Cap 525

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The Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act

Chapter 525

Revised edition 2010 (1978)

Published by the National Council for Law Reporting
with the Authority of the Attorney General

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1Short title.
3Restriction on use of titles.
4Establishment of the Board.
5Power of Board to make by-laws.
6The Registrar and register.
7Qualifications for registration as architect.
8Qualifications for registration as quantity surveyor.
9Qualifying examination.
10Scheme and curriculum for professional education.
11Power to remove from and correct register.
12Restoration to the register.
13Orders to suspend registration, etc.
14Limitation of liability of members.
15Exemption of persons holding certain qualifications.

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Cap. 306 (1948),

L.N. 551/1956,
L.N. 562/1956,
L.N. 172/1960,
Commencement: 1st April, 1934
L.N. 173/1960,
L.N. 462/1963,
An Act of Parliament to provide for the registration of architects and 29 of 1967,
quantity surveyors
12 of 1973,
20 of 1989,
7 of 1990,
21 of 1990,
9 of 2000.


1. This Act may be cited as the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Short title.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires
approved means approved by the Board;

12 of 1973, s.2,
20 of 1989, Sch.

the Board means the Board of Registration of Architects and

Quantity Surveyors established by section 4 of this Act;
the Minister means the Minister for the time being responsible
for matters relating to public works;
registered person means any architect or quantity surveyor
whose name has been entered into the register maintained under
section 6.
register means the register kept under section 6 of this Act;
the Registrar means the Registrar of Architects and Quantity
Surveyors appointed under section 6 of this Act.
3. (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, no person shall practise Restriction on use of
under any name, title or style containing any of the words or phrases titles.
architect, architecture, architectural, quantity surveyor or 12 of 1973, s.3.
quantity surveying unless he is registered under this Act as an architect
or a quantity surveyor, as the case may be:

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Provided that
(i) nothing in this Act shall apply to any person in the
service of the Government or to any person who, for
the purpose of preparing any particular piece of work
for the Government, is exempted by the Minister from
the provisions of this Act;
(ii) a member of an approved professional institution who
is entitled under the constitution thereof to display after
his name any affix which includes the word Architect,
Architecture or Architectural or any abbreviation
thereof, may use such affix whether he is so registered
or not.
(2) Any person who contravenes the provisions of subsection
(1) of this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not
exceeding five thousand shillings.
(3) Without prejudice to the powers of the Attorney-General,
proceedings for an offence under this section be instituted by any person
who is authorized in that behalf, whether generally or specially, by the
Board in writing.
Establishment of the
L.N. 551/1956,
L.N. 172/1960,
12 of 1973, s. 4.

4. (1) There is hereby established a Board of Registration of

Architects and Quantity Surveyors which shall be a body corporate
with perpetual succession and a common seal and shall be capable in
law of suing and being sued and of acquiring, holding and alienating
property movable and immovable in its corporate name.
(2) The Board shall consist of eight members who shall be
architects or quantity surveyors and of whom
(a) four, at least one of whom shall be a quantity surveyor,
shall be nominated by the Minister; and
(b) four, at least one of whom shall be a quantity surveyor,
shall be nominated by the Architectural Association of
Kenya and approved by the Minister.
(3) The Minister shall appoint one of the members, whom he has
nominated, to be the chairman of the Board.
(4) Five members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

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5. The Board may from time to time, subject to the confirmation of Power of Board to
the Minister, make by-laws for all or any of the following purposes make by-laws.
(a) for the management and duties of the Board, the holding
of meetings of the Board, the issue of notices calling
such meetings and the procedure to be followed at such
(b) for the appointment and duties of the officers of the
(c) for the appointment of committees, and the powers and
duties and the proceedings of such committees;
(d) for the administration, investment and expenditure of
the property and funds of the Board from whatsoever
source and for whatsoever purposes received;
(e) for a definition of unprofessional conduct and for
determining the mode of inquiry into and the method
of dealing with such conduct and the penalties which
may be imposed upon any member found guilty of such
(f) for the scale of fees to be charged by architects and
quantity surveyors for professional advice, services
rendered, and work done;
(g) for the fees to be paid for registration under this Act;
(h) for the holding of examinations authorized or permitted
under the provisions of this Act and for the carrying
into effect of any scheme or curriculum for education
in architecture or quantity surveying formulated under
the provisions of section 10 hereof;
(i) for the establishment, maintenance and support of and
for subscribing to charitable and public objects and
(j) for prescribing the procedure to be followed by persons
applying for registration;
(k) for prescribing the conditions under which persons
registered under this Act may practise as limited liability
companies, and for requiring professional indemnity
insurance in the case of unlimited companies and private

L.N. 562/1956,
L.N. 173/1960,
12 of 1973, s. 5.
20 of 1989, Sch.

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(l) for instructions and orders conducive to the maintenance
and improvement of the status of architects and quantity
surveyors in Kenya;
(m) for the adoption of a common seal and the manner in
which such seal may be affixed to any instrument.
The Registrar and
12 of 1973, s. 6.

6. (1) The Minister shall appoint a person, who may be a public

officer, to be the Registrar of Architects and Quantity Surveyors,
who shall hold and vacate office in accordance with the terms of his
(2) The Registrar shall keep and maintain a register in which the
name of every person, being suitably qualified under this Act, shall be
entered as soon as is practicable after he is accepted by the Board for
registration, showing against his name such particulars as the Board
may, from time to time, direct.
(3) All changes in the particulars registered under sub-section (2)
of this section shall be entered in the register by the Registrar as soon
as is practicable after he has received notification thereof.

Qualifications for
registration as
12 of 1973, s. 7.

7. No person shall be registered as an architect unless he

(a) has attained the age of twenty-one years; and
(b) either
(i) has had a minimum of five years of approved
training followed by at least one year of practical
experience in the work of an architect to the
satisfaction of the Board, and has passed a
prescribed examination; or
(ii) has been admitted as a corporate member of
an approved professional institution whose
qualifications for such admission are not less
than those set out in subparagraph (i) of this
paragraph; and
(c) has had a minimum of one year of professional
experience in Kenya to the satisfaction of the Board or
has satisfied the Board that he has otherwise acquired
an adequate knowledge of Kenya building contract
procedures; and

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(d) has paid the prescribed registration fee.


8. No person shall be registered as a quantity surveyor unless Qualifications for

(a) has attained the age of twenty-one years; and
(b) either

registration as
quantity surveyor.
12 of 1973, s. 8.

(i) has passed a prescribed examination; or

(ii) has been admitted as a corporate member of
an approved professional institution whose
qualifications for such admission include the
equivalent of such prescribed examination; and
(c) has had a minimum of one year of professional
experience in Kenya to the satisfaction of the Board or
has satisfied the Board that he has otherwise acquired
an adequate knowledge of Kenya building contract
procedures; and
(d) has paid the prescribed registration fee.
9. The examinations referred to in sections 7 and 8 of this Act Qualifying
may be conducted either by the Board or by such other authority as the examinations.
L.N. 562/1956,
Board with the approval of the Minister may select.
10. Subject to the approval of the Minister, the Board shall have
the right from time to time to formulate, vary and carry into effect
a scheme and curriculum for education in architecture and quantity
surveying, and for this purpose may appoint committees and boards as
may from time to time be thought expedient, and the Board may apply
its funds in making provision for and furthering and developing any
such scheme and curriculum and in providing for lectures or teaching
and for the holding of examinations in accordance with and for granting
prizes, certificates and diplomas in connexion therewith, and (subject
to such exemptions as may be allowed by and in accordance with
the by-laws) the Board may require candidates for admission to final
examination for the purpose of registration to have passed through a
course of study under and in accordance with any such scheme and
curriculum (including articled pupillage for a period not exceeding five
years) and to have passed such examination or examinations in relation
to the subjects comprised in that course of study as shall from time to
time be prescribed by or in accordance with the by-laws.
10A. (Repealed by of of 2000, s.105.)

L.N. 173/1960.
Scheme and
curriculum for
L.N. 562/1956,
L.N. 173/1960.

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Power to remove
from and correct
12 of 1973, s.9.,
20 of 1989, Sch.,
9 of 2000, s. 110.

11. (1) The Board may at any time direct that the name of a
registered person be removed from the register where such registered
person has

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(a) failed within a period of six months from the date of an

inquiry sent by the Registrar by pre-paid registered letter
to the address appearing in the register against his name,
to notify the Registrar of his current address; or
(b) requested that his name be removed from the register
in which case such person may be required to satisfy
the Board by affidavit lodged with the Registrar that no
criminal proceedings under section 13 of this Act are
being or are likely to be taken against him; or
(c) been found by the Board to be guilty of misconduct
as is described in section 13 of this Act.
(2) The Registrar shall remove from the register the name of every
registered person who dies, and shall remove from the register any entry
which has been incorrectly or fraudulently made.
(3) Except in the circumstances specified in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1), and in subsection (2) of this section, the removal of
a registered persons name from the register shall be notified by the
Registrar to that person by pre-paid registered letter addressed to the
address appearing in the register against his name immediately before
the removal.

Restoration to the
12 of 1973, s.10,
20 of 1989, Sch.

