Your Invisible Power
Your Invisible Power
Your Invisible Power
By Genevieve Behrend, free book by Genevieve Behrend 1
Your Invisible Power
A Presentation of the
Mental Science of
Judge Thomas Troward
GENEVIEVE BEHREND, free book by Genevieve Behrend 2
ABOUT THE AUTHOR, free book by Genevieve Behrend 3
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Order of Visualization...................................................................................9
CHAPTER 2 How to Attract To Yourself The Things You Desire......................... 13
CHAPTER 3 Relation between Mental and Physical Form .................................... 18
CHAPTER 4 Operation of Your Mental Picture.......................................................... 21
CHAPTER 5 Expressions from Beginners.................................................................... 31
CHAPTER 6 Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture .................................... 34
CHAPTER 7 Things to Remember .................................................................................. 37
CHAPTER 8 Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science ....................................... 40
CHAPTER 9 How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars..................... 45
CHAPTER 10 How I Became The Only Personal Pupil of Thomas Troward ... 51
CHAPTER 11 How To Bring The Power In Your Word Into Action ................... 59
CHAPTER 12 How To Increase Your Faith.................................................................. 61
CHAPTER 13 The Reward of Increased Faith ............................................................ 62
CHAPTER 14 How to Make Nature Respond to You ............................................... 64
CHAPTER 15 Faith with Works – What It has Accomplished .............................. 65
CHAPTER 16 Suggestions as to How to Pray or Ask ................................................ 69
CHAPTER 17 Things to Remember ............................................................................... 75, free book by Genevieve Behrend 4
In your effort to possess, you will discover that the thing you
most need is to consistently “Be” your best self.
I did not see the man again, but six months later I had a
letter from him stating he was in New Orleans. He said, “I
am well established here in my regular profession of
photography; I own my own home, have an automobile of, free book by Genevieve Behrend 5
my own, and am generally prospering. And dear Mrs.
Behrend, I want to thank you for lifting me out of the depths
that day in New York., free book by Genevieve Behrend 6
the Universe cannot be altered, they can be made to work
under specific conditions, thereby producing results for
individual advancement which cannot be obtained under the
spontaneous workings of the law provided by Nature.”
Try to remember that the picture you think, feel, and see is
reflected into the Universal Mind, and by the natural law of
reciprocal action must return to you in either spiritual or
physical form. Knowledge of this law of reciprocal action
between the individual and the Universal Mind opens to you
free access to all you may wish to possess or to be., free book by Genevieve Behrend 7
This is the great reason for picturing yourself and your
affairs the way you wish them to be as existing facts—
though invisible to the physical eye—and living in your
picture. An honest endeavor to do this, always recognizing
that your own mind is a projection of the Originating Spirit,
will prove to you that the best there is, is yours in all your
ways., free book by Genevieve Behrend 8
CHAPTER 1 ‐ Order of Visualization, free book by Genevieve Behrend 9
to go and see a certain real estate dealer, to whom she had
not yet been.
She hesitated for a moment when she first got the idea, as it
seemed to her that that man could not sell her property.
However, upon the strength of what I had told her, she
followed the lead and went to the real estate man, who sold
the property for her in just three days after she had first
approached him. This was simply following along with the
natural law of demand and supply.
We now fly through the air, not because anyone has been
able to change the laws of Nature, but because the inventor
of the flying machine learned how to apply Nature’s laws
and, by making orderly use of them, produced the desired
All that is necessary in order that you may use this key and
make your life exactly what you wish it to be, is a careful, free book by Genevieve Behrend 10
inquiry into the unseen causes which stand back of every
external and visible condition. Then bring these unseen
causes into harmony with your conception, and you will find
that you can make practical working realities of possibilities
which at present seem but fantastic dreams.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 11
the possibility of traveling through the air in a machine that
had no gas bag. They saw themselves enjoying this mode of
transportation with great facility.
It is said that one of the brothers would tell the other, when
their varied experiences did not turn out as they expected:
“It’s all right, Brother, I can see myself riding in that
machine, and it travels easily and steadily.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 12
CHAPTER 2 ‐ How to Attract To Yourself The Things You Desire, free book by Genevieve Behrend 13
She went away quite happy, but returned in a few days to
tell me that her husband desired a divorce in order to marry
again. She was quite agitated and had evidently relaxed her
will in following the instructions given at the former
interview. Again I told her to hold constantly in her mind
that the loving protection of the Spirit of Life would guide
her in perfect happiness.
