NC30 Carb Jetting - DIY Guide

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This guide was written for those with standard (or close to standard) NC30s that have yet to

get up close and friendly with their bikes fuelling system.

It was put together using a few different bikes and sets of carbs that I had lying around. You
may notice that I swap between NC30 bikes/carbs in this guide, however everything is
applicable to NC30 carbs.
If its your first time at doing this then put aside half a day (no need to rush it!), once youve
mastered it you can rejet in very little time. None of this is very difficult, but you do need to
be a little bit organised and have some patience perhaps.
The money you save doing it yourself, and the extra knowledge that youll gain about your
bike is well worth it. After youve done this you can brag to your mates that you rejetted it
yourself also...
I suggest you read through this guide first to familiarise yourself with what you need to do
before doing it. Lets get into it!

NC30 Carb Jetting

Rejetting wont necessarily improve horsepower (it will if its currently running excessively
lean or rich), but it is important to ensure that the engine is receiving a safe amount of fuel.
While you have the carbs off there are also a few little things you can do to improve
performance (improve the midrange flat spot that some bikes suffer for example).
Once the carbs are off, well do several things:
- Check/clean/install main jets
- Check/clean emulsion tubes
- Check/adjust pilot screw settings
- Check pilot jets
- Raise the needles to improve midrange fuelling
- Drill the slides to improve throttle response

Tools needed - You will need some basic tools for this carb work:
- 10mm spanner
- #2 150mm Philips head screwdriver (long thin one!)
- 5mm flathead screwdriver (your average flathead screwdriver)
- 7mm socket (or alternatively a 7mm spanner)
- A drill, and a 2.5mm bit
- Kerosene/paraffin, carby cleaner or petrol for cleaning parts
- An old toothbrush (not essential, but handy!)

These are all well proven mods that can lead to a significant gain in rideability, nothing
ground breaking about any of it.
Parts needed:
- New main jets (if replacing them)
- Washers for needles
- New float bowl gaskets (or alternatively petrol resistant gasket goo).
What we wont be doing (maybe someone else can post a DIY on this?):
- Synchronising the throttle butterflies
- Adjusting float height (covered in the Haynes manual). I recommend you do this
while you have the carbs off.
Before you get started:
- Having a Haynes manual is invaluable to check things that I havent covered here
- Its best to obtain the parts needed before getting stuck into this (although not always
practical if you dont know what sized jets your bike currently has)
- Get some paper and a pen to record all before AND after settings for the 4 individual
carbs (front left, rear right, etc. Draw a diagram if need be). It also helps to label the
float bowl covers with the carb number (marker, or label with masking tape)
Lets get stuck into it.
Youll need to take off the side fairings to get to the carbs. I take all the fairings off just
because its easy (and less chance of getting them dirty). Next youll need to remove the tank
(1 bolt, maybe the seat fairings to get to the tank off depending on what fairings you have).
Im starting with a bike that looks like this:

Remove the plastic airbox upper (7 screws, and 3 rubber hoses):

Lift out the air filter and unscrew the airbox base from the carb bracket (4 screws), and
remove the rubber pipe:

Now its time to prepare the carbs for taking them off.

Remove the throttle cables from the carbs (using a 10mm spanner - this can also be done
when the carbs have been loosened if you find it difficult now), and also the choke cable
from the carbs (loosen the cable clamp on the right front carb, and then lift out the cable from
the choke mechanism).

You will also need to pry the carb idle adjustor cable from its holder on the left frame beam
so it hangs loose (when you rip the carbs off the last thing you want to do is bend/break the
idle adjustor - been there done that!). Remove it from this:

Now we need to unscrew the philips head screws on the upper clamps on each of the 4 carbs.
The rear carb clamps are simple to access, undo these screws until theyre loose:

Youll need a long screwdriver (#2 size, 150mm) to get to the front carbs. I find it easy to
unscrew these by using a torch to help locate them, it looks difficult but once you find the
screws its easy to undo the upper clamps (make sure its the upper screw youre undoing!).
Front left carb upper clamp:

Front right carb upper clamp:

The carbs sometimes need a fair bit of force to remove them. I find it easiest (and
friendliest!) to use a piece of wood against the rocker cover, gently levering them off via the
left rear carb. This will cause no damage to them. Lift the carbs off, being careful to feed the
idle adjustor cable through with the carbs so you dont damage it:

Got them off? Good!

Word of warning: Dont leave them off for any extended time, the carb rubbers can shrink
and harden making it impossible to get them back on. Days/a week may be fine; months of
changing weather conditions will not be fine!!
Firstly, drain the fuel from them (the float bowls will likely be full of fuel). These are the flat
head screws on the very bottom of the float bowls near the drain nipple. (As standard theyre
on the outside face of the carbs, but your screws might be on the inside if someone before
you has mixed them up with other carbs!). Undo them a couple of turns, and fuel should start
to come out. Shake them a round a bit to get most of the fuel out. I sit the carbs over a bucket
to do this:

When all float bowls are drained do the drain screws back up tightly.
Now we can get some work done to the carbs.
Rule: Work on only 1 carb at a time. I cant stress this enough! This is what well do here.
(This isnt always possible if you find wrong parts in any carb - label them if you take more
than one apart at a time!).
Turn the carbs upside down (bet youre glad you drained them now!) and remove the float
bowl cover (3 screws):

These are the parts you will see:

Unscrew the main jet with a flat head screwdriver. Be very gentle when taking out the brass
parts (main jet, emulsion tube, pilot jet). The brass can become very soft over time, and
clumsy hands can wreck them easily.

