Short Stories 2009-10
Short Stories 2009-10
Short Stories 2009-10
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
This handbook provides all the materials used in the training workshops as well
as many suggestions and additional resources to use with your students.
Introduction to the Module
Relationship of Compulsory and Elective Parts
Aims, Objectives, Content and Assessing of the Short Story Module
Page 3
Page 6
Practical demonstrations
Collaborative story building
Page 13
Page 18
Page 22
1 Characterisation
2 Helping students to read, understand and enjoy short stories
3 The Element of Setting
4 The Element of Dialogue
5 Storytelling
6 Stories with a Twist : Fractured Fairy Tales
Page 23
Page 32
Page 41
Page 50
Page 57
Page 64
Noticing activities
Page 72
Page 75
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Learning English through Short Stories
Part 1:
Explored the relationship between the Compulsory and Elective parts of the New
Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum
Discussed the Short Story Module
Had practical experience of working in groups in various activities detailed below
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
The Proposed New Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum consists of two
parts; the Compulsory Part and the Elective Part.
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Learning English through Short Stories
Both the Compulsory and the Elective Parts include the learning of English Language
in the Interpersonal, Knowledge and Experience strands, and they both have the
same learning objectives.
The Compulsory Part focuses on language input (a) language forms and function
and b) vocabulary presented in a variety of text-types and developing competence in
the skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
The proposed modules in the Elective Part are categorised into two groups with three
modules each.
(True: There are two groups - Language Arts and Non-Language Arts but False as there are
four modules each. They are: a) Language Arts: Learning English through Drama /
Learning English through Short Stories / Learning English through Poems and Songs /
Learning English through Popular Culture b) Non-Language Arts: Learning English through
Sports Communication / Learning English through Debating / Learning English through
Social Issues / Learning English through Workplace Communication)
The Elective Part reinforces different aspects of English language learning and
should a) add variety to the English Language curriculum, b) broaden learners
learning experience and c) cater for learners diverse needs and interests. (True)
Students have to complete four of the proposed Elective modules two from each
(Students have to complete only three in total but one from each group)
The Elective modules have to enhance the further development of nine generic skills
(collaboration skills, communication skills, creativity, critical thinking skills, information
technology skills, numeracy skills, problem-solving skills, self-management skills and
study skills).
(The English Language Education KLA provides greater opportunities for the development of
six of the generic skills - collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking,
problem-solving and study skills)
The Proposed New Senior Secondary English Language Curriculum has specific
language development strategies such as: a) developing thinking skills,
b) developing reference skills, c) developing information skills, d) developing
enquiry skills, e) planning, managing and evaluating own learning, f) selfmotivation and g) working with others.
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
plot, twists)
b) respond and give expression to the imaginative ideas and feelings expressed in short
and symbol, as well as to consider ways to create mood, and write good story using
openings, closings and dialogue.
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b) To help learners to apply the concepts and techniques they have learned in their own
c) To enhance learners skills and interest in reading and appreciating short stories from
____9_____ periods
Part 2
___21_____ periods
Part 3
___20_____ periods
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
Assessment in the Short Stories module will focus on learners demonstration of their ability
a) understand concepts and techniques of short story writing
b) apply this understanding to create short examples
c) produce a written short story
d) comment helpfully on the work of others
e) tell or perform stories orally
f) read and comment on a number of short stories
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2. Love Story
3. Detective Story
4. Ghost Story
5. Fairy Story
6. Fable
7. Science Fiction
8. Adventure Story
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Learning English through Short Stories
1. What helped you to match the story types and the extracts?
2. Which story types might not be appropriate for use with your students? Why not?
Story Type
Horror Story
Adverbs of movement
Narrative tenses
Love Story
Detective Story
Ghost Story
Fairy Story
Science Fiction
Adventure Story
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Learning English through Short Stories
the first few sentences, which usually arouse curiosity, pull the reader
in and carry compressed information in short stories
at the start of the story, the setting, situation and main characters up
to now are introduced (though not used as much in short stories as in
speech used for moving the story forward, though some dialogue can
be redundant
Rising action
the point of highest interest in terms of the conflict and the point of the
story with the most action
Falling action
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The short story tends to be less complex than novels in structure, but its language tends
to be more compressed. This can be very challenging for learners.
