Renganayagi Varatharaj College of Engineering Salvarpatti, Sivakasi - 626 128
Renganayagi Varatharaj College of Engineering Salvarpatti, Sivakasi - 626 128
Renganayagi Varatharaj College of Engineering Salvarpatti, Sivakasi - 626 128
Date: 21-07-2014
Define Management?
What are the various functions of Management?
What is Globalization?
What are the functions performed by lower level management?
What are the stages in evolution of Management Theory?
18=8; 216=32:=40
6. a) Explain in detail Henry Fayols contribution towards classical approach towards management?
b) Describe the relative importance of each type of the skills to Lower, Middle and Upper level management? (8)
7. a) Explain the system based approach towards approach towards the managements?
b) Describe about the important functions of management? Scope and nature of management in detail?
b) What are the environmental factors that affect business? Explain?
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