Effects of Five-Element Music Therapy On Elderly People With Season-Al Affective Disorder in A Chinese Nursing Home
Effects of Five-Element Music Therapy On Elderly People With Season-Al Affective Disorder in A Chinese Nursing Home
Effects of Five-Element Music Therapy On Elderly People With Season-Al Affective Disorder in A Chinese Nursing Home
Effects of five-element music therapy on elderly people with seasonal affective disorder in a Chinese nursing home
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effects of five-element
music therapy on elderly patients with seasonal affective disorder in a Chinese nursing home.
CONCLUSION: Five-element music therapy alleviated the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder in
the elderly patients.
Aging is a worldwide issue in our society. Elderly people living in nursing homes may suffer from sadness,
pain and isolation. Many of them may experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a common condition where individuals present with depressed
mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt,
disturbed sleep and/or appetite, low energy and poor
While much research has focused on SAD, no studies
have yet investigated the use of five-element music therapy with elderly SAD patients. Music therapy has been
recognized as an effective method in helping the elderly improve both their physical and mental health. The
music therapy used in this study was accredited by the
American Music Therapy Association.
Researchers note that music therapy can have a positive
influence on the regions of the brain responsible for
managing anxiety and stress.3 In addition, it has been
found that music therapy can relieve stress experienced by elderly people who suffer from neurological
Many clinicians have adapted and employed music
therapy with their clients for the last 20 years.5 Nevertheless, few published studies have used five-element
music therapy with SAD patients. Based on the theory
of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), ancient practitioners was believed to have used five-element music
in China to combat the condition of SAD. The goals
of this research were to evaluate the effect of five-element music therapy on elderly people with SAD.
Data collection
The Self-rating depression scale (SDS) and Hamilton
depression scale (HAMD) were administered before
and after the treatment.7 SDS is a 20-item self-report
instrument. Each item of the scale is associated with depression syndrome including psychological and somatic symptoms. The scale yields a total score that ranges
from 20 to 80, and can be used to indicate the severity
of depression. HAMD is a 17-item scale with factors
including anxiety, cognitive disturbance, diurnal variation, mental retardation, sleep disturbance and feelings
of hopelessness.
Data analysis
All data were analyzed using SPSS (version 13.0; IBM,
Armonk, NY, USA). Mean scores standard deviation
were given. T-tests were used to evaluate the difference
between group means. A significance level of P<0.05
was used.
Participants were recruited from a nursing home in Shijingshan district, Beijing, China, between November
2012 and February 2013. Participants were recruited
based on the following criteria: (a) aged 50 years or older; (b) conformed to the SAD diagnostic criteria in the
DSM-III-R;6 (c) experienced symptoms of depression
for at least 2 years, with these symptoms being noted
to be more serious in autumn/winter and to ease in
spring/summer; (d) fond of Chinese classical music
and willing to be interviewed in a group setting; (e)
did not suffer from any other mental illnesses or experience other social/psychological difficulties that would
confound the study results. This study was approved
by the ethics committee in Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Informed consent was obtained from
the participants who were aware that they had the right
to withdraw from the study at any time. Using a random numbers table, the participants were assigned to
either the treatment or control group, with 25 individuals in each.
The treatment group received music therapy for 1-2 h
each week, from November 2012 to February 2013.
The music therapy comprised both active and passive
JTCM | www. journaltcm. com
The findings of our study indicate that Chinese five-el160
We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who provided the information in this study.
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April 15, 2014 | Volume 34 | Issue 2 |