12. (1) Where the name of any person has been removed from
the register under section 11 of this Act, the name of that registered
person shall not be entered again in the register except by direction of
the Board.
(2) Where the name of any person has been removed from the
register or the effect of the registration of any person has been suspended
in terms of paragraph (b) of section 13 of this Act, the Board may, either
of its own motion or on the application of the person concerned made
in the prescribed manner, and in either case after holding such inquiry
as the Board thinks fit direct that
(a) the removal from the register be confirmed; or
(b) the name of that person be restored to the register; or
(c) the suspension of the effect of the registration of the

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person be terminated.
(3) A direction given by the Board under subsection (2) of this
section may include provision for the date upon which a restoration
to the register or the termination of a suspension shall take effect and
for the payment by the person concerned of such fee, not exceeding
the fee payable on an application for registration, as the Board may
13. If any person registered under this Act is convicted of an Orders to suspend
offence under this Act, or is, after due inquiry held by the Board, found registration, etc.
to have been guilty of any act or omission amounting to improper or 12 of 1973, s. 11.
disgraceful conduct in a professional respect the Board may
(a) caution or censure such person;
(b) direct that, during such period as the Board may
specify, his registration shall not have effect;
(c) impose a fine not exceeding five thousand shillings on
that person; or
(d) direct that his name be removed from the register.
13A. (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Board to Appeals.
refuse to register his name, or to remove his name from the register, or 12 of 1973, s. 12.
to suspend the effect of registration of his name, or to refuse to restore
his name to the register, may appeal to the High Court against the
decision of the Board and in any such appeal the High Court may give
such directions in the matter as it thinks proper, and any order of the
High Court under this section shall be final.
(2) The Board may appear as respondent and be heard at any
appeal against its decision and, for the purpose of enabling directions to
be given as to costs of any such appeal, the Board shall be deemed to be
a party thereto, whether or not it appears at the hearing of the appeal.
(3) Until rules of court are made under the Judicature Act for Cap. 8.
such appeals, and subject to any such rules when made, the provisions
of the Civil Procedure Act shall apply as if the decision or direction of Cap. 21.
the Board appealed against under this section were a decree of a court
exercising original jurisdiction.
14. No member of the Board shall be personally liable for the acts, Limitation of liability
defaults or neglects of any other member, nor for any loss or damage of members.
occasioned to or suffered by the Board by an act in the execution of
the duties of his office, unless such loss or damage shall be occasioned


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by his own dishonesty.

Exemption of persons
15. Nothing in this Act contained, except the provisions of section
holding certain
3, shall be construed so as to prevent any person practising the profession

of civil engineering, structural engineering, mechanical engineering or

electrical engineering from performing any function or exercising any
power which he might lawfully have performed or exercised if this Act
had not been passed.


16. This Act shall not apply to naval architects.

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By-laws under section 5


L.N. 420/1959,
L.N. 18/1962,
L.N. 378/1964,
L.N. 122/1968,
L.N. 87/1977,
L.N. 193/1979,
L.N. 69/1984,
L.N. 380/1994.

1. These By-laws may be cited as the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Short title.
2. In these By-laws, unless the context otherwise requires


Board means the Board of Registration of Architects and Quantity

Surveyors established under section 4 of the Act;
register means the register required to be kept by the Board under the
provisions of section 6 of the Act;
Registrar means the person for the time being appointed under by-law
11 to be Registrar of the Board.

Constitution, Powers And Procedure of Board

3. The office of a member of the Board shall become vacant
(a) on the expiry of three years from the date of appointment,
provided that the person vacating office shall be eligible for
(b) on the withdrawal by the Minister of, or the withdrawal of
the approval of the Minister to, his nomination as a member
of the Board;
(c) on the acceptance by the Board of his resignation, such
resignation having been made in writing addressed to the
chairman of the Board;
(d) if being a person registered under the Act he ceases to be so
(e) if he absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the
Board without the Boards consent,
and upon any such vacancy occurring it shall be filled in accordance with
subsection (2) of section 4 of the Act.

Vacancies on Board.
L.N. 380/1994.


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4. (1) The Board shall elect a vice-chairman from one of its members,
who shall be either a member of the East Africa Institute of Architects or a
Quantity Surveyor member of the Kenya Branch of the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors.
(2) The chairman, or in his absence, the vice-chairman shall preside
at all meetings of the Board and in the absence of the chairman and the vicechairman at any meeting the Board shall elect from amongst those present, a
member to act as chairman.


5. Meetings of the Board shall be convened not less frequently than once
in every month at such places and times as it shall determine.

Convening of

6. (1) All meetings of the Board shall be convened by the chairman or

failing him the vice-chairman.

For office use only.

(2) Except in the case of emergency, seven clear days notice of meeting
shall be given.
(3) A special meeting of the Board may be called upon the requisition of
any two members of the Board; every such requisition shall be addressed to the
chairman and notice calling such special meetings shall be given within seven
days of the date of receipt of such requisition by the chairman.

Procedure at

7. The chairman or other person presiding at any meeting of the Board

shall decide all matters of procedure arising thereat and his decision shall be


8. All acts of the Board shall be decided by a majority of the members

present and voting, and in the event of an equality of votes the person presiding
shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.


9. (1) The Board shall have power to appoint committees of their own
number or otherwise, and any such committee may co-opt nominees of the
East Africa Institute of Architects or the Kenya Branch of the Royal Institution
of Chartered Surveyors or such other person or persons as the Board may
(2) The Board may adopt, amend or otherwise deal with reports of such


10. Minutes of all resolutions and proceedings of the Board and

committees thereof shall be recorded in proper books to be provided for the

Registrar and other


11. The Board shall appoint a Registrar and such other officers and
servants as it thinks fit and the Registrar and such officers and servants (if
any) shall perform such duties and be subject to such terms and conditions of
employment as the Board shall from time to time resolve.


12. All communications to the Board shall be addressed to the Registrar

at the postal address of the Board.

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13. Every document of the Board not required by law to be under seal Authentication of
shall be sufficiently authenticated by the signature of the Registrar or of the documents not under
chairman or vice-chairman.

Common Seal
14. The common seal of the Board shall be in the form illustrated in the Style.
First Schedule hereto and shall be kept in the custody of the Registrar.
15. The seal shall only be affixed to a document under the authority of Affixing the seal.
the Board and in the presence of the chairman or vice-chairman and of two
other members of the Board and the Registrar, and the affixing of the seal shall
be attested accordingly.
16. Any document bearing the seal of the Board and attested as aforesaid
shall be sufficient evidence of the act of the Board.

Documents bearing

17. The Board shall keep proper books of account which shall be Books of account.
audited annually as the Board shall direct and a balance-sheet shall be prepared
18. All disbursements from the funds of the Board shall be submitted to
the Board for approval before such payments are made.


19. All moneys received on account of the Board shall be payable to an Banking.
account in the name of the Board at such bank as the Board shall direct and no
money shall be paid out except by the direction of the Board and by a cheque
drawn by the Registrar and countersigned by the chairman or in his absence the
vice-chairman or some other member specially appointed by the Board.
20. The Board shall cause accumulated funds to be invested from time
to time in such manner as the Board may decide.


21. The Board may pay out of its funds a first-class air or railway fare Expenses of members
or reasonable transport expenses and subsistence allowance to any member of of the Board.
the Board who may be authorized by resolution of the Board to visit any place
in the course of his duties as a member of the Board.

22. The register shall be retained in the custody of the Registrar who shall Provision and
make all necessary entries therein; it shall be divided into two parts, namely a custody of register.
register of architects and a register of quantity surveyors.
23. The Board shall from time to time publish all entries into and Publication of
suspensions or deletions from the register in the Gazette and in such other register entries.
manner as it may deem fit.
24. (1) The Registrar may supply a copy of any entry in the register upon Copies of entries in


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payment of such fee as the Board may prescribe.

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(2) The Registrar may, from time to time upon the instructions of the
Board, compile a certified list of registered persons, copies of which may
be supplied upon application and payment of such fee as the Board may

Application for Registration

Method of

25. (1) Every application for registration under the Act shall be made in
writing in the English language to the Registrar and shall be in the appropriate
form set out in the Second Schedule hereto accompanied by the prescribed
(2) Every application for registration shall state the qualifications upon
which the application is based.

Consideration of

26. (1) Every application shall so far as is practicable be brought before

the Board at the next meeting after the receipt thereof.
(2) An application may be referred to a committee of the Board and the
report of such committee shall be considered by the Board at the next meeting
after the receipt of the report.

Board may call for

further information.

27. An applicant for registration shall furnish the Board with such further
information and such corroborative evidence of the particulars given in his
application as the Board may consider necessary for the purpose of considering
the application, and the Board may call upon the applicant to attend a meeting
of the Board at his own expense:
Provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Board from
acting upon further or other evidence which may prove the incorrectness of
any statement made in such application or on such attendance.


28. Should an applicant without good cause refuse to furnish any further
information which the Board may call for or fail to attend personally a meeting
of the Board after receiving due notice, the Board may refuse to consider further
the application.


29. The decision of the Board on an application for registration shall be

communicated to the applicant by letter addressed to him at the postal address
appearing on his application form.