The short story may have a climax, crisis, or turning-point
The short story only occasionally it has an exposition
Typically, it has an abrupt OPENING with the story starting in the middle of the action
CLOSINGS (endings) may also be abrupt, have a twist, & do not necessarily have a
moral or practical lesson.
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
Practical Demonstrations
The following pages provide copies of materials used in the practical demonstrations section.
The assumption is that you can adapt and use similar activities with your learners of different
levels of proficiency. We have also included some additional materials for your use.
By the end of the practical demonstration section you will have participated in activities
and staging:
What Makes a Good Opening? Opening Writing Techniques
You will first look at some examples of openings to short stories and discuss/compare your ideas
about what makes a good short story opening. You will match four openings with the technique that
was used. You will be given frameworks for some story openings and will write your own opening.
Materials provided on Good Closings
These materials are not demonstrated in the training session due to time constraints.
Co-constructing a story
Providing whole class brainstorming at the start of a writing lesson on an area such as character,
setting or plot can help generate ideas and language for students to use.
You could prompt this through something as simple as focusing on words starting with the same
letter, in this lesson the letter P or with a grid of topics to include in a story (handout)
It is important to allow for all students to add their ideas to the story so giving each student an area of
responsibility to add to the story recipe can help prompt this. For example, one student decides on a
character for the story, another student decides on a location, another student decides on some verbs
to use in the story. The students in groups then make a story using as many of the ideas as possible.
Students may be able to build a story through telling it together in a whole class group and then write
their individual version.
Students may build a story in small group orally and then write it together. You may want students to
write a draft of the story together as their first draft. You will need to remind students that everyone
needs to take part in the creating and writing so that the strong writer doesnt take over.
Chains of Action
This is a technique to quickly generate plot ideas. They can be created individually, in small groups or
as a whole class. They could be directly recorded as they are created or they could be written on to a
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
A Good Opening?
1. Dropping the reader into the middle of the dramatic action.
2. A quote or dialogue to make the reader ask questions Whos this? What are they
saying? Why are they saying it?
3. A shocking statement The telephone rang. He picked it up. The voice at the end told
him to run. To run now. To not stop running.
4. Mirror or circular openings/closings where each mirrors the other . (opening) The
young boy looked out of the window and wondered What am I doing here?
(Closing) The young boy looked out of the window and finally knew why he was there.
5. An intriguing opening that makes you wonder Why? Whats happening here?
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
b) The four story openings include one or more of the following important elements:
character, time/place setting, event and dialogue. They have been annotated for you.
Gregor woke up in bed from a bad
nights sleep and found he was
Why is he here? Why has he come
now? whispered a small voice. There was
no reply.
As Paul Chan stood in the middle of the The clock struck thirteen as the glass
shopping mall, all he could think of was
smashed. They were inside.
lying down and closing his eyes.
Orange = characters Blue = time/place setting Pink = event Green = dialogue
Now use the sentence frames to write four openings.
_______________ (who?) ______________________ (where?) and found ___________________
_______________ ______________________ ______________________(dialogue) whispered
As_______________ (who?) ______________________ (where?) all he could think of was
______________________ (who?) were_________________________________________(what?)
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
a) Read the four statements about how a short story should end. With your group decide
A Good Closing?
Answer all the questions that the reader has in the closing.
Use frames make your opening and closing scenes mirror each other.
Circular opening / closings
Get students to write an opening based on a theme. Then ask them if they can close the
story with the same opening words/phrases to bring their writing full circle.
Shared openings and closings
Get each student to give a classmate just the first line of something he or she has been
working on. The classmate has to write something starting or ending with that line. This
reduces the struggle of finding leads or endings.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
Catchall endings: As above, students use these when there are loose ends that they
cannot tie up. In these instances, it is typical for students to conclude with passages
such as, "It was all just a dream," or anything that provides an easy return from
fantasy to reality. Discourage them from doing this.
References: (adaptable to secondary contexts)
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
2- Write a description of a
character he meets:
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Learning English through Short Stories
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Learning English through Short Stories
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Learning English through Short Stories
Re-write your first draft ideas using fortunately, unfortunately, because and some of the
words below:
Later that morning
Give your story an interesting beginning and end. Organise your ideas into paragraphs. Now tell your
partner the story. Use your notes to help you but do not read from the paper- keep eye contact with
your audience!
