05 Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting and Design - Ocr
05 Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting and Design - Ocr
05 Introduction To Computer Aided Drafting and Design - Ocr
to ComputerAided Drafting
and Design
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Obj ectives
AEC-specific CADD
mirror line
object snap
display grid
solid modeling
surface modeling
symbol library
grid snap
What Is CADD?
CAD is an acronym for computer-aided (or
computer-assisted) drafting. CADD (with two Os)
includes both drafting and design. It integrates
design, analysis, and often pre-manufacturing, as
well as drafting. See Figure 5-1. Because this textlxx>k emphasizes both drafting and design, the
term CAOD is used for all applications of computer-aided drafting, computer-aided design,
and computer-aided drafting and design.
Simply put, CADO is a tool that replaces
the traditional pencil and p aper for the drafter
and deSigner. While CAOO makes the process
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Fig ure 51. CADD hilS greatly improved the process of designing and creating complex drawings, such
as this floor plan.
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Figure 5-2. This site plan for a new industrial park is an example of the many types of drawings that can
be created using CADD software. (Slobodlm Zi ukavic/Shuf/crstock.com)
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Output device
Output device
CADD Hardware
Most CADD programs, even high-end software, can be run on home computer systems.
These stand-alone systems are inexpensive and
powerful and can be purchased at most appliance and electronics stores. See Figu re 5-4.
A computer is made up of a central processing unit (CPU), one or more input devices, one
or more output devices, and a storage device.
- -I'
Figure 5-3. All of the electrical symbols in this drawing are uniform. The only variable is the rotation of
the symbols.
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Input Devices
The input devices for a CADD system usually consist of a keyboard and a mouse or other
pointing device. These devices allow you to
enter commands and data into the computer
system. Although considered older technology,
some specialty systems may use a light pen or
a digitizer and puck to input information into
a CADD ::;ystem. A puck is similar to a mouse,
but can sense its exact position on a calibrated
digitizer pad. In the past, digitizers were useful for converting existing paper drawings to
electronic CADD drawings. However, they are
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The monitor is the most common output
device. Most monitors are now LCD or LED fiatscreen monitors. Monitors are generally described
in terms of size and screen properties. The size of
Figure 5-5. Tablet computers allow architects to make quick design changes in the field with just the
touch of a finger. (Vovml/SI11Ifterstock.com)
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Electronic Waste
Al though digital technology is helping
reduce the damage from existing threats to the
environment, its continuing use and constant
growth comes at a price. For example, newer
and faster CADD programs often require
compute r hardware upgrades. When computers
and oth er types of electronics are replaced, th e
older machines th at are thrown out become
a-waste. E-waste is the fastest growing cause 01
toxic waste in t he United States.
The toxic chemicals found in e-waste can
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Storage Devices
Storage devices save data, such as drawings, for la ter use. A storage device p laces the
d ata on dig ital storage med ia. A compu te r 's
hard drive is a storage d evice wi th self-con ta in ed med ia. Other storage d evices, such as
C D-R or OVO- R drives and USB drives, allow
data to be stored on a removable dev ice. USB
drives are particularly usefu l for transporting large working draw ings and other electronic da ta for arch itectura l projects. See
Fi gure 5-8.
O ften, severa l stand-a lone system s a re
connected in a network . This allows each
computer to share information through the
netwo rk w iring. A network typically allows
dev ices such as p ri nters and p lotters to be
shared amon g the compu ters. It may also prov ide a huge hard d rive where entire sets of
working drawings and p rojects can be stored
or arch ived.
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Types of CADD
A variety of CA OO software programs are
available. These range from very basic programs that can draw simple two-d imensiona l
(20) objects to high-end programs that can
crea te th ree-d imensional (3~) models and renderings and have ad vanced featu res such as
automated schedules. CA DD p rograms can be
classified into two broad groups: general-purpose and AEC-specific.
General-Purpose CADD
General-purpose CAOO packages a re
designed for making typical mechanical drawings and other general drafting applications.
Some general-pu rpose CADD p rograms are
high-end p rograms that offer many advanced
ca pabilities. Others provide only basic fu nctions and are typically used for CADO education or home use.
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Selecting a CADD
In order to get the best CADD system for
your needs, you must first decide what you
want to accomplish with the soft\.vare. If all you
plan to do is produce 2D drawings, then you
do not need a]] of the "bells and whistles" of a
high-end system. If you are going to be producing 3D models and renderings, then you will
probably need a high-end system. 111e answers
to these basic questions may help you select the
best package for you :
How well does the package meet your
needs? Is it useful to you?
