Bondlessonplan 1
Bondlessonplan 1
Bondlessonplan 1
Materials/ Resources:
Warm up:
Albrect, S. (2003). The choral warm-up collection: A sourcebook of 167 choral warm-ups contributed by 51 choral
directors. S.l.: Alfred.
Sight reading:
Own example in Key of F (main street F) featuring half notes and eighth notes with skips from C
to A and A to F.
Jentends le Moulin by Emily Crocker, This Shall Be for Music by Mark Patterson
Warm ups:
Needed: Albrect, S. (2003). The choral warm-up collection: A sourcebook of 167 choral warm-ups
contributed by 51 choral directors. S.l.: Alfred.
3. Anticipated mistakes: rhythm mistakes; singing straight quarter notes when it is dotted quarter
note-eighth notes and Vis versa. Interval mistakes at the 8ve, intervals mistakes with la-fa-re-doti-so in m. 23. BAD POSTURE. Always watch for everyone to be sitting up.
Jentends le Moulin
1. Objective: m. 14-29; Discuss key change to key of A and how do moves. Introduce the concept
of cannon to them. Learn m.32-40.
2. Strategies: Sing through with rote teaching (rote remembering), standing up to help with
singing, breathing, and posture.
3. Anticipated mistakes: Incorrect rhythm, solfege leaps from low mi-la, not being able to put the
parts together, BAD VOWELS.