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Warrants: Suspects in Yemassee FD Arson Charged in Other Fires

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NIKKIR. HALEY Governor MARK A. KEEL Chief Contact: Thom Berry Office: (803) 896-7136 After Hours: (803) 737-9000 [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 16, 2014 TWO YEMASSEE MEN CHARGED WITH SETTING FIRES Agents of the S.C. Law Enforcement Division have arrested and charged two Yemassee men in connection with area fires in March, July and September of this year. Christopher Lamont Williams, 22, and Dominique Jarell Thompson, 21, were each charged with Conspiracy; Burglary - Third Degree; and Arson - Third Degree in connection with a March 22, 2014 mobile home fire at 135 Hacklous Road in Yemassee. Williams and ‘Thompson were charged with Conspiracy and Arson - Third Degree in connection with a July 15, 2014 fire in a building at 3352 Point South Drive in Yemassee. Williams was charged with Arson ~ Third Degree and Burglary — Third Degree in connection with a September 6, 2014 motel fire at 3196 Point South Drive in Yemassee. All charges are felonies. The charge of Arson ~ Third Degree carries a penalty upon conviction of up to 15 years in prison. The charge of Burglary ~ Third Degree carries a penalty ‘upon conviction of up to five years in prison. The Conspiracy charge carries a penalty upon. conviction of up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $5,000. SLED investigated the cases at the request of the Hampton and Jasper County Sheriff's Departments. ‘Williams and Thompson were booked at the Hampton County Detention Center. ‘The cases will be prosecuted by the 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office. Hie Warrants and Affidavits Attached, BNR 0126 CALEA @ An Accredited Law Enforcement Agency P.O. Box 21398 / Columbia, South Carolina 29221-1398 / (803) 737-9000 / Fax (803) 896-7588 ARREST WARRANT STATE OF Soumi CAROLINA ) = aaa penne een cc [ofaneae (a) AFFIDAVIT ane 2014A2510200066 ) A eee Pasoray appered tebre me te aff Lelon Scott Hardee 8 ain tis county and ste cn eesbon 372272014 a aa ta se cat een of (5X) Sars] apa ) THe STATE | the foloweg_pariovare: ‘geet (Christopher Lamont Williams ‘ESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Conspiracy / imi Conspiasy, Comsmen Law conspiracy defind 08: Aamey On SCLEDOGOG Prosewina Agor. State Law Enforcement Division Prsaeang Ofer Lelon Seott Hardee - 0840 ‘TOANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF THIS COUNTY: . "" sepmaing fom the ove afin that thers are retcrabie gounds to televe tat on arabes 37222016 dsergart Christopher Lamont Williams id Value te Ginral is of Ge Sais Gove) Canina (or onthence MS FE) count [] manatee ) se so ech baa DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Conspiracy / Criminal Conspirtcy, Common Law conspiracy defined proach above flan hag sam bee eau ae sone ard ced aret ald afendan an bin oe ow, Acoy oft Ares! Want shal be olvoted fedora ae Se te esos as ) » sean Attioss Post Office Box 1259 as) j Al Hampton, SC 29924 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Warrant Affidavit Offense: Criminal Conspiracy §16-17-0410 Suspect: Christopher Lamont Williams Victim: Delores Williams Affiant: Senior Agent L. Scott Hardee On March 22, 2014, Senior Agent Scott Hardee of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Arson Unit was requested by Hampton County Fire/Rescue to investigate a suspicious fire at 135 Hacklous Rd. in Yemassee, South Caroling which is located in Hampton County, Based on the investigation conducted by Agent Hardee and James Brooker of the Hamplon County Sheriff's Office, the fire was determined to be intentionally set in two separate rooms of the single wide mobile home. On December 12, 2014, information wes gathered that led to the development of @ suspect. The suspect, Christopher Lamont Williams of 25 Etheridge Road ‘Yomassee, South Carolina, was interviewed by Agent Scott Hardee and Lieutenant Craig Collier of the South Carolina Law Enforcement, Agent Hardee obtained a written confession from Williams after Williams weived bis Miranda Rights, Williams admitted to entering the mobile home