To Do List

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The intent of this project is to create a Biology Lesson Plan,

specifically to teach students about the form and function of the
cell. The intended plan incorporates several steps towards a
successful assessment. The students will read the corresponding
chapter as homework the night before, filling in the note-making
guide to assist in their retention of the material. Once in the
classroom they will participate in a Think-Pair-Share session to
refresh the material from the night before and clear up any
questions before moving forward. Next step will be to create
diagrams of the cell, and brainstorm their cell stories. They will
each present their results to the class. The assessment will be given
at the end of class. Hopefully by having the students interact so
thoroughly with the information that the assessments reflect a
positive retention rate.

Lesson Plan
11/1/14 11/3/14 11/5/14 11/7/14 11/9/14 11/11/14 11/13/14 11/15/14


Execute Lesson

To Do List
o Brainstorm
o Review Current Methods
o Create Mind Map
o Outline
o Organize Mind Map
o Assign times for each component
o Research
o Various techniques
o New Biology breakthroughs
o Handouts
o Create Note making Guide
o Examples
o Create Student Brainstorming example
o Create Diagram example
o Rubric
o Detailed expectations
o Assessment
o Venn Diagram

Heather Grimm

Heather Grimm

Summary for the Cells Lesson Plan

Reviewed various teaching methods
Created mind map
Organized said mind map
Timing for lesson set
New techniques/breakthroughs chosen and integrated
Create Note making Guide
Make brainstorming Example
Make diagram example
Compile/organize rubric expectations
Construct Venn Diagram

Need to schedule buffer time for the activities to run over

What is the plan if we run out of time?
Do the students need to turn anything in online?

Project Review

1. Were the project goals met and were the end results completed
on time?
The end results were completed on time overall, however creating
handouts took an extra day (I didnt account for needing time to
allow for craft glue to dry). All of the lesson plan goals were met
with success and the kids enjoyed the activities.
2. What were the most significant achievements?
Assessment scores show the information was retained by a majority
of the class with success. Also, some of the diagrams were
particularly beautifully put together I will save them as examples
for the next time I teach the lesson.

Heather Grimm

3. What would you do differently if you could do the project again?

I will keep the student brainstorming examples the students were
more creative than I was. Also, I will divide the lesson timing a little
differently leaving more time for creating the diagrams.

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