LaTeX For Economists
LaTeX For Economists
LaTeX For Economists
Laudo M. Ogura
Department of Economics, Grand Valley State University (GVSU)
[Latest minor update: 5/17/2010] [Latest major update: 3/2005]
This is a very introductory guide on how to use LaTeX to write Economics papers. The
guide is based on a sample file (a template) that you can edit to create your first article
using LaTeX (you must have something yours to write, of course!). From then on consult
more complete guides or search for what you want on the Internet. Warning: this is not
for people who already know the basics (you wont learn anything new here, so look for
something better out there)!
Keywords: LaTeX; economics research.
JEL Classification Numbers: Y90 (Miscellaneous Categories -Other -Other).
Address: 401 W. Fulton St., 478C DeVos Center, Grand Rapids-MI, 49504, USA, telephone: 1-616-3317234, e-mail: [email protected]. The author is grateful to J. Mauricio Prado Jr. for suggestions on how to
improve the usage of LaTeX over the years (some of Prados suggestions are incorporated in this guide).
When I started learning to use LaTeX, I couldnt find a sample or template that was
useful for learning-by-doing, so I had to learn from scratch (reading manuals!). It took me
months to learn! Using the sample/template and guide below, I hope the reader can write
her first working paper using LaTeX in a couple of days!!!
First of all, if a URL link is broken, search for the resource using your preferred search
engine (e.g., Google).
There are several editors that can be used with a LaTeX compiler. The standard
(most used) compiler out there seems to be MiKTeX. You can use it with a text editor like
TeXnicCenter (free I use this!) or Winedt (proprietary), wich are interface editors (they
still require to learn some coding, but (if you dont want to learn math codes) you can use
Mathtype or TeXaide (free), which write mathematical language in WYSIWYG (What You
See Is What You Get) like MS-Word Equation Editor does and then simply copy-and-paste
into the LaTeX file that you are editing).
Thus, to get started, download and install MiKTeX and TexnicCenter (search on the
internet for their current links). After installing MiKTeX, it is recommended that you check
whether it is configured to install new packages on the fly (go to the Windows Start Menu,
All Programs, MiKTeX, Maintenance, Settings, and find the Package Installation option
choose yes for Install missing package on the fly), otherwise you might get an error
when compiling your .tex file (packages are like extensions, which allows you to do something
in addition to the basics). Now, you need a basic guide that will help you with the most
basic commands. I wrote the one below, which uses the approach of learning-by-copying
(i.e., you get a sample file so that you can start practicing by just changing the parameters
and the text content). A more complete manual available in the web is Oetikers [(2008)]
Not-so-short introductory manual (download this manual and use it as a reference).
I also highly recommend to get these two programs:
Excel-to-LaTeX: a free Excel macro that convert an Excel selection to a LaTeX table.
You can do most of the work on tables using Excel and then just converting it to LaTeX
code with this macro.
LaTeX2rtf: free software to convert from LaTeX to rtf file (which can be converted to
doc files). The conversion is not perfect (there are problems with footnote numbering, table
alignments, citations, references, etc.) Some journals still cannot accept LaTeX or pdf files
when you submit a manuscript (what????? unfortunately its true!), thus requiring you to
To insert figures in a LaTeX file: It is common to get your original graphs and other
figures as a jpg file, so you need to convert it to pdf or eps to insert it in your LaTeX file. 1)
easiest option: convert figure to pdf (use a pdf creator software like PrimoPdf or CutePdf);
the resulting file must have only one page. Insert all figure at the end of the paper, one figure
per page, so that you dont have to worry about the size of the figures (the guide below tells
you how to insert figures). 2) if you want figures to have a proper size (for instance, if
you want to insert figures within text), you need to crop the blank margins of the pdf file
that you created (so that the resulting file has only the figure and almost no margin) before
inserting it in the LaTeX file. To crop pdf files, use a pdf editor program (PDFill PDF Tools
or PDF-Xchange Viewer). Then, insert the resulting file where you want it to be in your
paper. 3) you may prefer to insert eps files (instead of pdf files). Then, you can use jpeg2ps,
which is a free software to convert from jpg to eps. This little program generates high quality
small eps files, but it works in DOS environment (so you must learn how to operate in this
Rtf2LaTeX2e - free software to convert from rtf (MS-Word) file to LaTeX. It saves a lot
of work when converting existent papers written in Word like programs, but it is not perfect
(tables, graphs, equations, and formats may not convert well). - information and free programs for lots of uses - information and free programs for lots of uses (Boston College) Economics
resources - information and links for LaTeX typesetting (includes an introduction manual)
Sourceforge - free open source LaTeX programs for lots of uses (look for LaTex in the
software search)
Search for these useful links on the web (Ill add the links to this document later).
