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Edu 450 Mandell Unit Plan

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Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


UNIT TITLE: Properties of Real Numbers

LEARNING GOALS (Measurement Topics/Benchmarks):

Lesson 2.1- Order rational and irrational numbers; Calculate and use basic absolute value.
Lesson 2.2/2.3- Apply Properties of real numbers; Use properties of rational numbers;
Use properties of integers.
Lesson 2.5- Apply Properties of real numbers; Use properties of rational numbers.
Lesson 2.6- Apply Properties of real numbers.
Lesson 2.7- Apply Properties of real numbers; Use properties of rational numbers.
Lesson 2.8- Develop a uniform and non-uniform probability model.

2.1: When does a number have a positive absolute value and a negative opposite?
2.2: Without adding, how can you tell if the sum of two numbers will be positive,
negative, or zero?
2.3: How are addition and subtraction of integers related?
2.5: Suppose you have a product of several nonzero factors. How can you determine if
the product will be positive or negative?
2.6: What are two uses of the distributive property? Give an example of each.
Does the distributive property hold for division?
2.7: What is the difference between the reciprocal of a number and the opposite of a
number? Why are the rules for finding the sign of a quotient the same as the rules for
finding the sign of a product?
2.8: Give an example of an event that would have a probability of 0 and one that would
have a probability of 0.75.

Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
o Comparing
o Classifying


Teamwork and Collaboration

A. Mandell

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers



PERFORMANCE TASKS (How will students demonstrate their learning?):
The following assessments will be utilized to assess the objectives from every lesson: assisted,
response cards, classwork, homework, quiz (2.1-2.3, 2.5-2.6, 2.7-2.8), chapter 2 test.

Lesson 2.1: KWL chart, Number line activity, White Boards, Pair Journal, Exit Ticket
Lesson 2.2/2.3: Puzzle Activity, Team Race, Sticky note summarizer
Lesson 2.5: Team Teach
Lesson 2.6: Math Dice
Lesson 2.7: Be the teacher
Lesson 2.8: KWL, Coin activity, Exit Ticket

Participation in Class
Nonverbal responses
Verbal Responses
Correct processes
Accurate solutions
Teamwork and writing rubrics
OVERVIEW (Listing of Daily Lesson Titles):
1. 2.1: The Real Number Line
2. 2.2/2.3: Addition and Subtraction of Real Numbers
3. 2.5: Multiplication of Real Numbers
4. 2.6: The Distributive Property
5. 2.7: Division of Real Numbers
6. 2.8: Probability and Odds

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.1 The Real Number Line

Essential Question(s): When does a number have a positive absolute value and a negative
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT graph and compare real numbers independently and collectively using a number
SWBAT identify the opposite and absolute value of a number.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.NCP.b.2: Order rational and irrational numbers
09.NCP.a.1: Calculate and use basic absolute value

Stage 2:

Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:

Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability
1. Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
2. KWL: After the warm up, the teacher will introduce the idea of the real number line.
The students will all have sticky notes, 3 different colors (1 for each column). On
the sticky notes they will write what they know about Real numbers and a number
line for the K column and what they want to know or questions they have for the W
column. The L column will be completed as an exit ticket.
3. Number line activity: After notes, each student receives a number. As a class they
have to work together to get in increasing order as they would see on a number line.
4. White Boards: To practice finding opposites and absolute value, we will use
individual whiteboards to check for understanding. I will give them a number or
numbers with an operation and tell them to write the opposite or the absolute value.
1. Pair Journal: The students will find a partner from the number line activity and in
their own journal, they are to compare their number to their partners number using
symbols and written explanation in two different ways.
2. Exit Ticket: Students will write what they have learned about the number line and
real numbers on a stick note. They will place their sticky notes in the L Column of

A. Mandell

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Stage 3:
Learning Plan




the KWL chart. They will also be able to add sticky notes expressing what they still
want to know or what they are having a hard time grasping in the W column.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems in small groups.
Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.
Quiz: After lesson 2.3, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.1-2.3.
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

Lesson Agenda
a. Warm-up
b. KWL
c. Number Line Notes
d. Number Line Activity
e. Pair Journal
f. Absolute Value Notes
g. Whiteboards
h. Classwork
i. Exit ticket
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by using a KWL chart
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals.
iv. Students will work in pairs and groups.
v. Students will participate in a kinesthetic activity to gain understanding
of the number line.
vi. Students will practice the material on white boards under the teachers
c. Summarizer:
i. As an exit ticket, the students will show what they have learned at the
end of the lesson by adding a sticky note to the L column of the KWL
chart. They will also be able to add sticky notes to the W column
listing what they still want to know or what they need more help with.