Is the program easy to learn and use?
Does it provide help tools and clear
What type of support does the company
provide after you purchase the software?
Does the company provide updates,
either free or for a reasonable cost? Will
the company answer your questions over
the phone? Is training available at a local
college or trade school? Remember, some
CADD programs can be qui te complex
and you may need some help learning to
u se them.
What are specific features of the sofhl.'are?
Is it 2D or 3 D? Is it compatible with other
popular packages?
What are the hardware requirements of the
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CADD Features
Certain basic features are common to all
CADD programs. An overall knowledge of
these features can help you select the CADD
program that is best fo r you, because different programs handle the features in d ifferent
ways. Some CADD programs are more capable
than others. The following sections p rovide an
overview of the common features available in
popular general-purpose CA DD packages. This
is not intended to be a comprehensive list or to
recommend one software brand over another.
You are the best judge of which CADD package
best suits your requirements.
Objects are the elements used to create
drawings. They include items such as lines,
points, circles, and arcs. More advanced objects,
such as polylines, fillets, and chamfers, add
fun ction to the program . These may not be
available with low-end CADD programs.
Dralving Units
Most CADD programs support different
units of measure. Commonly supported unit
formats include arch itectural (fractional), engineering, scientific, and decimal. The decimal
unit format is used for both US Custom<lTY and
metric units.
Angular units of measu re can also be available ina variety of formats. Someconunon angular units of measure include decimal degrees,
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Prop erly dimensioning a drawing is one
of the fundamentals of drafting. Dimensions
are added to a drawing to specify the exact
length , wid th, d iameter, location, or other measuremen t related to the objects in the drawing.
When done manually, dimensioning is timeconsuming and can be a major source of errors
or omissions. Most CADD packages provide
the ability to automate the placement of dimensions. Instead of drawing each extension line
and dimension line sepa rately, YOll can specify
a dimension style, enter a dimensioning command, and select the endpoints of the dimension . The CA DD software does the rest. The
software automatically calcula tes the length of
the line and inserts the correct measurement as
dimension text.
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The ability to p lace text on a d rawing is \'Cry
important in most drafting situations. It is therefore important fo r CADD soft ware to have good
text support. You should try to find a program
that can use several different typefaces. Most
Windows-based CADD software can use any
font installed in Windows for text on a drawing.
Lettering style is very important in architectural drafting. Some CADD packages allow
the drafter to design and use a custom font.
Many architects prefer to use a personalized lettering sty le. For them, this custom feature is an
important part of the CADD package.
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Sectio n 1
Editing Tools
The ability to edit a drawing is one of
the most important aspects of CADD. Edit
ing includes operat io ns such as copying,
erasing. mov ing, scaling, rotating, trimming,
di v iding, mirroring. and stre tching. Some of
the low-cnd CA DD programs offer limited
One of the fundamental tools in any good
CADD progra m is the ability to draw on and
manage layers. A layer is a virtual piece of
paper on which CA DD objects are placed. All
objects on all layers, or sheets of paper, are visihleon top of each other. If you are famil ia r w ith
traditional (manual) drafting. you can think of
layers as vcUum overlays.
Layers can be turned on and off, resu ltin g
in the display of o nly those objects needed.
For examp le, in a floor p lan, you ma y have
a layer for walls, one for the electrica l plan,
and one for the plumbing plan. This allows
yOll to turn off the plumbing plan laye r to
display onl y the wa lls and electrical plan . See
Fig u re 5-10 .
Most CADD programs allow you to crca te
and manage layers. Genera lly, you can assign
a unique 'aycr name and color to each layer.
In addition, some CA OD programs allow you
advanced contro l over layers. For example,
some CADD programs aUow you to prevent
certain layers from printing.
Proper layer management is very important
to effective CADD draWing. This is especia lly
true when the drawing is jointly worked on by
several drafters, designers, or engineers. In an
effort to standnrdizc layer use in industry, several organiz..:'1lions have attempted to develop
layer naming and usage stand ards. There is no
one W1iversalJy accepted standard. However,
the American Institute of Architects (AlA) has
developed the A lA CAD Layer GuidelillL'S. These
g uidelines are part of the US National CAD
Standard and a rc used by many organizations,
either d irectly or as a basis for the o rganization's own standards.