without consent where he started the fire using a lighter and gasoline poured on available ‘materials, These acts were completed with the help of Dominique Jarell Thompson of 21 St. Claire St. Yemassee, SC. Dominique Thompson drove Christopher Williams to and from 135 Hacklous Rd. as well as to a gas station to purchase the gasoline that was used to start the fire, ‘Thompson then drove Williams home. ieee oa : es EFT gaa Macattyof Soe 2014A2510200067 ee Arripavir 200067 a = a SES TOTNES seeder tat we. ‘sae (Christopher Lamont Wiliams OSSCRPTION OF OFFENSE: Bugiry / Burglary (Ar June 20, 1985) -Thicd degre - It offse Seto Lament Wile Aedes: 25 Etheridge Road Soe 2S tatitee Rad ‘Yemassee, SC29945- petal, saat Were prone cause to balave at the eelendant nanad show id ‘0s ire Set forth and that Grotable cause i bated ‘on ihe wit” ta Seeartach TOANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF THIS COUNTY: fom the shove afdevt tat there am rctonable guns > televe at efeedent Christopher Lamont Williams ) aot one star acm vere me, youre emoonerad ae dase to art esl fntan ad rig hn a veeasn recog ler: Actoy eis res Warat shal oe cvred We detncan atte tase eee ne 1 Courthouse Square Elm St POBox? ) Sa ro OBA Hampton, SC 29924 i draco] a Dy ence Olas ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ‘Warrant Affidavi¢ Offense: Burglary — 3 Degree §16-11-313 Suspect: Christopher Lamont Williams Victim: Delores Williams Affiant: Senior Agent L. Scott Hardee On March 22, 2014, Senior Agent Scott Hardee of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Arson Unit was requested by Hampton County Fire/Rescue to investigate a suspicious fire at 135 Hacklous Rd, in Yemassee, South Carolina which is located in Hampton County. Based on the investigation conducted by Agent Hardee and James Brooker of the Hampton County Sherifi's Office, the fire was determined to be intentionally set in two separate rooms of the single wide mobile home. On December 12, 2014, information was gathered that led to the development of a suspect. The suspect, Christopher Lamont Williams of 25 Etheridge Road ‘Yemassee, South Carolina, was interviewed by Agent Scott Hardee and Lieutenant Craig Collier of the South Cerolina Law Enforcement, Agent Hardee obtained a writien confession from Williams after Williams waived his Miranda Rights. Williams admitted to entering the mobile hhome without consent where he started the fire using a lighter and gasoline poured on available materials, These acts were completed with the help of Dominique Jarell Thompson of 21 St. Cleire St. Yemassee, $C. Dominique Thompson drove Christopher Williams to and from 135 Hacklous Rd. as well as to a gas station to purchase the gasoline that was used to start the fire, ‘Thompson then drove Williams home. ARREST WARRANT ——_____ARREST WARRANT 2014A2510200068 year recency |S ——— eae eau a THE STATE — cane Gtetetophee Lamon Wiliams ages: 25 Etheridge Road —__Yemassee, $¢29945. Prosesitrg Cos: Lelon Soot Hardee - 0840 Ofense: Arson / Arson Third depres Axson/ Arson "Third degree ttensa sie: 0008 _—— Coceirinane See: TLTOUOCY Hampton, SC.29924 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL. SATEOF SOUTH CAROLINA ) EE] con CP] meister} ) Pamoray apceuet butre me the sant Lelon Scott Hardee wo era ay ewer depses ant sae tat defeat Christopher Lamaad Willags in i coy and ste on erste 37227014 RS She of Suh Cac or ocance of [i] Com Waniceaiy et ) in he folowing partes: ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT fear stm nat i _Ppbahie onise, fe brie that he _dserdant nana shore etd commie ‘ine SFr and tat Grotasi cause i based ‘enh talus Aceh ARREST WARRANT ‘TOANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF Tits COUNTY: 1 sppontng om te stove aféovit tha! thee ae ematla pounds 10 beleve tat on cesbet 37222014 erdsrt Christopher Lamont Williams ‘28 oats te cin a oF Be Sais af Gout Carina (or andere oF KE] com” [7] money er DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Arton/ Arsoa -Thinl degre> ‘SrScla ey cis rd stant vn ser nfo you re epee sd ced ret si fed sd ghia Seontunaorarrin be seet wah ari la, Asay cf re Waran ot oe St we vomsoat BS See ceca ee Sentra pact Svomlo sd