Registration and Registration Certificates

Change of address.

30. Every person whose name is entered in the register shall keep the
Registrar informed of any change of address and the Registrar shall amend the
register accordingly.

Issue of registration

31. Upon the completion of the entry of a name in the register a certificate
of registration which shall bear a serial number corresponding to the number of
the entry in the register applicable shall be duly completed and the common seal
impressed thereon, and the entry in the register shall be similarly attested, and

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the certificate (which shall remain the property of the Board) shall thereupon
be delivered to the registered person. Every certificate of registration shall be
in the appropriate form set out in the Third Schedule hereto.


32. The name of a registered person may be removed from the register Removal of a name
upon the instructions of the Board in the event of the death of the registered from the register.
person or upon the written application of the registered person, or by the order
of the High Court in accordance with section 13 of the Act.
33. In the event of the suspension of a registered person or the removal Endorsement of
of the name of a registered person from the register for any cause, the register register on removal
shall be suitably endorsed by the Registrar, and the Board shall publish in the of a name.
Gazette a notice of such suspension or removal.
34. Upon the suspension of a registered person or the removal of the name
of a registered person from the register such person shall forthwith deliver up
his registration certificate to the Board.

Certificate to be
returned to the Board.

35. Should a certificate not be returned in accordance with by-law 34 Power to sue for
upon demand by registered letter to the last known address of the person to return of certificate.
whom the certificate relates, the Board shall have power to take legal action
for the recovery thereof.
36. Upon the return of a certificate of registration the Board shall
(a) in the case of suspension, hold the certificate until the person
to whom it relates has been reinstated;

Method of dealing
with returned

(b) in the case of a person whose name is removed from the register
for reasons other than death, cancel the certificate;
(c) in the case of a deceased person endorse the certificate with a
note of the death and thereafter may return the certificate to the
representative of the deceased person if so requested.
37. In the event of a registered certificate being lost or destroyed and such Loss or destruction of
loss or destruction being proved to the satisfaction of the Board, a duplicate a certificate.
of such registration certificate may be supplied to the registered person upon
payment of a fee of forty shillings.

Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Professional

Charges for Architects
38. Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these By-laws, the Fourth Schedule to
Conditions of Engagement and the Scale of Professional Charges shall be apply.
those contained in the Fourth Schedule to these By-laws as from time to time
amended or reproduced by the Board.


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Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Professional Charges

for Quantity Surveyors
Fifth Schedule to

39. Subject to the provisions of the Act and of these By-laws, the
Conditions of Engagement and the Scale of Professional Charges shall be those
contained in the Fifth Schedule to these By-laws as from time to time amended
or reproduced by the Board.

Scale of charges to be

40. It shall be the duty of the Registrar to publish in the Gazette at intervals
of not more than five years the scale of charges referred to in by-laws 38 and
39, and with the minimum of delay to publish in the Gazette from time to time
any revisions made to that scale.

Articled Pupils
Board to be notified
of conditions of

41. A registered architect or quantity surveyor proposing to receive an

articles pupil shall immediately inform the Board of the name and address of
such pupil together with full particulars of his articles of pupilage.

Articles to conform
with conditions
approved by the

42. All articles of pupilage shall contain conditions relating to the

obligations of pupil to principal and prinicipal to pupil, the period of pupilage
and the consideration for which the principal shall undertake to receive a pupil
and which shall be made or allowed to the principal by the parent or guardian
of the pupil and all such conditions shall be submitted to and be approved by
the Board.

Completion or
cancellation of
articles to be notified
and endorsed by the

43. (1) A registered architect or quantity surveyor shall notify the Board
of the completion or cancellation of a pupils articles of pupilage. In the event
of cancellation the principal shall inform the Board of the reason therefor.
(2) Upon completion or otherwise all articles of pupilage shall be
endorsed by the Board.

Powers of the Board.

44. The Board may from time to time formulate a syllabus for and cause
examinations to be held in respect of
(a) candidates for registration;
(b) preliminary, intermediate and final stages for person training
in Kenya.

Unprofessional Conduct
Definition of

45 (1) The Board may declare any general course of conduct to be

unprofessional conduct or professional misconduct (which expressions are
used synonymously).

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(2) Unprofessional conduct or professional misconduct in relation to

a charge against a registered person shall be conduct which the Board deems
after due inquiry to be such.
(3) In particular and not exclusively and without derogation of the powers
of the Board under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this by-law, an architect or quantity
surveyor may be deemed by the Board to be guilty of unprofessional conduct
or professional misconduct if he
(a) engages directly or indirectly in any of the building trades,
either as principal (except as owner of the building to be
erected) or in a salaried capacity or practice as an auctioneer,
house agent, manufacturers agent or any other commercial
undertaking inconsistent with the profession of an architect
or of a quantity surveyor:
Provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent an
architect or a quantity surveyor from announcing land or sites or
premises for sale or letting in connection with an estate to which he
has been appointed surveyor;
(b) accepts any work which involves the giving or receiving of
discounts or commissions;
(c) accepts any discount, gift or commission from contractors or
tradesmen whether employed upon his work or not;
(d) own or have a commercial interest, either as a director of a
company or as a consultant or adviser or as a shareholder in any
material, device or invention used in a building without first
informing his client thereof and obtaining his sanction before
specifying the use of it in works under his direction;
(e) advertise or publicly offers his services by means of circulars
or otherwise or make paid announcements in the press except to
publish in the press and notify his correspondents by post once
of any change of address, opening of a new firm or branch office
or alterations in the partnership or constitution of a firm;
(f) gives monetary consideration for the insertion of illustrations
and descriptions of his work in the press or allow illustrations
and descriptions of his work to be used by the publishers for
extorting advertisements from unwilling contributors;
(g) exhibits his name outside his office and on buildings in course
of construction, alteration or extension in an ostentatious way
or in lettering more than two inches in height;
(h) issue any drawings, specification, bills of quantities, certificate
or final account unless the same bear his name or signature;



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(i) except as provided by by-law 45A hereof shares or agrees to
share fees or enter into partnership in regard to architectural or
quantity surveying work with any person not registered:
Provided that nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent an
architect from entering into partnership with a quantity surveyor;
(j) take part in any architectural competition limited or otherwise,
unless the conditions thereof have been approved by the Board
of Registration of Architects and Quantity Surveyors and
conform to the regulations governing promotion and conduct
of architectural competitions as laid down by the Royal Institute
of British Architects in so far as they apply;
(k) attempt in any way to secure work for which a competition has
been instituted, except as competitor and in accordance with
the conditions of that competition until the conditions of the
competition have ceased to be operative;
(l) attempt to influence unfairly or dishonourably whether directly
or indirectly the award in a competition;
(m) act as architect or joint architect for a work which is or has
been the subject of a competition in which he is or has been
engaged as assessor;
(n) as an assessor act as a consulting architect unless he has been
appointed as such prior to the inception of the competition,
provided always that he may act as arbitrator in any dispute
between the promoters and the selected architect;
(o) in the case of a quantity surveyor willfully destroy his original
dimensions, abstracts, draft bill and any other documentary
evidence necessary to verify his bill of quantities until twelve
months after the final completion of the contract and the
settlement of all accounts;
(p) attempt to supplant another architect or quantity surveyor
or to compete by means of reduction of fees or by other
(q) knowingly proceed with the work which was previously
entrusted to another architect or quantity surveyor before
communicating with the architect or quantity surveyor
previously employed and enquiring and ensuring the fact that
his engagement has been terminated;
(r) deviate from by charging less than the charges laid down in
the Fourth Schedule or the Fifth Schedule to these By-laws
without notifying the Board of his intention to do so and the
reasons for and extent of such deviation and receiving the

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Boards sanction thereto;


(s) undertake or accept instructions for professional work on the

basis that if a successful result is not attained a reduction of
the fee laid down in the Scale of Charges will be made or that
no fee will be charged;
(t) obtain or attempt to obtain architectural or quantity surveying
work by means of offering or paying monetary or other valuable
consideration or inducement to any person or persons or by
any other improper means;
(u) act other than an impartial manner between the employer and
the contractor or interpret the conditions of a contract other than
the entire fairness as between all parties to the contract;
(v) pay another registered person less than the fees set forth in the
Fourth Schedule or the Fifth Schedule to these By-laws;
(w) knowingly contravenes the provisions of the Act or of these
By-laws or makes a false declaration in his application for
(x) conduct himself in a manner which the Board may deem
incompetent, dishonourable or grossly negligent in connexion
with the work performed by him as an architect or quantity
(y) default in respect of payment of any moneys due by him to
the Board.
(4) A registered person will be held responsible for the acts of members of
his staff so far as they relate to matters coming within the scope of subparagraphs
(a) to (x) inclusive of paragraph (3) of this by-law.
45A. (1) The Board may approve the entry into partnership of a registered Approval of
person with an unregistered person.
(2) Approval of any partnership as aforesaid is subject to the responsibility
of the registered partner for acts of the unregistered partner which would be
unprofessional conduct if he were a registered person.
(3) The Board may from time to time either generally or in relation to any
application impose further conditions for the approval of a partnership.
(4) The Board may at any time withdraw its approval to the partnership
of a registered person with an unregistered person if it finds after due inquiry
that continued partnership is no longer in the interests of the profession by
reason of conduct of the unregistered partner in a matter outside the practice
of an architect or quantity surveyor.


