Student Technology Task Cards

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Dorlisa Love
December 6, 2014

Raft Task Card

ROLE (student)
Row 1

Science Rainforest
Local News TV

A news report

A lemur

Other animal

A journal


President of the
United States


A News Reporter

Row 2

Row 3

What are some
ways that the
rainforests can be
How it feels to
have your home
destroyed by
people cutting
down trees?
People in the
rainforest are
losing their way of
life and home.

RAFT Row 1
Objective: You will explain the different ways people can save the rainforests. MS Common
Core Standard W5.2ab3ab. ISTE Standard 1. Creativity and Innovation (a,b). 2.
Communication and Collaboration (a,b,c). 3. Research and Information fluency (a, b,c)
Student Role: A news reporter
Audience: Local TV viewers
Format: A news report
Topic: What are some ways that rainforests be saved?

1. Google rainforests to find information.
2. Read information about the wildlife, people and trees.

3. Jot down important facts about the rainforest.

4. Once you have your notes, write them into paragraphs with a beginning presentation,
middle and ending presentation.
5. Practice reading your essay so that you will be ready to record it on the iPad.
6. Work with someone and have them record you reporting the reasons for the rainforest
being saved.

Visit these websites:

You will prepare a news report that is 2 minutes long explaining why the rainforest needs to be
You will receive 30 points for the essay, 50 points for the presentation on the iPad, and 20 points
for dressing up like a news reporter.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: You will write a journal explaining how you feel about your home being destroyed
by lumberjacks. MS Common Core Standard W5.3abcde. ISTE Standard1. Creativity and
Innovation 1 (a,b) 2(b) 3 (a,b,c).
Student Role: A Lemur
Audience: Other animal friends
Format: A journal

Topic: How it feels to have your home destroyed by people cutting down the trees?


Google lemurs and rainforests to research.

Take notes about lemurs.
Write an essay in your journal about your feelings toward having your home destroyed.
Write neatly because it will be shown on the document camera for everyone to read.

Please visit these websites.

You are pretending that you are a lemur and you are writing an essay explaining to your other
friends why you are upset that your homes are being destroyed.
You will receive an 80 for the essay, 10 for neat handwriting, and 10 for presentation on the
document camera.

RAFT Row 3
Objective: People in the rainforest are losing their way of life and home. MS Common Core
Standard W5.1abcd. ISTE Standards 1. Creativity and Innovation 1 (a,b,c) 2 (b), 3 (a, b, c, d) 4
(a, b)
Student Role: Student
Audience: The President of the United States
Format: PowerPoint Presentation
Topic: People in the rainforest are losing their way of life and home.


Research information about the rainforest and the people that live there.
Take notes about how cutting down the forest is affecting the people.
Create a PowerPoint presentation and make 8 slides with notes.
Add pictures of the people of the rainforest.

Go to these websites for information.

You and another student are creating a PowerPoint presentation to show the President of the
United States your concern for the people that live in the rainforest. You must shows ways that
cutting down trees is affecting their way of life. You will create notes and pictures on the slides.
Each slide will be 10 points each and for creativity you will receive 20 extra points.

Section Four: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Introduction (4-6 sentences)
Differentiating Instruction through Technology is using technology to assess students on
different levels. Because students learn at different speeds and levels, a teacher must be able to
come up with plans to teach students to help them get an understanding on the assignment.
Differentiation is providing students different ways to approach curriculum according to their
strengths (Sondergeld & Schultz, 2008). These can be through learning centers, collaborating
with other students on working on a project, and using the computer for extra learning

Technology to Differentiate Instruction

iPad: There are many apps that can be used to differentiate instruction in the classroom. The
iPad can be used in a learning center to help reinforce different material that have been discussed
earlier. According to the article, Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 classrooms,
Differentiated instruction encourages the modification of instruction to address student diversity
and to meet curricular objectives (Smith & Throne, 2007). In row one of the task cards, the iPad
was used to record students making a report about how the rainforests can be saved. The
standard that was used in ISTE was number two, communication and collaboration because the
students worked together to create and make the video.
Document camera: Document cameras can be used to display students or teachers work on the
Smart board. Students can explain their work on the board and they can get the help that they
may need during this time. It provides differentiated instruction because it helps create a
challenging learning environment (Smith & Throne, 2007). It also creates a more student
centered learning. The student is taking control of his/her learning experience. When the student
display their work on the Smart board, the teacher can see where the students strengths and
weaknesses are in writing and make notes. The teacher can also ask the students questions about
their journal which will encourage critical thinking.
PowerPoint: PowerPoint was used in row three of the task cards to explain how the people that
live in the rainforest are effected by the cutting of trees. According to the ISTE Student
Standards, the students used creativity and innovation and they also used communication and
collaboration. They had to gather information to make the slides and they used their critical
thinking skills to come up with the right notes and pictures to explain their point of view. This is
another method that the teacher can used to make notes and see where there could be

improvement. By working together on this presentation, students are forming and maintaining
learning communities (Kara-Soteriou, 2009).
Pros and Cons (150-250 words)
Technology in the classroom can help students in so many ways but it can also have bad
points as well. Teachers must constantly assess her students so that she can be able to
differentiate instruction. Using technology in the classroom can help kids that may have selfesteem issues because they see other students are advancing more than they are (Kara-Soteriou,
2009). It can make the learning fun and engaging because the students do not have to listen to the
teacher lecture all day. Technology can create higher achieving students because it grasp their
attention (Smith & Throne, 2007). The con of using technology to differentiate instruction is
being able to come up with new ways to keep students that are on a higher level from being
bored and to keep students that are struggling from getting discouraged. Another thing is that

technology can break down and the teacher have to come up with another plan for his students.
Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)
(A solid academic paper always ends with a conclusion to summarize what was discussed in
the paper and why it is important. This should be in your own words with no citations.)
Differentiating instruction is very important for students to achieve higher goals in
school. When a teacher differentiate instruction, she is making it possible for everyone to get an
understanding of the lesson presented and to reach the standards that are required to move to the
next grade. By using the different technologies that are available, he will be able to help students
reach their goals and have a great learning experience. When students work together, it is
creating teamwork and that will help them later in life. The teacher can also place students that

are on the same level so that she can work with them more to get them caught up and by doing
so, will create learners who are excited about school.


Kara-Soteriou, J. (2009). Using technology to differentiate instruction across grade levels. New
England Reading Association Journal, 86-90.
Smith, G., & Throne, S. (2007). Differentiating Instruction with Technology in K-5 classrooms.
International Society for Technology in Education, 1-16.
Sondergeld, T., & Schultz, R. (2008). Science, Standards, and Differentiation: It Really can be
Fun. Gifted Child Today, 31(1), 34-40.

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