North America Lesson Plan Sse 3312
North America Lesson Plan Sse 3312
North America Lesson Plan Sse 3312
Teacher(s) Name: Michelle De La Rosa, Jashira Lopez, Ashley Keim, Madison Skonie
Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Geography/ Mapping it out while traveling about!/ 2nd Grade
Weebly space address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 3
Learning Goals/Objectives Learning Goal:
What will students accomplish be able
to do at the end of this lesson? Be sure
to set significant (related to
SSS/CCSS), challenging and
appropriate learning goals!
NCSS Themes
Common Core State
Standards (CCSS)
Next Generation
Sunshine State Standards
(NGSSS) List each standard.
Cutting and pasting from the
website is allowed.
Students will be able to identify map elements, use different types of maps to locate
specific places, and label a map or globe correctly.
Learning Objectives:
Depending on the topic, 4 objectives are ample. All should begin with:
1. The student will be able to locate North America on the map.
2. The student will be able to tell a story or recount an experience of their
adventure through North America.
3. The student will be able to determine what country in North America we live
4. The student will be able to locate the countries in North America (Canada,
United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands).
NCSS theme(s):
People, Places, and Environment.
Common Core State Standard(s):
LAFS.2.SL.2.4: Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts
and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences.
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SS.2.G.1.4: Use a map to locate the countries in North America (Canada,
United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands).
VA.2.F.3.2: Work with peers to complete a task in art.
LA. The student will draw a picture and use simple text to explain why
this item (food, pet, and person) is important.
VA.2.C.1.1: Use the art-making process to communicate personal interests
and self-expression.
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Capital City of Canada: Ottawa
Canada is the world's second-largest country.
Language: English and French
Population: 35,540,419
The name Canada comes from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata,
meaning "village" or "settlement.
Canada has the longest coastline in the world.
Niagara Falls is three waterfalls that goes from the international border
between Canada and the United States.
Three Waterfalls are called:
o Horseshoe Falls
o American Falls
o Bridal Veil Falls
Capital City: Mexico City
Language: Spanish
Population: 118,395,054
The highest mountain in Mexico is Pico de Orizaba.
The national symbol of Mexico is the golden eagle.
The largest source of immigration to the United States.
Caribbean Islands
Major Languages: Spanish, English, French
The Caribbean Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean.
Largest Caribbean Countries (by population):
o Cuba
o Dominican Republic
o Haiti
o Jamaica
o Trinidad & Tobago
o Bahamas
o Barbados
o St. Lucia
o Grenada
o St. Vincent & the Grenadines
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Once they are done we will begin their tour at each center that will rotate.
The students will take their passports and boarding passes to each of their
After each tour stop, students write in their Country Sheet about what they
saw or what they learned at the important place. (North America United
States, Caribbean Islands, Canada and Mexico). This is a great way to connect
writing skills with social studies, as the students are expected to give narrative
of their experience at each tour stop. They can also draw a picture that looks
like a photograph taken at the tour stop.
Before splitting off to their centers the students will take their passport and boarding
along with them to each country. Each center will be something different. At each
center the students will stamp their passports (glue the stamp) upon arrival and at the
end for departure.
North America
United States
Upon arrival, the students will stamp their passport. (Glue their stamp)
The teacher will come around and sign their boarding passes (as if they went
through security first) she will check their passports as well.
Take a virtual field trip to the Washington D.C.
Fill out the Virtual Travel Packet: Name of virtual field trip, location and rate
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Then on the next page the student will write two interesting things they
learned from their virtual field trip.
For departure, the students will stamp their passports once again.
Upon arrival, the students will stamp their passport. (Glue their stamp)
The teacher will come around and sign their boarding passes (as if they went
through security first) she will check their passports as well.
The students will each read the story A Field Trip to Niagara Falls.
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Then on the next page the student will write or draw an interesting thing they
learned from their virtual field trip.
For departure, the students will stamp their passports once again to then go on
to the next country.
Upon arrival, the students will stamp their passport. (Glue their stamp)
The teacher will come around and sign their boarding passes (as if they went
through security first) she will check their passports as well.
The students will watch a short video on Mexico.
The students will make maracas on their fun trip to Mexico.
Using toilet paper the students will cover one end by gluing construction paper
or card stock paper.
The student will then fill the maraca with the try rice, pasta or beans.
They will cover the other end after they are done.
While they allow the maraca to dry, they will fill out what they have learned
on their country sheets.
After they complete the sheet they will give their maracas a shake!!!!
For departure, the students will stamp their passports once again to then go on
to the next country.
Social Studies Lesson/Unit Plan Template (precursor to Teacher Work Sample (TWS) in Internship II)
Caribbean Islands
Upon arrival, the students will stamp their passport. (Glue their stamp)
The teacher will come around and sign their boarding passes (as if they went
through security first) she will check their passports as well.
There will be a seashell station. The students will each have a small bucket
were they will be able to collect seashells in their buckets. When they are done
they will return to their seats and paint one of their favorite seashells in their
buckets. This will be a souvenir the students can take with them.
For departure, the students will stamp their passports once again to then go on
to the next country.
At this time we will wrap up and review about the different countries.
The students will fill out the page in their passport My Favorite Adventure.
Drawing a picture and writing a sentence describing their picture and why.
When the students are done they we will gather around the carpet and the
students will share with their class their favorite adventure.
Whole Puncher
Paper Pockets
Construction Paper
Cardboard toilet paper roll
Dry pasta, beans or rice
Discussion Notes: Make comments here related to ideas for assessment measures, parent involvement, field trips, or extension to
the unit plan ideas.