JEL Classification Numbers
How to publish in Economics by Prof. Kwan Choi (Editor, Review of International
Economics) or - to share working papers
Rejected ideas by Prof. Xavier Sala-I-Martin.
Tip: Look for instructions on formatting your paper in the journals website (where you
are submitting your paper). In general, you dont have to follow the instructions strictly
when you submit a manuscript for refereeing (you only really need to follow the instructions
when you submit the final version for publication after your paper is accepted - good luck
with that!).
Template-based guide
This needs revision and update; feel free to copy and make your own improved version. In
the following, LaTeX codes are typically preceded by a \. Typically, parameters are inside
brackets (some of them are highlighted in bold so that you know you have to personalize it,
like the name of a section, captions, etc).
Use the .tex file below as a template for your first LaTeX working paper! This file is
based on an earlier version of my Ogura[(2010)] paper. The figure.pdf file (below) refers to a
figure that is inserted in the working paper (objects can be inserted in several ways; I prefer
to insert them as a pdf file). Download both files and put them in the same folder (create
an folder for your working paper where you can have all the associated files, i.e., figures,
backup, log, etc.). Click on the links below to download:
The output you should get after compiling the .tex file with MiKTeX is here (click on
the link to download): [workingpaper.pdf].
The sample above is just a very simple template to get you started. There are many
things that you will learn over time to make your life even easier. For instance, how to
make better looking tables, change the way citations appear, use BibTeX. And so on. Use
the LaTeX editor (TexnicCenter) to open the workingpaper.tex file and then learn how to
compile and build a pdf output (its pretty easy - explore the commands at the top - later,
learn to customize the toolbar buttons in TexnicCenter as they will be VERY helpful). Notice
that you may have to ask twice to compile the file (the first attempt sometimes doesnt work
well - you will see errors in the log file, not sure why). You should be able to get an output
that is exactly the same as the one I posted above (the pdf file). After that, its up to you:
change text, format, etc. to your taste or work. Good luck and have fun!
For figures, it might be better to choose file names that have no space in it (I had problems
before with file names with space, but Im not sure if it was a constraint or was just bad
luck). Also, put all the associated files (LaTeX file and figures) in the same folder.
When generating pdf output, you must close the previous pdf file (which has the same
name) before generating a new one (or you will see an error message). Pdf output may not
work properly if there are eps figures in your file (in that case, you may have to create a dvi
file first, and then convert to pdf with a pdf creator). When you are working in your paper,
its easier to generate a dvi output (instead of pdf output) because it is faster and the dvi
previewer will open the file on the page where you made the last change (if you are using Yap
as your dvi previewer; also, you dont have to close a previous dvi file before generating a
new file). The only problem with requesting a dvi output is that pdf figures wont be shown
(if you have figures as pdf files in your LaTeX file, you have to generate a pdf output to be
able to see the figures in the paper).
All files generated will be saved in the folder where your .tex file is located.
Additional tips on how to personalize your paper according to your needs are given next.
There may be mistakes and there are definitely easier ways to do some of the stuff described
below. I learned some of the better ways, but this guide wasnt seriously revised since years
ago when I was still a newbie. If you find this guide useful, would you please kindly email
me to let me know that I didnt waste my time with this? The more people write to me,
the more Ill be willing to improve and update this guide in the future. Thanks! (In four
years, about 15 people wrote me back! Thanks to all of them for their consideration! Oh,
and in any case: you are welcome! Recently, another five or six people wrote me back, so
I got excited and revised this document a little bit, fixing grammar, typos, and adding how
to insert URLs.)
