FA Menominics
FA Menominics
FA Menominics
Statistical distribution:
Positive skew = meAn>meDian>mOde
Positive skew = alphabetical from greatest to least
Reportable diseases:
"It was reported that studly Mr. Shigella ate salmon, chicken, and liver":
"It was REPORTED that STuDly MMR SHIGELLA aTB Salmon, Chicken, and Liver"
STDs: AIDs, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia (*NOT HIV!)
MMR: Measles, Mumps, Rubella
Chicken Pox
Hepatits A, B, C
Health care payment:
CARE for the Elderly, AID the destitute
Medicare - elderly, Medicaid - low income people
Early developmental milestones:
# of blocks stacked = age in years * 3
2 word sentences at 2
"pee at three"; tricycle at three
"four-square at four" = can hop at four
o 3yo = circle
o 4yo = +
o 5yo = square
o 6yo = triangle
See reference:
Stop codons: UGA, UAA, UAG
U Go Away, U Are Away, U Are Gone
EXpress EXons, INtrons are IN the way
Mikes sis returned with her two new breasts she was able to grow because of herbs.
"MYCs SIS RETurned with HER2Neu breasts she RAS ABLe To-Grow BCl of hERBs."
ERB-B1, B2
Collagen: The higher the number, the smaller and softer it gets
Type 1 - bone (skin) - Osteogenesis Imperfecta (failed glycosylation and
formation of procollagen triple helix with ER)
Type 2 - cartilage - death in utero
Type 3 - blood vessels - Ehlers-Danlos (failure of cross-linking by lysyl
oxidase to make collagen fibrils outside fibroblasts), berry aneurysms
Type 4: basement membrane - Alports nephritis (+ deafness and vision
problems; cant see, cant pee, cant hear)
Blotting procedures:
S/D: Southern blot = DNA sample identified with DNA probe
N/R: Northern blot = RNA sample identified with DNA probe
W/P: Western blot = protein sample identified with antibody probe
Model systems:
Knock out = take a gene OUT
Knock in = INsert a gene
Knock down = knock down the expression of the gene via complementary
mRNA antagonist
Prader-Willi = Paternal deletion
AngelMans = Maternal deletion
Autosomal Dominant: have familial or hereditary in name +
"A Brainy Dwarf named Marfan von Hippel-Lindau hired MEN to Hunt for Potatoes."
Brainy = Neurofibromatosis1, 2
Dwarf = Achondroplasia
von Hippel-Lindau
MEN1, 2a, 2b
Potato = Tuberous sclerosis
X-linked recessive:
"Duke Fabrys Brutal Gopher Hunter, Lesch, Was-Actually a Fragile Albino
Duke = Duchennes
Brutal = Brutons
Gopher > G6Pher = G6PD deficiency
Hunter = Hunters
Was-Actually = Wiskott-Aldrich
Fragile X
ocular Albinism
Hemophilia A, B
Fragile X = Xtra large testes, jaws, ears
FraGile X = cGg trinucleotide repeat
myoTonic dystrophy = cTg trinucleotide repeat
Autosomal trisomies: Pat Ed Down = 13, 18, 21
Puberty at 13, Election at 18, Drinking at 21
Down syndrome is associated with ALL (and AML) and ALzheimers and decreased
ALpha-fetoprotein > ALL fall DOWN; also associated with:
Note: Cystinuria due to PCT reabsorption defect > staghorn cystine kidney
stones; Tx: acetazolamide to alkalinize urine
4. ALT/AST transamination:
Aspartate(Urea cycle)+alphaKG(TCA)<AST>OAA(TCA)+glutamate
5. Amino acid production (hydroxylation, decarboxylation reactions):
1. tyrosine hydroxylation> dopa decarboxylation> dopamine
2. tryptophan to niacin/B3 (no B6 = no B3 = Pellagra)
3. histidine to histamine
4. glycine to porphyrin (in heme production; no B6 = hypochromic,
microcytic anemia)
5. glutamate to GABA (no B6 = loss of GABA = increased excitation >
Vitamin B12: Cobalamin
Cofactor when you see Meth in product or substrate:
1. METHylmalonylCoA > Succinyl CoA via methylmalonylCoA isomerase
2. homocysteine + N-METHylTHF > METHionine + THF via homocysteine
Absorbed in the ileum (Crohns, gastric bypass, sprue, Diphyllobothrium latum) with
IF (pernicious anemia); use Schilling test to determine if its intake/absorption or
lack of IF problem. B12 stores last for YEARS. Deficiency causes an increase in
methylmalonic acid (peripheral neuropathy) and homocysteine (megaloblastic
Other causes of megaloblastic anemia = folate deficiency (incr. homocysteine but not
methylmalonic acid, so no neuropathy) and chronic alcoholism.