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(5) Inquiry under paragraph (4) of this by-law shall be conducted as far
as possible in accordance with by-laws 46 to 52 inclusive of these By-laws,
except that both the registered and the unregistered partner shall be given notice
of the grounds of the complaint.

Inquiry into Conduct of Architects and Quantity Surveyors

Institution of inquiry.

46. (1) Inquiry into the conduct of a registered person may be instituted
by the Board upon the Boards initiative or upon complaint addressed to the
Board in writing, made by or on behalf of any person alleging unprofessional
conduct on the part of a registered person.
(2) The Board may conduct such inquiry or may refer the inquiry to a
subcommittee appointed by the Board for the purpose.

Complainant to
file particulars on
affidavit if required.

47. The Board may require the complainant to file further particulars of
any of the matters complained of and may require the complaint or any part
thereof to be verified by affidavit.

Person complained of
to be notified.

48. Upon receipt of a complaint against a registered person, the Board

shall notify the person complained of, giving the grounds of the complaint,
under cover of registered letter, sent to his last address acknowledged by the

Person complained of
to file explanation.

49. The Board may call upon the person whose conduct is complained
of or is under investigation to file, within ten days thereafter, an explanation
in answer to the complaint and may require such explanation to be verified by

Person complained
of to appear in
person and produce

50. The Board may summon before it any registered person against whom
any complaint may be lodged or whose conduct may appear to the Board to
require investigation or order such person to appear before a subcommittee
appointed for the purpose of investigation and may call upon such person to
produce any document, contract, book, paper, drawing, specification, quantities
or other writing in his possession or under his control in any way relating
to or concerning the complaint or matter under investigation and may hear
any evidence and inspect any document which the complainant or the party
complained against may desire to adduce.

Right of person
complained of to
appear before Board.

51. The person against whom the complaint is made shall have the right
to appear before the Board and to be heard either personally or through his
advocate and may call such evidence and produce such documents as may be

Failure of person
complained of to
appear at inquiry.
Boards action
on completion of

52. Should such person not appear or not file such explanation as provided
in by-laws 49 and 50 the inquiry may be proceeded with forthwith.
53. The Board having inquired into the alleged misconduct of any
person may

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(a) take no further action; or

(b) caution the person; or
(c) inflict a fine, not exceeding 100 on the said person; or
(d) apply to the High Court in the terms of section 13 of the Act
and thereupon act accordingly.


(By-law 14)

Common Seal of the Board of Registration of Architects and

Quantity Surveyors


(By-law 25)

Form of Application for Registration

To the Registrar,
Architects and Quantity Surveyors Registration Board,
P. O. Box 866, Nairobi.
Name in full ..
Title (Mr., Mrs. or Miss, etc.).
University and/or professional affixes....
Postal address
Location of office ..
Age last birthday . Nationality..
I, the undersigned, hereby apply to have my name as given above entered
in the Register of Architects/Quantity Surveyors.*

All information to be
printed in the English


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I enclose a remittance of one hundred shillings for payment in accordance
with clause 1 (a) of the Sixth Schedule to the By-laws and further undertake
to pay annual renewal fees as required by the said Schedule if my application
is accepted.

(1) State if pupil

or assistant.
(2) Give name and
address of Principal.

I was (1) .
to (2) ..
from ...
and (1) ...
of ...
until ..
to (2) .
from ..

to (2) ...
from ..
and (1) ...
of .
to (2) ..
and (1)
of .

State in what
capacity. Not more
than four.

During the above periods I was engaged upon the following completed

I desire to give the following information regarding my


I have passed the following examination:


I append the names and addresses of the following persons to whom

reference may be made:

Have you ever submitted previously an application for registration?

I hereby declare that the foregoing statements are true in every respect
and that I have read the Act and the By-laws and understand that, if registered,
I shall be bound thereby and by any amendments thereto so long as my name
remains in the Register.

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Signature of applicant ...........

Date ...
Deposit Receipt No Registered No....
Candidate notified .. Approved by the Board.
*Delete as necessary


(By-law 31)

Certificate of Registration
is registered as an


in terms of the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act.

In witness whereof the Common Seal of the Board of Registration
of Architects and Quantity Surveyors is hereunto affixed this .
day of ., 19 .....
Registered Serial No.

Certificate of Registration
Quantity Surveyors

is registered as a

Quantity Surveyor

in terms of the Architects and Quantity Surveyors Act.

In witness whereof the Common Seal of the Board of Registration of
Architects and Quantity Surveyors is hereunto affixed this
day .., of 19

For office use only.


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Registered Serial No. ..


L.N. 193/1979.

(By-law 38)

Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Professional

Charges for Architects
Part 1conditions of Engagement
A.1. Responsibilities

(a) Architects in Kenya are governed by the Architects and Quantity

Surveyors Act (Cap. 525) and by the by-laws made thereunder.
(b) The work of an architect is to advise his clients, study their needs, to
prepare, direct and co-ordinate design and to supervise works executed under
a building contract.
(c) The employment of consultants shall be at the architects discretion in
agreement with the client. Where consultants are employed, the architect shall
be responsible for the direction and integration of their work. Consultants shall
be responsible for the detailed design and supervision of the work entrusted
to them.
(d) The architect may also nominate specialist sub-contractors for the
design and execution of any part of the work. He shall be responsible for the
direction and integration of their design, and for the supervision of their work
in accordance with paragraph (h) of this clause.
(e) The work done by an architect in fulfillment of these
responsibilities is described in Part 3 of this Schedule.
(f) The architect shall not initiate or proceed with any stage of his duties
without the authority of the client. He shall not make any material deviation,
alteration, addition to or omission from the approved design without the
knowledge and consent of the client, except as provided in paragraph (g) of this
clause. He shall inform the client if the total authorized expenditure is likely to
be exceeded and if the contract period is likely to be varied.
(g) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (f) of this clause, the
architect may authorize material changes in design if they are necessary for
constructional reasons, provided that the client is informed without delay.

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(h) The architect shall give such periodic supervision and inspection
as may be necessary to ensure that the works are being executed in general
accordance with the contract; constant supervision does not form part of his
normal duties.
(i) Where more frequent or constant inspection is required a Clerk of
Works shall be employed. He shall be nominated or approved by the architect,
and be under the architects direction and control. He shall be appointed and
paid by the client or alternatively may be employed by the architect who shall be
reimbursed in accordance with paragraph (a) of clause H.4 of this Schedule.
(j) Where the employment of a resident architect is agreed he shall be
employed by the architect who shall be reimbursed in accordance with paragraph
(a) of clause H.4 if this Schedule.
A.2. Remuneration

(a) Architects in Kenya are required to uphold and apply the Scale of
Professional Charges published by the Board. The remuneration of the architect
shall therefore be in accordance with the Scale and Conditions specified herein,
unless a higher charge is agreed between the architect and client when the
former is commissioned.
(b) The Scale of Charges does not include any remuneration for works
performed by Quantity Surveyors, or by Civil, Structural, Electrical or Heating
and Ventilating Engineers, or for any other work normally performed by
specialist consultants.Where any work which would normally be performed
by a specialist consultant is performed by the architects own staff, other than
work provided for in Part 6 of this Schedule, then subject to prior agreement
by the client, a fee shall be charged in accordance with the Scales of Fees of
the Association of Consulting Engineers or other appropriate Professional
(c) When consultants are employed subject to paragraph (c) of clause A.
I, they may be appointed and paid by the architect, who shall be reimbursed by
the client for such payments, or appointed and paid by the client.
(d) Where work done by a client results in the omission of part of the
normal service described in Part 3 of this Schedule, a commensurate reduction
in fees may be made by prior written agreement, provided such an agreement
schedules in detail the work to be done by the client which would otherwise
have formed part of the normal service by the architect.
(e) The architects charges do not include any remuneration for quantity
(f) Where the services of more than one profession are provided by
a single firm or consortium, fees shall be the same as if such services were
provided independently. Any consolidated fees shall therefore be the sum of
the appropriate fees for the individual professional services rendered.


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(g) Where an architect is commissioned by the Government of Kenya to

undertake professional work in accordance with the special Scale of Charges
agreed between Government and the Profession, the architect shall not be
bound to adhere to the Scale specified herein, except in regard to any matter
not described in the said special Scale.
A. 3. Termination of Engagement

(a) An engagement entered into between the architect and the client may
be terminated at any time by either party on the expiry of reasonable notice,
when the architect shall be entitled to remuneration in accordance with clause
B. 10 of this Schedule.
A. 4. Copyright

(a) Copyright in all drawings and in the work executed from them
will remain the property of the architect unless a specific contract is entered
into for the sale of such a copyright and except for drawings an work for the
Government of the Republic of Kenya as provided for in section 6 of the
Copyright Act (Cap. 130).
A.5. Interpretation
(a) Any question arising out of the Conditions of Engagement and Scale
of Professional Fees and Charges may be referred by architect or client to the
Board for advice at any time, provided always that any difference or dispute
between them shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (a) of clause
A.6 or clause A.7 of this Schedule.
A.6. Disputes

(a) Any difference or dispute may be agreement between the parties be

referred to the Board for an opinion, provided always that such an opinion is
sought on a joint statement of undisputed facts, and the parties undertake to
accept it as final.
A.7. Arbitration

(a) Where any difference or dispute arising out of the Conditions of

Engagement and Scale of Professional Fees and Charges cannot be determined in
accordance with paragraph (a) of clause A.6, it shall be referred to arbitration by
a person to be agreed between the parties, or failing agreement within fourteen
days after either party has given the other a written request to concur in the
appointment of an arbitrator, to a person to be nominated at the request of either
party by the President of the East Africa Institute of Architects.

