Summative Evaluation Report For 2014

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Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2

by June 10
Name: Karin Knapik

Evaluator: Rosemary Vickery

School: J. F. Kennedy Middle School

Date: Apr 16, 2014 10:01 AM EDT

Shared: YES

Supervising Evaluator, if any (Name/Title/Role)

Rosemary Vickery

[X] Progress toward attaining goals
[X] Performance on Standards

Progress Toward Student Learning Goals

Student Learning Goals - Progress Rating
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Significant Progress
Some progress
Did not meet

Student Learning Goals - Rationale, evidence, and feedback

By May 1, 2014, students in Grade 5 will complete one baseline and one end of unit writing assessment to demonstrate
student's understanding of blogs and writing blog responses as they relate to the literacy Common Core State Standards. 85%
of students will demonstrate Proficiency (score of 3 or greater) on this task as measured by a rubric that is aligned with the
PARCC Writing Rubric/PARCC performance task rubric.
Team will collaboratively create a blog writing rubric aligned with PARCC Writing Rubric.
2. Team will collaborate and share throughout the trimester via email and PLC meeting times. (on-going)
3. Team will meet after Trimester 2 and 3 to reflect on data from the respective trimester assessments, and to share and
discuss successes and area of need based on the results.
4. At the end of the year the team will meet to reflect and make any alterations or addendum to the common assessment rubric,
and to reflect on curriculum and instruction.
All action steps for this goal have been met and the goal has been achieved. Blogs were introduced into the 5th grade
curriculum. Student performance data bar graph reflects growth of at least one step improvement ( as reflected in the student
rubric), with many students moving from a 1 to a 3 or 4. Through this goal Ms. Knapik has set the standard with students for
how to respond in blogs. This can serve as a framework for the students as their other teachers incorporate blogs into the
content area classes.

Progress Toward Professional Practice Goals

Professional Practice Goals - Progress Rating
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

Significant Progress
Some progress
Did not meet

Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2 by June 10 - Thu Dec 18 13:45:25 EST 2014

Professional Practice Goals - Rationale, evidence, and feedback

By the end of the 2013-2014 school year, I will revise and refine the Instructional Technology curriculum for grade 5, load all the
components into Moodle and begin using Moodle as my learning management system by the third trimester.
Obtain training in Moodle
Review and Revise IT curriculum for grade 5
Format and enter grade 5 IT curriculum in Moodle (use this an example for 6th and 7th grade)
Begin using Moodle as learning management system
All action steps for this goal have been completed & the goal has been achieved. The 5th grade curriculum is clearly outlined
on Ms. Knapik's moodle site & this will serve as the framework for uploading the curriculum for grades 6 & 7, which is already
underway; although Ms. Knapik had not planned to map the 6th & 7th grade curricula this year, she has, in fact, begun the
process at her own initiative.

Performance on Each Standard

Evaluator must add comments (rationale, evidence, or feedback) if ratings differ from prior Summative Evaluation.

I: Curriculum, Planning, & Assessment



Needs Improvement


I: Curriculum, Planning, & Assessment

Rationale, evidence, and feedback for improvement
I-A-1. Subject Matter Knowledge P
I-A-2. Child and Adolescent Development P
I-A-3. Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design P
I A-4. Well-Structured Lessons P
I-B-1. Variety of Assessment Methods P
I-B-2. Adjustment to Practice P
I-C-1. Analysis and Conclusions P
I-C-2. Sharing Conclusions With Colleagues P
I-C-3. Sharing Conclusions With Students P
Ms. Knapik meets all the indicators for this standard. Although the majority of her teaching experience has been at the high
school level, she quickly developed a keen understanding of the pre-adolescent & created lessons that are designed to engage
students & extend their knowledge. Ms. Knapik uses a variety of assessment methods and adjusts practice accordingly. She
provides students with individual feedback on their performance and suggests steps for students' growth.
The majority of her lessons have been designed as "whole class" lessons, a goal for her work next year would be to create
lessons that are more differentiated to students' learning needs, specifically ELL & special education students. Collaboration
work done with both 6th & 7th grade teachers this year has helped her to build an Instructional Technology curriculum that
meets content area needs as well, a commendable result.

