Conference Paper Aluminum
Conference Paper Aluminum
Conference Paper Aluminum
omotinq advanced
vehicle safety technologies
There is no doubt that new intelligent vehicle
technologies have made cars safer than ever
before. Yet not enough consumers are
benefiting from these life-saving systems.
This is why we need to promote and encourage
the use of vehicle safety equipment which can
help to prevent accidents and ultimately save
In Europe alone almost 40,000 people are killed in traffic every year and more
than one million injured. New cars today are much safer than they were 10-15
years ago thanks to improved crash test standards, crumple zones, seatbelts,
and air bags which help protect occupants in a crash.
Under the latest technological developments, safety systems like Electronic
Stability Control (ESC) can prevent accidents from happening in the first
place. If all cars in the EU used ESC it is estimated that at least 4,000 lives a
year could be saved and more than 100,000 injuries avoided.
But currently just over half of new cars in the EU are equipped with ESC. In
emerging vehicle markets like China, use of ESC is much lower and an even
greater challenge is to increase awareness of the safety potential of such
eSafety technologies.
This is why eSafetyAware is focused on increasing public awareness and
supporting the deployment of these life saving systems.
Our first awareness campaign ChooseESC!, which was funded by the
European Commission and FIA Foundation, has had a major impact in
increasing the use of this technology. Other eSafety technologies such as
Blind Spot Monitoring and Advanced Emergency Braking hold similar lifesaving potential.
As President of eSafetyAware I am committed to promoting the widespread
use of eSafety technologies on our roads and in doing so to help prevent lives
being lost in vehicle accidents worldwide.
Jean Todt
President, eSafetyAware
Warning and Emergency Braking Systems detect at an early stage the danger of an
accident with the vehicle in front of you. In the case of a potential collision, they warn you
about the danger, and when there is no reaction to the warning, the technologies activate the
brakes together with systems such as seatbelt pretension to avoid or mitigate a crash.
Benefits: 28% less rear-end collisions with personal injury 2
Blind Spot Monitoring helps you avoid a crash with a vehicle in the lane next to you by
continuously screening the blind spots to the side of your vehicle.
Benefits: 8% less accidents when changing lanes on motorways 3
Lane Support Systems can assist and warn you when you unintentionally leave the road
lane or when you change lanes without indication. Sometimes a moment of inattention is
enough to make your vehicle stray from its lane. The systems monitor the position of the
vehicle in the road lane and while Lane Departure Warning warns you if the car
unintentionally wanders from the path, Lane Keeping Support helps you correct the course of
your car.
Benefits: 15% less deaths on European roads 4
Speed Alert helps you keep the correct speed and avoid speed related traffic crashes and
speeding. Speed Alert informs you about the speed limits and tells you when you are about to
exceed them.
Benefits: 20% fewer injuries in urban areas 5
Institute for Transport Economics at University of Cologne, ESC Cost Benefit Study, 2007
Study by German Insurance Association (GDV), Demonstration von Notbrems und Auffahrwarnsystemen am PKW, 2009
Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), Crash Avoidance Potential of Five Vehicle Technologies, 2008
Swedish Road Administration, Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA)- Results of large-scale trials, 2002
What is eSafety?
The term eSafety arose following a joint industry-public sector initiative to
improve road safety by using new Information Communication Technologies
(ICT). The objective of the initiative was to build a strategy that accelerated
research and development, deployment and use of Advanced Driver
Assistance Systems (ADAS). The need for such a strategy was backed by
research showing that 90-95% of road accidents have an element of human
error, and if fitted in vehicles, ADAS would help prevent or correct some of
these errors.
As the activities of the eSafety initiative intensified, ADAS came to be known as
eSafety technologies. Since then, eSafety has come to encompass all vehiclebased electronic safety systems which can improve road safety through risk
exposure reduction, crash avoidance, injury and death reduction. eSafety takes
an integrated approach: interactions between the driver, the vehicle and the
road environment are addressed together in the effort to increase road safety;
all three of these factors are equally important in tackling the high number of
deaths and injuries on roads worldwide.
