Lbs 330 - Lesson Plan
Lbs 330 - Lesson Plan
Lbs 330 - Lesson Plan
By Isabel Garcia
May 7, 2014
Grade Level:
Listening and Speaking /
Listening and Speaking
Language Use and Conventions
1.4: Use language to construct short
narratives that are real or fictional.
4.0 Comprehension and Analysis of
Age-Appropriate Text
4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of main
characters or events in a familiar
story (e.g., who, what, where)
through answering questions (e.g.,
recall and simple inferencing),
retelling, reenacting, or creating
Prepared By:
Isabel Garcia
This multiday lesson plan will give the students the opportunity to talk about their
favorite fairy tale in a whole group, with smaller groups and individually. Students will
retell their favorite tale and create a new fairy tale as a class. They will also be able to
use their oral language to communicate their thoughts and reactions to the fairy tales
they have been exposed to.
Fairy Tale story books
* Markers
Once Upon a Timeweek prop bag
* Props ( that relate to a story)
Time to dedicate to story telling
* Story Sequence Cards
Large size Post Pads
Children naturally love to tell stories, so why not harness that love into an educational but fun
classroom environment. Teacher will introduce that parts that make up a story (beginning, middle,
and end). Teacher will also explain how many fairy tales/ folk tales have a problem to solve and a
moral at the end. In order to harness a childs love for storytelling the teacher will have to scaffold
the situation so that the children will orally discuss using complete descriptive sentences what story
is their favorite. The children will also have to retell their story to the class and share his/ her
personal thoughts.
Directed Lesson:
Teacher will begin lesson by having a Once Upon a Time prop bag. The bag will contain props
that describe a certain fairy tale or folk tale. The students will have to discuss among each other
and decide what the story it is or the students can also work as a class to try to figure out the
sequence of events. Once the children have figured out the answers then the teacher will proceed
by reading that story book. Next the teacher will introduce the story telling sequence. The teacher
will also introduce that it is common for tales to have a problem to be solved and a moral lesson.
After these ideas are introduced the teacher will model the activity of explaining why this
particular story is his/ her favorite and what part he/she likes/ dislikes.
Guided Practice:
Depending on what fairy tale or folk tale is their favorite, the students will be placed into groups.
Each group will be composed with the children that like that tale. So there could be a Three little
Pigs group, Little Red Riding Hood group, and so on. Once the students are in their groups they
will orally share the reasons why this particular story is their favorite. They will also be able to
discuss which part of the story they like and which part of the story they dont like. Each group
member will listen respectfully and participate in the discussion while waiting for their turn to
talk. Students will be able to share their thought and receive feedback. This will help the students
see that they have things in common with others and they will also be able to develop their idea
better with the help of their peers.
Independent Practice:
Students will be able to go home and have the family help read them their
favorite fairy tale, so that they can practice the story sequence and be able to
retell the story to the class. The students will also have time during circle time
to individually think about what story is their favorite while getting ideas
from their peers. Individually students will independently share/ think why a
particular story is their favorite. This will give them time to think of what they
want to say.
Assessment will be ongoing. Students will have the whole year to practice their
language skills to orally present their favorite fairy tale or folk tale. Teacher
will check for proper story sentences (Once upon a time, the end, etc.) and
record the students progress. When students create their own tale as a class
teacher can check for good story sequences and speaking skills.
Teacher, Aids, English proficient peers, and perhaps family members
will help second language learners to be able to orally share their
favorite fairy tale or folk tale with the class and in groups. ESLs will be
able to use home language if the tale is difficult to translate, but teacher
will try his/ her best to find an English translation to share with the rest
of the class. If possible the child could also invite a family member who
speaks both the home language and English to help retell the story.
Accommodations for Culturally Diverse Learners:
Teacher will explore famous fairy tale/ folk tales of the different cultures
in the classroom and introduce the rest of the students to them. Then as
a class they can compare the story line of the fairy tales we already
know to the new ones and find similarities. This will show that different
cultures can share common features.
Multicultural: Have students retell their family folk/fairy tales and
possible have a family member visit the classroom to tell or read the
class their family tale.
Science: Create Jack in the Bean Stock Lima Bean plants in a cup.
Math: Use Goldilocks and the Three Bears bear-counters to learn to
Make a chart/graph with the different amount of groups that likes each
fairy tale.
Art: Draw the sequence of event that takes place in the story. Make a
felt story board. Make puppets, Reenact the story.
Snack: bring in food that is related to the story. Ex: prepare porridge
(oatmeal) like in Goldilocks. Have bread for The Little Red Hen, etc
The End