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Learning English through Short Stories
Part 3
At this stage you will experience the activities from the perspective of the student. As we
have limited time in the workshop, we will divide you into 6 groups, and give you instructions
to follow in each group. The tutor will be mingling amongst you to help with procedures,
ideas and the development of your work. Some of the work you generate at this point will be
used as material for formative assessment practice in Part 4 of the day.
Important note: if you were to run these activities with your students, you would not give
them the instructions to follow (remember that we have used this method in the workshop
today because of time constraints). Instead, as a teacher, you would lead the students,
stage by stage, through the activities.
Therefore, as you are working through the activities, think about the sequencing of your
presentational language, your concept checking questions, your instructions and your roundup questions. This will help you decide which stages may need to be modified for the needs
of your particular groups.
experienced detailed procedures and worked with material which relates to each
content part of the module and can be used, modified or adapted for
the needs of your own students.
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
What is a monster?
Can you describe any monsters from films? Think about their appearance, behaviour
and personality.
Read the following definitions of monsters and tick the ones you agree with:
A monster is
Now look at the blurb on the back cover and read the first page of the book
inside the front cover.
Tell your partner what you know about this story.
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Learning English through Short Stories
Now compare your ideas with someone who answered the same
questions as you.
Open Envelope 3 which contains 6 sheets.
You now need to work with someone who looked for information about a
different character.
Each Student A should work with a Student B.
Tell your partner about your character using your notes to help you.
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
Envelope 2
1. What information can you find in the story about the character of Victor Frankenstein?
Fill in the table below with as much information as possible. Read Chapter 2 and chapter 3
to the end of page 7
Name: Victor Frankenstein :
a. Where is he from?
b. What do we know about his
c. Tell us about his family
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Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
Envelope 2
1. What information can you find in the story about the character of the monster?
Fill in the table below with as much information as possible. Read chapter 7.
Name: unknown
a. Where is he from?
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
1. Look back at the chapters you read. Which of these short story devices does the write
use to tell us about the character? Add an example from the text to illustrate your
How to show character in a story
She uses some adjectives to describe their personalities,
example: Victor was a hard-working and determined man.
2. Compare the following pairs of sentences. Choose the one in each pair which you think is
more interesting for the reader and say why.
(i) The monster was very ugly and had big hands.
(ii) Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw him.
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
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Learning English through Short Stories
(a) verbs
I had worked to make this creature but (2) _____ it looked terrible and frightening. I
almost decided to destroy it. But I could not. I had to know if I could put life into it.
_____________ I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming.
immediately and the electricity from the lightning travelled down the mast to my machine. Would
the machine work?
____________ nothing happened. But (6) _______________ I saw the creatures body
begin to move. Slowly, terribly, the body came alive. Its arms and legs began to move, and slowly
it sat up.
The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, it was much more horrible.
____________ I wanted to escape from it. I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door. I was
Add the missing words and phrases to the gaps so that it is easier to understand when the
events happen.
a) two days later
b) for hours
c) at last
d) suddenly
e) at first
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
1. Look back at the chapters you read. Which of these short story devices does the write
use to tell us about the character? Add an example from the text to illustrate your
How to show character in a story
She uses some adjectives to describe their personalities,
example: Victor was a hard-working and determined man.
She uses verbs and descriptions of actions/events to give us an
impression of their personalities and how they behave.
She uses direct quotations from the characters to show how they
2. Compare the following pairs of sentences. Choose the one in each pair which you think is
more interesting for the reader and say why.
(i) The monster was very ugly and had big hands.
(ii) Their faces were filled with horror and fear when they saw him.
Students own answers, but in general the second sentence in each pair is preferable
because it makes use of the techniques in (1) above.
Language Arts
Professional Development for Teachers
Learning English through Short Stories
(a) verbs
i ___ I had worked to make this creature but (2) __h _ it looked terrible and frightening. I
almost decided to destroy it. But I could not. I had to know if I could put life into it.
_____ a ______ I saw dark clouds in the sky, and I knew that a storm was coming.
immediately and the electricity from the lightning travelled down the mast to my machine. Would
the machine work?
_____ e _____ nothing happened. But (6) _______ f ______ I saw the creatures body
begin to move. Slowly, terribly, the body came alive. Its arms and legs began to move, and slowly
it sat up.
The dead body had been an ugly thing, but alive, it was much more horrible.