Part 2the Calculation of Fees and Charges

B.1. This part first sets out the various kinds of fees and charges, and then deals
with the details of their calculation. It may prove convenient to turn to Part 3
of this Schedule after reading clause B.2, and to refer back to the remaining
clauses in Part 2 of this Schedule.

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B.2. Scope

(a) The architects fees and charges may fall into four main categories:

B.3. The Normal Service

Fees for work common to all building projects, which is described in

Part 3 of this Schedule and hereinafter referred to as the normal service. Such
fees are a percentage of the total construction cost of the works as hereinafter
defined. As described in Part 4 of this Schedule, the percentage may vary
according to the nature of the works.
B.4. Additional Services

Fees for work which although common to many building projects does
not necessarily arise in all, or which is so variable that it could not reasonably be
charged on a percentage basis. Such work is described in Part 5 of this Schedule
and is hereinafter referred to as additional services. The architects fees for this
work are on a time basis in accordance with Part 7 of this Schedule.
B.5. Special Services

Fees for specialist work, such as is described in Part 6 of this Schedule

and hereinafter referred to as special services, which may arise in any building
project. Such fees may be a percentage of the cost of executing the specialist
works for which the architect is engaged, which will vary according to the nature
of the services, or on a time basis in accordance with Part 7 of this Schedule.
B.6. Out of Pocket Expenses

The cost of all prints, and other reproductions of all drawings and
documents, traveling and hotel expenses, and other reasonable disbursements
which are specifically incurred in connection with the commission, which shall
be charged in accordance with Part 8 of this Schedule.
B.7. Total Construction Costs
(a) The total construction cost will be based on the cost, as certified by
the architect, of all works, executed under the direction of the general contractor,
including the cost of site works and built-in furniture and equipment, subject
to the following conditions:
(b) The total construction cost should not include sub-contractors design
fees for work on which consultants would otherwise have been employed.
Where appropriate the architect should estimate a reduction from the contract
(c) In addition to the cost of all works executed under the building
contract, the total construction cost shall be deemed to include the cost of
any work which is excluded from the contract but otherwise designed by the
(d) The cost of specialist equipment, fixed or unfixed, or works of art
will not usually be included, although the architect may charge for work in
connexion with such items under Part 6 of this Schedule, or on a time basis as
provided for under Part 7 of this Schedule.



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(e) Where appropriate the cost of old materials will be calculated as if
they were new.
(f) Where any materials, labour or carriage are supplied by a client who
is not the builder, the cost shall be estimated by the architect as if they were
supplied by the contractor, and included in the total construction cost.
(g) Where the client is the builder, the building organizations own
estimated cost of the works, as certified by an independent quantity surveyor,
may be used in calculating the total construction cost provided always that
the architects own estimate shall be used in the absence of such statement of
B.8. The Normal Service

(a) The work described in Part 3 of this Schedule is required for any
building project and unless the architect is specifically informed to the contrary
he may assume the client intends the execution of any works he is commissioned
to design, and that the normal service will be required.
(b) The normal service is divided into five stages described in paragraphs
(a) to (e) of clause C.2. Subject to the provisions of clause B.10, percentage
fees on the total construction cost of the works shall be charged for services
provided in paragraphs (b) to (e) of clause C.2.
B.9. Mode and Time of Payment

(a) On completion of each stage of the normal service described in Part

3 of this Schedule the appropriate percentage fee on the estimated construction
cost of the works subject to any variation in accordance with Part 4 of this
Schedule, plus any other fees and out of pocket expenses which have accrued,
shall be due for payment.
(b) Fees and charges in respect of stages described in paragraphs (d)
and (e) of clause C.2 will be paid by instalments proportionate to the drawings
completed or value of the works certified from time to time.
(c) Alternatively, the architect and client may arrange for interim
payments of fees and charges during all stages of the work and for payment
during the stage described in paragraph (e) of clause C.2 by instalments other
than those related to the value of the work certified from time to time.
(d) On the issue of the final certificate, all percentage fees must be
recalculated on the actual construction cost. The final instalment of all fees
and other charges must then be made.
B.10. Partial Service

(a) Where for any reason the architect provides only part of the service
described in Part 3 of this Schedule he shall be entitled to commensurate
remuneration, in addition to any out of pocket expenses, in accordance
with paragraph (b) to (f) of this clause, clause B.11 and clause B.12 of this

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(b) Where an architect completes the work in any of paragraphs (b) to

(d) of clause C. 2, he shall be entitled to the appropriate percentage fee on the
estimated construction cost of the works.
(c) Where an architect is commissioned to undertake only the work
described in paragraph (e) of clause C.2, whether in whole or part, fees shall
be on a time basis; provided always that where the architect provides only part
of the services described in paragraph (e) of clause C.2 in respect of his own
design he shall be entitled to not less than the percentage fee due to him under
paragraph (b) of clause B.9.
(d) Where an architect provides only a part of the complete service
described in any of paragraphs (b) to (d) of clause C.2, fees shall be on a time
basis, except by prior written agreement in accordance with paragraph (d) of
clause A.2.
(e) All percentage fees for partial services shall be based on the architects
current estimate of the total construction cost of the work. Such estimates may
be based on an accepted tender, or subject to paragraph (f) of this clause, on the
lowest of unaccepted tenders.
(f) In no case where partial service is provided in respect of works for
which the executed cost is not known and no tender has been accepted should
the architects percentage fees be based on an estimated total construction cost
which exceeds the most recent cost limited agreed with the client.
B.11. Abandoned Works

(a) Where the construction of works is cancelled or postponed for a

period exceeding twelve months, or the architect is instructed to stop work
indefinitely at any time they shall be deemed to be abandoned and fees for
partial service will be due.
(b) If, however, instructions necessary for the architect to continue
work are not received from the client, the works may be deemed to have been
abandoned after six months have elapsed from the time such instructions were
(c) Where works are abandoned or any part of them is omitted at any
time before completion, fees for partial service in respect of the whole or part of
the works shall be charged for all work done with due authority, in accordance
with clause B.10 of this Schedule.
B.12. Resumed Works

(a) If works which have been abandoned are resumed without substantial
alteration within twelve months any fees paid under clause B.11 of this Schedule
shall rank solely as payment on account towards the total fee payable on the
execution of such works and calculated on their total construction cost.
(b) Except where there is written agreement to the contrary, where
works which have been abandoned are resumed after twelve months, any fees
paid under clause B.11 of this Schedule shall be regarded as final payment for



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the services originally rendered. The resumed works shall be deemed a new
commission for which payment shall be due in accordance with Part 3 and
clause B.10 of this Schedule.
(c) All additional work arising out of resumed works shall be charged
on a time basis.

Part 3the Normal Service

C.1. The minimum fee for normal service is 6 per cent for new works
and 10 per cent for works to existing buildings. Higher percentages scheduled
in clauses D.2 and D.3 apply to works costing less than 7,000. The normal
service is divided into stages which mark the progress of the architects work.
On completion of each stage an instalment of the fee is payable in accordance
with clause B.9 of this Schedule.
C.2. Stage and Description of Work


Fees due
Works to

(a) Inception.For advising the client

No fee except where services
upon the services of an architect and the need described in clause E.3 of this
for a quantitysurveyor, obtaining an initial Schedule are provided.
statement of requirements and outlining
possible courses of action.
(b) Outline Proposals. For considering
or developing the brief; for advising on the
need for and instructing any consultants.
For preparing outline proposals which
incorporate a detailed presentation of the
clients requirements and an approximation
of the cost of meeting them. For reporting
any major decisions needed from the client,
and receiving any amended instructions.

(c) Scheme Design.For preparing

in collaboration with any consultants, a
scheme design consisting of small-scale
working drawings which shall indicate
the spatial arrangements and appearance,
for reporting to the client on the scheme
including presenting an assessment of
the cost and timetable for the project,
and where so required submitting copies
of the drawings to the local authority for
town planning consent, approval under the
building by-laws.





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(d) Detailed Design and Production

Drawings.For completing a detailed design
incorporatingthe design work done by
any consultants.For preparing production
drawings and information necessary for
Bills and Quantities.


Fees due
Works to





(e) From Tender Action to Completion.