A month later she came again and said that her husband
had married the other woman. This time she had completely
lost her mental grip. I repeated the words for her as before,
and she regained her poise. Two months later she came
back to me, full of joy., free book by Genevieve Behrend 14
The joyous assurance with which you make your picture is
the very powerful magnet of Faith, and nothing can
obliterate it. You are happier than you ever were, because
you have learned to know where your source of supply is,
and you rely upon its never-failing response to the direction
you give it.
All said and done, happiness is the one thing which every
human being wants, and the study of visualization enables
you to get more out of life than you ever enjoyed before.
Increasing possibilities keep opening out, more and more,
before you., free book by Genevieve Behrend 15
through him, for the purpose of improving his little world., free book by Genevieve Behrend 16
Your picture is this same Divine Substance in its original
state, taking form through the individualized center of Divine
operation, in your mind; and there is no power to prevent
this combination of Spiritual Substance from becoming
physical form. It is the nature of Spirit to complete its work,
and an idea is not complete until it has made for itself a
vehicle., free book by Genevieve Behrend 17
CHAPTER 3 ‐ Relation between Mental and Physical Form, free book by Genevieve Behrend 18
If you will take this thought of Troward’s and meditate upon
it without prejudice, you will surely realize that concrete
material form is an absolute necessity of the Creative
Process; also “that matter is not an illusion but a necessary
channel thru which life differentiates itself.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 19
This same power that brought universal substance into
existence will bring your individual thought or mental picture
into physical form. There is no difference in the power. The
only difference is a difference of degree., free book by Genevieve Behrend 20
CHAPTER 4 ‐ Operation of Your Mental Picture
Surely the Father must supply the child. The trunk of the
tree cannot fail to provide for its branches.
It was the house in which he had been born and had grown, free book by Genevieve Behrend 21
to young manhood, and the thought of losing it filled his
heart and mind with sorrow, not only from a money
standpoint, but from the standpoint of sentimental
association., free book by Genevieve Behrend 22
which are seen are not made of things which do appear.”
This is evolution., free book by Genevieve Behrend 23
give it personal application., free book by Genevieve Behrend 24
intense desire, this desire becomes a clear mental picture.
For example, a young lady studying music wishes she had a
piano in order to practice at home.
She wants the piano so much that she can mentally see it in
one of the rooms. She holds the picture of the piano and
indulges in the mental reflection of the pleasure and
advantage it will be to have the piano in the corner of the
living room. One day she finds it there, just as she had
pictured it.
And you will realize that there can be but one creative
process filling all space, which is the same in its potentiality
whether universal or individual. Furthermore, all there is,
whether on the plane of the visible or invisible, had its origin
in the localized action of thought, or a mental picture, and
this includes yourself, because you are Universal Spirit
localized, and the same creative action is taking place
through you., free book by Genevieve Behrend 25
The first reason is that few persons will take the trouble to
inquire into the working principle of the Laws of Life. If they
did, they would soon convince themselves that there is no
necessity for the sickness and poverty which we see about
us. They would realize that visualizing is a principle and not
a fallacy.
The more enthusiasm and faith you are able to put into your
picture, the more quickly it will come into visible form, and
your enthusiasm is increased by keeping your desire secret., free book by Genevieve Behrend 26
The moment you speak it to any living soul, that moment
your power is weakened. Your power, your magnet of
attraction is not that strong, and consequently cannot reach
so far. The more perfectly a secret between your mind and
your outer self is guarded, the more vitality you give your
power of attraction.
I gave him five one-dollar bills for his service. This sudden
reward surprised him. He enthusiastically told me that he
had been visualizing for just $5, merely from hearing that
others visualized. He was delighted at the unexpected, free book by Genevieve Behrend 27
realization of his mental picture., free book by Genevieve Behrend 28
wonder why it (being your first picture) has not materialized.
On the other hand, you may have taken two pictures on the
same plate unconsciously. When the plate has been
developed, and the picture comes into physical view, you do
not condemn the principle of photography, nor are you
puzzled to understand why your picture has turned out so
unsatisfactorily., free book by Genevieve Behrend 29
future. The law is that the Originating Creative Principle of
Life is “the universal here and everlasting now.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 30
CHAPTER 5 ‐ Expressions from Beginners
Relating her own experience, she said that she was born on
the East Side of New York in the poorest quarter. From
earliest girlhood she had cherished a dream of marrying a
physician some day. This dream gradually formed a
stationary mental picture.
After that, both she and her husband conceived the idea of
owning a fruit farm in the South. They formed a mental, free book by Genevieve Behrend 31
picture of the idea and put their faith in its eventual
fulfillment. The letter she sent me came from her fruit farm
in the South. Her second mental picture had seen the light
of materialization.
