Kapiel Raaj Lessons
Kapiel Raaj Lessons
Kapiel Raaj Lessons
When considering the birth horoscope we need to read the ascendant , moon sign and sun sign, The sun
sign becomes the last step, the foreigners (westerners) use the sun sign to define their personality.
But we must use the ascendant, moon sign, and sun sign to come to a conclusion. Moon sign represents
the mind of a person, what his thinking is, the ascendant does not represent the mind , but just the
starting point in the horoscope( yes , different ascendants show different meanings)
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Sun in leo : independent business, he will be his own boss. He will work on his own timings rather going
to work for someone, he will be working for himself, which is better. The roommate type of relationship
is what he expects. He does not wanted to be annoyed or troubled. The Saturn aspect on this house ,
will make him so strict,honest and hardworking. Jupiter aspect will make him so proud. His father would
be the boss of the house and always wanted to follow him.