Subject Name Staff Name
Subject Name Staff Name
Subject Name Staff Name
Subject name
Probability and Queueing Theory
Computer Networks
Operating Systems
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Software Engineering
Networks Laboratory
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
Operating Systems Laboratory
Staff Name
Subject name
Probability and Queuing Theory
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Operating Systems
Software Engineering
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Laboratory
Operating Systems Laboratory
Software Engineering Laboratory
Staff Name
Subject name
Artificial Intelligence
Principles of Compiler Design
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Advanced Computer Architecture
Web Technology
Numerical Methods
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
Communication Skills Lab
Internet Programming Lab
Staff Name
Subject name
Network Programming and Management
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Cryptography and Network Security
Web Technology
Embedded Systems
Numerical Methods
Web Technology Lab
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab
Network Lab
Staff Name
Subject name
Information Security
Software Project Management
Project Work
Staff Name