Elem Methods - Turkey Feathers
Elem Methods - Turkey Feathers
Elem Methods - Turkey Feathers
Turkey Feathers
Teacher copy of Turkey Feathers
Turkey without feathers poster
Different colored feathers
Stick Tack
Teaching Procedures:
Opening Steps:
T. says Good Afternoon! Who knows what holiday is next Thursday?
- Ss. respond
T. says Well, I have a turkey with me today who looks a little funny!
T. shows poster of turkey
T. says Does anyone know what my turkey is missing?
-T. is looking for the response feathers
T. says We cant let him outside in the cold without any feathers, hell
freeze! Our job today is to give him some feathers so that doesnt
T. Sings Song
Teaching Steps:
T. says Today you will all get a turn to help the turkey but first we need to
learn the song. Listen carefully.
T. sings song (use the color green)
T. asks Ss. what color feathers the turkey is getting
-Ss. respond green
T. says Listen to the song again, but be careful, I might try to trick you!
T. sings song (use the color purple)
T. asks Ss. What color feathers is the turkey going to get now?
-Ss. respond purple
T. gives feedback
T. says Now its your turn to learn the song. This is called an echo song.
Does anyone know what an echo is?
-Ss. respond T. will give answer if it is not known
T. says One song is made up of a bunch of lines. The first time a line is sung
is my solo; the next line is yours to sing and you will sing the same exact
thing that I did. Lets try it! Ill point to myself when its my turn and
point to you when its your turn.
T. sings Turkey feathers Ss. sing back Turkey feathers
T. sings brightly colored Ss. sing back brightly colored
T. gives feedback
T. says Now this next part is a little tricky but I think you can do it. Every
time we sing the song a new color is going to be said. So I will sing,
Who has a blue one or purple, or yellow or some other color and then
you will sing back I have a blue one or whatever colors turn it is.
Lets try these two lines.
T. sings Who has a blue one? Ss. sing back I have a blue one
*If Ss. do not sing the correct line, or there is confusion, T. will teach line
T. gives feedback and says Lets try that line one more time, but dont get
T. sings Who has a yellow one? Ss. sing back I have a yellow one.
T. gives feedback
T. sings Add it now. Ss. sing back Add it now.
T. gives feedback
T. says Lets try the whole song straight through.
T. and Ss. sing song
T. gives feedback
T. says Now its time to give our turkey some feathers. Everyone will
pick a feather out of the bag, but no peaking! Every time we sing the song
the color of the feather is going to change. Only the people with that color
feather will sing I have the green one. After the song is over the people
with that feather will come up and put their feather on the turkey then sit
and sing with me on the floor until our turkey has all of his feathers!
T. passes out feathers
T. and Ss. sing song and go through all the colors of the feathers