Vitamin B7: Biotin
While Vitamin B6 is needed for DEcarboxylation reactions (amino acid production),
B7 is needed for CARBOXylation reactions:
1. PropionylCoA(oddchainFA/branchedchainAA metab)>MethylmalonylCoA
via proprionylCoA carboxylase (which goes on to form succinyl CoA of TCA
with methylmalonylCoA isomerase and B12)
2. Pyruvate(glycolysis)>OAA (TCA) via pyruvate carboxylase
3. AcetylCoA(TCA)>MalonylCoA(FA synthesis RLS)
Avidin in egg-whites Avidly binds B7.
Vitamin C: Ascorbic Acid
1. Iron absorption and Fe2+ state maintenance
2. Collagen synthesis: hydroxylation of proline and lysine within fibroblast ER
3. dopamine > NE via dopamine beta hydroxylase, blocked by Reserpine
Vitamin D: the longest name with a 1: (1,25-(OH)2D3) Calcitriol = active form
(PTH stimulates conversion of livers 25OHvitamin D to 1,25-(OH)2D3
in kidney by 1alpha hydroxylase)
Vitamin E: E is for Erythrocytes; its an antioxidant that prevents hemolytic anemia
and neurodysfunction
NitroFarts = Nitrofurantoin
CGD (chronic granulomatous disease, Dx: negative Nitroblue tetrazolium reduction)
= NADPH oxidase deficiency > susceptible to Catalase+ organisms:
"The recoiling Red Asp wasnt Sorry towards the moaning Cat because it had
recoiling = E.coli
red = Serratia
Asp = Aspergillus
Sorry = S. Aureus
moaning = Pseudomonas
Cat = Catalase + organism
NoHeart = Nocardia
Disorders of __ metabolism:
__-kinase is the enzyme that immediately follows the breakdown of __:
Glucose > G6P via Gluco(Hexo)kinase
Fructose > F1P via Fructokinase
Galactose > Gal1P via Galactokinase
Deficiencies of Fructo and Galactokinases causes MILD symptoms (respective sugars
are present in urine). The SEcond steps cause SEvere symptoms (AldolaseB and
Uridyl transferase, respectively).
Watch out when you see ALDO- because it means something bad is going to
Glucose > Sorbitol via Aldose Reductase + NADPH (CATARACTS)
Note: Sorbitol > Fructose via SorbitolDH
Galactose > Galactilol via Aldose Reductase + NADPH (CATARACTS)
Fructose1P > Glyceraldehide and DihydroxyacetoneP via Aldolase B
Essential amino acids:
TV FILM HWRK (Threonine(T), Valine(V), PHENYLALANINE(F), Isoleucine(I),
Leucine(L), Methionine(M), Histidine(H), TRYPTOPHAN(W), ARGININE(R),
Negatively charged amino acids:
Negative experience to be burned by Acid:
Aspartic acid and glutamic acid
Note: Aspartate and Glutamate (as N-acetyl glutamate) are involved in Urea cycle
elimination of ammonia
Amino acids with three titratable H+:
Ricky Cant Hate ED
Arginine(R) - 12.5
Lysine(K) - 10.5
Tyrosine(Y) - 10.1
Cysteine(C) - 8.2
Histidine(H) - 6
Aspartic acid(E) - 4.3
Glutamic acid(D) - 3.7
The numbers arent important except for Histidine. Just know the order and that it
goes in descending pHs. FYI: COO-=2, NH3+=9.5
KNOW: Ketogenic amino acids:
Cycles: Urea cycle and TCA overlap:
OAA(TCA) + Glutamate <AST> Aspartate(Urea) + alphaKG(TCA)
Aspartate(Urea) + Citrulline(Urea) > Arginosuccinate(Urea) >
Arginine(Urea) + Fumarate(TCA)
Urea cycle enzyme deficiency > decreased TCA intermediates > TCA
INHIBITION + HYPERAMMONEMIA (b/c decreased NH4+ excretion).