____ d ______ I wanted to escape from it. I ran out of the laboratory, and locked the door. I was
Add the missing words and phrases to the gaps so that it is easier to understand when the
events happen.
a) two days later
b) for hours
c) at last
d) suddenly
e) at first
f) after a few minutes
g) at about one oclock in the morning
h) now
i) for a year
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? Explain why.
Scientists should try new things all the time. If they dont, we will never find new and
better ways of living.
There are some ideas that scientists should not think about or study, for example,
putting an end to a seriously ill persons life, or putting parts of animals into humans.
Nobody (doctors, scientists, artists etc.) should re-use parts of dead peoples bodies
for any reason.
Scientists just want to discover and understand new things. It is not their fault if other
people use their scientific discoveries in dangerous or evil ways.
7. What did you think of the story? Would you recommend it to your friends? Why / why
Envelope 1
Five-minute discussion
While-reading task
Take a copy of the book The Long Tunnel from envelope 2. Read the questions on the
worksheet. Read the whole story through once. Now answer the questions.
Post-reading Tasks
Take one cut-up story strip each from envelope 3. Read your part of the story aloud to
the group. Dont show them. Move places on the table so that the story is in the correct
Language Analysis
Open envelope 5. Divide your group into two smaller groups of 3 (Group A and group B) for
the role-play activity.
Follow-up Discussion
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Envelope 1
The story you are going to read is about some students and a
Discuss the following questions with the students in your group before you read.
How many universities are there in Hong Kong? Where are they?
What is it called when someone takes money that is not theirs from a bank?
(a) a bank robbery
(b) a bank burglary
(c) a bank steal
Is it safer to live in the country than the city? Why / why not?
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The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity.
Envelope 2
Read the book then work with a partner to answer the questions.
How many characters are there in this book? What do you know about them?
Fill in the table with as much information as possible. Some answers have already been done
for you.
name (some
arent named)
What is her/
his job?
How old is
Is he/she an important
character in the
about forty
years old
4 men- no names
train driver
the sergeant
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The British Council
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Envelope 3
Number the sentences in the correct order to give the outline of the story. 1
Paul, Sheila and Charles were sitting their exams.
Sheila and Charles agreed to spend a week with Paul in Wales.
Paul and Sheila trapped the criminals in the shaft.
The criminals were arrested by the police.
Sheila saw soldiers putting bags of money into a lorry.
Sheila and Charles found out that some criminals were going to steal the money
from a train.
When they got to the cottage, Paul was not there.
Sheila and Charles found Pauls exam paper.
While the criminals were out of the cottage, Sheila and Charles rescued Paul.
1, 3, 5, 6, 4, 2
Activity taken from The Long Tunnel (Macmillan Readers), published by Macmillan Heinemann, Oxford, 2005
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Envelope 4
1. Which are the main tenses the writer uses to tell the story?
a) past simple
b) present simple
c) past continuous
2. Read the two extracts from the story:
a) Paul was lying on the grassHis friends Sheila and Charles were sitting near him. Paul
and Charles were nineteen.
b) Its not my cottage, replied Paul. It belongs to my uncle. He usually goes there for his
holidays every summer.
Complete the grammar explanations and match them to the correct extract (a) or (b).
3. Look at the examples of conversations from the story. What is special about the underlined
Where are you going this summer? Sheila asked Paul.
To Wales, Paul replied. Im going to stay in a cottage in the country.
Lets go and stay with Paul, Sheila said to Charles.
OK, agreed Charles. We can stay there for a week.
Youve made a mistake, he shouted. I dont like visitors here. Go away.
Use the pictures on pages 8-9 and reporting verbs to help you write the conversation
between Sheila and Charles. The first line has been done for you already.
Here we are- Llanvoy said Charles.
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Envelope 5
Group A:
Work with a partner. You are both journalists working for Apple Daily. Write
five questions to ask the witnesses.
Group B: You are the witnesses (Sheila, Charles and Paul). Prepare your
version of what happened to tell the Apple Daily journalists. Write notes.
Make a pair with Student A and Student B
and role-play the interview.
Envelope 5
a) nowadays
b) 20 years ago
c) 200 years ago
Write your thoughts and feelings in your reading journal about one of the
questions you discussed.
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Envelope 1
Activity 3
Using the template on page 8, expand your first draft to make the
beginning of a short story using as much descriptive language as possible
to create an atmospheric setting.