“Atlantic City, May 5—She was an old woman, and when she
was arraigned before Judge Clarence Goldenberg in the
police court today she was so weak and tired she could
hardly stand. The Judge asked the court attendant what she
was charged with.
I learned later that this little woman had been desiring and
mentally picturing $500, while all the time ignorant of how it
could possibly come to her. But she kept her vision and
strengthened it with her faith., free book by Genevieve Behrend 32
In an issue of Good Housekeeping there was an article by
Addington Bruce entitled “Stiffening Your Mental Backbone.”
It is very instructive, and would benefit anyone to read it., free book by Genevieve Behrend 33
CHAPTER 6 ‐ Suggestions for Making Your Mental Picture
After you have decided once and for all that this is what you
want, you proceed to picture yourself healthy, and your
business just as great a success as you can naturally
conceive it growing into.
The best times for making your definite picture are just
before breakfast, and again, before retiring at night. As it is
necessary to give yourself plenty of time, it may be
necessary to rise earlier than you usually do.
The same principle applies to the hat and the clothes you
wear. Go carefully into the thought of the principle back of
the thing. Establish it as a personal experience; make it a
fact to your consciousness., free book by Genevieve Behrend 34
circle of light-—see great rays of light coming from the circle
and entering your body at all points, centralizing itself at
your solar plexus.
Repeat some affirmation of this kind, until you feel the truth
and stimulating reality of the words that you are affirming.
Then begin your picture. If you are thorough in this, you will
find yourself in the deep consciousness beneath the surface
of your own thought power.
You might change some of the furniture about and look into
some of the mirrors just to see how healthy, wealthy, and
happy you look. Go over your picture again and again, until
you feel the reality of it, then write it all down just as you
have seen it, with the feeling that:, free book by Genevieve Behrend 35
“The best there is, is mine. There is no limit to me, because
my mind is a center of divine operation,” and your picture is
as certain to come true, in your physical world, as the sun is
to shine., free book by Genevieve Behrend 36
CHAPTER 7 ‐ Things to Remember
4. You must always bear in mind that you are dealing with a
wonderful potential energy, which is not yet differentiated
into any particular form, and that by the action of your
mind, you can differentiate it into any specific form that you
Your picture assists you to keep your mind fixed on the fact
that the inflow of this Creative Energy is taking place. Also,
by your mental picture, you are determining the direction
you wish the sensitive Creative Power to take, and by doing
this, you make the externalization of your picture a
certainty., free book by Genevieve Behrend 37
this creates conditions adverse to your picture.
That is the work of Creative Power itself. It will build its own
forms of expression quite naturally, if you will allow it, and
save you a great deal of needless anxiety., free book by Genevieve Behrend 38
Never forget that every physical thing, whether for you or
against you, was a sustained thought before it was a thing.
Thought, as thought, is neither good nor bad; it is Creative
Action and always takes physical form. Therefore, the
thoughts you dwell upon become the things you possess or
do not possess., free book by Genevieve Behrend 39
CHAPTER 8 ‐ Why I Took Up the Study of Mental Science, free book by Genevieve Behrend 40
that he had left me well provided for, free to go anywhere
my pleasure dictated.
That was the big thing, and about the only thing I remember
of our interview., free book by Genevieve Behrend 41
table entitled “The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science,”
by T. Troward., free book by Genevieve Behrend 42
past experience, though proceeding out of it by an orderly
sequence or growth. Therefore, since the Divine cannot
change its inherent nature, it must operate in the same
manner with me; consequently, in my own special world, of
which I am the center, it will move forward to produce new
conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before.”
Surely the Divine could not change its inherent nature, and
since Divine life is operating in me, I must be Divinely, free book by Genevieve Behrend 43
inhabited, and the Divine in me must operate just as it
operates upon the Universal plane., free book by Genevieve Behrend 44
CHAPTER 9 ‐ How I Attracted to Myself Twenty Thousand Dollars, free book by Genevieve Behrend 45
myself accepted as Troward’s pupil., free book by Genevieve Behrend 46
of mind and body was relaxed.