Sx: asterixis, slurred speech, somnolence, blurry vision, vomiting
Tx: less protein in diet + Benzoate/Phenylbutyrate (bind a.a.>excrete)
OTC = major urea cycle enzyme:
Ornithine + carbamoyl-phosphate > Citrulline via OTC
OTC deficiency (x-r) = shunting of carbamoyl phosphate from urea cycle to
pyrimidine synthesis:
carbamoyl phosphate + aspartate > orotic acid
Orotic Aciduria > decreased BUN + hyperammonemia
Amino acid derivatives:
Phenylalanine (Phenylalanine hydroxylase + THB + NADPH via
Dihydropterin reductase)> Tyrosine(X = PKU (a-r): screened by Guthrie
test 2-3 days after birth; Tx: decr Phen, incr Tyr diet):
o > Fumarate via Homogentinsic acid oxidase (X = Alkaptonuria)
o > Thyroxine
o (Tyrosine hydroxylase/B6, blocked by Metyrosine)> Dopa:
> Melanin (X = Albinism: decreased pigment)
(Dopa decarboxylase/B6, blocked by Carbidopa)
> Dopamine (Dopamine Hydroxylase/VitC, blocked by
Reserpine)> NE (PNMT/SAM)>Epinephrine
Tryptophan(X in Hartnups):
o (B6)> Niacin=B3 > NAD+/NADP+ (X = Pellagra)
o (BH4)> Serotonin > Melatonin (sleep)
Lysosomal storage diseases:
Tay-SaX = HeXosaminidase A > incr GM2: no hepatosplen; cherry macula,
onion skin lysosomes
"Fab-Gal is into Ceramics"
Fabrys = alphaGALactosidase A > incr Ceramide trihexose: peripheral
neuropathy, angiokeratoma, CV/renal disease
"Gauched out my femur when I was on a sugar high"
Gaucher, Femur Necrosis, Sugar High = GlucoCerebrosidase
Gauchers = betaGlucocerebrosidase > incr glucocerebroside: aseptic
femur necrosis, hepatosplenomegaly, crumpled tissue paper cytoplasm
Blind Intelligent Intergalactic Crab
Intelligent Intergalactic = Galactocerebroside
Krabbes = Galactocerebrosidase > incr galactocerebroside: blindness,
peripheral neuropathy, developmental delay, globoid cells
Omphalomesenteric duct > Vitelline duct (wk7): duct failure to obliterate = colon
to navel connection: umbilical meconium or Meckels diverticulum
Heart embryology:
Primitive __ > trabeculated (rough) portion of __
Smooth atrium = sinus venosus
Smooth ventricle = bulbus cordis
SVC = right common and anterior cardinal veins
Aorta/Pulmonary artery = truncus arteriosus, separated by spiraling neural
crest migration (X = Transposition of Great Vessels, Tetralogy of Fallot)
"PGA open": PG keeps DA open (decr PG > close DA with Indomethacin, NSAIDs)
Aortic arch derivatives: left side of body to right side, top to bottom
I: maxillary artery (external carotid) - @ face
II: hyoid/stapedial artery - @ midline throat
III: common and internal carotid arteries - @ midline neck
IV: right subclavian artery and aortic arch - @ right/middle chest
VI: pulmonary artery (inc. ductus arteriosus connection to aorta) - @ right
side of heart
Neural tube defects:
The longer the name, the worse the symptoms:
Occulta: spinal canal opening but no herniation, tuft of hair
Meningocele: herniation of meninges
Meningomyelocele: herniation of spinal cord
Pharyngeal/Branchial CAP:
Cleft = ectoderm (~external hollow spaces)
Arches = mesoderm (~muscles)
Pouches = endoderm (~immune organs above the neck)
Branchial CLEFT - ectoderm: ~external hollow spaces
Cleft 1: external auditory meatus
Clefts 2-4: temporary cervical sinus (fail to obliterate = lateral neck
branchial cleft cyst)
Branchial cleft cyst (lateral neck) vs Thyroglossal duct cyst (midline neck, moves
with swallowing because attached to tongue)
Branchial ARCH - mesoderm: ~muscles
The nerves that supply the branchial arches are all BOTH motor and sensory:
"Some(I) Say(II) Marry(III) Money(IV) But(V) My(VI) Brother(VII) Says(VIII) Big(IX)
Brains(X) Matter(XI) Most(XII)" (S = sensory, M = motor, B = both)
ARCH** or use the following mnemonic:
"Chewing made me grimace so I swallowed, choked, then called for help."
