High School:: The Following Students Still Need To Turn in Their 4 Hours of Community Service For 1st Semester

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Daily Announcements

Paris High School & Junior High

December 19Th, 2014

High School:
ALL Pep Club members are to be seated in the Pep Club section of the bleachers during the girls
& boys varsity BB games. This includes band members and BB players, when you are not
playing. GO COYOTES!!
The following students still need to turn in their 4 hours of community service for 1st semester.

Anderson, Dakota
Bartels, Quin
Dreckshage, Alex
Francis, Brant
Forrest, Laine
Gruber, Tucker
Mason, Brett
Powell-Wisdom, Shelby
Popkes, Kyle
Vitt, Audrey
Wheelan, Abbie
Wheeler, Chrisee
Wright, Sabrina

The University of Missouri - School of Medicine offers an exciting and informative summer experience
for high school students interested in a career in medicine. MUs High School Mini Medical School is a
one-week program that gives students a preview of life as an MU medical student. The application
deadline is March 1, 2015.

Junior High:
Junior high basketball coaches, players, and cheerleaders: Stop by Mrs. Ensor's room Friday on your way
to lunch to pick up a small gift from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Thanks for the work you put
into the basketball season!

FCA is working at the food bank on January 6. If you are interested in helping, see Mrs. Ensor
before Christmas break begins so that we can get your contact information.
FCA is having a New Year's Eve party from 8:30 to 12:00 on December 31. We will play games
in the gym. Refreshments will be provided. Please sign up outside Mrs. Ensor's room if you think
you will be coming. Everyone will be asked to sign in and out. Once you leave, you will not be
allowed back in.
If you will need a ride home after the party, please mark that on the sign-up sheet, and we will
try to make arrangements.
Schedule Changes- Students will have January 7, 8, and 9 to make schedule changes. You must
see Mrs. Youse to discuss this and have your teachers/parents sign off.
Pink Out shirts order forms are due TODAY. You can pre order and pay when they are delievered.

Teachers and Staff:

Supervision this week: AMJH: Ball AMHS: C. Billington 1st Lunch:

2nd Lunch: W.

Upcoming Activities:



JVG/VG/VB @ Paris


Classes resume


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