Elementary Algebra

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Elementary algebra, the part of algebra that is usually taught in elementary courses of


Abstract algebra, in which algebraic structures such

as groups, rings and fields are axiomatically defined and investigated.

Linear algebra, in which the specific properties of linear equations, vector

spaces and matrices are studied.

Commutative algebra, the study of commutative rings.

Computer algebra, the implementation of algebraic methods as algorithms and computer


Homological algebra, the study of algebraic structures that are fundamental to

study topological spaces.

Universal algebra, in which properties common to all algebraic structures are studied.

Algebraic number theory, in which the properties of numbers are studied from an
algebraic point of view.

Algebraic geometry, a branch of geometry, in its primitive form specifying curves and
surfaces as solutions of polynomial equations.

Algebraic combinatorics, in which algebraic methods are used to study combinatorial


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