Check (and record) each main jet size, it will be stamped into the side of the part.
Standard jet sizes are: 1989 Jap model (4 x 110), all other year Jap models (2 x 115f, 2x
118r), all UK bikes (2 x 120f, 2 x 122r). 1989 Jap bikes run very lean from the factory, best
to rejet as a precaution. Other year Jap bikes will need rejetting if you run any non-standard
parts (pipe etc).

Main jet sizes: If you run a nice sounding aftermarket exhaust and/or pipe, then the common
consensus is to run 118 size front and 120 size rear (often referred to as 118/120). If you run
a very high flowing/loud exhaust or full exhaust system then you may wish to consider
running 120f/122r size main jets.

Note: If you have a modified induction system (aftermarket filter, removed rubber flaps,
modified snorkel etc) then this jet size guide is NOT applicable to you. NC30 jet size hugely
depends on your induction/filter setup. I strongly suggest only running the standard
induction setup on a road bike, there are little gains and more rideability losses to be had by
running a different setup! I return all road NC30s that I work on to standard induction
setups, most often with better results. Modify at own risk

You can buy main jets from any Keihin dealer/supplier, most dyno tuners (google one near
you) or Honda parts stockists. The part numbers you need to order are 99101-393-###0 (e.g.
for a 118 size jet: 99101-393-1180). Simple. These are exactly the same jets that Honda uses
in most of their carbied road bikes.
If you are just checking yours and not replacing them, then make sure they are unblocked by
holding them up to a light and looking through them, making sure the passage is clear. If
there is any doubt, clean them in some kerosene/paraffin or carby cleaner (I clean them using
an old toothbrush) and recheck them.
Next job: Check emulsion tubes. These are the brass tubes that the main jets were screwed
into. Its easiest to remove these by using a 7mm sized socket (or alternatively a 7mm
We need to make sure all the holes are unblocked and that the correct tubes are in the correct
carbs (Ive found that previous owners can easily get them mixed up!). Remove them:

The front carbs use 4-hole emulsion tubes:

The rear carbs use 5-hole emulsion tubes:

All holes in the emulsion tubes (side holes, and straight through passage) must be free from
any blockage. If any are holes are blocked, unblock them by washing in
kerosene/paraffin/carby cleaner/petrol and use an old toothbrush. Compressed air and very
fine wire (old fashioned household fuse wire works well) will help here also.
If the emulsion tubes arent in the correct carbs, then put them aside for when you open up
the other carbs. If they are correct, reinstall them and screw your main jets back into them.
Pilot jets: Remove them by using a flat head screwdriver. Standard size is #35 on all 4 carbs
(size is stamped on the side), there is no need to change from this setting on a road bike.

Just as you did with the emulsion tubes, make sure all pilot jet holes are free and unblocked.
The lengthwise passage through the pilot jets is very small (the diameter of this is what the

size refers to), make sure its not blocked by holding it up to a light and looking through it. If
it is blocked clean it out. When clean, fit it back into the carb.

Pilot screw settings: This setting can be critical to how the bike idles and runs off idle. Turn
the carbs upside down, theyre a small brass flat head screw (not to be confused with the float
drain screws that we used earlier!).
Count how many full turns it takes to wind them fully in from where they are now. Write
down this setting (to the nearest quarter turn).

Time to set the pilot screws: If your bike is standard, set all four to 2 (two) turns out from
fully in. If your bike has an aftermarket exhaust or pipe (most NC30s), set all four to 2.25
(two and a quarter) turns out. Done.
Once everything is correct in the carb, its time to replace the float bowl cover (3 screws).
The Haynes recommends using new float bowl gaskets each time, I dont do this (whoops!).
Important: Its best to make sure that the float bowl cover goes back onto the carb that it
came off, or else the gasket surface may not mate up properly and the carb will leak badly
when you start the bike. Rick Oliver sells gasket sets cheaply (I need to get some Rick!). I
use a thin smear of petrol resistant gasket goo over my old gaskets which seal them well. The
choice is up to you.
We are now done with the underside of the carbs. This is what weve done so far:
- Check/clean/install main jets
- Check/clean emulsion tubes
- Check/adjust pilot screw settings
- Check pilot jets
And how easy it all was!!
Next: Raising the carb needles. Well be adding an extra washer (which raises the needle
height) to help out midrange fuelling and to help alleviate that midrange flatspot that some
bikes suffer from.
Remove the carb slide cover (4 screws):

Underneath the cover is the slide spring, remove it:

You can now withdraw the slide from the carb:

Time to remove the needle from the slide. Using your philips head screwdriver unscrew the
needle retainer inside the slide by turning 1/4 turn anti-clockwise. The retainer and needle
can then be removed from the slide by turning it upside down.