chewing = arch 1 (V2,3) = muscles of mastication, ant. 2/3 tongue +
malleus/incus/tensor tympani
grimace = arch 2 (VII) = facial expression + stapes/stapedius (defect =
Treacher Collins mandibular hypoplasia and facial abnormalities)
swallowed = arch 3 (IX)= stylopharyngeus (defect = fissure from neck to
choked = arch 4 (X, sup laryngeal)= pharyngeal constrictors and cricothyroid
called for help = arch 6 (X, inf laryngeal)= intrinsic larynx muscles except
Note: Arch 4&6 make up post. 1/3 tongue
Branchial POUCH - endoderm: ~immune organs above the neck + middle ear
Pouch 1 = auditory tube, middle ear, mastoid air cells
Pouch 2 = tonsils and tonsillar sinus
Pouch 3 = inferior parathyroid + thymus (they descend together)
Pouch 4 = superior parathyroid + parafollicular C cells of thyroid
Failure of 3rd and 4th Pouch = DiGeorges: no thymus (= T cell deficiency), no
parathyroids (= hypocalcemia > tetany)
"C3, 4, 5 keeps the diaphragm alive."
Kidney embryology: main player = Metanephros:
Ureteric Bud = ureter>pelvis>collecting ducts
Metanephric Mesenchyme = glomerulus>DCT
Defective ureteric bud = renal agenesis; B/L renal agenesis > oligohydramnios
> Potters: pulmonary hypoplasia + face/limb deformities
**MC site of obstruction = Ureteropelvic junction with kidney > fetal
Genital embryology:
Male = Mesonephric
Pemale = Paramesonephric
"Men are Wolves" = "Wolffian ducts" > "SEVEN" in "SEVEN UP" (Seminal
vesicles, Epididymis, Vas deferens, Ejaculatory duct, N = nothing)
"Women Mull over past arguments" = "Mullerian ducts" > fallopian tubes,
uterus, and upper 1/3 of vagina (lower 2/3 from urogenital sinus of
Female = default genitals
Hormone overview:
Prolactin stimulates Dopamine inhibits Prolactin
Prolactin inhibits GnRH
GnRH > incr FSH, LH
L in LH and Leydig: LH stimulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone >
develop Wolffian duct
S in FSH, Sertoli, and Sperm: FSH stimulates Sertoli cells to produce Sperm,
Inhibin, and Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF); MIF inhibits female
paramesonephric duct development
Genital homologues:
Urogenital sinus:
o Bulbourethral glands = Bartholins greater vestibular glands
o proState gland = Skene urethral and paraurethral glands
Extrophy of bladder is associated with Epispadias (faulty positioning of genital
vs. Hypospadias = more common, failure of urethral fold closure, incr risk of UTI
Moan = Pseudomonas
More = Moraxella
Nice = Neisseria
Vibrators = Vibrio
VDRL false positives: VDRL
V = viruses: EBV, hepatitis
D = drugs
R = Rheumatic fever (Dx w/ S. pyogenes ASO titers)
L = Lupus and Leprosy
Chlamydia: Dx via Giemsa stain (ChlamydiA, MalariA, BorreliA + TrypanosomA)
Elementary body is Enfectious and Enters cells via Endocytosis
Reticulate body Replicates in cell by fission
"Tricky Dick": TRIC = serotypes DK:
o > MC PID, cervicitis, ectopic pregnancy
o > Fitz-Hugh-Curtis liver capsule infection (from spread of PID) +
violin string adhesions of parietal peritoneum to liver
o > neonatal pneumonal/conjunctivitis
o > REITERS: Cant see, cant pee, cant climb a tree =
conjunctivitis, urethritis, arthritis
VS. trAChoma = serotypes A-C > blindness
VS. L1-L3 = Lymphogranuloma venerum: ulcers > lymphadenopathy, rectal
strictures mistaken for PID
Tx: mothers and infants with Chlamydia with Erythromycin estolate, though
there is a risk of maternal acute cholestatic hepatitis
Atypical (walking) pneumonias: My Clammy Legion walked; Tx: macrolides
My = Mycoplasma (IgM = cold agglutinins > agglutinate or lyse RBCs;
grown on Eatons agar; Tx: tetracycline or macrolide)
Clammy = Chlamydia (Tx: tetracycline or macrolide)
Legion = Legionella (Tx: macrolide)
Dimorphic: cold = mold, heat = yea(s)t + Blast His Cock = East Coast to West
Coast (Tx: Ketoconazole)
Blast = Blastomycosis = east of Mississippi River
His = Histoplasmosis = Mississippi River and Ohio river
Cock = Coccidiomycosis = Southwest US: CA, AZ
"His Woodpecker Blasted Wood into Dust":
His Woodpecker = Histoplasmosis from bird/bat droppings = macrophage
filled with round yeast; Histo Hides within macrophages
Blasted Wood = Blastomycosis in wood = Broad-Based-Budding fungi; the
handle of a baseball bat looks like itsbudding off the shaft)
Dust = Coccidiomycosis = large spherule filled with endospores; barrelshaped arthroconidia; Cock is filled withSperm, Coccidio is filled
with Spores
Actinomyces = Acute Angles, Septate
(VS. Mucormycosis/Rhizopus = Wide angles, non-septate; ~in Diabetics)
Helminth drugs:
Worms = Bendazole
Praziquantel = foods: Pork, Fish, Crab, Snails
o Pork = Taenia
o Fish = Diphyllo, Clonorchis
o Crab = Paragonimus
o Snails = Schistosoma
Antigenic shift vs. drift: SPED
Shift (reassortment via segmented viruses) = Pandemic
Epidemic = Drift (random mutations)
Live: See MMR. Sabins small yellow chickens live.
