Research Outline Template
Research Outline Template
Research Outline Template
As you outline your paper, look for quotes from your sources. Youll use 6 of these as quotes;
choose another 6 quotes to turn into conscious paraphrases in a later exercise.
Choose the method that works most effectively for you, knowing you will be translating this
outline into both a final paper and a presentation.
TITLE (Come up with a title for your papergiving the topic & your direction, like a book or
chapter title!)
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getting technique
(a startling fact, strong quote, scenario or dramatization, setting the scene with context
infowho, what, where, whenetc.; ask a questionswithout using you. )
B. Thesis (it should be written here in its entirety)
II. Background Information Topic Sentence with Opinion & Analysis (Come up with a topic
sentence for this Roman numeral heading; it should show the topic + what youll say, presenting
the basic situationwhat is the situation? Who is involved or affected? When did it start? What
does it look like, or what is the scope of the situation? What has been done so far? What are the
results so far?) ________________________________________________________________
*This sections commentary should set the stage for the argument. Each capital letter
below is a reason, example, illustration, description, quote, paraphrase, insight, analysis,
interpretation, or commentary on the facts for this section. You can comfortably have up to 4
capital letters.
A. _______________________________________________________.
B. _______________________________________________________.
C. _______________________________________________________.
III. Concede the Opposition and Refute Topic Sentence with Opinion & Analysis: (In this
topic sentence, show what your opponents think. You can start with a phrase like Some
_________________(describe the group) still think/feel/believe ____________________. You
will show 2-3 points for the opposition.) ___________________________________________
* Each capital letter below is a reason, example, illustration, description, quote,
paraphrase, insight, analysis, interpretation, or commentary on the facts for this section. You can
comfortably have up to 4 capital letters.
A. ________________________________________________________.
B. ________________________________________________________.
C. ________________________________________________________.
IV. Premise / Argument Topic Sentence with Opinion & Analysis (This topic sentence will
show the first support for your sideis it an example, a reason, or cause/effect?The
connection to the thesis should be clear, and it should use key words from the thesis.) _____
* Each capital letter below is a reason, example, illustration, description, quote,
paraphrase, insight, analysis, interpretation, or commentary on the facts for this section. You can
comfortably have up to 4 capital letters.
A. _________________________________________________________.
B. _________________________________________________________.
C. _________________________________________________________.
V. Premise / Argument Topic Sentence with Opinion & Analysis (This topic sentence will
show the second support for your sideis it an example, a reason, or cause/effect?The
connection to the thesis should be clear, and it should use key words from the thesis.)
* Each capital letter below is a reason, example, illustration, description, quote,
paraphrase, insight, analysis, interpretation, or commentary on the facts for this section. You can
comfortably have up to 4 capital letters.
A. _________________________________________________________.
B. _________________________________________________________.
C. _________________________________________________________.
VI. Premise / Argument Topic Sentence with Opinion & Analysis (This topic sentence will
show the third support for your sideis it an example, a reason, or cause/effect?The
connection to the thesis should be clear, and it should use key words from the thesis.)
* Each capital letter below is a reason, example, illustration, description, quote, paraphrase,
insight, analysis, interpretation, or commentary on the facts for this section. You can comfortably
have up to 4 capital letters.
A. ______________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________
VII. Conclusion
A. Make a prediction for the future; show the importance of your topic; give the reader
something to do without using you. The conclusion can comfortably be only about
5 or even 4 sentences long.
B. __________________________________________________________________
* The outline does not plan commentary, therefore it should not be included here, but you
will include it when you translate your outline to draft form. At that time, you will also need to
make decisions about paragraphing and organization.
Sample Outlines & Scoring
Intro 5
Background TS 5, Paragraphs 5
Concede TS 5, Paragraphs 5
Premise TS 5, Paragraphs 5
Premise TS 5, Paragraphs 5
Premise TS 5, Paragraphs 5
Conclusion 5
Total: 60 points