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Another importan t fea ture in CA DD programs is object display color. If all objects in a
drawing are displayed in the S''lmc color, it can
be hard to identify the ind ividua l features. On
the other hand , if all walls a re displayed in red,
a ll doors are displayed in yellow, and all window s are disp layed in g reen, anybody who is
familiar with this color scheme can qu ickly
determine what is represented. Notice how
co lor is used in Figu re 5-10 to distinguish the
electrical la yer and other layers. Just as with
layer names, it is important to adopt a color
usage conven tion and make s ure everybody
sticks to it.
Display colors arc often assigned to layers, so that an object's color is determined by
the layer on which it is drawn. This is one reason that layer conventions are so important, as
described in the previous section.
Managing the types of lines used on a drawing is also important. The alphabet of lines is an
important part of d ra fting, whether the drawing is created by hand or on a CADD system .
See Chapter 4 for more information about the
alphabet of lines. In order to follow the alphabet
of lines, the CADD system you choose should
have the ability to use different linetypes. See
Figure 5-11 . The system should also have the
ability to set line thkkncss or w idth. Most
CA DD programs provide severallinetypes that
conform to the alphabet o f lines. You can typically adjust the scale o f each line (or all lines) SO
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Figure 5-10. Controlling the display of layers to show items on a floor plan. A- The complete drawing
with nLllayers turned on. B--The same drawing with the elcdrical1ayer turned on and the dimension
layer tumed off so that the ek>ctrical fixtures are easier to see.
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Symbol Librari es
Most drafters save their b locks as symbol
libraries for easy access. A symbol libranj is a
drawing file that contains a collection of blocks
or symbols that are typically related, such as
plumbing symbols, electrical symbols, o r landscaping symbols. See Figure 5-12. When stored
in this manner, a block can be located quickly
and inserted as needed into any d rawing.
Architectural CADD packages include symbol libra ries that are commonly used in both plan
drawings and elevations. For example, trees, furniture, doors and windows, and common appliances are usually included in architectural drawings. Symbol libraries developed specifically for
AEC applications include:
standard door types
standard window types
plumbing symbols
electrical and lighting symbols
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) symbols
furniture symbols
tree and p lant symbols
appliance symbols
vehicle sym bols
title symbols
construction details
Most AEC-specific CADD packages include at
least some of these collections. Many CADO
programs also allow you to add third-party
symbol libraries to the software.
Most CADO systems support both blocks
and attributes. An al'tribl/tc is text informat ion
saved with the block when it is inserted into a
draw ing. For example, you may create a block
that consists of all the lines needed to represent
a c.lse-molded window. When you create the
block, you assign attributes to it describing the
window size, style, and manufacturer.
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0,"029301 00293020029303~029304~~029305
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Figure 5-12. These tree symbols arc stored in a symbol library. Any of these symbols can be quickly
inserted into a CADD drawing, repeatedly if needed. (Prime Computer, Il1c.)
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Figure 5-13. Because this is a solid 1ll00iei, it can be rotated and viewed from any angle to show a client the
sides and back of the house. In addition, the model can be altered to show different materials on the exterior.
Related to p resentation drawings afe animations. A llim a ti01fs show motion, so they
can show features such as windows and
doors opening and the changing effect of sunlight on a room . Animations can also be used
to present a room or building as a person
would see it walking through . With the right
CADD software and a skilled drafter, a client
or review board can be shown a very accurate
representation of what the final construction
will look like.
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AEC-Specific CADD
Most CADD programs designed for use in
ardlitecture offer specific time-saving features
fo r architects and build ing designers. The following sections cover features that are typically
offered in AEC-specific CADD programs.
Schedule Auto1JlatiolJ.
One of the biggest advantages of using
blocks and attributes in an architectural drawing
is the ability to generate sdledules automatically.
A schedule is a list of all items of a specific type
that are needed for construction. For example, if
you insert all windows as blocks with correctly
defined attributes, AEC-specific CADD systems
can generate a window schedule that incl udes
every window in the drawing, complete with
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Chapter 5
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Figure 5-14. Some CADD programs have the ability to generate window schedules automatically when
the drawing is properly set up.
its size, style, manufacturer, and any other attributes that you have defined. See Figure 5-14, The
window schedule can then be used for design,
estimating, and purchasing. Many AEC-specific
CADD programs can generate window and door
schedules, kitchen cabinet schedules, plumbing
fixture schedules, Lighting fixture schedules, and
other schedules, as well as various reports.
