Edtpa Literacy Lesson Plans
Edtpa Literacy Lesson Plans
Edtpa Literacy Lesson Plans
Evidence for
This lesson only includes informal assessment. I will confer with students who I
think might need extra support. I will ask students to make a T-Chart that shows
Where will you look for signs
important events and less important events. I will review these charts to help
of student learning?
What will you look for?
me determine who may need support in small group for the next lesson. During the
What are your criteria?
lesson, I will also listen in to turn and talks and monitor group discussions to be
sure that students are accurately picking out the most relevant events for their
timelines. I will also review the worksheets that students filled out during the
Which Common Core State
Standard relates to this
RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain
how they support the main idea
Timelines will help students determine the big ideas of texts and how they
contribute to the main accomplishments of the character.
Learning Experience
Starting It
I will begin by talking about how much I will look to see that students body
have learned about biographies. I will language suggests that I have their
tell students that we know about
character traits, motives, and struggles.
We are so good at learning about the
subject of the biography, but sometimes
its hard to determine what events are
really important and what events are less
important in the persons life. When we
read biographies, there are a lot of
different facts that we learn about a
persons life. One tool we can use to
help us pick out the most important ideas
is a timeline.
3 mins
Doing It
Outline your sequence of
instructional moves including
participation structures,
materials, intellectual
resources, and time allotted.
Is there a product or
performance you will be
expecting students to
I will begin by asking students what they During the part on the rug, I will look to
think timelines are used for. I will ask see that students are engaged and
students to volunteer some answers to the participating. I will listen to students
question, What types of events go on a answers to my guiding questions to be
timeline? I will help guide students
sure that their answers are on track (for
towards understanding that it is only the example, Timelines include big events
most important events that end up on a of a persons life or Timelines organize
timeline. I will then ask students, When events in order). I will listen in on turn
we put events on a timeline, do we just and talks to see if students are able to
put them in any order? We will discuss. pick out which timeline tells us more
I will then reveal a chart that defines
important information. It is my hope that
timeline, chronological order and
students will be able to identify events
important event. There will also be
that are not very important in a subjects
criteria for important event that
life. As students fill out worksheets, I
includes: relates to family or childhood, will walk around to see that students are
relates to main accomplishment, or
circling the events appropriately. I will
relates to subjects impact. We will
review these worksheets after the lesson.
review this chart and have a brief
I will also give students the opportunity
discussion. Then I will put two timelines to share why they circled the events that
of Martin Luther King Jr.s life up on the they did. This will help me understand
Elmo projector. One timeline will have students thinking better about what
important events such as the Montgomery makes an important event.
Bus Boycott and winning the Nobel
Peace Prize. The other timeline will have
events that are less significant such as
During independent reading, I will confer
changing his name to Martin and joining with students to see that they are
a church choir. Students will turn and
understanding how to pick out only the
talk to discuss which timeline has more big ideas. I will review reading notes,
relevant information. I will ask questions and I will give students feedback to help
such as, Which timeline has events that guide their reading. Based on my
relate more to MLKs big
findings during conferences, I will form
accomplishments? and Which timeline small groups for tomorrows lesson.
seems to have information that is
irrelevant? We will discuss as a group
why one timeline might be better than the
other. I will then give pairs a worksheet
with a list of events in Shaun Whites
(the Olympic athlete) life. Students will
circle events that they feel should end up
Finishing It
How will you bring students
to closure with this learning
experience and connect it to
future learning?
7 mins
Whole class: Timelines projected on the Elmo will help visual learners see the
Groups of students with similar needs: For this first lesson, I plan to let students
work independently, without pulling small groups, so that I can get a sense of
students needs. I will provide a range of leveled texts so that children will be
reading biographies at an appropriate reading level.
Individual students: This lesson will include visual aids, the definition of
vocabulary words, and partner work to aid the students with language processing
difficulties. The guided practice component includes hands on work for students
who struggle with sustained attention. Struggling readers will be provided with
appropriate leveled texts.
Materials Needed
Lesson title: Ordering Events on a Timeline
Grade/age level: Third Grade
Learning Objective(s)
What do you want students
to know, understand, or be
able to do as a result of this
Evidence for
This lesson only includes informal assessment. I will confer with students and ask
students to fill out timeline templates. I will review students initial attempt at
Where will you look for signs
filling in timelines to be sure that students understood the task. This will help me to
of student learning?
