SH of 2
SH of 2
SH of 2
2012 ($200 a night) W..lln Camp {HVS #2) Greensboro A.e~e 2009 Through October (HV5)
Occupo"'Y ~ 611* 52%
Tot.IRccms 200 200 200
"""..1" Doily Rote $m.oo $152.00 $116.00
Rooms 9,928,(X» .63.4" 6,6S7,~. 54.8% 4,437,232 36.6%
96,312 0.8% ,
To!ecommunfcatlon..Comp 0.014 0 0.01'
4,430,374 36.5% ,
rood 3,115,400 19.9% 3,115,400 25.7%
8e"erale 937,(X» 6.~ o.~ 0.01'
Other Food & Bo"erale 906,400 S.8% o.~ 0.01'
RelallCentor 313,320 2.4" o.~' 373,320 3.1"
Other 298.660 1.~ 854,773 7.~' 298,660 2.5%
leased ~a 100,(X»' 0.6% 100,000' 08% 100,(XXJ ~.8%
Total Re\lenue. 15,6S8,780 100.~ 12,139,059 100.~ 8,324,6U 68-6%
Depanment.1 Profit
R~oms J,444,843 75.~ 4,992,424 75.~ 3,327,407 75.0!6
Telecon\munications -124,440 O.~ -124,440 o.~ -124,440 O.~
Food and Bove131e Depanmenl 1,439,600 29.~ 1,286,192 29.~ !XI4,439 29.~
Retail Center 145,280 38.9% O 38.9% 145,280 38.9%
Other 99,560 333% 284,943 33,3% 99,5£0 33.3%
te..ed Spa tOO,(XX) 100.~ 100,000 100.~ 100,000100.0!(.
Toto! Deponmental Profit 9,104,843'58.1" 6,539,119' 53.9% 4,452,246 53.5"