In addition to creating schedules, some
AEC-specific CADD programs can automatica Uy update or correct a schedule when an
item on the drawing is changed. For example, if
your client wants to add a 30x60 double-hung
window to the floor plan, the window is automatically included in the schedule when you
add it to the drawing. Using CADD, such a
change requires only a few seconds to complete.
Wall Generation
Architectural packages generally provide
more than one method of generating walls,
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Stair Generation
Stair design requires a considerable
effort, both to calcula te and to draw. Some
AEC-specific CADD programs include automated stair design features. The drafter
enters data from the architect's sketches, and
the software automatically draws the stairs.
See Figure 5-15. Da ta that is typically entered
includes the finished-floor-to-finished-floor
height, the sta ir width, and the run of the
stairs, Some AEC-specific CADD programs
also offer the ability to extract details from
the drawn sta irs. Generally, options are provided for wood, metal, and concrete /steel
stairs. High-end CADD packages also include
elevators and esca lators,
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SECTION .. - ..
Figure 5-15. These standard wood stair construction details are generated automatically from data
supplied by the drafter. (Prime COII/pllter, [Ilc.)
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Typical CADD
draws a straight
between two endpoints that you specify.
The CIRCLE command automates the ere
ation of a circle object. Most CADO software
allows you to select from several common
methods of defirung a circle. See Figure 5-17.
These methods include:
Center and radius
Center and diameter
Three points on the circle
Two points on the circle
Radius and two lines or two circles to
which the ci rcle should be tangent
~ -2.0)
Li ne
The LINE command is the most frequently
used drawing command in a CAOO program
because lines are the basic elements of most
~rawings. For each straig ht line, you will specIfy the placemento( the first point (one end) and
the second point (other end). Sec Figu re 5-16.
GeneraUy, you can enter specific coordinates for
the endpoints or pick the endpoints on screen.
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The POLYGON command automates the construction of a regular polygon. A regular polygon
is an object wi th sides of equal length a nd equal
included angles. The POLYGON command can
create an object w ith three or more sides. A common approach used in many CADD programs is
to either inscribe the polygon w ithin a circle or
circumscribe it about a circle. See Figu re 5-20. The
information required in these instances is radius
of the circle, method desired, and number of sides
for the polygon. Another method available in
some CADD programs is to define the endpoints
of one side of the polygon and the number of
sides. 1he software calculates and genera tes the
remaining sides to create a regular polygon.
A square or rectangle can be drawn using
the LINE command. However, the RECTANG LE
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(- 2,0)
(0,- 2)
tion views to show cutaway parts and to represent specific materials. It is often used in elevation
drawings, such as for siding or bricks. Hatching is
also used on plot plans to represent ground coverings, masonry features, water, and other features.
( I ,5)
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_ _ __ __
_ c __ ----___ _ _
The UNDO command reverses the last
command. If the last command was ERASE,
as an exampl e, the objects that were deleted
are restored . You can sequentially step back
through previous commands, but you cann?t
"jump" a comma nd in the sequence. Certam
lim its are usuall y applied to th is command.
The MOVE command allows one or more
objects to be moved from the present location
to a new one without c.hanging their orientation o r size. Generally, you must pick a starting
point and a destination point. Rel~tived~splace
ment is often used for this operatIOn. WIth relative displacement, you pick any starting point.
Then, you specify a displacement from tha t
point in terms of units, or units and an angle.
The COpy command us ually functions in
much the same way as the MOVE command.
However, it is used to p lace copies o f the
selected objects at the specified loca tions without altering the o riginal objects.
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Figure 5-21. Hatch patterns can be used to show materials in an elevation drawing.
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The MIRROR command draws a mirror image
of an existing object about a centerline. This command is especially useful when you are creating
symmetrical objects. For example, if you draw
one side of ornate scrollwork on a door, YOll can
use the MIRROR command to reflect the scrollwork to the other side of the door. See Figu re 5-22.
The MIRROR command in most CADD programs
allows you to either keep or delete the original
object during the operation. To mirror an object,
you specify a mirror line, which is the centerllne
about which the mirror operation takes place. The
mirror line can generally be spt:."Cified at any angle.
Step 1
Step 2
The CHAMFER command is very similar to the FILLET command. However, instead
of a curve, a straight line is placed between
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The EXTEND command is used to lengthen
an object to end precisely at a boundary edge.
