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Idt Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Casey Fly

Date: 9/2/14

Grade and Topic: 3rd/ Science

Length of Lesson:

Mentor Teacher: Dr.Weaver School: U of M

Major geologic events that occur over eons or brief moments in time continually shape and reshape the
surface of the Earth, resulting in continuous global change.
List the specific content learning goals and objectives for the lesson. Given information from the
textbook and from the supplied websites, students will be able to distinguish among rivers, oceans, and
lakes, name characteristics of each, and give an example of each, scoring 3 out of four on the rubric.
Note any goals or expectations related to student participation in the lesson. Given instructions, a
computer, and approved websites, students will navigate websites to gather information about rivers,
oceans, and lakes scoring 3 out of four on the rubric.
Given instructions and word processing software, students will complete a table using Microsoft Word,
scoring 3 out of four on the rubric.
After completing the table, students will complete the provided worksheet, scoring a 3 out of 4 on the
Tennessee State Standard
GLE 0307.7.1. Use information and illustrations to identify the earths major landforms and water bodies.
ISTE Standard
3. Research and Information Fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.
b.Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
Internet Access to:
Websites: www.mgbnet.net/index.html

MS Word

Technology Integration:
Students will use the websites stated above as resources for information about bodies of water and access to
images. Word processing software will be used to type, format and insert an image into the Bodies of Water
This is an introductory lesson about bodies of water. Students will demonstrate an understanding of
major rivers, oceans, and lakes by naming characteristics and examples of each.
Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
Students will use what they learn from this lesson to expand their knowledge of bodies of water and
landforms of the world.
Students will use what theyve discovered about rivers, lakes, and oceans to make connections about
how geologic events shape the surface of the Earth and how they occur.
Students will keep the table they created in their folders, and will reference it in the upcoming lessons
and activities. (Jigsaw activity- students in groups finding and presenting information on specific bodies
of water.)
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course.
Introduction: What will you do to help the students become focused or motivated to learn in this teaching

Begin with a Think-Pair-Share activity where students are asked to think about what they already know about
bodies of water, quickly discuss what they wrote with their partner (elbow buddies or group members already
arranged with a pod or cluster) and then quickly write a few things they came up with on the board. (Activating
prior knowledge)

Procedures: Provide a sequential (step by step) description of the procedures and activities for the lesson.
Prior to the computer (10 minutes)
Teacher procedures: After the introduction, distribute Bodies of Water worksheets. Tell students to get our their
textbook and turn to the chapter/segment (give specific page numbers) about bodies of waters.
Briefly describe the overall instructions, and walk-through the assigment using a smartboard or projector, quickly
going through the exact process.
Student Procedures:
Students will review worksheet with the instructions. Students will write their name on their worksheet.
At the computer (50 minutes)
Teacher procedures:
1. Have students open both MS Word and Internet browser.
2. Direct students to the Whats it Like Where You Live website.
3. Direct students to kidsclick.org.
4. Direct them to the Rivers section.
5. Direct them to the Ponds and Lakes section.
6. Direct them to the Oceans section.
7. Direct students to the clipart gallery.
8. Monitor and assist as needed.

Student Procedures:
1. Open MS Word and Internet browser.
2. On MS word, create a table and label it correctly (including the title and heading) following the worksheet
3. Go to the provided research websites to complete the table.
4. For each section (rivers, lakes, and oceans) provide three characteristics and three examples and their locations.
5. Go to clipart website to add an image to each row.
6. Save work.
7. Check for grammar, accuracy, and organization.
8. Save again.
9. Print a copy.

After the computer (30 minutes)

Teacher procedures:
1. If desks are not already arranged in a circular fashion, get students to form a circle.
2. Go around the circle and ask students to share their findings. (Each student must share at least one thing.)
3. After each student has shared, have a whole-class discussion about what was learned.
4. Discuss similarities and differences among lakes, rivers, and oceans.
5. Discuss major rivers, lakes, and oceans.
6. After group discussion, ask students to finish the reflecrtion part of the worksheet and turn it in along with their
printed out table.
Student procedures
1. Share findings with other students.
2. Discuss similarities and differences among lakes, rivers, and oceans.
3. Complete worksheet.
4. Turn in the completed worksheet and the printed table.

Briefly review what was learned. Collect papers.

Provide the formative and /or summative assessments that are part of this lesson.
Make sure there is a clear link between the Goals and Objectives and the Assessments.
List specific modifications for students who did not master the objectives.
List specific modifications for students who are ready for enrichment activities.

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