Slab Shoring Support

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ACAOWMISR 2} Formwork & Scaffolding Sts Providing Solutions, Improving Construction’ SHORBRACE TABLE Form ACROW MISR Provides Full Site Service Based On More Than 30 Years Experience In The Field satis INTRODUCTION scatter SYSTEM COMPONENTS xm PRODUCT OVERVIEW scam APPLICATION scotiacx COMPONENTS INTRODUCTION It can be used either with acrow soldier, or with double H20 timber beams. Due to high load capacity shorbrace is on of the most economical table system for heavy civil engineering project. Shorbrace table with prop extension is very flexible so it is one of the best systems for building constructions. Shorebrace can be connected to each other so shorebrace table is available to any height. Vertically adjusting can be done either by post head jack in Shorebrace table for heavy structure or by prop extension in Shorebrace table for building. ADVANTAGE OF SYSTEM 1 Shorbrace system is heavy duty. 2.Variable heights ean be obtained by using shorbrace system. 3-Shorbrace system is so limited in lost items because it has so little accessories. 4-Shorbrace system is easy in erection and dismantling. so it does not need to skilled labor. SHORBRACE FRAME & Hao WOODEN BEAMS 5-Composed of standard components which can be used in different projects, and different system. 6-Very easy in erection and dismantling results in saving time and labour cost. TECHNICAL DATA 1. Working load per vertical leg 54.00 kn. 2. Shorbrace telescopic range is from 0.52 up to 1.42 M. SHORBRACE FRAME It is made from 60.3 mm outside diameter vertical tubes. Shorbrace towers are operational with or without the use of the telescopic shorbrace frame. The Shorbrace frame uses a patented fast action latch for the cross bracing connector and no tools are necessary to lock the bars in position. SHORBRACE TELESCOPIC FRAME. It is made from 48.3 mm outside diameter vertical tubes. By using the shorbrace telescopic frame at the top of the tower Shorbrace system can be adjusted to any height -Range (0.52m - 1.42m) with 30c increment. VERTICAL FRAME CONNECTOR, For vertical interconnection of frame: holes to receive rivet pins and spring clip. SHORBRACE COUPLER With two spring clips the shorbrace coupler is used for connecting diagonal cross bracing from shorbrace telescopic frame to shorbrace frame below. provided with 2 CROSS BRACE These are used to group a number of shorbrace towers together at close spacing to support heavy load concentrations link spacers also offer an easy and low cost method for closing up the frames where necessary POST. HEAD JACK heavy threaded spindle with big nut can be adjust the shorebrace table system from rang (50 mm - 400mm). Rs _ COMPONENTS TABLE HEAD Fix connection between the shorebrace frame and primary timber H20 (double or single). Table head connected with shorebrace frame by rivet pin & spring clip. PROP CONNECTION & PROP INNER For adjusting the height of shorebrace table from Gh range (0.0 tol.20m). Prop inner connected with shorebrace frame by prop | connection. Used in shorebrace table form for building with or without drop beams. WHEEL JACK UNIT Mechanical Jacks For Lowering Table form and table horizontal moving, Available at two types 70 em & 170 em. C-FORK Used for carrying and moving shorebrace table from level to other on the construction site by crane. The C-Fork is simply attached to the shorebrace table form. Load capacity up to 1.00 ton. PRODUCT OVERVIEW Shorbrace Table For Building Decking Main H20 Timber Beam Secondary H20 Timber Beam ‘Rerow HZ0 1- Acrow wooden beams H20. 2- Shorbrace frame. ua 3- Wheel jack unit. tf 4- Shorebrace table head. 5 Cross brace. wood. ( 2 )— 7. Prop inner. © 8. Prop connection. , ‘Acrow H20 d =f nf | ACROWMISR PRODUCT OVERVIEW ShorBrace Table (For Heavy structures) Decking Main Soldier Secondary H20 Timber Beam @ 1-U.Head jack. 2-Timber H20. ie 3-Soldier ][No.12. @_s£ 4 Shorebrace frame. -Crose brace. 