o MMR = Measles, Mumps, Rubella
o Sabin (Polio, oral)
o small pox
o yellow fever
o chicken pox/shingles
Killed: RIP Always
o Rabies
o Influenza
o Polio (SalK = Killed, injected)
o Adenovirus
Recombinant: H_V
o Worms = Bendazole
o Praziquantel = foods: Pork, Fish, Crab, Snails
DNA viruses: HeHe PoPa ParAde: first three = enveloped
He = Herpes
He = HepaDNA (HBV; carries special RT: DNAdDNAp)
Po = Pox (smallpox, molluscum contagiosum; carries DNAdRNAp and
replicates in cytoplasm)
Pa = Papilloma (HPV: (6,11): condylomata acuminata/genital warts,
koilocytes=squamous cell with perinuclear cytoplasmic halo; (16,18): CIN;
anal squamous cell CA) + Polyoma (JC, PML demyelinating encephalopathy)
Par = Parvo = B19/Erythema infectiosum (ssDNA)
Ade = Adenovirus (swimming pool conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis)
Herpes: 2 Simple Chickens Barred Sight from Rose Patches
2 Simple = HSV1,2
Chickens = HHV3: Chicken pox (truncal rash > extremities; lesions of
different age)/shingles
Barred = HHV4: EBV (mono, Burkitts, large cell non-Hodgkins @ Waldeyers
ring, nasopharyngeal CA, hairy leukoplakia on lateral tongue; infects B cells
via CD21-EBV receptor)
Sight = HHV5: CMV (retinitis, negative mono-spot mono, TORCH; both
intranuclear owl-eye and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies)
Rose = HHV6: Roseola/Erythema subitum (high fever > rash)
Patches = HHV8: Kaposi-sarcoma
RNA viruses:
+RNA = PiToFlaCoCa: middle 3 = enveloped
Pi = PicoRNA = PECoRnA:
o P = Polio (both colonizes nasopharynx and causes meningitis like Hib
> myalgia and paralysis)
o E = Echovirus: swimming pool aseptic meningitis/myocarditis
o C = Coxsackie: aseptic meningitis/myocarditis, hand-foot-mouth
(palm and sole vesicular rash also seen in secondary syphilis and
Rickettsial Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
o Rn = RHINOvirus (stuffy NOSE from common cold)
o A = HAV
To = Toga
o "Togas Rubelled against Germany with TORCHs" = Togavirus, Rubella,
German Measles (post-auricular occipital lymphadenopathy, fine
truncal rash), TORCH infection (blueberry muffin rash, deaf,
cataracts, PDA)
o VS. Rubeola: a PARA Ruby weasles caught SSPEcial measles =
Paramyxo, Rubeola, SSPE complication, Measles
o VS. Roseola: HHV6 (high fever/seizures > truncal rash)
Fla = Flavi (HCV, yellow, dengue, St. Louis, West Nile)
o yellow fever causes yellowing skin (jaundice) and black vomit
Co = Corona (common cold, SARS)
Ca = Calici = Norwalk, CA Cruises (gastroenteritis from cruises)
-RNA = all enveloped + RNAdRNApol
Reovirus = dsRNA, segmented: ROTAvirus = right out the anus (childhood
winter gastroenteritis)
HepEvirus = HEV (water epidemic, only dangerous if pregnant)
Orthomyxo: O for octo = 8 segments > reassortment = Influenza pandemic
(Ag shift)
Paramyxo = PaRaMyX2o:
o P or PARA = Parainfluenza = croup
o R = RSV; Tx: Ribavirin (vs. IMPDH of purine synthesis; AE: hemolytic
anemia, teratogen) or RSVP Liz where P Liz = Palivizumab which
binds Paramyxo F protein, preventing respiratory epithelial syncytia
o Mx2 = Measles and Mumps:
Measles: A PARA RUBY weasles caught SSPEcial Measles =
paramyxo, rubeola, SSPE complication, Measles 3 Cs = cough,
coryza, conjunctivitis + Koplik spots; rash from head down like
Mumps: parotitis, orchitis, aseptic meningitis