For obtaining and advising on tenders and
for preparing and advising on the contract
and the appointment of the contractor. For
briefing the contractor, arranging for him to
take possession of the site, and examining
his programme; for periodic supervision and
issuing certificates required by the building
contract, for handling over the building to
the client, providing small-scale drawings
showing the main lines of drainage and
other services as executed and giving initial
guidance on maintenance.
C.3. Approvals

(a) The normal service covers the duty of making and negotiating
applications for town planning consent and building by-laws approvals.
(b) Additional negotiations arising from such applications, and all work
in connection with other applications constitute additional services and shall
be charged on a time basis.
Part 4Variation of Fees
D.1. This part describes variations in fees for the normal service described in
Part 3 of this Schedule.
D.2. Works Costing Less than 7,000
The percentage shown in Part 3 of this Schedule will apply only to new
works costing 7,000 or more. For works costing less the following sliding
scale shall apply:
(a) Total Construction Cost


% Fees



Minimum Fees



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(b) Where partial service is performed in respect of works costing less

than 7,000, the following percentages shall apply, provided that the minimum
fee assessed at any percentage shall be greater than the maximum fee due vide
the percentage next below:
Stage of Service described in clause C.2 of the Schedule.
Paragraph (b)
Paragraph (c)
Paragraph (d)

1/6 of the percentage fee

5/12 of the percentage fee
3/4 of the percentage fee

D.3. Works to Existing Buildings

(a) A higher percentage is chargeable for works to existing buildings as
scheduled in Part 3 of this Schedule, but for works costing less than 16,000
the following sliding scale shall apply:
Total Construction Cost
Under 2,000


% Fees

Minimum Fees



(b) For a partial service in respect of works to existing buildings costing

less than 16,000 the following fees shall apply, provided that the minimum fee
assessed at any percentage shall be greater than the maximum fee due under
the percentage next below:
Stage of Service described in clause C.2 of this Schedule
Paragraph (b)
Paragraph (c)
Paragraph (d)

1/8 of the percentage fee

1/3 of the percentage fee
7/10 of the percentage fee

(c) Fees for extension to existing buildings which are substantially

independent shall be as for new works, but the fee for those sections of works
which marry the existing buildings to the new shall always be charged on the
higher scale.
(d) Where extension to existing buildings are charged in two parts the
percentage fee for each part shall be as for an independent commission of

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similar value.
(e) The percentage in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this clause are minima
and will not necessarily be sufficient for alterations to all buildings. Higher
fees may often be appropriate and should be assessed on the merits of the
individual commission.
D. 4. Repetitive Works

(a) Repetitive works may consist of floors or bays repeated within a

single building, or buildings repeated on the same site. Where such floor, bays
or buildings are repeated under a single building contract and such repetition
enables sets of drawings and specifications to be re-used without alteration or
with only minor modification, fees shall be reduced as follows:
(b) Where houses are in all respects identical repeats of one design for
which type drawings and specifications can be re-used without modification,
the fees for work described in paragraph (c) of clause C.2 shall be reduced by
1 per cent, and the fees for work described in paragraph (d) of clause C.2 shall
be waived for each repeated house other than the first five.
(c) Fees for work described in paragraph (d) of clause C.2 only shall be
waived for each repeated house, other than the first five, for which type drawings
and specifications can be re-used with only minor modification.
(d) Where a multi-storey building contains a number of repeated floors
or a single building consists of a number of repeated bays which are each not
less than 2,500 square feet in area and are in all respects repetitions of a single
design for which type drawings and specifications can be re-used without
modification, fees for services described in paragraphs (c) and (d) of clause C.2
shall be waived for each repeated flaw or bay, other than the first eight floors
or the first five bays.
(e) Fees for work described in paragraph (d) of clause C.2 only may
be waived for each repeated floor or bay, other than the first eight floors or
five bays, for which type drawings and specifications can be re-used with
only minor modifications, provided that all conditions in paragraph (d) of this
clause are fulfilled.
(f) Where a multi-storey building consists of two or more self-contained
units, each of which consists of a number of dwellings and their ancillary
facilities including all necessary access, fees for the repeated units shall be
calculated as if they were independent buildings, in accordance with clause
(g) The calculation of fees for repetitive works shall be in accordance
with clause D.6.
D.5. Repeated Buildings

(a) Where a building is repeated for the same client, and type drawings
and specifications can be re-used without modification, irrespective of whether
more than one site or contract is involved, fees shall be reduced as follows:



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(b) Where a building of not less than 2,000 square feet in area is in all
respects a repeat of a previous design for the same client and type drawings and
specifications can be re-used without modification, the fees for work described in
paragraphs (c) and (d) of clause C.2 shall be waived for each repeated building
other than the first.
(c) Fees for work described in paragraph (d) of clause C.2 only may be
waived for each repeated building of not less than 2,000 square feet in area,
other than the first, for which type drawings and specifications can be re-used
with only minor modification.
(d) Fees for all except the first five of any repeated buildings of less than
2,000 square feet in area may be waived for work described in paragraph (c)
and/or (d) of clause C.2 provided that all the conditions in paragraphs (b) and
(c) of this clause respectively are fulfilled.
(e) The calculation of fees for repeated buildings shall be in accordance
with clause D.6.
D.6. Application of Reductions

(a) Reduction for repetitive work and repeated buildings shall be

calculated as follows:
(b) Type drawings and specifications are those drawings of a repeated
house, floor, bay or unit of a building which are necessary for the construction
of the works above ground floor slab, otherwise referred to as the superstructure.
Reductions shall be made in respect of superstructure only, and all work below
ground floor slabs or timber joists shall be excluded from all construction costs
on which stage fees are waived.
(c) The total construction cost of the work shall be taken first and the
fee for normal or partial services calculated thereon. The fee for any work in
paragraphs (c) and/or (d) of clause C.2 which is done should then be assessed
on the cost of the works qualifying for reductions and deducted from the fee
first calculated.
(d) Screen walls, outbuildings and garages shall be excluded from the
construction costs of works on which fees are waived unless they are included
in the type drawings and specifications.
(e) The handing of a plan shall not constitute a modification.
(f) The fees for work in paragraph (e) of clause C.2 shall not in any
circumstances be reduced for repetitive works or repeated buildings.
(g) In the case of houses which are in all respects repeats of one design
but for which separate applications for approval must be made to the local
authority for each house, then paragraph (c) of clause D.4 and not paragraph
(b) of clause D4 shall apply.

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Part 5additional Services

E1. This section covers services which although common to many
building projects do not necessarily arise in all or which are so variable that
they could not reasonably be charged on a percentage basis.

(a) The architects charges for the services described will be based on
the time spent on the work by the architect and his staff.
E.2. Sites and Buildings

(a) For advising on the selection and suitability of sites, conducting

negotiations concerned with sites or buildings, making surveys, measurements
and plans of the sites, sites and buildings or existing buildings.
(b) For making inspections, preparing reports or giving general
advice on the condition of premises.
(c) For preparing schedules of dilapidations and negotiating them
on behalf of landlords or tenants; for taking particulars on site, preparing
specifications for repairs and supervising their execution.
(d) For making structural investigations, the limits of which shall be
clearly defined and agreed in writing, such as are necessary to ascertain or not
whether there are defects in the walls, roofs, floors and drains of a building
which may materially affect its life and value.
E.3. Feasibility Studies

(a) For undertaking a preliminary technical appraisal of a project

sufficient to enable the client to decide whether and in what form to proceed,
and making town planning inquiries or application for outline town planning
approval. Such an appraisal may include an approximation of the cost of meeting
the clients requirements, a statement upon the need for consultants, an outline
timetable and a suggested contract procedure.
E4. Development Plans

(a) For preparing development plans which will be carried out over a
number of years for any large building or complex of buildings.
(b) Fees for preparing development plans shall always be additional to
percentage fees for normal service.
E.5. Layouts, Roads and Sewers

(a) Where the architect is employed to prepare a layout only or is

employed to prepare a layout for a greater area than that which is to be developed
(b) Where the architect is employed to provide normal service for roads
and sewers, fees shall be in accordance with the Scale of Charges for General



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Civil Engineering Works of the Association of Consulting Engineers.

E.6. Development Studies

(a) Where a clients initial statement of requirements in paragraph (a) of

clause C.2 requires special services such as operational research including works
study before consideration of the brief and development of outline proposals
as described in paragraph (b) of clause C.2 can begin.
(b) Where the development of a scheme design in paragraph (c) of
clause C.2 or detailed design in paragraph (d) of clause C.2 involves special
constructional research, including the design, construction or testing of prototype
buildings or models.
(c) Payment for the design of mass produced building components may
be by royalty, or by time charges and sale of copyright. Fees for development
work in connexion with the design or prototypes should be on a time basis, but
may be an advance on royalties.
E.7. Special Drawings

For preparing any drawings especially, for the use of the client, for by-law
and building regulation approvals, or for negotiating with ground landlords,
adjoining owners, public authorities, licensing authorities, mortgagors and
E.8. Negotiations

(a) For special negotiations arising from applications for town planning,
building by-law, building act or building regulation approvals.
(b) For providing information and/or making all applications other
than those detailed in paragraph (a) of clause C.3 of this Schedule including
applications for licences, negotiations in connexion with party walls, rights of
light and other easements, reservations or restrictions, and grant aid.
E.9. Changes in Instructions

(a) For extra work at any time owning to changes in an approved design
beyond the control of the architect, resulting from changes in the clients
instructions or any other cause. Clients are particularly reminded of the
considerable extra charges which may be incurred as follows:
(b) For amending detailed design drawings already prepared or for
preparing new drawings because of alterations in the brief after the approval
of a scheme design.
(c) For amending production information already prepared or for
preparing additional information because of changes in location, size or shape
after the approval of a detailed design.
E.10. Delays in Building

For additional work arising from delay in building operations beyond

the control of the architect.