The boundary edge is defined by one or more
objects in the drawing. Most CADD programs
place limitations on which types of objects can
be extended. In addition, only certain types of
objects can be used as boundary edges.
The ARRAY command is essentially a copy
function. It makes multiple copies of selected
objects in a rectangular or circular (polar) pattern. See Fig ure 5 24. CADD programs that
have the capability of drawing in three dimensions typically have an option of tile ARRAY
command to create arrays in 3D.
The LIST and PROPERTIES commands
show data related to an object. For example,
the properties for a line may include the coordinates of the endpoints, the length, the angle
from the start point, and the change in X and
Y coordinates from the sta rt point. The LIST
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The MEASURE corrunand is used to calcula te several geometric properties, including
distance, radius, angle, area, circumference,
and volume of the specified objects. Depending
on the program, the DISTANCE or AREA command may be used to measure geometric properties. Often, you Can select a closed object or
simply pick points on an imaginary boundary
to calculate a measurement. Most CADD programs allow you to remove islands, or internal
areas, when calculating area or volume. The
MEASURE command has many applications in
architecture, from calculating the square footage of a house to determining the surfa ce area
of a garage floor, which is needed to determine
the amount of concrete for the floor.
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Section 1
The ZOOM command increases or decreases
the magnification factor, which results in a
change in the apparent size of objects on the
screen. The actual size of the objects does nol
change. You can think of this as using the zoom
featureon a ca rner<!. ZOOM may be the most-used
display control command. Generally, i t has several options th;)! include zooming to the drawing limits or extents, dynamicaJly zooming, and
zooming to a specific magnification factor.
The PAN command moves the drawing in the
display window from one loca tion to another. It
d ~ not change the magnifica tion factor. If you
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can be used to speed the process. This command allows you to s<we a "snapshot" of the
current drawing display, including the view
and magnificatio n facto r. After sav ing a view,
you can quickly reca ll it later. Th is can be much
fas ter than zooming and panning to return to
the desired view.
Redraw/ Re g e nerate
. The REDRAW command "cleans up" the
display by removing marker blips. Some
commands redraw the screen au tomatica lly.
For example, a rednnv occurs when a g rid is
removed or visible layers a re cha nged . However, it is sometimes useful to request a red raw
w hen other operations a re being performed.
The REGENERATE comma nd is similar to
REDRAW, except that it forces the software to
re('aiculate all o f the objects in the entire drawing and l1.'CIraw the screen. This command is
useful when you change the magnification to
s how small curved objects ilt a larger size. Thi s
sometimes results in the curves looking segmented. Regenera ting the screen recalcu lates
the curves so that they appear smooth again.
Di,ltensioning CO,It,It",,-cls
When con stant switch ing back and forth
between views and magn ifica tion factors on a
large draWing is required, the VIEW command
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Chapter 5
Dra'tviug Aids
Drawing aids are designed to speed up the
d rawing process and, at the same time, maintain accuracy. Most CADD packages provide
severa l different d rawing aids. These can range
from a display gri d or viewport ruler to various
forms of snapping and tracking.
A display grid is a set o f visual guidelines in the drawing area, much like the lines
on graph pa per. How the gri d appears when
displayed depends on which CADD program you are usi ng. See Figure 5-27. In most
CADD programs wi th a grid function, you can
cha nge the density, or sp acing, of the grid. The
appearance of the grid is controlled with the
GRID comm and.
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SIl ap is a fu nction that a llows the cursor
to "grab onto" certain locations on the screen.
There arc two basic types of snap: grid snap
and Object snaps. A grid sllap is controlled
wi th the SNAP comm and and uses an invisible
grid, much like the visible grid produced by
the GRID command. When grid snap is turned
on , the cursor "j ump s" to the closest sna p grid
point. In most CADD progra ms, it is impossible to select a location that is no t one of the
snap g rid points when grid snap is on. Just as
with a grid , you can typically set the snap grid
density or spacing.
An object snap allows the cursor to "jmnp"
to certa in locations on existing objects. Object
snaps provide a very quick way of connecting new objects accura tely to existing objects.
Most CADD programs have several different
objt.'Ct snaps. These can include endpoint, center, midpoint, perpendicular, tangent, quadrant,
and intersection, as well as many others. See
Figure 528. Depending on the CADD program
you are using, there may be additional object
sna ps available. Generally, you can tum on the
object sna ps that you want to use while another
comma nd is active. For example, suppose you
have a line already drawn and YOll want to d raw
another line from its exact midpoint. You can
enter the LINE command, temporarily set the
midpoint object sna p, and pick the first endpoint
of the second line at the midpoint of the first line.