Segmented viruses: BOAR
B = Bunya (Hanta hemorrhagic fever)
O = Orthomyxo (Influenza)
A = Arena (mouse Lassa encephalitis)
R = Reovirus (right out the anus childhood diarrhea)
HAV = Picorna (+RNA); fecal-oral (ice cubes, shellfish)
HBV = HepaDNA (env, dsDNA); blood (renal dialysis, needle stick), sex,
mother; Dx: PCR
HCV = Flavi (env, +RNA); blood (IVDA, transfusion); Dx: RT-PCR
HDV = Delta (defective env, -RNA); infects with HBV
HEV = HepEvirus (+RNA); fecal-oral (water epidemic)
ToRCHS: hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, thrombocytopenia, growth retardation
T = Toxoplasma: ToxoTriad: intracranial calcifications, chorioretinitis,
hydrocephalus = SAME TRIAD AS CMV!!; from cat feces, ring-enhancing brain
abscess); Tx: Sulfadiazine+Pyrimethamine
R = Rubella (Togavirus, +RNA): PDA, cataracts, deaf, blueberry muffin rash;
maternal rash and arthritis
C = CMV: Toxoplasma triad (intracranial calcification, chorioretinitis,
hydrocephalus) + UNILATERAL hearing loss, seizures
H = HSV (+HIV): temporal lobe encephalitis, herpetic lesions (fingers)
S = Syphilis: hydrops fetalis stillbirth > Hutchinson teeth, saddle nose, saber
Note: B19 also causes hydrops fetalis
Bactericidal drugs (all else = bacteriostatic): Sephiroth Met Vancouver Penpal
Amina in Florida, then KILLED HER D:
Seph(iroth) = Cephalosporin
Met = Metronidazole
Vancouver = Vancomycin
Penpal = Penicillin
Amina = Aminoglycosides
Florida = Fluoroquinolones
Antimicrobial drugs:
1. inhibits PG cross-linking > no cell wall: Ceph Chills-in Nam watching PG
1. Ceph = Cephalosporin
2. Chills-in = cillins (binds PBP, block transpeptidase cross-linking;
Penicillin = endocarditis prophylaxis (before surgery/dental), syphilis
3. 'Nam = AztreoNAM (binds PBP3 for Pencillin-allergy pts; vs SEEK
Pseudomonas- Serratia, E.coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella,
Pseudomonas), MeropeNEM and ImipeNEM+Cilastatin
(Merpenem/Imipenem vs. everything, esp. Enterobacter, but causes
SEIZURES; Cilastatin inhibits renal dihydropeptidase I to inhibit renal
tubule Imipinem inactivation)
2. blocks PG synthesis:
1. Bacitracin (vs. S. pyogenes (GAS))
2. Vancomycin (binds D-Ala-D-Ala and interferes with PG-elongating
1. vs. resistant G+ inc, MRSA and C.diff!!
"Mikes sis returned with her2new breasts that she was able to-grow-faster b/c of
Mike = myc: C-myc - Burkitts, N-myc - adrenal Neuroblastoma, L-myc - small
cell lung CA
sis: astrocytoma, osteosarcoma
returned = ret: MENII
her2new = Her2/neu: breast cancer
was = ras: colon, bladder, lung, pancreas, renal CA
able = abl: CML, ALL (ALL able CaMeLs are from Philadelphia t(9;22))
to-grow-faster = TGF: astrocytoma, HCC
b/c = bcl2: follicular lymphoma
herbs = ERB-B1,2: ERB-B1 - lung squamous cell CA, ERB-B2 - breast, ovarian,
gastric CA
Psammoma bodies: concentric Ca2+ spheres; looks like thumbprint; PSaMMoma:
P = papillary thyroid tumor
S = serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary
M = mesothelioma
M = meningioma
ESR (marker of inflammation): inflammatory product fibrinogen coats RBC causing
aggregation > weight pulls RBC down = fall at faster rate in test tube
incr/faster ESR = inflammation: infection, cancer, pregnancy, SLE
decr/slower ESR = de-prESsed Heart is Sick from Too Much Blood.