In the following text, periods might have been skipped at the end of sentences to avoid
confusion (a reader might think the period was part of a code). Sorry for the disrespect to
good grammar (there are many other typos or grammar errors too, since I never seriously
revised this).
Using packages
For most changes in the format of your document, you must use packages. Packages must
be inserted by writing the following in the preamble (the preamble is the initial part of the
.tex file, which has the specifications to be followed when creating the final output; it comes
before the actual text, i.e., before the Title, Author, etc.):
\usepackage{package name}
If you dont want the current automatic date to be shown below the Title/Author, add
the following after \title{ } or after \author{ }. For example:
\date{\small date you want}
TexnicCenter has a very useful feature called Navigator, which allows you see a tree with
sections, subsections, figures, tables, etc. to help you navigate inside your file. To use the
Navigator, you have to start a project (File, New Project) and then copy your .tex file into
it (so that it gets associated with the project). Then, when you reopen the project (or .tex)
file later, the .tex (or project) file will be opened together automatically.
Line spacing
The package {setspace} must be added and then write the following where you want
spacing to have effect:
If you add this command before the start of the text, the spacing that you set will valid
for the entire document. To set different line spacing for a portion of the document, add
the corresponding command in the start of the portion and then, at the end of portion,
write the original spacing command to return to the original spacing. Instead of the spacing
commands above, you can use:
where n is a decimal number and represents the spacing parameter (1=single, 1.5=one and
half, 2=double, 3=triple, etc.).
To start a new line with indent like for a new paragraph, skip one line in your .tex file.
To start a new line without indent add \\ at the point where you want the new line
to start.
To eliminated the indent in a given paragraph (useful when preparing presentation slides),
start the paragraph with \noindent
To increase the indent, add a \quad or \hspace{Xcm}, where X is the number of centimeters to skip (you can use in=inch too).
To avoid excessive hyphenation (i.e., word-breaks between lines), add the following to
where you want the command to start having effect (usually before the beginning of your
This command does not completely eliminate hyphenation, but makes it very rare. LaTeX
was create to generate a nice looking output, so the compiler tries the best it can to avoid
hyphenation, but sometimes it would create large spaces between words, so the compiler
prefers to hyphenate the last word of the line.
Justification is generally not needed for working papers, but here it is. To have text
justified to the left, use \flushright at the point you want justification to start. To have text
justified to the right, use \flushleft at the point you want justification to start. To have text
centered, use
Text that you want to be centered
Font size
Font sizes depend on the initial shell. In the {article} shell (a shell is like a template
with predetermined formats, which is specified in the preamble of the .tex file), which is the
one you will be using mostly, the following is the most used font sizes if the standard size is
set to 12pt (this is the case in the workingpaper.tex file that you downloaded). Write the
command for font size before the text that you want to have that size. If you want to go
back to the initial size (or change to another size) later, write a new font size command. If
you want to change the font size for a table, you have to write the font size command inside
the table environment (i.e., just after you write the \begintable):
\Huge for size 25 (useful for presentations)
\LARGE for size 20 (useful for presentations)
\Large for size 17 (useful for presentations)
\large for size 14
\normalsize for size 12
\footnotesize for size 10
Font format
This is obvious if you are using TexnicCenter (find Format > Characters in the menu),
but here it is otherwise.
\textbf{text}, which yields text
\textit{text} or \emph{text}, which yields text
\underline{text}, which yields text
Footnotes are inserted with \footnote{Footnote text}. You should write this just at
the place where you want to have the footnote mark shown. Numbering of footnotes is
automatic. Be careful that you should not include footnotes in equations or equation arrays
(or any other math environment).