Note: All standard NC30 models use a single 0.5mm washer on each carb needle. If yours are
missing then youll need to get some (easily obtained at any hardware store).

You can add an extra 0.5mm washer (for a total of 2 x 0.5mm washers), or you can remove
the standard washer and use a single 1.0mm washer (Rick Oliver sells high quality machined
items). Do as you choose.

Standard needle:

Extra 0.5mm washer:

Standard rear carb needles are marked J51A. Front carb needles are marked J51B. Make sure
your needles are in the correct carbs.
You can see now that there are a few carb parts that are specific to the front or rear carbs,
chances are that some of yours will be incorrect if many hands before you have got stuck into
them without the right information!
Front carbs: 4-hole emulsion tubes, J51B needles.
Rear carbs: 5-hole emulsion tubes, J51A needles.

While you have the slides out you can drill out the hole in them to improve throttle response.
This wont improve power but it does improve throttle response a bit. Standard hole size is
2mm, well enlarge it to 2.5mm. Grab your drill and 2.5mm drill bit, and carefully drill out

the outer slide hole (not the central needle hole!). Be sure that you clean them afterwards
thoroughly and remove all the plastic swarf:

Insert the needle and washer/s back into the slide, followed by the retainer and do it up (1/4
turn clockwise). Assembly is the reverse of taking them apart, paying particular attention to
how the slide diaphragm seats into the groove. Make sure the small loop in the diaphragm lip
is seated where it needs to be:

Note: If the slides have been sitting out of the carbs for some time, the rubber diaphragms
can shrink and harden. A good tip for restoring them is to soak them in petrol for a few days,
it works well to soften and expand the rubber.
Once the slide is seated nicely, slip the spring in (easy to forget!) and put the cover back on,
making sure the notch in the cover aligns with where the loop is in the rubber diaphragm:

Note: Test the slides to see that the diaphragm is seated properly by pushing each slide up in
the carb. They should return without fuss in a fairly even manner. If not, then its possible
that you have an air leak and youll need to check that the diaphragm is seated in the groove
All done!! Arent you glad you got stuck into the bike yourself instead of handing over your
hard earned cash to a dyno tuner that may or may not do all of the above?!

Refitting the carbs to the bike.

This is a good time to check that the lower clamps on the rubber intakes are done up tightly.
A short philips head screwdriver can be good for this, depending on which way the bottom
clamps face.
Before attempting to refit the carbs, make sure that the 4 upper rubber intake clamps are
facing the correct way (e.g. facing a way that you can easily get to them with your
screwdriver) and that theyre seated in the groove of the rubber. If the upper clamps are too
tight it will make it impossible to get the carbs back on, too loose and you risk the clamps not
being seated properly in their rubber grooves.

Feed the idle adjustor cable through the opening and hang it loosely near its bracket.
Attach the throttle cables to the carbs (this is much easier to do before the carbs are installed
if you use two cables).
Start by aligning the front carbs with the rubbers, I usually just sit them gently in the rubbers.
I next see how far out/in the rear carbs are by pushing them gently down at the back.
Generally there will be no issues with the front carbs going into the rubbers, but the rear
carbs dont always like to align properly.
The basic idea is to get the front carbs sitting in the intake rubbers a little bit (not all the
way), and at the same time pry the rear rubbers (with a flathead screwdriver) to get them
closer to where they need to be, without the front carbs popping out of the rubbers. This is all
there is to it my friends.

Push down evenly on the whole carb assembly, and it should go into place. Check to see that
no carb rubbers are bent or deformed from pushing the carbs down.
When you think its all squared up, use more force to push down to ensure theyre seated
properly (I usually stand on the carbs and jump up and down a little!). Once youve got this
far the last thing you want is a carb with an air leak (it wont run properly). Spend some time
on making sure theyre seated correctly.

It might look impossible at first, but you will get there! This can sometimes take some
patience - walk away and return later if you get frustrated! The difficulty is often because the
rubbers have hardened over some time. If its looking impossible, soak them in petrol
overnight, it will make a considerable difference to old rubbers. New carb rubbers will make
this a much easier experience.
Check that all carbs are seated properly, you might need a torch to check the front carbs. The
bottom protrusion on the carbs should be approximately 5mm or so away from the rubbers,
this is when youll know theyre seated properly:

When done, tighten the upper carb clamps with your trusty screwdriver, put the idle adjustor
in its bracket, and reattach the choke cable to the linkage and clamp on the right front carb.

Reassemble the rest of the bike in reverse order from how it was taken apart, and take it out
for a spin.

Let me know how you get on. Be sure to post on the forum if you get stuck at any stage, or
have any questions.

Ride on, Cam.

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