After many years of successful development, passive safety systems such as
seat belts and airbags have achieved a high penetration in cars. eSafety
involves crash avoidance technologies that protect car occupants by informing,
advising and alerting the driver about dangerous situations and by assisting
him/her to avoid the accident.
To date, support for eSafety has focused on the deployment of Electronic
Stability Control (ESC). ESC was introduced in passenger cars in 1995 and
initially had a low take up rate. However, recently countries around the world
have decided to make ESC mandatory and to support this, the UN created a
global technical regulation which can easily be translated into national law.
Beyond ESC, other eSafety systems could also have an important impact on
road safety, but still suffer from low installation rates. Though ESC market wide
deployment is being achieved through legislation, it is important to recognise
that market deployment could be achieved for other eSafety technologies by
addressing the elements that hamper their take up: lack of consumer
information, lack of availability in small and medium sized cars, and the high
market price.
eSafety technologies can not only decrease the number of injuries and deaths
but can also have significant positive economic impact on society.
If the vehicle moves in a different direction- understeering or oversteering ESC detects the situation and reacts accordingly. It uses the vehicles brakes
as a tool for steering the vehicle back on track. Specific braking is applied to
individual wheels, such as the inner rear wheel to counter under-steer,
or the outer front wheel during oversteer.
Critical manoeuvre with / without ESC
This selective braking generates a
counter balance force enabling the car to
react in line with the steering and as the
driver intends. To fully optimise stability,
ESC not only initiates braking but can
also act on the engine side to decelerate
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the driven wheels. ESC substantially
reduces the complexity of the steering
process and lessens the demands
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ESC is a prime example of how crash
avoidance systems can greatly reduce
casualties. Various studies on the impact
of ESC have shown the potential
with engine
that this system has in reducing the number of fatalities and injuries. It is
estimated that in US alone 10,000 lives could be saved and 240,000 injuries
can be avoided per annum, while in Canada these figures amount to 255
deaths and 1,440 injuries. In Australia, ESC would be able to decrease the
number of deaths in crashes involving light vehicles by 29% and in Japan this
reduction could be as high as 35% in single vehicle crashes.
An impact assessment in Europe showed that 4,000 lives could be saved each
year and 100,000 injuries could be avoided if all cars were equipped with ESC.
A cost-benefit analysis made by the Institute for Transport Economics,
University of Cologne indicated that for every euro invested in ESC society
would save between 3.5 and 5.8, which translates into a net benefit of 10
billion to 16 billion per annum for a full ESC penetration rate in Europe. These
calculations show that not only would the global impact of ESC be
considerable in reducing the number of road accident victims, but that there is
also a clear economic benefit associated with ESC as well.
ESC actions around the world
On 26 June 2008 the UN World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle
Regulations (WP29) approved a global technical regulation (GTR) for ESC. In
establishing the regulation, the UN Forum took into account international safety
concerns as well as available technological developments. The GTR
addresses the needs for standard specifications on ESC and its testing
procedures, and provides an indication of the costs and benefits of the system.
The GTR will translate into the ECE regulation ECE R 13 H and will be
available to transpose for any national authorities across the world planning to
introduce ESC regulations in their own country.
In 2007, the US government approved the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard No. 126 making ESC mandatory in all new US light vehicles up to 4.5
tons, sold in the US market from 1 September 2011. The National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that ESC will: Reduce single
vehicle crashes by 34% and single vehicle crashes of sport utility vehicles
(SUVs) by 59%;
Reduce passenger car rollovers by 71% and that of SUVs by 84%;
Save 5,300 to 9,600 lives and prevent 156,000 to 238,000 injuries in all types
of crashes annually if all light vehicles on US roads are equipped with ESC.
In the European Union, the Regulation No 661/2009 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 makes ESC mandatory.
According to the regulation, from November 2011 all new passenger cars and
commercial vehicle models registered in the European Union will have to be
equipped with ESC. From November 2014 this will then apply to all new
vehicles including old models. The impact assessment that accompanied the
Commissions proposal concluded that relying on market forces alone was
unlikely to achieve full fleet penetration, justifying the regulation.