This was even more difficult for me than it was to hold the
thought that “all the substance there is, I Am; I (idea) Am
the beginning of all form, visible or invisible.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 47
indicated the direction through which the twenty thousand
dollars might come, I not only made a supreme effort to
regard the indicated direction calmly as the first sprout of
the seed I had sown in the absolute, but left no stone
unturned to follow up that direction, thereby fulfilling my
part., free book by Genevieve Behrend 48
affirm that our knowledge of the Law is sufficient reason for
a calm expectation of a corresponding result, and that
therefore all necessary conditions will come to us in due
We can then turn to the affairs of our daily life with the calm
assurance that the initial conditions are either there already
or will soon come into view. If we do not at once see them,
let us rest content with the knowledge that the spiritual
prototype is already in existence and wait till some
circumstance pointing in the desired direction begins to
show itself., free book by Genevieve Behrend 49
necessary for coming in touch with Infinite Supply. At least
it, together with the previously quoted statement, “My mind
is a center of Divine operation,” etc., constituted the only
apparent means of attracting to myself the twenty thousand
This could be made into a long story, giving all the details,
but the facts, as already narrated, will give you a definite
idea of the magnetic condition of my mind while the twenty
thousand dollars was finding its way to me., free book by Genevieve Behrend 50
CHAPTER 10 ‐ How I Became The Only Personal Pupil of Thomas
Troward, free book by Genevieve Behrend 51
At this time Troward was living in Ruan Manor, a little out-
of-the-way place in the Southern part of England, about
twenty miles from a railway station. We could not find it on
the map, and with great difficulty Cook’s Touring Agency, in
London, located the place for us., free book by Genevieve Behrend 52
walked out through the lane from his house to our
automobile, his manner became less indifferent, a feeling of
sympathy seemed to touch his heart, and he turned to me
with the remark: “You might write to me, if so inclined, after
you get to Paris, and perhaps, if I have time in the autumn,
we could arrange something, though it does not seem
possible now.”
Finally, about two months later, there came a letter with this
question in it: “What do you suppose is the meaning of this
verse in the 21st Chapter of Revelation?”
“16. And the city lieth foursquare and the length is as large
as the breadth; and he measured the city with the reed,
twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and
the height of it are equal.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 53
I began a search of Paris for the books Troward had
recommended to me, and after two or three days’ search we
crossed the River Seine to the fle de Cite to go into some of
the old bookstores there.
The books were out of print, and these were the last places
in which to find them. Finally we came upon a little shop
which had them. The man had only one copy of each left,
consequently the price was high. While remonstrating with
the clerk, my eye rested upon the work of an astrologer,
which I laughingly picked up and asked: “Do you think
Prof.— would read my horoscope?”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 54
gain there. Just what it was I was unable to define, so I
paused a moment, much to my friend’s displeasure and
embarrassment, when one of the Professor’s enormous
Persian cats jumped into my lap. “Get down, Jack!” the
Professor shouted. “What does it mean?” he seemed to ask
himself., free book by Genevieve Behrend 55
As the great astrologer was leaving, I explained to him all
about my desire to study with Troward, how I had come
from New York City for that express purpose, seemingly to
no avail, until the answer to this test question had been
given to me by him.
I think I had better write you a few lines with regard to your
proposed studies with me, as I should be sorry for you to be
under any misapprehension and so to suffer any
disappointment., free book by Genevieve Behrend 56
I have studied the subject now for several years, and have a
general acquaintance with the leading features of most of
the systems which, unfortunately, occupy attention in many
circles at the present time, such as Theosophy, The Tarot,
The Kabala, and the like, and I have no hesitation in saying
that, to the best of my judgment, all sorts and descriptions
of so-called occult study are in direct opposition to the real
life-giving Truth, and therefore, you must not expect any
teaching on such lines as these., free book by Genevieve Behrend 57
and all I can hope to do is perhaps to throw a little more
light on these subjects, that they may become to you, not
merely traditional words, but present living facts.
Also, I will lend you some books which will be helpful, but
they are very few, and in no sense occult.
But, on the other hand, if you feel that you want some other
source of learning, do not mind saying so, only you will
never find any substitute for Christ.
I trust you will not mind my writing you like this, but I do
not want you to come all the way down to Cornwall, and
then be disappointed., free book by Genevieve Behrend 58
CHAPTER 11 ‐ How To Bring The Power In Your Word Into Action, free book by Genevieve Behrend 59
embodiment of thoughts, and thought is creative; neither
good nor bad, simply creative.
Try to believe and understand this, and you will find yourself
Master of every adverse circumstance or condition, for you
will become a Prince of Power., free book by Genevieve Behrend 60
CHAPTER 12 ‐ How To Increase Your Faith
BUT you ask, “How can I speak the word of Faith when I
have little or no faith?”
