The Alphabet Vs The Goddess: A Graphical Book Review

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J'm drawing tis book review, but still feel Hee The author i3 a doctor whe wes struck by @ thought on a bus ride through Greece. . they've F @ all vanished! ref + WY AV vane’ temples. a oases = Sere. whe 9 1 p ose Mat a holistic, simultancous, synthetic, and Concrete view oF the world ace the essential characteristics of a feminine outlook; UNEAR, SEQUENTIAL Be bY 4 MAN Shlain, L- (1999). The Aesteacr alphabet versus the 3: the conflict “SEQUENTIAL between word and = is New York, SS Penguin /Arkana. < @ valid “sclolarty" citation 7 Why am | overlooked uwt;| 1 speak with weeds? LETS BEGIN AT THE BEGINNING : CREATION STORIES, PREUTERATE SOCIETIES HAD MALE ANP FEMALE MAKE WE WORLD TOGETHER, NONVIOLENTLY. “The Vedic Creation story si with one being that spl inte husband and wite; the wie changes in tum inte each type of Creature in the wor Chumans fiest) avd the husband mates: with her in each form, ard thas all beings in the world were produced, ond thank goodeess |! could vse WORDS a ome brad only fo ste Her image on! Legg observe Her rituals. With the adveut of the alphabet, to know she deity demanded that one must first read His writen words... The religions thet henceforth spitaled outwards demanded that acolytes be iterate.” In contrast +» the physical rites of passage regviced by most cultures, the Hebrew Bar Mitzveh reguired to demonstrate their literacy instead. a be a REAL religion, it must have a Sacred text. Hm. | kenow! Jl write about Eve cavsi ‘> ~ Marian 4 en, >> Devotion - or I / ) \ specifically, devetion v at a - : assisted by an image FoR geTTER of FoR worse, of the Ceontnive) Hi er * se Ue THE (weITTEN) BIBLE SPEAD, in the Dare Ages whew’ = (As the crash of ome eS printing spread te cates were vety, very low. rf ake, China, s0 did the The only places you could crush of male — Jean te read were monasteries. foot binding - using = the same licen sirys | DI YEA: pain used to make pape) | Yon-Judeo-Christians did the litecacy -and- feminis COINCIDENCE? cy ; z eg You Cecire! are -inversely- correlated Oo" ATE Reco PRINTING WAS FOINED By pHoTOS! FOUA- YePr OLAS, Land] Paople with, Below - avesage infeltigencd coud, did& do Laan te ead + wate... (AN ~ALPANEET yus an anpowing "Skill that had been guorded by a favored few was now accessible to the ” Yeah, @ | pute ) "Pechops in my zeal te make my ints | have overstated the right/ lett, feminine /mascaline, nurturec/ killes, and intuiter/e dualities,” ~anxs ae | ceally did want to Not really, There Hove, Vike ¥wis bork, and been load’) oF ithterste it has tons of believes §€ Faiths with fascinating ideas — written, Scriptures, but they dow't align, or cite sources, 07 chains af scrutiny concep») Ke sometimes. If it were aa presented as ideas, Id Pr ect bbe ok with i... but i's presented as Nok soe eb Mega” petdenically coved “py ‘en w wa. it Moko fact, and te bok : a doesut eld 40 my Standard for Hoot. wiote wives Should be ordinate to their husbands? eg lave. a Islet Christianity is to ul. ty peg ak a C r ————————— a Paul? \ didn't say / Binaie pesiSicelly, devote Ze done “eritigves be of Wr Heyl) Mar, r= Ww Se ee, Ra saris an S were. very, Very low. ot a tae the The only places you could 0° § factor, X me leam te read were monasteries. foot bi: - using = linen strips TAA ‘ADMISSION? ° G ceusacy make pore) *Sudeo-Christlans 7, PRINTING was cuore yp fs & 5 Se Gora CF ee ot na! Cc a 0 ye tet oyhe” yor? he a pith pete gh pGtoctep 1 i ; - \-Z Bukhari, wh ‘| ave either omy \ Mohammed REFERENCES (all from book- numbers indicate p29 locatis«)

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