You have about 10-15 minutes for this part of the activity.
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Discuss your choices with your partner. Can you explain why you put the words in those
b) Listen to the cassette again and follow the instructions.
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I could hear
I could smell
I could feel
You now have five minutes to write a description of this room that uses ALL the senses
available to you. Concentrate on using the impressions you gained while sitting with your
eyes closed. Try to use phrases and verbs as well as adjectives and adverbs.
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b) Which words
are synonyms
(have the same or
similar meaning)?
c) Read the
following short
extract describing
a place.
1. messy
2. clean
3. tiny
4. cramped
5. spotless
6. cosy
7. modern
8. luxurious
9. simple
10. bright
a. old-fashioned
b. spacious
c. uncomfortable
d. complicated
e. basic
f. tidy
g. filthy
h. dirty
i. dark
j. huge
As Dick squeezed through the doorway, the huge pile of newspapers that had been
holding the door ajar fell onto his foot. Ouch! he cried. As his eyes adjusted to the
darkness, he could see boxes stacked up to the ceiling and books jostling for space
on the broken shelves. How would he ever find what he was looking for in this messy
place? He carefully stepped over the discarded drinks bottles and empty food
cartons, taking care not to place his feet on any of the rubbish that was almost ankledeep in parts of the cramped room. The smell of rotting vegetables crept into his
nostrils and he looked for a window to open. There were none. The only light came
from an old-fashioned oil lamp hanging just centimetres above his head. Dick pushed
his way into the narrow space between two bookshelves, banging his elbow on a
sharp piece of wood as he tried to reach an overflowing box of papers.
Underline any examples of descriptions for setting associated with lack of space. One has
already been done for you. Try to select phrases as well as individual words and remember
they do not only have to be adjectives.
Highlight any words or phrases associated with the senses. Are all five senses used in this
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Use the word bank below to re-write the extract above, giving it a different atmosphere. You
can add other words and phrases if you want to. Write at least 100 words please.
pouring with rain
soaked through
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Worksheet 5
Now use your earlier first draft description of a room (page 5) to create a setting for a story. The first
line of the story has been given below (you may want to change the adjective in brackets):
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Instructions tapescript:
a) You will hear a list of words. As you hear each word, write it in the column you think it is
associated with. For example, if the word is Cookie, I might write it in the see column
because I can picture a cookie in my mind, but other people might write it in the taste
column because they imagine the taste in their mouth. And someone else may write it in the
smell column because they can smell the cookies baking. There are no right or wrong
answers- everyone will have something different.
Words for dictation:
dog; orange; school; dictionary; ice-cream; newspaper; trees; yourself; telephone; baby;
onion; rain; computer; friend; rose; Hong Kong; train; fish; church; moon; maths; grass;
coffee; silk; home.
b) Close your eyes and focus on the classroom. Sit in silence for a minute. What can you
hear? Sit with your eyes closed for a minute listening to what is going on around you.
[Allow one minute silent listening]
Open your eyes. For the next few minutes, in the table below write down all the words,
images and phrases that occurred to you about the room as you had your eyes closed.
Close your eyes again. What can you smell around you? Sit for a moment, noticing the
smells of the room.
[Allow 20-30 seconds silent smelling]
Open your eyes. Now write down what you could smell.
Close your eyes for a final time and focus on the room. Sit in silence for a minute. What
does the area around you feel like? Think about the feeling of the chair under you, your feet
on the floor? What is the temperature? Can you feel anything touching your skin? What?
What does it feel like? What about the feelings and emotions inside your mind?
[Allow 20-30 seconds for them to touch things around them]
Open your eyes. Write down all the words, images and phrases that occurred to you
about the things you felt when you had your eyes closed.
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Activity 4
Work in pairs. Choose who is A and who is B. (If you are a group of three, add C). Take a
piece of scrap paper.
Student A: Write a question or greeting on the paper and pass it to Student B.
Student B: Answer your partners question or greeting in writing, add something else, then
pass it back.
Student A: Answer your partners question or greeting in writing, add something else, then
pass it back.
Continue for about two minutes.
How many synonyms can you think of for said?
with a laugh
looking worried
Now pass your paper to another pair. Tell the other pair your names and who was A and
who was B.
Each pair can make the dialogue more dramatic by adding reporting verbs and
descriptions to their friends dialogues.