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.2/2.3 Addition and Subtraction of Real Numbers

Essential Question(s): Without adding, how can you tell if the sum of two numbers will be
positive, negative, or zero?
How are addition and subtraction of integers related?
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT add and subtract real numbers the number line and addition rules.
SWBAT use addition and subtraction of real numbers to solve real-life problems.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.NCP.a.2 Use properties of integers.
09.NCP.a.3 Use properties of rational numbers.
09.NCP.b.1 Apply Properties of real numbers.

Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:

Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability
Stage 2:

Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
Puzzle Activity: Students will complete a puzzle that requires them to find the sum
of integers in order to complete the puzzle.
Team Race: The class will be split into two teams and they will race one another
in solving addition and subtraction problems involving real numbers.
Sticky note summarizer: Students will solve an addition or subtraction problem on
a sticky note and graph the solution on a number line as the exit class.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems individually or in small groups.
Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.
Quiz: After lesson 2.3, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.1-2.3
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

A. Mandell
Stage 3:
Learning Plan

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers




Lesson Agenda
d. 1st Period
i. Warm-up
ii. HW Review
iii. Notes
iv. Puzzle
v. Classwork
e. 2nd Period
i. Warm-up
ii. Notes
iii. Classwork
iv. Team Race
v. Sticky Notes
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by asking questions to
activate the students prior knowledge and check for the current
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals.
iv. Students will work in pairs and groups.
v. Students will practice in a competitive setting.
c. Summarizer: About 5 minutes before class ends the students will receive a
post-it note with an addition or subtraction problem on it. They are to solve
the problem, write the answer on the sticky note, and place it on its proper
place on the number line on the board as they walk out of class. They will
write their names on the back of the sticky note and I will take a picture of the
board to assess if the students were correct in their operations and graphing.

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.5 Multiplying Real Numbers

Essential Question(s): Suppose you have a product of several nonzero factors. How can
you determine if the product will be positive or negative?
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT multiply real numbers using the properties of multiplication.
SWBAT solve real-life problems using multiplication.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.NCP.a.3 Use properties of rational numbers.
09.NCP.b.1 Apply Properties of real numbers.

Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:

Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability
Stage 2:

Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
Team Teach: Students will be paired up and will work on a different problem from
one another individually. Then, they will take turns explaining the steps they took to
solve their problem and will answer any questions their partner has.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems individually or in small groups.
Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding
of the distributive property and combining like terms.
Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.
Quiz: After lesson 2.6, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.5-2.6.
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

A. Mandell
Stage 3:
Learning Plan

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers




Lesson Agenda
d. 1st Period
i. Warm-up
ii. HW Review
iii. Notes
iv. Team Teach
e. 2nd Period
i. Group Classwork
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by asking questions to
activate the students prior knowledge and check for the current
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals.
iv. Students will work in pairs and groups.
c. Summarizer: Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to
demonstrate their understanding of the distributive property and combining
like terms.

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.6 The Distributive Property

Essential Question(s): What are two uses of the distributive property? Give an example of
Does the distributive property hold for division?
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT apply the distributive property
SWBAT simplify expressions by combining like terms.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.NCP.b.1 Apply Properties of real numbers.

Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:

Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability
Stage 2:

Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
Combo Meals: Using images, we will create an order of food which we will
multiply by a number to make a total order for a group of people.
Math Dice: As a class, we will roll dice to create expressions and the students will
use their whiteboards to simply the expressions by combining like terms.
Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding
of the distributive property and combining like terms.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems individually or in small groups.
Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.
Quiz: After lesson 2.6, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.4-2.6.
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

A. Mandell
Stage 3:
Learning Plan

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers




Lesson Agenda
d. 1st Period
i. Warm-up
ii. HW Review
iii. Notes
iv. Math Dice
e. 2nd Period
i. Group Classwork
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by asking questions to
activate the students prior knowledge and check for the current
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals
iv. The teacher will use visual representation of the distributive property.
v. The teacher will lead a guided practice activity in combining liketerms.
vi. Students will work in pairs and groups.
c. Summarizer: Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to
demonstrate their understanding of the distributive property and combining
like terms.

