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CEP Lesson Plan

Week 7, Session 19
Teacher: Kaitlin Griswold
Level: A5
Date: March 26, 2014, 10-12 pm
Goal: Introduce vocabulary for Unit 7 as well as introduce and practice using the subjunctive.
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Discuss, summarize, and answer comprehension questions about the homework assigned on
Monday, 3/24.
2. Understand the vocabulary from Unit 7 as well as relate the vocabulary to other words through a
synonym activity.
3. Understand verbs and adjectives that signal the use of the subjunctive.
4. Practice using the subjunctive through the dialogue activity.
5. Effectively demonstrate a situation through their dialogue without explicitly stating what their
situation is.
6. Understand how to use the vocabulary by demonstrating understanding of the phrases by using
them, as well as their synonyms, in the dialogue activity.
Theme: A Hard Act to Follow



Warm Up
Finish Presentations on Urban

The last S will present her urban legend. The other WC

Ss will take notes and ask the presenter questions
about her urban legend.


Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Now that we have finished our presentations, lets
continue working through Unit 7.
Activity 1:
Hot Cup of Talk

1.1.1 Split the class into pairs have the Ss
discuss Question 5 on p. 92 (comprehension
question about the reading passage homework) T
checks to make sure that the Ss read the passage
During Stage:
1.2.1 Ss answer the Q. Ss discuss the passage and
any questions that they had when they were
reading it. Ss correct their peers answers.

Transition to #2: Now that we

have discussed why Raven told
Tilo his story, lets go over the
questions we did for homework to
make sure we understood some of
the details in the story.


1.3.1 The pairs discuss the answer(s) they came up S-S
with another pair (forming a small group) - two
small groups share what they group discussed.
Tangible Outcome/T. feedback/peer feedback: Ss
notes on what their pair/group discussed, S-S
interaction, T. notes on overheard errors

2 min

7 min

7 min

Activity 2:
Reviewing the HW Questions

2.1.1 Ss get out their HW. T tells them that they
will be discussing their answers to Qs 3 and 4 in
their small groups. T encourages the Ss to ask each
other Qs they have about the story
comprehension of ideas or vocabulary.
During Stage:
2.2.1 Groups discuss the homework T monitors S-S
the groups discussions as well as answer any
questions they have or encourage the discussion to
continue if it has come to a stand-still.

Transition to #3: We are now

going to take a look at the
vocabulary for this unit as well as
some of their synonyms, or words
that have the same meaning.
Activity 3:
Figure it Out Exercise on p. 84

2.3.1 Discuss the answers. T makes sure that all of WC
the Qs have been answered. Ask Ss their opinions
of the story.
-What did they find the most interesting? Why?

2 min



Tangible Outcome/T. feedback/peer feedback: Ss

correcting/revising their HW answers, S-S
interaction, T. notes on overheard errors
3.1.1 Introduce the activity by discussing what a
seminar is. Elicit responses from Ss. T tells them
that they will be reading about a career counselor
giving advice to students.


5 min


5 min

3.1.3 T explains that the second part of the activity T-Ss

will be coming up with synonyms for the
vocabulary this will be done in small groups

1 min

3.1.2 WC discussion about career counselors and

what their role is.
-What do they do?
-Are they important? Why or why not?
-Have you met with a career counselor before?
Tell us about that experience.

During Stage:
3.2.1 Ss complete the activity. T monitors the
activity and offers any help to the Ss if they have
trouble defining the vocabulary or understanding
the reading passage.



3.2.2 Ss share their definitions with the class. Each WC

pair will share at least 1 definition they came up
with. T passes out the books definitions so that Ss
can complete the synonym activity.


3.2.3 Ss complete the synonym activity in small


10 min



3.3.1 The groups share some synonyms they came

up with. WC discussion regarding whether or not
the synonyms are correct or incorrect. T passes out
the list of synonyms that s/he came up with (to be
used during the dialogue activity.

Transition to #4: Hopefully the

vocabulary is easier to understand
now. Lets turn our attention to the Tangible Outcome/T. feedback/peer feedback:
grammar section of the unit: the
potential synonyms handout, S-S interaction, T.
subjunctive case.
notes on overheard errors
Activity 4:
The Subjunctive on pp. 85-86

4.1.1 T introduces the subjunctive, its form, and
why it is used introduce Ss to the present,
negative, and passive forms.


5 min

4.1.2 T also introduces them to the verbs of

suggestion as well as the adjectives of importance
(and the form associated with the adjectives).


5 min

4.1.3 Ss complete Qs 1 and 2 in their pairs.


5 min

4.1.4 Review the answers to make sure that the Ss

understand the use of the subjunctive.


5 min

4.1.5 Introduce the main activity Ss are paired

up and will be given a scenario in which they have
to create a dialogue. The dialogue must be written
in the subjunctive. Each group member must speak
at least twice in the dialogue and will perform the
dialogue in front of the class.

2 min

During Stage:
4.2.1 Ss will complete the activity. T reminds Ss to S-S
use the vocabulary phrases as well as their
synonyms in the dialogue.
4.2.2 The groups will perform the dialogue for the
class. Those in the audience will take notes in
order to figure out what scenario each group is
portraying. Ss will summarize each groups
dialogue in one sentence.
4.3.1 Ss will share their summaries about each
Transition to Wrap-Up: Thank you
for all your work and attention
today. It is almost the end of class,
but before we go lets discuss the
HW and whats in store for

15 min


10 min




5 min

Tangible Outcome/T. feedback/peer feedback:

handout of irregular past participles, the written
dialogues, handout the students use to take notes
on their peers dialogues, S-S interaction, T. notes
on overheard errors
Assign HW: Exercises 4-6 in the Student

Introduce the new long-term assignment of

emailing a peer once a week to describe something
interesting or weird that they noticed or something
that happened to them in NYC will describe
more in the next class if we run out of time.
Materials: PPT, vocabulary definitions, synonym handout, potential synonym handout, irregular verbs
handout, dialogue scenarios, dialogue notes handout
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions: The students may have trouble understanding the
vocabulary for this unit since they are phrases rather than single words I made definitions and highlighted
specific words that illustrate what the phrases generally mean in order to make them easier to understand.
The students may end up discussing the homework for longer than I anticipate my students love to speak,
especially to each other, so I will make sure to be better at managing discussion time since I have had a
hard time keeping it to a set timetable.
Students may have a hard time understanding the subjunctive because introducing new grammar points
always seems to confuse them I researched the subjunctive from other sites so that I am better equipped
to explain it and answer any questions they have (in the past I have often had trouble explaining the
grammar when I followed just what the book had to say).
We run out of time and cannot complete all the activities keep a careful watch on the time and monitor
activities in order to get through them. If we run out of time, I will have to present the material that we
dont discuss in the next class.
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.): If we finish early, I will have the students
do the Talk About It activity on pp. 84-85. I do not anticipate finishing early because I think that the
vocabulary and grammar activities will take longer than I planned for

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