How did you feel that time when you simply had to bring
yourself into a better frame of mind and did, or you had to
have a certain thing and got it?, free book by Genevieve Behrend 61
CHAPTER 13 ‐ The Reward of Increased Faith
In other words, the words you think, the personality you feel
yourself to be, are all reproductions in miniature of God, “or
specialized universal spirit.” All your word-thoughts were
God word-forms before they were yours., free book by Genevieve Behrend 62
The water must take the shape of the pipe through which it
flows. Even more truly this sensitive, invisible Substance
must reproduce outwardly the shape of the thought-word
through which it passes., free book by Genevieve Behrend 63
CHAPTER 14 ‐ How to Make Nature Respond to You
“Faith without works is dead,” but Faith with Works sets you
absolutely free., free book by Genevieve Behrend 64
CHAPTER 15 ‐ Faith with Works – What It has Accomplished, free book by Genevieve Behrend 65
Since you are able to capture ideas from the Infinite through
the instrument of your intuition, you let your mind rest upon
that thought, knowing full well that this very thought will
respond to itself., free book by Genevieve Behrend 66
Your inhibition of all doubt and anxiety enables the
reassuring ideas to establish themselves and attract to them
“I can” and “I will” ideas, which gradually grow into the
physical form of the desire in your mind.
Once man realizes this great truth, the character with which
this sensitive, reproductive power is invested becomes the
most important of all his considerations. It is the unvarying
law of Creative Life Principle that “As a man thinketh in his
heart, so is he.”, free book by Genevieve Behrend 67
than the object you hold before it. “As you think, so are you”
does not mean “as you tell people you think,” or “as you
would wish the world to believe you think.”
Then everyone with whom you come into contact may know,
because the Father, the Intelligent Creative Energy which
heareth in secret your most secret thoughts, rewards you
openly reproduces your thoughts in physical form., free book by Genevieve Behrend 68
CHAPTER 16 ‐ Suggestions as to How to Pray or Ask
If you will retire early every night for one month, and before
falling asleep, impress firmly upon your subjective mind the
affirmation: “My Father is the ruler of all the world, and is
expressing His directing power through me,” you will find
that the substance of life takes form in your thought molds., free book by Genevieve Behrend 69
financial, for yourself or another, bear in mind that the
fundamental necessity for the answer to prayer is the
understanding of the scientific statement:
Everything has, its origin in the mind, and that which you
seek outwardly, you already possess.
THEREFORE:, free book by Genevieve Behrend 70
Remember that it should never be your intention to make
yourself believe that which you know to be untrue. You are
simply thinking into God or First Cause with the
understanding that:
It shows how First Cause has endowed every man with the
power and ability to bring into his personal environment
whatever he chooses., free book by Genevieve Behrend 71
consciously or unconsciously AFFIRM and CLAIM, habitually
declare and expect, or, in other words, “AS YOU SOW.”
Therefore, sow the seeds of—
You are an heir of First Cause, endowed with all the power
He has.
God has given you everything. ALL is yours, and you know
that all you have to do is to reach out your mental hand and
take it.
You are affirming this fact, believing that since you are
thinking this, it is already yours. Having lifted up your
feeling to the central idea of this meditation, you examine
your own consciousness and see if there is aught which is
unlike God., free book by Genevieve Behrend 72
jealousy turn back in your meditation to cleanse your
thought through the affirmation that God’s love and purity
fills all space, including your heart and soul.
Keep this cleansing thought in mind until you feel that you
have freed your consciousness entirely of all thoughts and
feelings other than: Love and Unity with all Humanity.
Closing of prayer
Then when you feel the light of this great truth flooding your
consciousness—open the flood-gates of your soul in heartfelt
praise because you have the understanding that THE
CREATOR AND HIS CREATION ARE ONE; also that the, free book by Genevieve Behrend 73
Creator is continually creating through his creation., free book by Genevieve Behrend 74
CHAPTER 17 ‐ Things to Remember
THAT the greatest Mental Scientist the world has ever known
(Jesus Christ, the Man) said all things are possible unto you.
Also, “the things I do, you can do.” Did he tell the truth?
Jesus did not claim to be more divine than you are., free book by Genevieve Behrend 75
Ask yourself daily: “What is the purpose of the Power which
put me here?”
“How can I work with the purpose for life and liberty in me?”
After having decided these questions, endeavor hourly to
fulfill them. You are a law unto yourself.
Eat less, drink less, blame circumstances less, and the best
there is will gradually grow in the place where the worst
seemed to be.
God the Father blesses you with all He has to give. Make
good Godly use of it. The reason for greater success when
you first began your studies and demonstrations in Mental
Science was your joy and enthusiasm at the simple
discovery of Power within, which was greater than you were
able to put into your understanding later.
The End, free book by Genevieve Behrend 76
The original (or latest update) can be obtained from the
website below (, free book by Genevieve Behrend 77