For example:
A: Hey. What are you doing after school?
B: Playing football with my friends.
Hey. What are you doing after school? whispered Janice.
Playing football with my friends replied Eason looking worried.
Then hand back the dialogue for the speakers to read. (This can be done with language input
targeted at the proficiency of your students)
Expressing meaning
a) What do you notice about the dialogue extract from a story below? (Hint: look at the
reporting verbs)
Please, please, please can I have an ice-cream Mummy? begged little Billy.
How many more people can squeeze into this lift? wondered Candy.
Ive got so much homework to finish this weekend sighed the student.
I got an A in my chemistry exam! laughed Wing.
Did you hear what happened to those naughty students? whispered Calvin.
Sit down and get on with your work immediately! shouted the headmaster.
Help! Theres a big spider under my chair screamed Andy.
Have you got a ticket, Sir? enquired the bus driver.
Can you open the door for me please? asked the old lady.
Nobody loves me cried the ugly duckling.
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a. shouted
b. whispered
c. screamed
d. begged
e. enquired
f. laughed
g. sighed
h. wondered
i. cried
j. asked
This person
1. feels happy
2. wants to get an answer
3. is sharing a secret
4. is feeling tired and fed-up
5. is not sure about something
6. needs some help
7. is angry
8. may be frightened
9. really wants something
10. feels sad
b) The dialogue between May and Michael above could be called a ping pong dialogue2 as it
goes back and forth between the two characters like a ping pong ball and there is no
description or scene-setting to add to the atmosphere. This kind of dialogue is quite tiring for
the reader.
Add the descriptions and details from the next page to suitable places in the dialogue. Write
the numbers in the boxes to show where you would add a description or detail.
Did you see that? yelled May
Yes, what on earth was it? asked Michael
I think it was a UFO replied May
Are you sure? said Michael
No but I dont want to stay here to find out said May
Youre right. Lets get out of here! agreed Michael
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staring with wide eyes at the night sky. The park was usually brightly lit and full of people but
tonight it was strangely silent.
looking at her in surprise. May had some crazy ideas
but he thought she could be right this time.
in a shaky voice.
Dialogue can tell your reader more about the characters. Read the extracts on pages
10 -
Character description:
She isnt friendly. These words show this: She said each word sharply and
coldly (page 10).
He is bossy. I guessed this from the words Omega, I order you and
shouted Garth (page 21).
He is a kind of machine. The words that tell us this are: Mistakes are made by
humans. I do not make mistakes (page 10) and Omega was now part of the
controls of the spaceship (page 21)
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Fast finishers now develop a mind map and create a fuller picture of their characters
Creating a dialogue
a) Work with another student and choose a card from the envelope marked Conflict Cards.
Use the situation to write a short dialogue between the characters you explored in the
previous task.
First, write their conversation below (you can role-play it if you want to):
Character 1: ______________________________________________________________
Character 2: ______________________________________________________________
Character ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
Character : ______________________________________________________________
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Now write the conversation as a full dialogue, using reporting verbs and descriptions so
that readers get an idea of the character. Produce this on a new piece of paper to show to
the class later.
Things to check:
Have you
used a range of reporting verbs?
included descriptions and details so its not a ping-pong dialogue?
given the reader some clues about the character through the dialogue?
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(You decide)
Is about to do something bad (You decide what)
(You decide)
(You decide)
You need to get back to safety
Someone is injured (what happened?)
Activity 5
Envelope 1
(Room 13 and Other Ghost Stories by M.R. James, Macmillan Readers 2005)
Story Prediction
a) You are going to listen to part of a story called Room 13, but first guess what the story is
about. Use the picture cards in envelope 2 to give you some ideas. Jot your ideas below.
What kind of story is it? (e.g. love story; detective story)
What happened?
b) Can you think of any sound effects that you might hear in the story?
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you listen.
c) Listen to the first part of the story CD (up to He went to bed- 2:20). Write down at
least three questions that you would like to have answered. Save them for later.
a) Listen to the next extract of the story on the CD (from That evening- 6:38 to and
ran down the stairs.- 9:08). Shadow read (this means read it in your head) while you listen
for the first time.
b) Listen again. Which of the following sound effects do you hear?
