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Lesson Plan Format 3

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Unit Plan-Choices-Lesson 3

Molly Amos

TITLE OF LESSON: Tints, Shades and all the other things.

GRADE LEVEL: 4th Grade
II. I. E. 4th. Identify and use tints and shades
II. I. F. 4th. Identify and demonstrate and value scale
I. I. B. 4th. Using Tempera paints, add color to white to create a tint. Using Tempera
paints, add black to a color to create a shade
My goal for this lesson is for the students to understand color and what colors go well. They will
learn about tints and shades and will able to identify where they will need to be used in their
comics. I also hope that they go away from this lesson with a new understanding of choice and
what the word choice truly means.
Choice Being able to choose how certain color will aesthetically go well together and
determine how to make your final piece be impacted by not only words but also the colors you
What are tints and shades?
How will you be able to use these in your comic strips?
Throughout this unit, what are some major and minor choices you have made?
What was choice your character or characters made in your comic?
What have you learned about the choices that you have made in your life?
How did/could these choices affect other people around you are people not even close to
What different choices do you plan to make about art in the future?
Have you ever thought about how much choice influences you?
The students will know what it means to be magician of color or a keeper of color.
Learning how to mix colors so that they can get the end results of tints and shades.
Learning how to use tints and shades when it comes to their comic strips.
Knowing what it means to make choices and when they are made what they will affect.

The student will be able to mix colors and create a value sheet that shows the tints and
shades of different colors.
The student will use the colors that they have mixed and experimented with on the
background of their comic strip. So they will be using the paint on the setting of their
comic strip.
The student will color in their character or characters with marker that are provided and
will be able to identify what is a shade and tint with those colors given.
The student will have a finished project and will be able to look at the rubric and
determine how well they worked on the piece.
The student will be able to look at others comic strips and discuss with their peers what is
going on and what choices are being made.
The student will answer the questions, What choice is made in your story What
choices were made when creating your story? Did a choice ever not turn out the way
you were planning? What pieces are standing out in your piece? What pieces are not
standing out in your piece?
Value Scale
Day 1: Now that the students are done outlining their comics it is now time for them to add the
color. We will have a review over color and take a quick look at the color wheel. I will then lead
a discussion about tints and shades and explain how they will be used in their comic strips. After
this the students will be taught what a value scale is and how they will be making one before
they can start their backgrounds of the comics. They will first be shown how to make one using
pencil as their medium and then be introduced to using the tempera paint. They will work on the
value scale the rest of the class period. They will get to choose 3 colors for the values scales and
one of them has to be a color that they will use in the background of their comics.
Day 2:
Today will be a work day that will allow them to finish their value scales.
Day 3/Day 4:
If the students still need time to work on their value scales this will be the last day to do so. The
alternative will be to start on the backgrounds of their comics with the paints they mixed and
painting the images they drew in the beginning. I will need to make sure to tell them to be careful
so the paint does not get on their character or characters because we will be coloring those with
markers later. If need be, I can show them what different brush techniques look like and how we
will use them with their background. This will be a good assessment of scaffolding to see if they
know how to use and hold the brush properly.

Day 5: This day will be used to allow the students time to get their backgrounds finished.
Day 6: The students will now be able to use markers to color in their characters. We will
probably leave the thought bubble white and then paint and color around them. This is one
reason they outlined their figures and thought bubbles in the 2nd lesson so that they would know
where to stop or start when painting.
Day 7/Day 8: These two days will be days in which they will finish their comic characters.
Day 9: When they are finished they will first have a reflection and peer share with their
classmates about their comic strip. (I am not sure whether or not I would like to do it with one on
one or within the entire classroom. It will probably depend on the classroom and how well they
work together.) They will then turn in their comic strips with the questions that I gave them that
will be answered when turning them in.
Day 10: Finale Day. On this day I would like to make sure everyone is finished and has their
projects turned in. We will then have a class discussion on choices and the questions that I gave
them with their rubrics.
Day 1:
5 Min Review color and the color wheel
10 Min Discussion about tints and shades and give have an example how to do it with pencil
and then show them in class how to do it with tempera
35 Min At this time the students will be instructed to go to their seats and work on their value
Day 2:
Work Day Working on value scales
Day 3:
Work Day Finishing up their value scales
Day 4:
Work Day A time to apply the paint and using their value scale as a guide for when they paint
their backgrounds
Day 5:
Work Day Allowing them to have time to work on their backgrounds

Day 6:
Work Day Using marker to color in their character or characters
Day 7/Day 8:
Work Day Time used to finish up their character or characters and finish the final touches
Day 9:
Last Day to finish if they need any more time. This will also be a day in which they will fill out
the questions on their rubric. They will then share with one person or the entire class their comic
and talk about the choice that was made.
Day 10:
FINALE DAY! They will need to make sure all their things are turned in then we will participate
in a class discussion about choices.
Making sure the students are engaged when it comes to their teaching time and what they
are going to learn.
Allowing the students to move around if they need to and standing up while working.
Making sure that students know how to use the paint brushes properly.
If some students get done early, provide a coloring sheet or something leading into the
next unit for them to work on.
Making sure that everyone can see the board and accommodating to that.
Tempera Paint
Paint Brushes
Journal Entries
Pencil Value Scale
Questions given about choice at the end of the rubric
Final painted value scale
Comic Strip rubric and finished project


I will know that this lesson is successful if the students walk away knowing what choices are and
how the choices we make can be a factor in everything that we do. I hope that walk away with
meaning about choice and how their choice not only affects them but also people around them. I
hope that they found the projects we did enjoyable and something that they would like doing in
the future. Coming out if this unit I hope the students have achieved a stronger understanding of
choice and when they are faced with a decision they will not only look at the affects it would
have on them but also the affects it would have on others.

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