Go to the ocean and see the gulls swooping from a great height and skimming
the water (you'll be able to do that too, with the very same degree of conscious awareness you
have when reading this).
Being at one with the elements, enjoying nature and appreciating the beauty of the earth is
something I feel is important. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to go around hugging trees,
or anything. But successful projection requires a kind of mental stillness that seems to
harmonise with nature.
That's the end of Frank's words. However, I personally could not consider this resource
finished without briefly touching on the nature of Frank's withdrawal from online activity, as it
seems many people were confused and disheartened as a result. I hope to bring some sense
of closure to the issue.
Frank's online involvement dwindled in 2005 due to "ill health" before stopping altogether. Frank
has not been heard from since, despite several big projects in the works such as a virtual
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has not been heard from since, despite several big projects in the works such as a virtual
classroom, a book, and the Frank Kepple Foundation. Most folks at the Astral Pulse believe that
Frank is deceased.
There seems to be three basic theories regarding Frank's cessation of online activities...
1) Frank is a Fraud
Several individuals had paid for Frank's virtual classroom when Frank dropped off the radar,
and this naturally aroused accusations of fraud. While this theory is somewhat understandable
considering the circumstances, I consider it highly unlikely for a variety of reasons.
For one thing, Frank spent several years posting on the Astral Pulse discussion forums. Frank
mapped his own progress, discussed various theoretical issues, and assisted a great number
of beginners. To say that all this was to con a handful of people out of a negligible amount of
money is quite a stretch.
2) Frank is deceased
This is the most common theory by far, and it has a couple of factors going for it.
Frank retired from online participation due to ill health. What he meant by "ill health" is really
anyone's guess, but from what I could gather, it was pretty bad. One moderator on the Astral
Pulse noted, "Even he feared the worst."
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Coupled with the fact that Frank had a number of big projects and a passion for helping people
through the discussion forums, it would seem that his disappearance could only be the result of
physical death. At the time of this writing, Frank has not surfaced in the online world in nearly
eight years.
While physical death would more or less explain Frank's disappearance, it leaves a few
unanswered questions.
Frank had a friend who handled the financial end of his virtual classroom project, as well as a
girlfriend who lived with him. Why was news of his death not passed on to those who paid for
the classroom? In addition, there are no obituaries or hospital records associated with Frank J.
Kepple, and I've searched to the best of my ability. These things are not necessarily indicative
that Frank is still alive, but they certainly are curious.
Which leaves us with one last theory...
3) Frank is alive but keeping a private life
Here's an interesting question-- that photo of Frank at the beginning of the resource, who took
it? And where are they now? Would they know of Franks whereabouts if he was still alive?
The mystery photographer has in fact commented on the status of Frank. I now present this
post from the astral projection forum of in 2009:
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Hi all,
For those who don't know I used to help moderate on Astral Pulse forums and then Astral
Dynamics forums
For anyone who wants to read my old posts my user sig on both forums is: eol007
However, I learnt much more than I was able to contribute and teething probs and egos aside
I had opportunity to meet online with some of the worlds most fascinating Astral Explorers
and have been lucky to make friendships with more than a few of the them over last 10 odd
One of those I was lucky to meet in person was Frank Kepple. Frank has been a legend in
his own life time - certainly on Astral Pulse and had been a moderator there in the past. By
the time I stumbled on to Rob Bruce's work and then 2nd incarnation of his forums on Astral
Pulse (magnificently run by Adrian Cooper) Frank had become semi-inactive on the forum,
but dropped in from time to time. I believe that ill health and his sense of keeping a private life
prevented him from continuing to interact online.
Gandalf one of the users on Astral Pulse from Edinburgh has been one of the long term
mods on Astral Pulse and had compiled some of Frank's illuminating observations and tips
on all matters Astral or OOBE (his preference as in Monroe's view stance). The pic of Frank
was taken by myself at Wells Cathedral about 5 years ago. As far as I know is is living
happily with his lady partner in the hills behind Nice, France and allowing the planet to grow
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delicious organic olives and no doubt now he is enjoying raw food to candlelight of an
evening still.
There are no firm answers in this matter, but I hope that I have at least offered some food for
thought and brought some sense of closure to those who still find themselves confused by
Frank's disappearance.
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