Different peoples voices
Foreign accent
Girls laughing
Baby crying
A knock on the door
Dogs barking
A car engine
Tick (P)
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c) Using the text below of the extract you listened to, mark the words you think should be
stressed. An example has been done for you.
f) The following words come from the last part of the story:
a box
Work together to write your ideas of how the story will end. Try to include the words.
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Listen to the end of the story on the CD (from 9:08 to the end). Were your ideas right?
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Envelope 2
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Envelope 3
Viborg is a city in Denmark. It is an old city, but it has only a few old buildings.
A great fire destroyed most of the old town in 1726.
Mr Anderson was writing a book on the history of Denmark.
He stayed in an old building in Viborg- The Golden Lion Inn. The inn was nearly 350 years
Anderson noticed that there was no room number 13. 13 is an unlucky number. Many
people do not want to stay in a room with an unlucky number.
Anderson lit the oil lamp and looked round. Room number 12 looked smaller by lamplight.
Anderson went to the window and lit a cigarette. He looked out of the window.
Anderson opened the window to let out the smoke.
There was a red light and a shadow on the wall of the house opposite. The shadow was
dancing wildly, but there was no noise.
The landlord banged on the door and turned the handle. The door was locked.
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Activity 6
Open Envelope 1 which contains six green sheets The Three Little Pigs.
It is assumed you know the traditional story. Work together and complete the table in
Part A (of the green sheet) answering questions about the traditional version of The
Three Little Pigs.
Keep this green sheet for the next part of the activity.
You have five minutes.
When you have finished, the captain takes the A4 yellow sheet and reads out the
Were your answers correct?
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Open Envelope 3 which contains seven laminated cards and six A4 sheets.
Each card has a key element and a suggestion to help you.
You are and your group are going to brainstorm how you could change a key
element of the fairy tale you have chosen.
Brainstorm how you could change that element in your chosen traditional fairy
tale to make it into a modern fairy tale and take notes on the A4 sheet as this
will help you later on.
Follow the instructions in the table on the next page. You have about two minutes for each
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Open Envelope 4 which contains six A4 sheets and a laminated story outline from
The Prince and the Pea
Read the story outline from The Prince and the Pea and discuss how the story
outline works from the seven sentences.
Take the A4 sheet and write the story outline for the fairy tale you chose to change
from its traditional version to a modern version.
This is called a fractured fairy tale. (A fractured fairy tale is a traditional fairy tale
which has had a key element changed as in the example The Three Little Pigs you
read at the beginning of this activity).
The story outline should summarise what happens in the story. Try to make your story
as surprising as possible. Nothing is less exciting than reading a story whose ending
you can guess immediately.
Write your story outline on the A4 sheet. Refer back to the laminated story outline
from The Prince and the Pea if you need help or inspiration.
You have 15 minutes for this activity.
Note to teachers:
Please keep the writing on the A4 sheet as you will need it for Part 5 of the
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Envelope 1
Three pigs
A wolf (he was
A wolf
Three pigs
1 Straw
2 Sticks
3 Bricks
1 Eaten
2 Eaten
3 Lives happily
1 Eaten
2 Eaten
3 Lives happily
He is cooked and
Part B
Yes slightly
Yes The wolf tells the story
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Envelope 3
Point of view:
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Envelope 4
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considered principles for design of materials, language tasks and practical activities
by reflecting on the practical activity you have just completed;
considered a rationale for selecting texts and other resources for use in the module;
considered ways in which you may provide support for (a) students who need more
support and for (b) those who need more challenge.
Discuss the following questions with your group and make notes where necessary (this will
help in the next stage of the workshop).
A - Design and Procedures: setting up & running the lesson
What language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and systems (grammar,
vocabulary and phonology) were used in the lesson?
What does this lesson aim to make students aware of that they werent aware of
List the main procedures you followed in the lesson you just finished. (Write them in
the left hand column of the table on the next page)
What was the purpose of each main stage of the lesson and what advantages and
potential problems can you think of? Fill in the rest of the table.
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Good points
Potential problems
Consider the potential problems you raised and brainstorm some possible
solutions for each one.
What other activities could you do to introduce your students to the topic and
content of this lesson?
How could you use these activities to lead into students writing their end-of-course
short story? How would it be helpful to them?
As a teacher leading the class from the front, would you do any (or all) of these
activities differently? How?
By the end of this activity, what key awareness are the students likely to have that they
didnt have before?
