Ut History Disclosure Document
Ut History Disclosure Document
Ut History Disclosure Document
Course Description
This course has 6 main focuses: Geography, Native
Americans and Mountain Men, Pioneers, Territorial
Utah, Utah Statehood, and Utah in the 20th Century
Grading Procedures
A 100-94% B 86-84% C 76-74% D 66-64%
A- 93-90% B- 83-80% C- 73-70% D- 63-60%
B+ 89-87% C+79-77% D+69-67% F 59-0%
Grades will be updated on Skyward by the end of every
week. In compliance with the Disabilities Act, students
needing special accommodations may contact the
instructor for alternative arrangements.
Tardies and Citizenship
Tardies will be counted under the school wide
citizenship policy, excessive tardiness will result in
participation deduction.
O: exemplary behavior, brings supplies to class
S: on task behavior, brings supplies to class
N: student often off task or not prepared for class
U: inappropriate behavior, truancy or cheating
Materials to Bring to Class
1. Lined Paper 2. Pen or Pencil 3. Assignments and
notes (notes and assignments kept throughout the year
may be used on the final)
Journals, Assignments and Quizzes
Each student is expected to be on time, and if they are
not, they will miss the Bellringer at the beginning of the
class period which is part of their participation grade.
Each week we will do a variety of assignments and about
once every other week these will be graded and turned
in. On the day that these are graded, we will also turn in
our Bellringers and take a test. The test will be on
material that is learned over those two or three weeks.
Students usually take notes on this material.
Classroom Guidelines
Students need to come to class on time with the
materials required. Any cheating will result in an
automatic zero on the assignment or test. Students are