The ORTHO command ensures that all lines
and traces drawn using a poi nting device are
orthogonal (vertical or horizonta l) w ith respect
to the current drawing plane. The ORTHO command is useful in drawing "sq uare" lines that
w ill be later extended or trimmed to meet other
objects. TIle command must be turned off to
draw a line at an angle unless you en ter the
coord inates manually.
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Section 1
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Figure 527, The grid is a nonprinting set of guidelines that look like graph paper.
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Many CADD programs also have trackillg
features that allow you to align new objects
with existing objects, even when the objects do
not touch or intersect. Two types of tracking are
polar tracking and object snap tracking.
Polar tracking provides temporary guidelines at preset angles when certain commands
are active. For example, if the angles are set to 45
and 90, you can start a Line and move the mOLlse
or pointing device around the screen. Whenever
you get close to a 45 0 or 900 angle from the first
point of the line, a temporary guideline appears
on the screen to show you the exact angle, and
the Line you are drawing snaps to the guideline.
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Chap ter 5
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Isometric Drawing
An isometric drawing is a 20 pictorial
drawing tha t shows a th ree-dimensional representation of an object. See Figure 5-29. Some
CAOO programs have drawing aids to help
make isometric drawings. These d rawing aids
typically are a rotated grid, orthographic cursor, and snap representing the three isometric
planes (top, left, and right). The way in which
these drawing aids nre activated varies with the
CAOO program being used.
3D Model ing
Most CAOD software provides several ways
to construct 3D objects. The most basic method is
to use primitives. Primitives are 3D objects that
can be p laced together to construct 3D models.
Common primitives used in CADD programs
are boxes, cylinders, cones, and spheres. See
Figure 5-30. Commands used to create primitives
are generally based on the shape. For example,
the BOX conUlland creates a box-shaped object,
and the SPHERE command creates a 3D sphere.
Figure 5-29. A-A 2D isometric drawing of roughed-in stair stringers. Although it looks three-dimensional,
it was drawn in only two dimensions. B--When Ule isometric drawing is viewed from a different viewpoint,
you can see that it is only two-dimensional. (Eric K. Augspurger)
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Polysolid _ __
3D Views
CADD sofnvare with 3D modeljng capability typically has a HIDE command to remove
lines that would normally be hidden in the current view. These are the lines that would be
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Chap ter 5
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Figure 5-32. A-An isometric view of a 3D model. C<:,mpare t~ is to ~ igure S-29A. The hv? ~'iews are
identical. B--When the 3D model is viewed from a dIfferent VIC~wpOLnI, you can sec thai It IS truly
three-dimensional. This viewpoint is exactly the same as the viewpoint for the 20 isometric drawing
in Figure 5-298.
Continuing Education
The field of architecture has changed
dramatically in the last few decades, and even today,
it continues to change rapidly. Companies look lor
employees who are willing to adapt to change and to
continue their education Ihroughoullheir career.
Many opportunities are available for
continuing education in the architectural field.
Here are some examples:
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Section 1
CADD Equipment
Maintenance and
Drawing File Storage
Operating a CADD system requires efficient
management of resources and proper maintenance of all computer equ ipment. Regular
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Material Safety
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As a drafter, you may not think about material safety. However, there are many types of
materials that you come in contact with, and
some may be considered hazardous. The Occupational S.,fety tlnd Hetllth Adm in istration
(OSHA) requires:
A list be kept of all hazardous materials
used on the premises.
A file be maintained containing ma terial
safety data sheets (MSDS) on each
hazardous material .
Em ployees be tra ined in the proper u se of
hazardous materials.
Some materials that you may come in contact with incl ude anunonia, cleaning fluids,
inks, and toner. These materials m ust be properly handled and must be properly disposed of
when you are done using them. For example,
spent toner cartridges should not be placed in
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Chap ter 5
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Figure 534. There is not much difference between "neighboring" frames of an anima tion. However, over
the length of the animation, YOli can see that the window is opening and closing. (Erik K. Augspurger)
the garbage. They should be returned to a recycling facility for recharging and eventual re-use.