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Part 6special Services

F.1. The services described in this section do not form part of the work described
in Part 3 of this Schedule, and are subject to additional fees.
F.2. Town Planning

(a) Fees for town planning work shall be in accordance with the
Professional Charges of the Town Planning Institute, subject to the following
(b) All layouts shall be charged on a time basis.
(c) All time charges shall be in accordance with Part 7 of this
F.3. Garden and Landscape Design

(a) The cost of all site works designed under the direction of the architect
under the same or separate building, civil engineering or landscape contracts,
shall be included in the total construction cost of the works, and the architect
shall be entitled to the appropriate percentage fees for normal or partial service,
except that:
(b) Fees for the first 5,000 of all works shall be in accordance with the
Scale of Professional Charges of the Institute of Landscape Architects.
(c) Fees for the normal service for roads and sewers shall be in
accordance with the Scale of Charges for General Civil Engineering Works of
the Association of Consulting Engineers.
(d) The fees for special design of garden furniture and ornaments shall
be as for the design of furniture in paragraph (c) of clause F.4.
(e) Specialist advice on the selection of plants and materials, visits to
nurseries, etc., and all other additional services shall be charged on a time
F.4. Interior Design

(a) Where special services are required in respect of interior design work
in a new or existing building, such work being distinct from normal alterations
to an existing building and excluding all external works and any major structural
alterations, and the architect is employed only on this work, or it is executed
under a special sub-contract or a contract separate from that for other works on
which the architect may be employed, fees are as follows:
(b) For the normal service described in Part 3 of this Schedule, with
the addition of special sketch studies, detailed advice on the selection of all
furniture, fittings, and soft furnishings, and supervision of the making up of
such furnishings the percentage fee for each stage of the normal service shall
be double that for new works.


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(c) The architect shall separate the construction costs of interior design
work on which such special fees are calculated from the total construction cost
on which he is receiving a fee for the normal service.
(d) Neither total construction costs nor the fee for the normal service
shall be abated where other designers are employed on interior design work
executed under the direction of the architect.
F.5. Shop Fitting and Exhibition Work

(a) For shop fitting and exhibition design including both the remodeling
of existing shops and the design of new units both independently and within the
shell of existing buildings, irrespective of whether the architect is employed for
shop fitting design only or the work forms part of a general building contract,
the percentage fee for each stage of the normal service will be double that for
new works.
(b) Where shop fitting drawings are provided by specialist sub-contractors
the fee shall be as for the normal service described in Part 3 of this Schedule.
F.6. Furniture and Fittings

(a) For advising on the selection and suitability of loose furniture fittings
and soft furnishings and supervision of their installation including the making
up of soft furnishings, fees shall be on a time basis.
(b) For the design of special items of furniture for limited production only,
the percentage shall be 15 per cent of the total production cost. Alternatively,
fees may be on a time basis.
(c) Payment for the design of mass-produced items of furniture may be
by royalty, or by time and sale of copyright. Fees for the design of prototyopes
should be on a time basis, but may be an advance on royaltites.
F.7. Works of Art

For advising on the commissioning of special works of art, the selection

of paintings and sculpture, etc., and for supervising their installation, fees shall
be on a time basis.
F.8. Quantity Surveying, Valuing and Surveying

Fees for preparing Bills of Quantities, valuing work executed, valuation

of properties, and surveying work other than that covered in other sections of
this Schedule, shall be in accordance with the Scale of Professional Charges
published by the Board for Quantity Surveying.
F.9. Litigation and Arbitration

(a) For qualifying to give evidence, settling proofs, conferences with

advocates and counsel, attendance in court or at arbitrations or town planning
inquiries or before other tribunals for services in connexion with litigations and
for arbitration, fees shall be on a time basis.

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(b) Time charges shall be in accordance with Part 7 of this Schedule,

except that there shall be a minimum fee of Shs. 675 for acting as arbitrator.

Part 7time Charges and Estimates of Professional Fees

G.1. In assessing the rate at which time should be charged, all relevant factors
should be considered, such as the complexity of the work, the professional
standing of the architect, the character of negotiations, etc.
G.2. Hourly Rates

(a) Except where otherwise specified fees based upon time spent by both
principals and staff shall be as follows:
(b) The rate for principals shall be Sh. 90 per hour upwards depending
on circumstances.
(c) The rate for architectural and other technical staff shall be Shs. 3 per
hour for each 100 of gross annual salary.
(d) Day rates may be charged on the basis of not less than 71/2 hours
of principals staff time.
(e) Unless otherwise agreed time shall not be charged for clerical staff.
G.3. Travelling Time

(a) Where work is situated more than fifty miles from the architects
office, and such work is visited by road or rail, traveling time shall be charged
on an hourly basis.
(b) where work is situated more than two hundred miles from the
architects office, and such work is visited by air, travelling time shall be charged
on an hourly basis.
G.4. Estimates of Professional Fees

(a) Architects who are required to give estimates of the cost of their
professional services may do so quoting appropriate percentage fees on any
constructional costs limits supplied by the client or by estimating time charges
on work for which percentage fees are not applicable provided that:
(b) Any estimates shall be subject to revision in accordance with actual
construction costs of works for which scale fees are quoted, or the time actually
spent on the job.
(c) The services to be provided shall be clearly stated.
(d) Estimates based on time charges indicate the estimated time to be
spent by principals and staff at various salary levels.
(e) An architect in Kenya shall not knowingly compete with another in
respect of percentage fees or time charges.



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Part 8Out of Pocket Expenses
H.1. In addition to paying fees under any other section of this Schedule, the
client shall reimburse the architect for all reasonable out of pocket expenses
actually and properly incurred connexion with the commission. Such expenses
shall include the following:
H.2. Drawings and Documents

Printing, reproduction or purchase costs of all documents, drawings,

maps, models, photographs, and other records, including all those used in
communication between architect, client, quantity surveyor, consultants and
contractor, and for inquiries to contractors, subcontractors and suppliers,
notwithstanding any obligation on the part of the architect to supply such
documents to those concerned.
L.N. 193/ 1979.

H.3. Hotel and Travelling Expenses

Hotel and traveling expenses, including mileage allowance for cars and
other similar disbursements. Mileage allowance for cars shall be charged at the
appropriate rate in accordance with the current Table issued by the Automobile
Association of Kenya as amended from time to time, and shall be calculable
on the basis of total running costs in shillings per kilometre depending on the
engine capacity of the car used for journeys to and from destinations situated
more than five miles from the architects office.
H.4. Disbursements

(a) Expenses incurred in respect of advertising for tenders; for clerks

of works and other resident site staff, including the time and expense of
interviewers and reasonable expenses for interviews.
(b) Any other payments made on behalf of the client.
H.5. Special Fees

Fees and other charges for specialist professional advice, which have
been incurred by the architect with the specific authority of the client.
H.6. Compounding of Expenses

(a) By prior written agreement expenses may be estimated or standardized

in whole or part, or compounded for an increase in the percentage fee.
(b) The client shall not be liable for inland surface postage or local
telephone charges, but shall be liable for air mail, overseas postage, trunk
telephone calls and telegrams.
Part 9Work Outside Kenya
I.1. Persons who are registered as architects in Kenya are reminded that
they are bound by the Code of Professional Conduct wherever they may be
commissioned to undertake professional work.

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I.2. Fees for Work Outside Kenya

(a) In the case of registered architects who are members of the Royal
Institute of British Architects, it is recommended that their fees should be based
on the recommendations of the R.I.B.A. as published in Part 9 of the R.I.B.A.
Scale of Charges.
(b) In the case of registered architects who are not members of the
R.I.B.A., it is recommended that their fees should be based on this Schedule
as published by the Board.


(By-law 39)

Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Professional Charges

for Quantity Surveyors

L.N. 193/1979.

A.Conditions of Engagement

A.1. The scale of charges for the preparation of bills of quantities set out
in clause B.1 (a) is an overall scale based upon the inclusion of all provisional
amounts which do not normally call for measurement.
A.2. The measurement and valuation of variations and the preparation
of statements of account at the conclusion of the works are separate services
for which the scale set out in clause B.1 (b) provides.
B.Scale of Charges
B.1. The following shall be the charges to be made by a quantity surveyor
in connexion with:
(a) Taking out and preparing bills of quantities:
(i) Basic scale2 per cent upon the estimated cost of
the work.
(ii) Works of alterationthe charges in subparagraph
(i) shall be increased by not less than per cent in
respect of works of alteration according to the nature
of the work.
(iii) Generally fees shall be calculated on the basis of the
accepted tender for the whole of the work and shall be
paid upon the signing of the contract but in the event
of no tender being received, the fees shall be calculated
upon a reasonable valuation of the work, based upon the
original bills of quantities and if no tender is accepted or
contract entered into the fees shall be paid within three
months of the completion of the bills of quantities.