Recognising the importance of the system, the European New Car Assessment
Programme (EuroNCAP) decided on 5 November 2008 to include ESC on its
list of safety requirements necessary for a car to receive its highest five star
rating. This decision was made as part of the organisations new rating system,
which included the assessment of driver assistance systems and active safety
technologies. EuroNCAPs decision is recognition of the important role active
safety systems such as ESC can play in making cars safer.
In June 2009, the federal government announced that ESC would become
mandatory on all new models of passenger vehicles from November 2011 and
all models from November 2013. The regulation is part of the National Road
Safety Action Plan for 2009 and 2010 and it is seen as playing an important
role in the effort to reduce the number of road deaths in Australia. In addition to
this proposal, the Action Plan identifies the government as an important actor
in taking the necessary steps to encourage consumers to purchase ESC
equipped cars. In January 2008, the Australian New Car Assessment
Programme (ANCAP) was the first NCAP to award the highest five star ranking
only to cars that are equipped with ESC.
Canada has followed in the steps of the US by proposing a regulation which
requires the installation of ESC as standard equipment on all new vehicles up
to 4.5 tons made for sale in Canada from September 2011. In addition, Canada
has chosen to support a rapid take-up of ESC through educational and
promotional campaigns. Such a campaign was launched in October 2008 by
the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) with support from
the FIA Foundation. As part of the campaign, Transport Canada has asked
manufacturers to distribute ESC promotional material through advertising, car
dealers and promotional events.
ESC installation rates worldwide
In 2008, only a third of the worldwide production of passenger cars and light
commercial vehicles up to 6 tons were equipped with ESC. By 2012, it is
estimated that every other vehicle will have ESC on board. The acceleration of
ESC installation has been strongly influenced by the regulatory actions in US,
Europe, Canada and Australia, and also the growth in ESC take-up in China,
which is increasingly substituting ABS for ESC.
m Europe
37% * Korea
22% m
Source: Bosch
cased on production of Pttranfccr cars and LCV
Collision mitigation
If the system detects that the collision is unavoidable, the vehicles seatbelts
retract with enough force to compensate for seatbelt slack and offer
passengers maximum protection in advance of the collision. At the same time
the system applies automatic braking pressure to the vehicle to reduce its
speed and minimise the impact of the collision.
Studies show that more deaths occur from rear-end crashes than any other
kind. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has estimated that the
Forward Collision Warning function with Automatic Braking alone could be
relevant for around 2,268,000 accidents every year in the US, of which 7,166
are fatal.
In Europe, an impact assessment released by the European Commission
estimates the benefits of Advanced Emergency Braking for different vehicle
categories and different functionalities. The results of the assessment are
summarised in table 1 (see next page).
In the assessment, Current systems are defined as systems that are effective
in rear end collisions with vehicles with four or more wheels and collisions with
rigid fixed objects on the carriageway. Near future systems also include
collisions with rigid fixed objects off the carriageway and with pedestrians.
Longer term systems are expected to add functionality in head-on collisions
and front to side collisions at junctions.
Supportive Actions
In the European Union, the Regulation No 661/2009 of European Parliament
and the Council mandating the introduction of ESC as standard, also stipulates
the standard fitment of Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) in all
new vehicles types M2, M3, N2, N3 - meaning commercial vehicles above 3.5
tons and buses as per November 2013. All vehicles from the aforementioned
categories sold in the European Union from November 2015 will have to be
fitted with AEBS.
Vehicle class the system is fitted in
System generation
Near future
Longer term
Vehicles for goods transportation exceeding 3.5 tons and under 12 tons
(N2) or exceeding 12 tons (N3)
Passenger carrier vehicles with more than 8 seats under (M2) /or
exceeding 5 tons (M3)
Buses (L)
At a European level, the benefits of the system have been studied in the
eIMPACT project funded by the European Commission. The project analysed
an extended function of the Blind Spot Monitoring system known as Lane
Change Assist which monitors the lateral and rear area of the vehicle, assisting
the driver when changing lanes. It is estimated that in Europe the system could
save approximately 975 lives each year and avoid 2,100 injuries if all cars were
equipped with the system.