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.7 Division of Real Numbers

Essential Question(s): What is the difference between the reciprocal of a number and the
opposite of a number?
Why are the rules for finding the sign of a quotient the same as the rules for finding the sign
of a product?
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT divide real numbers.
SWBAT use division to simplify algebraic expressions.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.NCP.a.3 Use properties of rational numbers.
09.NCP.b.1 Apply Properties of real numbers.
Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:
Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability

Stage 2:

Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
Be the teacher: Students are placed in groups of 3. Each group has a different
problem than the other groups that they are working on. When all groups complete
their problems, they each will present the problem and answer to the class. All of the
other groups must record the presented problems and ask any questions they may
Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to demonstrate their understanding
of the distributive property and combining like terms.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems individually or in small groups.
Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.
Quiz: After lesson 2.8, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.7-2.8.
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

A. Mandell
Stage 3:
Learning Plan



Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Agenda
d. 1st Period
i. Warm-up
ii. Notes
iii. Be the teacher
e. 2nd Period
i. Group Classwork
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by asking questions to
activate the students prior knowledge and check for the current
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals.
iv. The teacher will lead a guided practice activity in combining liketerms.
v. Students will work in pairs and groups.
c. Summarizer: Exit ticket: Students will complete an exit ticket to
demonstrate their understanding of the distributive property and combining
like terms.

A. Mandell

Stage 1:

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers


Lesson Title: 2.8 Probability and Odds

Essential Question(s): Give an example of an event that would have a probability of 0 and
one that would have a probability of 0.75.
Allotted Time: Two 50 minute class periods.
Learning Goal(s):
SWBAT find the probability of an event.
SWBAT find the odds of an event.
Curriculum benchmark(s) to which learning goal is aligned:
09.PSD.c.2 Develop a uniform and non-uniform probability model.
Thinking Strategy or Lifelong learning Behavior:
Precision and Accuracy
Complex Reasoning Strategies
Constructing Support
Analyzing Perspectives
Teamwork and Collaboration
Initiative and Self-Direction
Productivity and Accountability

Stage 2:

Assisted Response Cards: Check for understanding as we go over the warm up
using their cards to see who agrees, disagrees, or is confused with each problem.
KWL: After the warm up, the teacher will introduce the idea of probability and odds.
The students will all have sticky notes, 3 different colors (1 for each column). On
the sticky notes they will write what they know about probability and odds for the K
column and what they want to know or questions they have for the W column. The L
column will be completed as an exit ticket.
Coin activity: The students will practice finding experimental probability and
theoretical probability. They will work in groups of three. Each student will receive a
two sided coin. They are to find the experimental probability of getting three tails if
the three coins are tossed 20 times. We will then combine our results as a class and
compare them to the theoretical probability.
Exit Ticket: Students will write what they have learned about probability and odds
on a stick note. They will place their sticky notes in the L Column of the KWL chart.
They will also be able to add sticky notes expressing what they still want to know or
what they are having a hard time grasping in the W column.
Classwork: Students will work on a set of problems individually or in small groups.

A. Mandell

Unit 2: Properties of Real Numbers

Stage 3:
Learning Plan




Homework: Students will have a set of problems to complete at home.

Quiz: After lesson 2.8, the students will complete a quiz over the objectives 2.7-2.8
Chapter 2 test: After lesson 2.8, students will complete a test over the objectives in
chapter 2.

Lesson Agenda
d. 1st Period
i. Warm-up
ii. HW Check
iii. KWL
iv. Notes
v. Coin Activity
e. 2 Period
i. Group Classwork
Lesson Description
a. Activator: The teacher will activate the lesson by using a KWL chart to
activate the students prior knowledge and check for the current
b. Instructional Strategies/Engagement and Procession Opportunities:
i. The teacher activates the students prior knowledge.
ii. The teacher will provide guided notes.
iii. The teacher will model the learning goals.
iv. The teacher will lead a guided practice activity in combining liketerms.
v. Students will work in pairs and groups.
c. Summarizer: As an exit ticket, the students will show what they have
learned at the end of the lesson by adding a sticky note to the L column of the
KWL chart. They will also be able to add sticky notes to the W column listing
what they still want to know or what they need more help with.

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