Nouns Lesson

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Anthony Lawlis

English Language Arts (ELA)/5th grade

Self-contained Special Education Classroom
1) Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to re-teach and review the concept of nouns so
that students can begin working on reviewing other types of nouns such as common
nouns, proper nouns, and pronouns.
2) Academic Language: The academic language for this lesson includes noun, person,
place, thing, and sentence.
3) Skills: The skills for this lesson include, comprehension and understanding of what a
noun is, identification of nouns within a sentence, saying aloud examples of nouns, and
writing examples of nouns.
4) Objectives: The objectives for this lesson are as follows:

Students will be able to identify a noun in a sentence.

Students will be able to write examples of nouns.
Students will be able to identify whether a noun is a person, place, or thing.
Students will be able to say out loud examples of nouns.
Students will be able to write sentences that contain multiple nouns.

5) Common Core Learning Standards:

SL.5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,
and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on
others ideas and expressing their own clearly.
RF.5.3 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
a. Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication
patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar
multisyllabic words in context and out of context.

Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and

usage when writing or speaking.
b. use common, proper, and possessive nouns.

6) Pre Assessment: The objectives are appropriate for the learners because the students
have already covered this material in previous grades. The students should have a
substantial amount of prior knowledge that they will be able to draw upon. This will also
aid the students in meeting the objectives for the lesson.

7) Questioning: These are some examples of the questions that might be asked
throughout the lesson.

Can you describe what a noun is?

Can you locate the noun in the following sentence?
What is the definition of a noun?
How can you distinguish in a sentence if the noun is a person, place or thing?
Can you decide whether the following word is a noun?

These questions are just a few of the ones that will be asked throughout the lesson. The
questions that are provided were developed using Blooms Taxonomy. The words such as
describe, locate, distinguish, and decide were taking from Blooms Taxonomy.
8) Learning Segment/Presentation
Set Induction: The lesson will begin with a think, pair, and share. A question will be
given to them at the beginning of the lesson and it will be displayed on the smartboard.
The question is going to be what do you know about nouns? The students will then think
of ideas on their own, then pair up with a partner and share ideas, and finally they will
share with the class. The ideas will then be recorded on the smartboard. This is how the
teacher will get the students engaged and interested in the lesson.

First the teacher should be on the slide that says what is a noun?
Once there teacher will ask students what is a noun?
The students should respond with a person, place, or thing.
If the students do then continue onto the next slide.
If the students do not respond then teacher will say a noun is a person, place, or thing.
Explain to the students what a person, place, or thing is.
Ask if there are any questions before we continue.
If there are questions stop and answer them for the student.
If there arent any questions continue onto the next slide.
Tell students that now we will be coming up with examples of nouns.
Make sure to explain that they will be giving examples of nouns that are a person,
place, and thing.
Give students one minute to brainstorm a list
Once the minute is up begin calling on students to give an example.
Call one student at a time to give their example.
Teacher will then record the answer on the smartboard.
Continue this process until all students have been given the chance to give their
Once students have finished teacher may continue to the next slide.
Read the directions for the class activity aloud to the students.
After you are done reading the directions ask if there are any questions.
If there are questions stop and answer them for the student.

If there arent any questions continue onto the activity.

Read the first sentence to the students aloud.
Re-read the sentence to the students.
Ask class who wants to come up and underline the noun in this sentence.
Continue this until all four sentences have the nouns underlined.
If there are questions stop and answer them for the student.
If there arent any questions continue onto the next slide.
Now tell students that they will be playing a game called scattergories.
Explain the rules of the game to the students.
Instruct students on how the game is played.
Model for the students how the game is to be played.
Tell students that we will do a category each day this week.
This way we have a variety of different winners.
Answer any questions that the students may have about the game at this time.
Teacher will put the students into pairs.
Ask if everyone is ready to begin the game.
Once all students have responded with a yes teacher can begin the game.
Choose the mystery letter at random by picking a letter out of the bowl.
Write the letter that was chosen on the smartboard and tell students what the letter is.
Tell students that they now may begin.
Game will end when a team yells scattergories and the teacher checks to see if they
are correct.
Once game has concluded teacher may now move on to the tiered assignments.
High Group: The high group will have to write 7 sentences that include a
person, place, or thing. They then will have to underline the person, place, or
thing in each sentence using a different colored marker for each. The student
will underline the person in red, the place in blue, and the thing in green.
Middle Group: The middle group will have to write 6 sentences that include a
person, place, or thing. The student will then underline the person in red and the
place in blue.

Low Group: The low group will have to write 5 sentences. The noun will be
given to this student. The student will then have to take this noun and write a
sentence with it. This student will then underline the noun in the sentence. The
student will underline the noun in red if it is a person, blue if it is a place, and
green if it is a thing.
Once students are on task teacher may circulate the room.
Ask if groups have any more questions.
Check to see if the students are completing the assignment correctly.
After teacher sees the students are finishing up begin collecting papers from students.

Closure: The closure for this lesson will be the teachers and students going over
questions and having a class discussion. The teacher will ask certain questions that will
assess whether the students mastered the concept of nouns. Examples of these questions
could be what is a noun? And so on.

Rational: There are many different methods used throughout this lesson that are
research based. At the beginning of the lesson the students will be participating in a
think, pair, share (Lyman, 1981). The students also do a lot of collaborative partner work
in this lesson. This is supported through the game scattergories, which the students will
participate in. Students are able to get sufficient practice in working with nouns. Having
the students write their own sentences and underling the person, place, or thing in the
sentence does this.
9) Materials/Resources/Technology integration to support learning:
Tiered Assignments Worksheets
Technology is supported through learning in this lesson when the students are able to
interact with the smartboard. They will be doing this by underlining the nouns in the
different sentences. This is one of the many ways in which technology is integrated into
this lesson.
10) Follow Up Differentiated Activities for Re-engagement Lesson
The follow up activity I would do for a re-engagement lesson would be a noun sort. The
student would have to take words and sort them into person, place, or thing. The student
would complete this at the end of the re-engagement lesson. This would further support
the students understanding of nouns. It also is a very hands-on activity, which will help
the student to see visually where each word goes. If there was more than one student
who needed a re-teach lesson then I would implement small group instruction. This
would ensure that all the students got the same amount of time with the teacher.
11) Post Assessment: The post-assessment for this lesson would be the answers the
students give in the teacher-led discussion. This will show the teacher whether the
student truly understands the concept of nouns or if they still need further instruction.
The other assessment that will judge whether or not the students met the objectives is the
tiered assignment. The assignment will be collected at the end of the lesson and graded
by the teacher. This will give the teacher time to see where students made mistakes and
where they need further instruction. Overall, these post-assessments will aid the teacher
in determining, which students understand the topic of nouns and which do not.
12) Special Needs: All of the students in my classroom have learning disabilities. One
of the accommodations I am making for the lesson is to break down everything into small
steps. Many of the students in my class have trouble when you give them more than one
step at a time. This accommodation will be implemented throughout the various
activities in the lesson. Another accommodation that is being made is modeling for the

students on how the assignments are to be completed. This really helps these types of
learners because they then know what is expected of them. The last accommodation I am
making for the learning disabled students in this lesson is giving them ample
opportunities to practice the skills they are learning. One example is the tiered
assignment each student will be completing by the end of the lesson.

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