B Selection of materials
1 Why do you think your trainer selected this particular short story or extract(s)?
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What percentage of your students could follow this short story with a minimum of help?
3 How could you help your students to understand and enjoy the text / extract used?
4 How could the texts / extracts serve as a reference tool for students when they come to
writing their own end-of-course short story?
5 In the workshop activities we generally focused on examples of Western short stories.
How could you make the lesson culturally relevant for Hong Kong learners, for example,
how would you lead into the topic?
Consider the activities you did and think of a typical group of learners that you teach.
Would these activities be suitable for your learners in general? Why or why not?
1 What particular parts of the lesson might your students have difficulty with?
2 What support might you have to offer?
3 How might the tasks under-challenge your students?
4 How would you up the challenge for higher level students?
5 Why might some answers / options be provided in some activities?
6 What would you expect your students to achieve?
7 How have the previous procedures been supportive to mixed ability learners? In
particular, how have they helped students who need more support?
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This website has teaching ideas for the classroom. Browse the
Resource Libraries for interesting activities. You need to be a
member to download the Word Version but anyone can download
the PDF version.
The British Council
The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity. This website has activities where fables are used to increase fluency
as well as critical thinking and increasing vocabulary. This website has examples and suggestions for using digital
storytelling in the classroom. This might appeal to students who are
not too enthusiastic about writing. This website helps young authors to find on-line writing ideas, writing
tips, interactive writing projects, places to discuss and ask for advice
about writing from peers or published writers, editing references and
places to publish their writing. Students can read about the Harry Potter books, meet the author J.
K. Rowling and take part in the Discussion Chamber.
The British Council
The United Kingdoms international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations. We are registered in England as a charity. Students can read and discuss how four powerful myths recur in
different and diverse cultures around the world. This website has stories, folk tales, fables, poems and rhymes.
Some stories are posted to be read online and some are interactive. This website contains copyright free poems, children's stories,
nursery rhymes, quotes, prose and drama, many of which are
accompanied by an audio file so that learners of English and lovers
of literature can listen as they read. This website integrates mythology and modern science. Students
nk=/mythology/mythology.html read and find out about the gods and goddesses of different cultures
and the works of art that people have created to give them
expression. This website has interactive activities for writing the beginnings and
endings of a short story. The units in Literature and Language give a good basis in the
integration of language and literature, original writing, and speech
and writing - as well as guiding students through a sample exam
answer. gives students top tips and advice on getting their stories, scripts
and poems out there.
is all about authors, learning to write and literary fun and games. has three interesting sections:
rts/features/howtowrite/index.s 1: Meet the Writers students can learn more about accomplished
writers, their background and what theyve written.
2: Learning from your Reading - Critical reading can help students
become more creative writers. Reading another writer's work can
teach other ways of thinking about the world, and other ways of
3: How to Write a Radio Play - Two award-winning radio dramatists,
Marcy Kahan and Mike Walker, share their secrets and explain what
makes an effective radio play.
On this website students can discuss writing issues with peers and
writing experts, read about writers, and get advice on writing.
has information about opportunities, events, useful tips and
interviews with professional writers has useful guides to writing (aimed at UK GCSE and A level
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The British Council
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(ISBN-13: 9780521406536)
Short Stories is a collection of vivid and
memorable short stories, written between the
nineteenth century and the present day. The
stories are mostly very short, and have been
selected for their powerful impact and also
because they suggest many possibilities for
creative activities in upper-intermediate and
advanced level classrooms. The stories can
therefore be used to stimulate reading and
fluency skills, as well as to explore literary
aspects of English. Short Stories contains
stories by a wide variety of authors from very
different backgrounds, including Leonora
Carrington, Alisdair Gray and Peter Carey,
creative activities both before and after reading
and between parts of the longer stories, a
Creative Development section at the end of
each unit to extend the themes and the
reader's involvement with the story. notes on
the authors and stories, and notes for the
teacher on using the material. The book is
accompanied by a cassette containing
recordings of all the stories as well as extra
material for listening activities.
(ISBN-13: 9780521312240)
Stories Wajnryb
(ISBN-13: 9780521001601)
(ISBN-13: 9780521567701)
Pre-intermediate to Intermediate
This classroom text consists of 12 units, each
based on a theme and containing one or two
unabridged literary texts and accompanying
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