II: Teaching All Students



Needs Improvement

Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2 by June 10 - Thu Dec 18 13:45:25 EST 2014


II: Teaching All Students

Rationale, evidence, and feedback for improvement
II-A-1. Quality of Effort and Work P
II-A-2. Student Engagement P
II-A-3. Meeting Diverse Needs P
II-B-1. Safe Learning Environment P
II-B-2. Collaborative Learning Environment P
II-B-3. Student Motivation P
II-C-1. Respects Differences P
II-C-2. Maintains Respectful Environment P
II-D-1. Clear Expectations P
II-D-2. High Expectations P
II-D-3. Access to Knowledge P
Ms. Knapik meets all indicators for this standard as observed in walk-through visit & longer observations. Her classroom is wellmanaged and her lessons are comprehensive and engaging. She has worked diligently to create a learning environment where
students feel safe & are free to take risks in their learning. She has established a rapport with students that has a very positive,
encouraging tone & this provides them a model for communicating with peers. Her use of the "just ask three before me"
strategy encourages students to work with their peers as they expand their understanding of technology. The majority of
student projects are collaborative in nature - Fractured Fairy Tale in 5th graade & the Bee Research project (related to science
learning outcomes) are examples of this.
Curriculum units, lesson plans, student work samples, data collection devices, email, and a variety of notes serve as evidence
that she designs rigorous and well-structured units, lessons, and a variety of assessments. At every visit to her classroom, the
lesson's learning objectives, agenda & learning activities are clearly outlined for students and more importantly, referred to
throughout the lesson.

III: Family/Community Engagement



Needs Improvement

Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2 by June 10 - Thu Dec 18 13:45:25 EST 2014


III: Family/Community Engagement

Rationale, evidence, and feedback for improvement
III-A-1. Parent/Family Engagement P
III-B-1. Learning Expectations P
III-B-2. Curriculum Support P
III-C-1. Two-Way Communication P
III-C-2. Culturally Proficient Communication P
Ms. Knapik meets all indicators for this standard. She promotes the learning and growth of all students through effective
partnerships with families; she is proactive in her communication to families regarding student performance. This is evidenced
by email communication, parent newsletters, student work samples with written feedback & observations made by this
evaluator. Her development work on her Moodle page has provided an additional means of communication to students &
families regarding the curriculum she teaches.
Ms. Knapik is to be commended for her willingness to present to the PTO on the Instructional Techology program at an evening
meeting. She provided students with an after school program called "Hour of Code" where students spent an hour creating
computer code (along with others in the nation); and this experience sparked more interest in the older students in using
technology to create images etc.

IV: Professional Culture



Needs Improvement


IV: Professional Culture

Rationale, evidence, and feedback for improvement
IV-A-1. Reflective Practice P
IV-A-2. Goal Setting P
IV-B-1. Professional Learning and Growth P
IV-C-1. Professional Collaboration P
IV-D-1. Decision-Making P
IV-E-1. Shared Responsibility P
IV-F-1. Judgment P
IV-F-2. Reliability & Responsibility NI
Ms. Knapik meets most of the indicators of this standard of practice. She promotes the learning and growth of all students
through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative practice. She is very reflective about her teaching practice &
accepts and implements suggestions readily. Her collaborative work with all faculty has led to a more enriched Instructional
Technology curriculum that also helps to build students' content area knowledge.
She has initiated a new after school program called Destination Imagination that has sparked interest in students in solving
challenges as per the guidelines given to them. She has used this club as a means of involving more parents in their children's
learning experiences. Her judgment is sound & she is always willing to take on additional responsibilities. Her ideas are creative
&fun and the students readily respond to them. As an example, she instituted a 'quiz' game at lunch to keep students engaged
and this kep them from getting unruly during the long winter months.
While Ms. Knapik fulfills her professional responsibilities, meeting deadlines & attending to assigned duties, she has missed
school due to a back injury & this has caused her to be absent from school for several days this year. It is expected that
following medical treatment this summer, this will be ameliorated and attendance will be more consistent next year.

Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2 by June 10 - Thu Dec 18 13:45:25 EST 2014

Overall Performance Rating



Needs Improvement


Overall Performance Rating

Rationale, evidence, and feedback for improvement
Ms.Knapik works to advance the learning and growth of her students by providing effective and rigorous instruction, developing
and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, & using
this data to improve instruction. She maintains a safe classroom environment. Ms. Knapik has worked diligently to create a
strong Instructional Technology curriculum, revising the curriculum and working collaboratively with all general education
teachers so that the IT classes are relevant to the content area work students are required to do.
In her first year at Kennedy, Ms. Knapik has made a strong commitment to becoming the "go to" person for all things related to
technology, providing professional development after school as well as presenting at faculty and PTO meetings. She is to be
commended for bring Destination Imagination to the school as well.

Plan Moving Forward



Self-Directed Growth Plan

Directed Growth Plan
Improvement Plan
Developing Educator Plan

The educator shall have the opportunity to respond in writing to the formative evaluation as per 603 CMR 35.06(5)(c) on the
Educator Response Form.

Signature of Evaluator

Rosemary Vickery (signed by Rosemary Vickery on 2014-06-15 11:39)

Signature of Educator
Signature of the educator indicates acknowledgement of this report; it does not necessarily denote agreement with the contents
of the report. Educators have the opportunity to respond to this report in writing and may use the Educator Report Form.

Karin Knapik (signed by Karin Knapik on 2014-06-13 12:43)

Summative Evaluation Report for NPTS due May 1 for PTS end of year 2 by June 10 - Thu Dec 18 13:45:25 EST 2014

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