6-Post head jack. 7-H20 Connection. '@ 8-Frame Connector. APPLICATION APPLICATION as _ COMPONENTS ITEM Permissible Bending Moment = 5.0 KNin Permissible Shear For Approx. Weigt = ILOKN = 5.0 Kym DESCRIPTION Timber H20 Beam Timber H20, L= 2.50 M Timber H20, L= 2.90 M Timber H20, L= 3.30 M Timber H20, L= 3.60 M Timber H20, L= 3.90 M Timber H20, L= 4.50 M Timber H20, L= 4.90 M Timber H20, L= 5.90 M Soldier J[ 12. (Slotted & Holes) L= 1.17 m Slotted & Holes) L= 1.47 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 1.78 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 2.39 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 3.00 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 3.61 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 4.22 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 4.83 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 5.44 m (Slotted & Holes) L= 6.05 m (Slotted & Holes) CODE NO. 6221177024062 6221177024079 6221177024093 6221177024109 6221177024116 6221177024130 6221177024147 6221177024154 6221177020941 6221177020958 6221177020965 6221177020972 6221177033026 6221177020989 6221177020996 6221177021009 6221177021016 6221177021023 ITEM DESCRIPTION CODE NO. HANDRAIL 6221177032586 (For Soldier ) (Slotted) Small Wedge 6221177027636 0 Big Wedge 6221177027629 \ Post Head Jack 6221177013110 Solid 34 mm (L) 2” LL _ COMPONENTS ITEM DESCRIPTION CODE NO. Safty Strap 6221177028282 (Wire With 2-Plate) Z Shorbrace Frame 6221177009359 120 em * 180 em \ stg Telescopic Frame 6221177009458 120 cm * 165 cm e CROSS BRACE (Lx 120m) 0.90*1.20m 6221177008062 1.20*1.20m 6221177008079 1.50*1.20m 6221177008086 2 1.80*1.20m 6221177008093 2.10*1.20m 6221177008109 2.40*1.20m 6221177008116 2.70*1.20m 6221177008123 4 3.00*1.20m 6221177008130 ITEM DESCRIPTION H20 Connection H20 To H20 Connection Table Stirrup Head Upper Plat For Table Head For Shorbrace Lower Plate (For Table Head) Acrow Bolt, L=30em DvD Hexagon Nut DvD 3em CODE NO. 6221177006891 6221177006334 6221177022976 6221177028213 6221177028114 6221177000059 6221177011338 LL ITEM DESCRIPTION U-Head Jack Solid. W=18Cm,2 Handrail Connection For H20 Type 1 Spring Clip For Handrail Shorebrace Frame Connector For Vertical Interconnection Of Frames Rivet Pin L=12.5 mm D=17mm L= 7.50 mm D = 16mm CODE NO. 6221177025939 6221177010102 6221177010102 5221177000821 6221177012274 6221177012281 ITEM DESCRIPTION CODE NO. Spring Clip (Large) 6221177022617 Spring Clip (Small) 6221177022624 Scaffolding Tube L=3.00m 6221177017378 Shorbrace Coupler 6221177007010 Pressed Prop Double Coupler 6221177006969 1.5"'#2,0" : Presed Prop Swivel Coupler 6221177006976 L.s'"#2,9" Rs COMPONENTS ITEM DESCRIPTION CODE No. ri Prop Inner XO 6221177013271 Prop Inner X1 6221177013288 Prop Connection 6221177013257 C - FORK (S WL 1000 kg) C-Fork 3.0 m 6221177003876 C-Fork 6.0 m 6221177003883 Wheel Jack Unit ‘Transportation Wheel 6221177027889 Jack (170 em) ‘Transportation Wheel 6221177027896 Jack ( 70 em) (ACROWMISR Eaypl Acrow Misr Head Office, Factory Nice oes Tots 40) Zaso eu 2400120 (4202000 100-2400 078 Fox (20 2965 200 cnet saeea Alex Branch 21 Dr. Nanmous DooUs st, Tel: (208) 4200880 E-mok olex@acrownscom Portsaid Branch : Froepor Be, Tol: (42066) 9232 542 Ema: porticld@acrowmsrcom Kuwait : naa AIKenaran 8 80s. Co. WL. Tol: (985) 4813 127 - 4817 208 Fax (965) 4895 £01 Kr mat kwralt@acrowmircom Qatar : ‘Acrow Qatar Tol: (4974) 4882 957 Fax: 974) 4882 978 mak ocrowgctor@acrowms:com Saudia Arabia ; Benoa Almold Es For Trading Jecdah Tol: 4060 20001024 Fox: 49¢6 25016645 E-mat jedé[email protected] Ryach Tel: 4966 17180508 4966 12160503 Emo fyadh@acrowmsrcom U-A.E? ‘ncrow Cutt Tol: (9970) 4343 98 Fx (9972) 4343 05 08 mol [email protected] libya : ‘Acrow Ipc Tol: (218) 1-a11-6673 (219) #1-991-0007 fox (zie) 2-351-0008 mot myeeoctowrsicom Formwork tem 20 6 Soldier ‘Curved Wall Formwork System : Var Form Facade Scaffold Searolaing & shomg system ! AGROW Frame ‘Column Formwork ‘System SP60 Fane! Slab Formwork ‘ysiem: shorbrace Table Form Slab Formwork system: Shorebrace Tobie or Heavy Siucture Slab Formwork System :Frop Tobie Ferm Disine Ate Agency 010 007086

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