Lump sum contracts

(architectural work).


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In the case of works being abandoned, stopped or

delayed during the preparation of the bills of quantities,
the quantity surveyor shall be entitled to the foregoing
fee in full or part in proportion to the amount of work
done by the quantity surveyor and payment thereof
shall be made within three months of such completion
or partial completion of the work.

In calculating the amount on which fees are payable,

the total of the credit bill (if any) and the total of any alternative
bills shall be added, but any omission bill forming part of an
alternative bill shall not be included unless actual measurement
is necessary to arrive at the omission.
The cost of typing and duplicating, lithographing or
printing the bills of quantities is not included in the above scale
but shall be charged in addition at the net amount payable to
the individual or individuals who execute the work.
(b) Measuring and making up accounts of variations upon contracts,
including pricing and agreeing totals with contractors:
3 per cent upon the gross amount of the additions;
1 per cent upon the gross amount of omissions less the
total of the provisional sums omitted or work omitted as a whole.
No charge shall be made for the adjustment of provisional
sums in cases where the exercise of professional skill
is not involved.
(c) When bills of quantities are prepared for several distinct
works, including housing, being a repetition of one design the
fee for 2 per cent shall be charged on one complete work
so repeated and a fee of half per cent shall be charged on each
repetition of the design constructed, provided that all works or
portions of works remeasured shall be charged for at the full
rate of 2 per cent.
This arrangement does not apply to the duplicating of portions
of the same work, in which case the full commission shall be charged
on the total cost.
(d) Measuring from drawings and specifications and preparing
bills of quantities of labour only or materials only, the fee to
be double the foregoing rates.
(e) Taking out and preparing bills of quantities or measuring for
making up accounts for decoration contracts:

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2 per cent above the rates of the foregoing paragraphs.


(f) Pricing bills of quantities:

per cent
(g) Preparing approximate quantities and estimating upon same:

per cent upon the estimated cost or alternatively a

charge to be based upon the time involved.

(h) Surveying work in progress, taking particulars and reporting

for interim certificates:

per cent upon each valuation less the amount of any

previous valuation or valuations upon which fees shall
have been paid, or alternatively, a charge to be based upon
the time involved.

(i) Taking particulars on site and writing specifications for works

of alterations or repair:
7 per cent upon the amount expended, or alterntively,
a charge based upon the time involved.

(j) Measuring from completed works and preparing bills of

3 per cent
(k) Preparing a full cost analysis:

1/3 per cent of the value of the work (as defined in clause
B.1 (a) (iii)), or alternatively a charge to be based upon the time

B.2. When work is to be, or has been executed wholly or in part with
old materials, or where material, labour or carriage is provided by the building
owner, the percentage shall be calculated as if the works were to be or had been
executed throughout by a contractor an with new materials.

Work executed with

old materials.

B.3. (1) For preparing, pricing and agreeing schedules of prices a charge
Schedule contracts
shall be based upon the time involved.
(architectural work).
(2) The charge for measuring under schedule and making up accounts
including pricing and agreeing totals shall be 3 per cent upon the gross amount
of the account.
(3) The above percentage applies only to the complete measurement and
valuation of the buildings or building operations when undertaken as a whole
and included in one account.
(4) When the measurement proceeds by stages involving the preparation
of periodic bills, then the percentage shall be increased by per cent.


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(5) In cases where any of the materials used in construction are supplied
by the building owner the percentage charge shall be made upon the estimated or
actual value thereof as though the work had been executed with new materials
supplied by the contractor.
Prime cost contracts.

B.4. Charges to be made for checking prime cost in cost plus profit
contracts and making up final accounts of work executed shall be:
2 per cent, except on work necessitating measurement which
shall be paid for at the rates laid down in clauses B.2 and B.3 of this

Civil engineering

B.5. Except as otherwise provided the charges for quantity surveying

services in relation to work which can be classed as civil engineering work
shall as regards percentage, be half those for architectural work but the same
as the latter in respect of charges based upon time, traveling and out of pocket

Works where scales

are inapplicable.

B.6. Where works are of such a character that percentage or other stated
charges are clearly inapplicable time charges shall be made in accordance with
clause B.11 of this Schedule.


B.7. For making inspection, preparing reports or giving advice on the

structural or sanitary condition of premises the charge shall be by time in
accordance with clause B.11 of this Schedule, the minimum fee being one
hundred and twenty shillings, in addition to the cost of assistants.

Litigation and

B.8. The charges shall be those set out in clause B.7 of the Fourth
Schedule to these By-laws.


B.9. The charges shall be those set out in clause B.8 of the Fourth
Schedule to these By-laws.

Travelling time.

B.10. An additional charge may be made by prior written agreement if

the work should be at such a distance as to lead to an exceptional expenditure
of time in travelling.

Time charges.

B.11. In cases in which charges are based upon the time occupied, the
minimum fee shall be fifty shillings per hour exclusive of charges for assistants

L.N. 193/1979.

B.12. The scale shall be in all cases, exclusive of the cost of appliances,
copies of documents, lithography, travelling and hotel expenses and all other
reasonable disbursements which shall be charged in addition.Mileage allowance
for cars shall be set out in item H.3 of the Fourth Schedule of these By-laws.

Approving plans.

B. 13. The charges shall be those set out in clause B.11 of the Fourth
Schedule to these By-laws.

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B.14. (1) For the valuation of freehold or leasehold property the charge
shall be 1 per cent on the first 1,000 if the valuation, half of 1 per cent on the
next 9,000 of the valuation and one-third of 1 per cent on the residue of the

Valuation of freehold
or leasehold property.

(2) In valuation for mortgage, if an advance is not made, one-half of

the above charges with a minimum fee of one hundred shillings may be made,
provided that the intending mortgagee is informed of the arrangement.
B.15. (1) For work under Acts governing the compulsory acquisition Compulsory
of property, the valuer who prepares the case (including negotiation for a acquisition of
settlement when required) shall charge one-third additional to the scale set out property.
below and any additional value who qualifies to give evidence shall charge the
scale set out below:Value Charge

100 210
1,000 756
1,200 798
1,400 840
1,600 882
1,800 924
2,000 966






Charge Value

2,016 10,000
2,058 11,000
2,100 12,000
2,142 14,000
2,184 16,000
2,226 18,000


For values exceeding 20,000Sh. 4,746 plus per cent on the excess.
(2) Where works of reinstatement are negotiated by the surveyor the cost
of these works should be taken into account in calculating the fee; any amount
set off in respect of betterment should be added to the amount of settlement
for that purpose.
(3) The scale set out in paragraph (1) of this by-law shall not apply to
arbitrators or umpires nor in the case of easements. It is exclusive of attendance
on juries or umpires or at arbitrations, in respect of which the minimum fee is
sixty shillings per hour.


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L.N. 69/1984.


Registration Fees
Amount and manner
of payment.
L.N. 69/1984.

1. The fee for registration either as an architect or as a quantity surveyor

shall be payable in the following manner(a) at the time of application one thousand shillings shall be paid;
(b) thereafter, subject to the provisions of this Schedule, five hundred
shillings shall be paid annually on the first day of September in each successive
year following the year of registration as a renewal fee.

Return of fee
to unsuccessful

2. The sum paid by an unsuccessful applicant under clause 1 (a) shall be

returned to the applicant at the time of notifying him of the Boards decision but
in the event of an order of court reversing such decision all the sums payable
under that clause shall become due and owing from the applicant as therein

Fees not returnable.

3. In the event of the name of a registered person being removed from

the register for any reason the registration fee and any renewal fee already paid
shall not be returnable to or recoverable by him.

Default in payment
of registration fee.

4. (1) In the event of a registered person failing to pay his annual renewal
fee in accordance with paragraph 1 (b) upon the due date he shall be notified by
the Register of such default by registered letter addressed to his last address.
(2) Should the default referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph
continue after the expiration of thirty days from the date of posting notification,
such default shall be deemed to be professional misconduct within the meaning
of section 13 of the Act.

Previous by-law
lump sum.

5. The Board may, at its discretion modify the payment of the annual
renewal fee in respect of registered persons who have paid any lump sum fee
due under previous by-laws.

Fees due upon

removal of name at
own request.

6. The renewal fee is due annually on the first day of September as long
as a persons name is recorded in the register. In the event of the name of a
person being removed from the register at his own request no renewal fee will
be required for the subsequent year and thereafter.

payments if name
struck off by court.

7. In the event of the name of a registered person being struck off the
register under section 13 of the Act any annual renewal fee due at the date of
removal from the register shall be paid forthwith.

Payment during

8. In the event of a person being suspended under section 13 of the Act

such person shall notwithstanding the suspension continue to pay the annual
renewal fee as provided in paragraph 1 (b).

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9. Where the name of a person whose name has been removed from the
register is to be restored thereto, such restoration shall not be effected until
there has been paid to the Board in respect thereof
(a) any portion of the original annual renewal fee payable under
paragraph 1 (b) which has remained unpaid;
(b) a re-registration of one hundred shillings.

Fee payable upon


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