When in doubt, check the facility's master list of
hazardous materials. If the material is listed as
hazardous, check the material's MSDS for hazards. Finally, dleck w ith the manufacturer or
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for
d isposal procedures.
The Ergonomic
Like other workers who s pend long periods of time doing detailed work w ith a computer, drafters using computer-ai ded drafting
equ ipm ent may be susceptible to eyestrain,
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bac k discomfort, and hand and wrist problems. Ergollomics is the scien ce of adapting
the workstation to fit the needs of the d rafter.
Appl ying e rgonomic p rinciples resu lts in a
comfortable and efficient environment. There
are many types of ergonomic accessories
that may improve a computer workstation,
incl udin g wrist rests, ergonomically designed
ch airs, and b ack supports. In addition, the
table in Figure 5-35 identifies a few things that
can be done to create a comfortable environment and help prevent injury or strain to the
operator's body.
Cleanliness is another important p art of
the drafting envi ronment. Keep papers, pens,
rules, reference books, storage media, and other
materials organized. The work aret\ should not
be cluttered with unneeded items.
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Ergonomic Guidelines
Position the monitor to minimize glare from overhead lights, windows, and other light
sources. Reduce light intensity by turning off some lights or closing blinds and shades. You
should be able to see images clearly wi thout glare.
Position th e monitor so that it is 18" to 30" from your eyes. This is about an arm's length.
To hel p red uce eyestrain, look away from the monitor every 15--20 minutes and focus on an
object at least 20" away for 1- 2 minutes.
Adjust the monitor so that your head is level, not leaning forward or back. The top of the
screen should be near your line of sight.
Use a chair that is comfortable and provides good back support. The chair should be
adjustable and provide armrests.
Sit up straight. This main tains good posture and red uces strain . Think abou t good posture
un til it becomes common practice.
Try standing up, stretching, and wal king every hour. This will also red uce stra in .
Figure 5-35. Following ergonomic guidelines promotes efficiency, comfort, and safety in the work
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Chapter 5
Chapter Activities
Go to tire compal/iol/ website to colllpletc
/lIe Chapter Activities.
Bentley Systems
MicroStation'll software publ isher
Chi ef A rchitect
Chief Architec software publisher
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Internet Resources
American Design Drafting Association (ADDA)
Resources fo r the design drafting profession
and drafter cer tification
American Institu te of Architects (A l A)
Educational and industry resources for the
architectural profession
A rchitectural Record
Continuing Educa tion Center
Autod csk
AutoCAD" software publisher
US Nation al CA D Standard
US Nationa l CAD Standard; A lA CA D Layer
Review Questions
1. What is the difference between CAD and
2. Name five reasons for lIsing CADD.
3. List the hardware components of a typical
CADD system .
4. What are the two broad types of CADD
sofhvare mosl often used for architectural
5. What is the purpose of dimensions on an
arch itectural drawing?
6. Explain the concept of layers in a CADD
7. Explain the term sYl1lbollibrary.
8. List three items that can be generated
automatically by many AEC-specific
CA DO programs.
9. List alleasl five types of comman ds fOWld
in CA DD programs.
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Section 1
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Suggested Activities
1. Using the lnternet, search for various
CADD sofhvare programs. Make a list with
the sofhvare grouped as general-purpose or
AEC-specific. Give an oral presentation to
your class on your findings.
2. Contact a local AEC fum that uses CADD.
Find out which CAOD package the firm
uses and identify the criteria the firm used
to choose it.
3. Some CADD programs, induding programs
used for architectural drawing, are available
for download from the Internet without
charge. Examples include progeCAD Smart!
and Trimble SketchUp. Download one of
these free programs and try to create a few
simple drawings. Important: Be sure to obtain
permission from the own er of the computer
before you download software. Write all es&'ly
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Certification Prep
The following questions are presented ill the style
used ill tile American Design Drafting Association
(A DDA) Drafter Certificatioll Test. Write your
allswers alia separate slleet of paper.
1. Which of the following are considered to
be hardware input devices?
A. keyboard
B. monitor
C. printer
D. digitizer
E. mouse
2. Which of the following statements are true?
A. The monitor is an output device.
B. The mouse is an output device.
C. AEC-speci fic CA DD packages have
feat ures that make the software more
u seful to architects than generalpurpose CADD packages.
D. Attributes are text information that
can be saved with a block to provide
information about the block or the
feature it represents.
E. To change the length of a wall from 40' to
35', the best command to use is ZOOM.
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Cha pter 5
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