In the US, the IIHS has estimated that the Blind Spot Monitoring system could
be relevant in more than 457,000 accidents every year, of which 428 are fatal.
Departure Warning (LDW), has studied the benefits of the system together with
the Lane Change Assist(LCA) which is an extended functionality of Blind Spot
Monitoring. It has been found that if all vehicles in Europe were fitted with LDW
and LCA, 5,500 deaths, 30,800 serious injuries, and 208,500 minor injuries
would be avoided.
In the US, the IIHS estimates that the Lane Departure Warning system could
help in approximately 483,000 accidents every year, of which 10,345 are fatal.
Supportive actions
In Europe, the Regulation No 661/2009 of European Parliament and of the
Council of 13 July 2009 mandating the introduction of ESC and Advanced
Emergency Braking System (AEBS), stipulates also the standard fitment of
Lane Departure Warning in the same vehicle categories and with the same
deadlines as AEBS. The system is expected to be equipped in all new vehicles
types M2, M3, N2, N3 - meaning commercial vehicles above 3.5 tons and
buses as per November 2013 and in all vehicles from those categories sold in
the European Union from November 2015.
Speed Alert
Speed alert helps drivers maintain a correct speed, avoid speeding, and
prevent speed related accidents. Speed Alert informs the driver about the
speed limit of the road he/she is using and issues a warning when the driver is
about to exceed them.
How does Speed Alert work?
The system uses a camera to distinguish speed
signs on the road and also receives speed limit
information from a navigation system. In this way
it ensures that even speed limits that are not
explicitly visible, i.e. within a city, will be
displayed to the driver. Both sets of data are then
compared with the speed of the vehicle. If the
speed of the vehicle is exceeding the limit a
warning is issued.
Area monitored by the Speed
Alert system
The European Commission funded project eIMPACT estimated the Speed
Alert system could reduce the number of fatalities in Europe by 8.7% and the
number of injuries by 6.2% each year if all cars were to be equipped with the
system. Given the current number of deaths at European level, this could
translate into 3,690 lives saved each year.
The largest study so far on Speed Alert systems was carried out in Sweden.
The study involved 5,000 equipped vehicles driven by more than 10,000
drivers from different age groups, and an accident analysis. It was estimated
that with all cars equipped there would be 20% fewer injuries in Swedish urban
areas each year.
Awareness Campaigns
Despite a number of studies showing that consumers rate safety as their
primary concern, the take-up of eSafety technologies has been slow. Market
penetration remains low in many countries, especially in lower vehicle classes,
where all too often, it is the small family car and super mini classes which are
missing out on the extra safety equipment.
It has become clear that although concerned about safety, consumers lack the
key information about the existence of these technologies. Given their benefits
to road safety, there is a clear need to accelerate the use of eSafety systems in
all motor vehicle classes in all major world markets, by breaking down the
current knowledge barriers.
In 2007, eSafetyAware! was founded with the specific aim to raise awareness
of eSafety among end users. The organisation brings together 37 members
from industry, public authorities, motoring clubs and other organisations.
eSafetyAware! launched the ChooseESC! campaign in May 2007 to inform car
buyers about the benefits of ESC. During the launch, European Commissioner
Viviane Reding and FIA President Max Mosley collectively called for measures
to advance the ESC take-up and save up to 4,000 lives annually on European
Roads alone. Since the launch, some of the worlds best drivers have actively
supported the campaign, including seven-time Formula One World Champion
Michael Schumacher, five-time FIA World Rally Champion Sebastian Loeb as
well as Formula One drivers like Pedro de la Rosa and Marko Asmer. The
campaign has also enjoyed support from prominent figures such as Prince
Michael of Kent and several Members of the European Parliament.
Campaign website:
Produced by
eSafetyAware! asbl Square
de Meeus 37 B-1000
Brussels Belgium
Supported by
FIA Foundation
European Commission