Art - Integrated Lesson Plan Final Project

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The key takeaways are about recycling and creating art using recycled materials.

The book The Great Trash Bash by Loreen Leedy is about recycling.

Students will use recycled objects, construction paper, scissors, glue, markers, colored pencils, and crayons to create art.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children
Kirsten Ranneklev
Red Block
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: The Great Trash Bash - Recycling
Grade Level*: Fourth
Lesson Overview/Summary*:
Class Periods Required:
The teacher will read the book The Great Trash Bash by Loreen Leedy, then will discuss the importance of recycling with
(please circle)
the students. The students will then create a piece of art using recycled items. They will share their art with the class
and discuss how using old items to make something new can be useful and help the environment.
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Key Concepts (3-4): What you want the students to know.*
Essential Questions (3-4)*:
1. Visual Art:
1. How can we create meaning in our artwork?
2. How can we use a story to share the importance of something that we
Artists often used recycled items to create a piece of artwork.
find meaningful?
Artists use their artwork to share meaning with their audience.
What can we do at home or at school to maintain a healthy
2. Literacy:
Stories are used to share important topics with readers.
Fictional stories can also share factual information.
3. Science:
To maintain a healthy environment we need to be conscious of the
things that we throw away instead of recycling.
Recycling our garbage allows the items to be used again.
Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to show the importance of recycling by creating a piece of art using recycled objects.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to write a story about what they can do to maintain a healthy environment.
3. Science: The students will be able to discuss what recycling is and how it keeps our earth clean.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) (
1. Visual Art: Strand I: Product Performance. Create an original artwork that
communicates ideas about the following themes:
The Environment
Time (e.g., past, present, future)
2. Literacy: Compose text with
a clear controlling idea

Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art form with the
other identified content areas:

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

3. Science: Strand 5: Propose ways to solve simple environmental problems
(e.g., recycling, composting, ways to decrease soil erosion) that result from
human activity
Content Areas Integrated*:
1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Michelle Reader)
2. Literacy
3. Science

Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention)*:

Day One: Today we will be reading The Great Trash Bash by Loreen Leedy
and after we will discuss recycling.

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):

Day One:
1. Have the students come to the front of the classroom to circle up on the
2. Introduce the book The Great Trash Bash by Loreen Leedy.
3. Ask the students what they know about recycling.
4. Read the book.
5. Ask the students what they learned about recycling from the book.
6. Read the list on the last page of the book where it gives ideas of what you
can do to maintain a healthy earth.
7. Dismiss the students back to their desks and have them brainstorm what
they can do to recycle.
8. After ten minutes, have students volunteer to share ideas that they may
have for keeping a clean environment.
9. For homework have the students bring in an object of material that could
be recycled.
Day Two:
1. Have supplies for the art project ready for the students.
Construction paper
Recycled objects (for students that dont bring one)
Markers, Colored pencils, Crayons
2. Introduce artwork by Michelle Reader by showing pictures of her art.
3. Instruct the students to use their recycled object and the materials up
front to make art that shows how useful reusing recycled items can be.
4. When the students complete their art piece have them clean up then
take turns sharing with the class what their artwork represents.
Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):
The students will share their artwork that they made.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

Formative Assessment strategy:
Visual Art: Did they spend time coming up with an idea for their art piece?
Literacy: Did the students pay attention to the book and write a plan for

Summative Assessment strategy*:

Visual Art: They completed the recycled art piece and it is clear they put
time and thought into it.
Literacy: They wrote a plan of what they can do to recycle.
Science: They gathered and used recycled objects to create their art piece.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

This lesson will require that the students have prior knowledge of recycling.
How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?
I will provide them with several different materials so that they are able to experiment with the objects that they find most useful for the idea they have. I
will provide them with picture examples of recycled art so that they are inspired with ideas of what they could make.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This lesson encourages students to solve the problem of the lack of recycling. It does so by giving them the information to understand the importance of
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?
I will put a recycle bin in the room so that the students can recycle instead of throwing everything in the trash.
How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abeled students?
The lesson is easily adaptable to any student. They will be able to complete the art project to the best of their ability. If a student has a difficult time with
writing then they can discuss their plan with me rather than write it.
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
The will be able to revise their recycle plan and their art piece.
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?
They will share their plans, as well as, art pieces with each other so that they can learn from one another.
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):

* Include this information during the Popplet presentation.

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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