What will you look for?
form small groups for the following lesson. During the lesson, I will also listen in
What are your criteria?
to turn and talks and monitor group discussions to be sure that students are
accurately putting events in chronological order and understanding the relation of
Which Common Core State
Standard relates to this
RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain
how they support the main idea
Timelines will help students determine the big ideas of texts and how they
contribute to the main accomplishments of the character.
RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific
ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language
that pertains to time, sequence and cause/effect
As students review timelines, they will be able to see and describe the relationship
between the key events in the characters life.
Learning Experience
Starting It
3 mins
Doing It
Outline your sequence of
instructional moves including
participation structures,
materials, intellectual
resources, and time allotted.
Is there a product or
performance you will be
expecting students to
I will start by having a conversation with During the part on the rug, I will look to
the students about what chronological
see that students are engaged and
order means. We will review the word participating. I will listen to students
on the Timeline Chart. I will then ask
answers to my guiding questions to be
students to turn and talk about why
chronological order is important. I will sure that their answers are on track (for
example, timelines need to be in order
talk about how when we read, we can
write down ideas in chronological order. based on when the events happened). I
I will ask, What happens if an event
will watch as students sort the events and
doesnt have a specific year? How will see if students can make the connection
we know where it goes on the timeline? that certain events couldnt have
Students will briefly discuss. I will then
happened unless other events happened
talk about how we can know about the
relation of events. I will explain that
some events need to happen before other
events. I will point out that some events
might even cause other events. For
example, what if we read about Jackie
Robinson. If the book said he joined the
Dodgers and also became the first
African American major league baseball
player, could we assume that one of these
events happened first? I will remind
students that its really important to think
about how the big events relate to one
another. After this discussion, I will give
each partnership slips of paper with
major events from Jackie Robinsons life
without dates. Students will be asked to
put the events in chronological order
based on the relation of events. I will
remind students to ask themselves,
Could this event have happened had
another event not happened first? After
students have worked together to figure it
out, we will discuss how they did so. I
will then model how we can take notes in
the form of a timeline, thinking about the
relationship of important events. I will
do this based on the list of important
events from Jackie Robinsons life. I will
model how to take a list of events and put
it into the form of a timeline. I will also
encourage students to try to add new
events to their timelines as they read. I
will hand out a template on which
35 mins
Finishing It
How will you bring students
to closure with this learning
experience and connect it to
future learning?
7 mins
Whole class: The hands-on activity in which students put the big events in
gain an understanding for what
will help break down the
concepts for students with language processing difficulties. Reading time will
Materials Needed
pieces of paper with big events of Jackie Robinsons life, leveled biographies,
easel/chart paper, readers notebooks, timeline chart, timeline template
Lesson title: Creating Timelines
Grade/age level: Third Grade
Learning Objective(s)
What do you want students
to know, understand, or be
able to do as a result of this
Evidence for
This lesson includes informal and formal assessment. I will confer with groups of
students to see that they are making informative timelines about which they can
Where will you look for signs
speak and write. I will also monitor group discussions to be sure that students are
of student learning?
What will you look for?
realizing the importance of using a timeline to organize and teach information. I
What are your criteria?
will administer a formal assessment at the end of the lesson to see if students have
made progress throughout this learning segment.
Which Common Core State
Standard relates to this
RI.3.2 Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain
how they support the main idea
Timelines will help students determine the big ideas of texts and how they
contribute to the main accomplishments of the character.
RI.3.3 Describe the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific
ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text, using language
that pertains to time, sequence and cause/effect
As students review timelines, they will be able to see the relationship between the
key events in the characters life.
Learning Experience
Starting It
I will introduce the lesson by explaining I will look to see that students are
students how much we know about
timelines now. I will tell students that I
can tell that we are really understanding
how to use timelines to order the events
in a story and see how they relate. I will
tell them that today we are going to prove
our knowledge and create timelines to
share with our classmates to teach them
about our biographies.
3 mins
Doing It
Outline your sequence of
instructional moves including
participation structures,
materials, intellectual
resources, and time allotted.
Is there a product or
performance you will be
expecting students to
Finishing It
How will you bring students
to closure with this learning
experience and connect it to
future learning?
12 mins
Whole class: This hands-on activity in which students actually create timelines and