To have all footnotes shown at the end of the document, write in the preamble
Then, at the point of the text that you want your notes to begin (usually before or after the
references), write
You may want to learn how to use BibTeX. In the long term, it should be worth. Search
for a BibTeX guide somewhere else (try Bibedit, a little software that helps writing and
storing references). For your first paper, just use a simpler method (see the example in the
working paper file). To add references at the end of your paper, write
To add a picture, use eps or pdf files. If you want to use pdf figures within your text
(not at the end of paper), you have to crop the margins of the pdf page so that the file has
only the picture (and no large blank spaces as margins). I guess this is easier to do then to
use eps figures, but if you dont know how to create a pdf version of your figure and then to
crop it, you can try to use an eps version of the figure. I wont explain this here because I
think its too much work and confusing. Add the figure (where you want it to be) with:
\centering \includegraphics[width=0.75\textwidth]{filename.pdf } \\
A note you want to add here (like the source of the data for a graph).
\label{your key}
where htbp is for the location on the page: here, top of the page, bottom, of floating in
an exclusive page, Title is the title that appears at the top of the figure (automatically
precedes with Figure X:, where X is the number of the figure), 0.75\textwidth gives the
width as a proportion of the text width (you can use a measure in inches or cm instead),
filename.pdf is the name of the file of the figure, which should be in the same folder of
your .tex file, and your key is the key that you can use to refer to the figure in the text
(you have to write \ref{your key} in order to have the reference (the number of the figure)
shown in the text). Notice that you can add a note at the bottom of the figure for sources
or other remarks. The example above should give something like the following figure (using
the option h, i.e., print it here).
Figure 1: Title
A note you want to add here (like the source of the data for a graph).
Tip: how do you create pretty figures? MS-Powerpoint is great to draw diagrams. MSExcel draws several types of graphs. Mathematica, Matlab, Stata, etc. can create plots from
data (or simulations) that might be useful.
Unnumbered sections
If you dont want to have the number of the Section (or subsection, or sub-subsection)
showed in your final document, write * after \section like this:
\section*{section name}
Note that this section wont be automatically counted (if other sections are numbered).
This is useful when adding an Appendix (there is another way to add an appendix, but I
prefer to just add an unnumbered section called Appendix) or an end-of-paper acknowledgment (again, LaTeX has its own way to add acknowledgments, although most Economics
journals ask you to write the acknowledgments with your contact information on the first
Then, write the following where you want the hyperlink to be in your text:
where url is the full URL (including http://) and label is what you want to be shown in
the text (if you want to show the full URL, just repeat the URL for the label).
There are several ways to make slides in LaTeX. The easiest way (which I use), although
not the prettiest one, is to make a copy of your article file, then change the format to
landscape, reduce margins, and increase letter size to \Huge (use smaller font sizes for
tables). Use \bullet, \Rightarrow, \blacktriangleright, etc. to organize your presentation.
The advantage of this method is that the font size will be just right! and you wont be able
to overstuff each page with lots of words, equations, etc. The greatest advantage, however, is
that you dont have to learn anything else!!! Its pretty obvious what you can do and, to make
your presentation, you can just delete parts of your article! To change the page orientation
to landscape, write landscape as an argument in \documentclass[12pt, landscape]{article}
at the very start of the .tex file. Add the \Huge after the \maketitle command (just after the
title and author names). You will have to add size commands to alter the size of anything
in the title section (the title, author names, etc.) by adding \huge or \LARGE or \Large or
\large (as you prefer) to the text, as shown below:
\title{\huge Title of Paper}
\author{\LARGE Author Name \\
\Large School Name \\
\large Preliminary work: do not cite it.}
\date{\Large 3/29/2010}
You can make dynamic presentations with LaTeX, but for that you need special shells
and learn to use them (search over the internet on how to). The {beamer} class has been
used frequently lately (see
Concluding remarks
Good luck! Yes, luck is helpful during this learning process (avoiding silly mistakes will
save you a lot of time).
This is an open-source document. Feel free to write and distribute your own improved
version based on this one (just dont forget to cite this document). The original .tex file of
Oetiker, T., 2008. Not-so-short introductory manual. Last revised version (9/25/2008) retrieved from
Ogura, L.M., 2010. Effects of urban growth controls on intercity commuting. Urban Studies
(forthcoming in 2010).