o Heart = CHF
o Sick = Sickle Cell
o Too Much Blood = Polycythemia
Kompetitive inhibitors incr Km, decrease affinity/potency (amount of drug needed
for effect); sigmoid effect curve shifts right; Lineweaver-Burke lines cross at Y-axis
(VS non-competitive inhibitors decr Vm, decrease efficacy (maximal effect of drug);
sigmoid effect curves vertical maximum effect is reduced; Lineweaver-Burke lines
join at X-axis)
Zero-order elimination: constant amount of drug eliminated per unit time = PEA Phenytoin, Ethanol, Aspirin
Urine pH and drug elimination: medicine gets trapped in opposite urine pH:
acid (phenobarb, MTX, TCA, aspirin) trapped in basic bicarbonate
**Note: Acetazolamide alkalinizes urine by getting rid of bicarbonate; Tx:
cysteine stones and altitude sickness (hyperventilation > respiratory
base (amphetamine) trapped in acidic ammonium chloride
Phase I vs Phase II metabolism: 1 red ox went 2 conjugate polar bears.
Phase 1: cyp450 red-ox (+ hydrolysis); geriatrics lose phase 1 first
Phase 2: conjugation (acetylation, glucuronidation, sulfation) > yields very
polar renally excreted inactive metabolites
Therapeutic index: TILED with TI= LD#/ED# and the #s adding up to 100; safer
drugs have higher TIs
G-protein-linked 2nd messenger:
See reference:
p450 inhibitors: Without a Key, Kim was inhibited from PIES and
Key = Ketoconazole
Kim = Cimetidine
PI = HIV Protease Inhibitors
E = Erythromycin
S = Sulfonamides
Juice = grapefruit juice
See reference:
See reference:
Contractility decreases with: ABBCCC:
A = Acidosis
BB = Beta blocker
CCC = hyperCO2, CHF, non-DHP Ca2+ channel blockers
Heart murmurs:
"MR. ASS and MS. ARD" =
o MR = mitral regurg
o AS = aortic stenosis
o S = systolic murmurs
o and
o MS = mitral stenosis
o AR = aortic regurg
o D = diastolic murmurs
holosystolic = all regurgs + VSD
murmurs that increase with breathing:
o rIght murmurs increase with Inspiration
o lEft murmurs increase with Expiration
"Wolf = Lone Canis" - Wolff-Parkinson-White is treated with amiodaRONE and
AV blocks:
"First, a girl stays out til 12 even though her curfew is 10."
"Then, the teenager stays out later and later, til her mom throws a fit."
"Afterwards, despite the teenager being good, the mom throws random fits probably
because of menopause."
"Finally, the young woman is old enough to whatever she wants separately from her
1st degree: increased PR
2nd degree:
o Type 1 Wenckebach: incr PR until QRS drop
o Type 2: random QRS drop
3rd degree: PR and QRS = independent rates; seen in Lyme disease
DiGeorge Tets: TETralogy of Fallow + TETany from hypocalcemia (lack of
parathyroids) (also, truncus arteriosus)
"PGA open": PGE kEEps PDA open (PGE1 analogs: Alprostadil, Misoprostol); close
with Indomethacin
Evolution of MI: 4 and death are both pronounced shi in Japanese
Initially: nothing
4 hours-4days later: PMNs, coagulative necrosis, risk of arrhythmia (esp. Vfib)
4-10 days later: M0s thinned walls > increased risk of rupture and
>10 days: risk for ventricular aneurysm (bulging scar because fibrosis made
it lose its ability to contract) <ventricular remodeling can be prevented
with ACE-Is
Bacterial endocarditis: FROM JANE:
Roth spots: round retinal white spots surrounded by hemorrhage
Oslers nodes: tender raised red lesions on fingers and toe pads
Murmur (new)
Janeway lesions: non-tender small red lesions on palms and soles
Nail-bed (splinter) hemorrhage
IVDA = right-sided bacterial endocarditis: dont TRI drugs (tricuspid valve)
SLE causes LSE (Libman Sacks endocarditis with warty sterile vegetations on both
sides of valve, assoc. w/ mitral regurg)
