Proving Inequalities
Proving Inequalities
Proving Inequalities
|a + b| |a| + |b|.
Proposition 2. If x, y, z R then
(1) |x
" z| " |x y| + |y z|;
(2) "|x| |y|" |x y|.
Proof. To prove (1) we set a = x y and b = y "z and use" the" triangle"
" "
inequality. To prove (2) we first note that, since "|x| |y|" = "|y| |x|"
and |xy| = |y x|, the inequality (2) does not change if we switch the
roles of x and y. Thus, without
loss of
" generality we may assume that
|x| |y| and consequently "|x| |y|" = |x| |y|. It remains to show
that |x||y| |xy|, i.e. |x| |xy|+|y|. The last inequality follows
from the triangle inequality once we set a = x y and b = y.
There is an important comment to be made. If r and s are two
real numbers, then we may think of |r s| as the distance between r
and s. Interpreted this way the inequality (1) of Proposition 2 states
that the distance between numbers x and z is not bigger than the
sum of distances from x to y and from y to z. This resembles the
triangle inequality in geometry! This is the reason why the inequality
of Proposition 1 is called triangle inequality.
2. Take advantage of the principle of mathematical induction.
It is possible to introduce the set of natural numbers N as a subset of
R; it is characterized by:
1 N,
k N = k + 1 N.
Proof. The base for the induction is the case of n = 1. For this value of
n the inequality reads 1 + x 1 + x and is trivially true. Now assume
that the inequality holds for some k 1, i.e. that
(1 + x)k 1 + kx.
3. Utilize transitivity. Usefulness of transitivity when proving inequalities can not be overemphasized. The inequality in the following
example can be proven by induction for n 3. If you do this as a
little exercise (recommended!), you will find out that the proof is not
all that simple. On the other hand, to show that the inequality holds
for n large enough we only need a clever usage of transitivity.
Example 1. Show that if n N is large enough then
n3 > (n + 1)2 .
2n2 + n
< .
n +1
Comments leading to
The inequality we need to
# the solution.
show is equivalent to 3 2n2 + n < n3 + 1. Using transitivity we see
that it suffices to show 6n2 + 3n < n3 i.e. 6n + 3 < n2 . This is a
quadratic inequality and in principle it can be solved. However, it is
much easier to interpolate a multiple of n between 6n + 3 and n2 and
take advantage of transitivity. For example, if n 3 then 6n + 3 7n
and our problem reduces to 7n < n2 whose solution is 7 < n.
Solution. We will show that if n > 7 then also
that n > 7 implies n2 > 7n. Since
2n2 +n
n3 +1
we see that n > 3(2n + 1). In particular, we have n3 > 3(2n2 + n) and
consequently n3 + 1 > 3(2n2 + n). The last inequality can be re-written
2 +n
as 2n
< 13 .
n3 +1
(1) (a) Use mathematical induction to show that 2n n2 for all
n 4;
(b) Show that if n ( 0 then
< 1;
2n + 1
(c) Show that if n ( 0 then
< ;
2 +1
(2) Show that for n ( 0 the following hold:
n3 1
12 ;
n4 8n3
(3) Assuming the standard properties of sin and cos functions hold
show that for n ( 0 we have
" sin(2n ) cos(2n ) "