sabslted Sete me ) ) se et ou 3) tira Carex] tne] ce ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Ooo ORIGINAL, Warrant Affidavit Offense: Arson ~ 3" Degree §16-11-110(C) Suspect: Christopher Lamont Williams Victim: Delores Williams Affiant: Senior Agent L. Scott Hardee On March 22, 2014, Senior Agent Scott Hardee of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Arson Unit was requested by Hampton County Fire/Rescue to investigate a suspicious fire at 135 Hacklous Rd, in Yemassee, South Carolina which is located in Hampton County, Based on the investigation conducted by Agent Hardee and James Brooker of the Hampton County Sheriff's Office, the fire was determined to be intentionally set in two seperate rooms of the single wide mobile home. On December 12, 2014, information was gathered that led to the development of a suspect. The suspect, Christopher Lamont Williams of 25 Etheridge Road ‘Yemassee, South Carolina, was interviewed by Agent Scott Hardee and Lieutenant Craig Collier of the South Carolina Law Enforcement. Agent Hardee obtained a written confession from Williams after Williams waived his Miranda Rights. Williams admitted to entering the mobile home without consent where he started the fire using e lighter and gasoline poured on available materials. These acts were completed with the help of Dominique Jarell Thompson of 21 St. Claire St. Yemassee, SC. Dominique Thompson drove Christopher Williams to and from 133 Hacklous Rd, as well as to a gas station to purchase the gasoline that was used to start the fire. ‘Thompson then drove Williams home. ARREST WARRANT ) ORIGINAL — EEA ~ “oqi4AoRi@onanea Clave AFFIDAVIT aan — 2014A2510200069 } on Sa ey ee eae ee ee ee Seva aay orm denen ead ne tat dint Dominique Tal Tien ‘id within this county and state on orabout San et TR OFFS tii ot 8 ein athane 1) Sat aaa ) = 5 be flowy pclae ‘ Dominique Jerell Thompsoe DESCRIPTIONOF OFFENSE: Conspiracy /Crninal Cngpicty, Common Law conspiracy defined awe to jbeleve atthe defendant named above dit commit 'S”based “onthe aint se Yesesten 70, Bue21398 Cohumbia, SC25201= ar BRET TO ANY LAN ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THIS STAT 1 sppaning fom the 1UNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF THIS COUNTY: siicoit tat there re reasonable gious © believe tat “ se we tied 2 coarse 0014 sutrset Domingue te! Thompson eee pa i) Valen we ceiral Tae oF a Gate af Govt, Carne (or ontnance ak 2 ee ) seer eth boon: FFENGE: Conspiracy / Criminal Conspiracy, Common Lew conspiracy defined ane far ig svn btm, as are emporio aes he ad tna erg in oe feb cat wih scoanarg law AGopyofts Atel Wana sabe coveted oivcatoeamne a fas exis or ‘Hampton, SC 29924 sein 5999, ) burg cae Ef] Mates] as] ome ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Warrant Affidavit Criminal Conspirdey §16-17-0410 Domingue Sarell Thompson Delores Williams Senior Agent L. Scott Hardee On March 22, 2014, Senior Agent Scott Hardee of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Arson Unit was requested by Hampton County Fire/Rescue to investigate a suspicious fire at 135 Hacklous Rd. in Yemassee, South Carolina which is located in Hampton County. Based on the investigation conducted by Agent Hardee and James Brooker of the Hampton County Sheriff's Office, the fire was determined to be intentionally set in two separate rooms of the single wide mobile home. On December 12, 2014, information was gathered that led to the development of a suspect. The suspect, Christopher Lamont Williams of 25 Etheridge Road ‘Yemassce, South Carolina, was interviewed by Agent Scott Hardee and Lieutenant Craig Collier of the South Carolina Law Enforcement. Agent Hardee obiained @ written confession from Williams efter Williams waived his Miranda Rights. Williams admitted to entering the mobile home without consent where he started the fire using a lighter and gasoline poured on available ‘materials. These acts were completed with the help of Dominique Jarel! Thompson of 21 St Claire St. Yemassee, SC. Dominique Thompson drove Christopher Williams to and from 135 Hacklous Rd. as well as to a gas station to purchase the gasoline that was used to start the fire. ‘Thompson then