Rheumatic heart disease of S. pyogenes (beta-hemolytic, bacitracin-sensitive
Strep): AAAAAA
group A Strep
autoimmune (Ab to antiphagocytic M protein > MVP > Mitral Stenosis),
Aschoff bodies (granulomas with giant cells) = subcutaneous nodules
Anitschkow cells (activated histiocytes)
elevated ASO titers and ESR
+ Erythema martginatum, Syndenhams/St. Vitus chorea (of face, tongue, and upper
"ACE-inhibitors are ACEs at controlling HTN":
essential hypertension
HTN+CHF (decreases both preload and afterload)
Primary: Osteitis fibrosa cystica = stones, bones, and groans = kidney
stones, brown bone tumors, weakness and constipation; incr cAMP in urine
VS Secondary: Renal osteodystrophy = renal disease > decr Vit D > decr
Ca2+ > incr PTH > bone lesions
Hypocalcemia signs:
C = Chvostek sign = Cheek tapping > facial muscle Contraction
T = Trosseaus sign = Tight BP cuff > hand Tetany (spasm)
Dexamethasone vs Demeclocycline vs Desmopressin:
Dexamethasone = steroid to Dx ACTH disease/syndrome
DemecloCYCLine = tetracycline ADH antagonist vs CYCLophosphamideinduced SIADH; Tx: SIADH
DesmoPRESSIN = vasoPRESSIN (ADH) analog; Tx: central Diabetes insipidus
(Note: nephrogenic DI is treated by hydrochlorothiazide (Ca2+ sparing
diuretic), indomethacin (decr renal blood flow), or amiloride (K+ sparing
aldosterone receptor antagonist diuretic that closes Na+ channels that also
reabsorbs Li to Tx Li-induced DI)
Multiple endocrine neoplasias (MEN): (A-D)
MENI (Wermers): 3Ps
o pancreatic - ~Zollinger-Ellison gastrinoma - peptic ulcers
o parathyroid - incr PTH - hypercalcemia
o pituitary - ~prolactin or GH - amenorrhea, lactation
MENIIa (Sipples): 2Ps
o parathyroid - incr PTH - hypercalcemia
o PCC - incr catecholamines (Epi/Nor), urine VMA and Metanephrine
o medullary thyroid (parafollicular C) - polygonal, incr calcitonin hypocalcemia
o PCC - incr catecholamines, urine VMA/metanephrine
o medullary thyroid (parafollicular C) - incr calcitonin - hypocalcemia
o Marfans habitus + oral/intestinal mucosal neuromas
Note: MENIIs are associated with ret oncogene
Also, the II in MENII stands for the 2Cs in PCC
Diabetic drugs:
"Metformin Glitters in Sunny Gliptin Tides"
Metformin = incr glucose uptake in muscle and fat via GLUT4 (aka incr
insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissue) and decr liver glucose production
via incr AMPK and decr PEPCK (OAAtoPEP) and decr G6Pase (G6PtoGlucose)
-Glitazones = incr insulin sensitivity via PPARgamma/adiponectin
Sulfonamides = incr pancreatic insulin production via blocking ATP-dep.
K+ efflux
-Gliptins, -Tides = incr insulin, decr glucagon, decr gastric motility (incr
+ Acarbose/Miglitol = decr starch hydrolysis and glucose GI uptake
Diabetes drugs mechanisms of action:
CRC: Apple core lesion on barium enema x-ray, CEA tumor marker
Molecular pathogenesis of CRC: alphabetical order
lose APC (decreased intercellular Adhesion) then mutate kRAS (unregulated signal
transduction MAPK) then lose p53 (no apoptosis)
Wilsons disease (hepatolenticular degeneration): a-r inadequate copper excretion,
treated with penicillamine (copper penny): ABCDEF
Asterixis, Ataxia, Anemia (hemolytic)
Basal ganglia degeneration (Parkinsonism)
decr Ceruloplasmin, Cirrhosis, Corneal deposits, Cancer (HCC)
Fanconis Syndrome: defective PCT reabsorption
Gallstones (cholelithiasis): Risk factors = 4Fs:
Acute pancreatitis causes: GET SMASHED > DIC, ARDS
Autoimmune disease
Scorpion Sting
Hypercalcemia, Hyperlipidemia
Drugs (E.G., Sulfa drugs)
Antacid adverse effects:
Al = AluMINIMUM amount of feces: constipation
Mg = Must Go to the bathroom: diarrhea