April 1 Hs Band

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Lesson Plan

ED 3501 2012

Grade/Subject: HS Band Unit: Sounds of Sousa, El Capitan Lesson Duration: 40 minutes April 1, 2014
Magrath Band Room
Today we will listen to a recording of El Capitan with the libretto and I will have the words up on the board.
The overall objective is to give students even more of a sense of where the piece came from and how it should
be played and what is being said throughout the piece. I would like to have a class discussion on what are
some of the things that can make our band sound more like the band in the recording. Some of the answers I am
looking for are articulation, shorter notes, playing together, playing with greater dynamics, and making the
music more dramatic. Through rehearsing the piece I think that the students will be hitting every one of the
learning objectives by now. They will not only be learning to play the music correctly and stylistically, but will
be understanding the meaning behind the music and in turn valuing it and gaining a deeper understanding of
music as a communication tool and the why of why we need to play it with correct stylistic practices.
General Learning Outcomes:
1. To discover, develop and evaluate their talents and abilities in musical performance through establishing, extending
and reinforcing correct technical skills. To recognize, interpret and perform rhythm melody harmony, form and
expression as they appear in musical notation. To develop and perform a repertoire of quality literature.
2. To develop a knowledge of music history and literature and its relationship to world history. To make students aware
of the applications of music in our society with respect to music careers, and avocational and leisure uses.
3. Positive attitudes are fostered by success in singing, playing, reading, listening, creating and valuing music.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
1.1 The student will perform phrases achieving musical sensitivity and with correct stylistic performance practices.
1.2 Students will demonstrate the meaning of dynamic marking.
1.3 Students will demonstrate use of rubato, vibrato, nuances, flexibility of tempo.
2.1 The student will be able to identify John Philip Sousa according to historical period and nationality.
2.2 The student will listen to and make critical comment on El Capitan
3.1 Students will be encouraged to apply maximum effort and attain effectiveness in performance through physical and
mental discipline.
3.2 Students will be encouraged to develop an appreciation of the social value of instrumental participation.
3.3 Students will be encouraged to value the uniqueness of this communication skill.

Students will:
1. Play El Capitan in reflection of the world of the libretto they heard. [(B), (C)]
2. Describe how the music enhances the libretto (and vice versa.) [(P), (C)]
3. Play with dynamic contrast. [(B), (P)]

Classroom management:
As classroom management issues arise, I will deal
with them as quickly and discreetly as possible so
that the student gets back on task, the other students
arent disturbed, and so we can keep playing as
much as possible. This is used with the love and
logic classroom principals, the essence of which is
dont create a problem. I will ensure to keep my
students engaged at all times by having a fast paced
rehearsal where the students are playing as much as
possible. If students take too long in setting up I will
start the rehearsal, just air streaming so that there is
less talking and do that exercise until everybody is
ready so that students do not miss out on instruction
and are encouraged to get ready more quickly by
their peers. Since these students are older I will tell

Accommodations to meet special learner needs:



ED 3501 2012

them my expectations outright and address students

by name if issues do arise.
Written/Performance Assessments:
For the 1st and 3rd objectives, I will asses the students as they are performing. If I can hear a difference in how they
played the piece before and how they played in relation to style after hearing the libretto, I will know they have
achieved that objective. If they play with dynamic contrast between the sections they will have met the third objective.
We will have a class discussion about the libretto and I will ask the students how the music affected the libretto, and
from that discussion I will know if the students understand how music can enhance the libretto and vice versa.


Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies
Resource #2: El Capitan performance notes.


* Score
* Baton
* Chairs
* Stands
* Students instruments and music

Introduction (10min.):
Gain students attention: set/focus: We will discuss what we have been working on in class for the past few days, what
we have been focusing on (dynamic contrast, articulation) and why they are important (style of the time.)
Inform learners of lesson objectives: Rehearse El Capitan
Musical warm-ups: We will do warmup of air streaming through instruments, I will conduct a slow 2. This will warm
up the instruments and get students ready to play with correct posture and breath support. We will then play a concert
F, making sure everyone has good tone and then will go chromatically down to Bb (F-E-F-Eb-F-D etc) an then go
back and forth between the Bb, F, and high Bb, working on connecting the notes. We will then play a concert F minor
scale, tongued, staccato and slurred, with attention given to tone and correct notes. We will then do letter H section 1
out of their fusel book to work on tone and listening and tuning chords. We will then do dit dot, which is a staccato
exercise to help them with their articulation on a Bb major scale.

Body (35 min.):

Learning Activity #1: We will listen to a recording of the operetta El Capitan and talk about how the music affects the
texts and what images come to mind when they listen to the libretto along with the music. How does the music affect
the libretto? How does the libretto affect how we will play the music?
Assessments/Differentiation: I will lead the class discussion and formatively assess them.

Learning Activity #2: We will rehearse El Capitan, keeping in mind the words that go along with the piece. We will
work on even greater dynamic contrast and clarity within the sections. I will have students play the different sections
at different dynamic levels to increase their flexibility of dynamics throughout the piece and to encourage them to
watch me for the dynamics. I will also work on making sure the melody is heard at all times especially when the
euphonium has a solo. Why do we need to play so soft even when it says mezzo forte? I will ask the students to play
at a pianissimo especially since we only have one euphonium and need to hear the melody. I will explain to the
students that even though their part may say mezzo forte, they need to play so that they whole band, balanced, is at a
mezzo forte. Hopefully with this understanding the dynamic contrast will become even greater. We will also work on
getting our articulation shorter in the beginning of the piece. I will do some sizzling exercises with them and have
them copy me to get the correct articulation. By doing the sizzling I think it will also force them to have better breath
support and that the articulation will be better in turn because you cannot have good/fast articulation without good air.
In this lesson I am hoping that the students begin to understand why they need to have good articulation and dynamics,
but also give them the tools to allow them to do it correctly.
Assessments/Differentiation: I will be assessing students as they are playing the piece making adjustments to the lesson based on
what I hear.

Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Go over some of the things we talked about at the start of class. How does the
libretto affect the music and vice versa?
Feedback From Students: How did we play differently after hearing the opera? Are you thinking about the piece
in a different way now?
Feedback To Students: Thank you for your attention this class and I could hear the difference in your articulation and
dynamic contrast.

In HS band we worked on El Capitan and had a video of the operetta played and discussed how the
music enhanced the lyrics and how that affects how we play the music. I was very nitpicky on he


ED 3501 2012

dynamics and how much we need to do them. We worked in detail getting them to contrast in
extremes. Next class we need to work on articulation in particular and getting the articulation much
cleaner and crisper.

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