Rgarner Resume
Rgarner Resume
Rgarner Resume
11012 S. Mansfield Ave. Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 (708) 217-8661 rgarner1112@gmail.com
Digital Portfolio: rebeccagarner.weebly.com Classroom Website: missg-cms.weebly.com
Central Middle School, Evergreen Park, IL
Teacher, 8th Grade Language Arts, 7th Grade Social Studies, 7th Grade Language Arts, August 2011-Present
Integrate technology on a daily basis in a 1:1 environment, utilizing tools such as Google Apps for
Education, Google Classroom, Weebly classroom website, Socrative, & Kidblogs.
Create daily lesson plans for Literature and Language Arts aligned CCSS standards and strategies.
Utilize formative assessments to analyze student mastery and concepts for reteaching.
Differentiate instruction to meet the needs, ability levels, and learning styles of all students using RTI
interventions as necessary.
Analyze data to determine RTI interventions.
Utilize flipped-classroom techniques to differentiate students learning speeds and preferences.
Initiated Silent Sustained Reading (SSR) in the classroom and influenced colleagues to initiate the
strategy in their classrooms. Data analysis revealed increased engagement, motivation, and fluency.
Organized a classroom Poetry Slam; students recited original and published works of poetry for their
peers and invited members of administration.
Design unique alternative assessments to measure student mastery.
Co-plan and co-teach with special education teacher to modify and/ or accommodate the needs of
students with IEPs.
Modify and/or accommodate assignments and activities to meet the needs of English Language
Collaborate with colleagues on curriculum-writing committee.
Presented at district Jump Start Academy on integrating technology into daily classroom use.
Collaborate daily with grade-level team planning cross-curricular CCSS-aligned activities; integrating
SEL standards into activities; community service projects; discussing student concerns and/or
achievements; planning field trips.
Administer MAP and Aimsweb testing.
Member of the Digital Learning Committee to integrate digital tools and provide guidance to collegial
peers in utilizing technology.
Participated in Digital Showcase night, where students shared their poetry analysis presentations with
Newspaper club moderator.
Coordinate and organize Newbery Bowl reading competition.
Handled confrontational issues in a calm and effective manner, and collaborated with supervisory
Controlled access to administrative offices and acted as liaison between building crew staff and
Trained and integrated new staff, providing knowledge and skills needed to successfully complete
Professional Affiliations
Illinois Reading Council, 2014 Present
Illinois Computing Educators. 2014 Present