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Curs 7 Biblio

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Iarna 2011

Arhitectura Context Peisaj

Cursul 7 - 9 ianuarie 2012 - CONTEXT (2)

Context in artele vizuale - anii 60 -70 / minimalism, site-specific (continuare)

Atitudinea contextuala in arhitectura. Contextualism
Collage City (Rowe, Schumacher) - colajul ca strategie si politica bricolajului
Orasul contemporan si problemele sale - shrinking cities, sprawling city
Bibliografie de studiu (seminarii)
Colin Rowe, Crisis of the Object: Predicament of Texture, in Collage City, extras in
Architecture Theory since 1968, K. Michael Hays ed., The MIT Press, 2000
Colin Rowe, After the Millenium, din Collage City, extras in Theorizing a new Agenda for
Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press., 1996
Thomas L. Schumacher, Contextualism: Urban Ideals and Deformations, in Theorizing a new
Agenda for Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press., 1996
Rem Koolhaas, Whatever happened to urbanism, in The City Cultures Reader, Malcolm Miles,
Tim Hall, Iain Borden, eds., Routledge, London, 2000, a se citi impreuna cu
Rem Koolhaas, Bigness or the problem of Large, in Charles Jencks (ed.), Theories and
Manifestoes of Contemporary Architecture, Academy Editions, 1997, pp. 307-312

Bibliografie de referin
Note de curs Ana Maria Zahariade (postate pe site-ul Universitatii, la adresa : http://
Colin Rowe, Collage City, MIT Press, 1984

Bibliografie extins
Theorizing a new Agenda for Architecture, Kate Nesbitt ed., Princeton Architectural Press, 1996:
Richard Burdett, Deyan Sudjic, The Endless City, Phaidon, 2009 (Introduction)
Celia Ghyka, Site-specific sau note despre loc, in ACUM 2- Spatiul public si reinsertia sociala a
proiectului artistic si arhitectural (ed. AnaMaria Zahariade si Anca Oroveanu), Editura Universitara
UAUIM, 2010
Joan Ockman, Form without Utopia: Contextualizing Colin Rowe, Journal of the Society of Architectural
Historians, Vol. 57, No. 4 (Dec., 1998), pp. 448-456

Curs 4

anul 3 - 2011/2012

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