drove Williams home. ARREST WARRANT ‘STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ORIGINAL «ESE —__ABRESTWARRANT 201442510200070 See eee cae a STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ‘Pecnanally eppesred before mo the affant Lelon Scott Hardee tio ye a ay mon eran pr et ae Papermate od ae : : SES OU eS ee ; In the folowing patter Dominique Sell Thompson DESCRITION OF OFFENSE: Barlry/ Buyer (Afr June 20, 1985) Third degre at ofnse Dominique Jer Thoms Ate: 21 Caste Hall Road Mie 2 Caste HallRoad ‘Yemassee, SC20945- TOANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF TH COUNTY: appeuing fom the stove sfavt tat em aro feasonate grounds te baleve tat FE] cmon) tances ) asset or bows DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Burglary / Burglary (Afer June 20,1985) - Third degree Lt offense ‘ream oti ce ari aor tart hig ov ao, ay epee sd deca wath si rca ane bight feeb me ech be eat wh scents en. Atopy ef she Wark ee Srred es eee ass Se Sateen JudoweAdéess Post Office Box 1299 Namnvile, SC 29944-1299 ‘Hampton, SC 29924 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Warrant Affidavit Offense: Burglary - 3 Degree §16-11-313 Dominique Jarell Thompson Victim: Delores Williams Affiant: Senior Agent L. Scott Hardee On March 22, 2014, Senior Agent Scott Hardee of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division Arson Unit was requested by Hampton County Fire/Rescue to investigate a suspicious fire at 135 Hacklous Rd, in Yemassee, South Carolina which is located in Hampton County. Based on the investigetion conducted by Agent Hardee and James Brooker of the Hampton County Sheriff's Office, the fire was determined to be intentionally set in two separate rooms of the single wide mobile home. On December 12, 2014, information was gathered that led to the development of a suspect, The suspect, Christopher Lamont Williams of 25 Etheridge Road ‘Yemassce, South Carolina, was interviewed by Agent Scott Hardee and Lieufenant Craig Collier of the South Carolina Law Enforcement, Agent Hardee obtained a written confession from Williams after Williams waived his Miranda Rights. Williams admitted to entering the mobile home without consent where he started the fire using a lighter and gasoline poured on available tnaterials. These acts were completed with the help of Dominique Jaroll Thompson of 21 St. Claire St. Yemassee, SC. Dominique Thompson drove Christopher Williams to and from 135 Hacilous Rd. as well s to gas station to purchase the gasoline that was used to start the fire. ‘Thompson then drove Williams home. ARREST WARRANT ——2014A2510200071 [Xl omar [Ltr ->Ido——_. THE STATE Postma Amey Sle Law Enforeemant Dior Prevent fae sion Sect Hardee O40 tess: Arson / Anion Third dope Arson/ Asson="Third depres nese ce 0008 [RETURN WARRANT T0; General Sessions 1 Courtbouse Square Elm St POBox? Hampton, SC-29924 ORIGINAL ORIGINAL Sere diy worn ceases ard says tht defendant Dominique Taal Thompson a win tis county and atue on aratest s9m014" Sim of Soh Caion (eran of [X] Com —[“] Manca 1 fe fowl pores DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Arson / Arson Third degsee Jeter, site tat ere ie probable cause to elave tat the dolendant named above id commit ‘he ine tet fot and that frat exis tana “onthe owl waee See Attach ARREST WARRANT. ‘TOAMY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER OF THS STATE OR MUNICIPALITY OR ANY CONSTABLE OF THI COUNTY: © sepeaing form fhe above afdevt tat tee rescence guinds to beleve thal eencant Dominique Jarll Thompson 4 volte the cial Tons af Sw Sule Soun Caving (or ondneree at Fx] conor”) sang ot DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE: Arson/ Arson -Thit degree on erate 3722/2016 ) seston towe COATS rectal cine an te ae atin avg eve fem, yor gore rd dead eae he nil eferdnt ete in oe sare neat be dst wh azairg olan Acapy otis ne! Warns be elt se acess Pe Me es StomboandabesSed sme ) 52014 ) tsqisAaiees Post Office Box 1299 ws) ) Varmville, SC 29944-1299 Esai ll "i ) mare arene (BO3)D43- 7511 ge Coto] 5949 )—eing cout: x] Magi ——(] cpa — ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL ORIGINAL

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