Rise of Islam 1

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Social Studies 6

Name ____________________

The Rise of Islam

Life in Early Arabia
The deserts, coastline, and oases of Arabia helped
Tigris River
500 miles
Euphrates River
shape the Arab way of life.
Desert stretches over most of the Arabian peninsula.
The heat is intense, and water is found only at oases,
green areas fed by underground water. To survive,
early Arabs organized into tribes who were very loyal to
one another. The head of the tribe was called a sheikh.
Trade and Towns
Many Arabs lived in villages where they farmed or
Rub al Khali
raised animals. These villages were near oases or in
the mountain valleys. Some of the villagers were
merchants who transported goods across the desert.
Arabian Sea
To fend off attacks, many traveled in a caravan, or
group of traveling merchants and animals. By about
A.D. 500, Arabian merchants handled most trade between India and the Mediterranean Sea. As their
trade grew, Arab merchants founded towns along the trade routes in Arabia. Mecca became the
largest and richest of them all. It was a crossroads for merchants, and it was also an important
religious site. The holiest place in Arabia was in this city. In the middle of Mecca was the Kaaba, a
low square building surrounded by statues of gods and goddesses. Arabs believed that the great
stone inside the Kaaba was from heaven. Pilgrims, people who travel to a holy place, flocked to
Mecca. Arabians worshiped many gods, but the most important was Allah. Allah was considered to
be the creator.

Muhammads Message
In A.D. 570 a man named Muhammad was born in Mecca. As a
teenager, he worked in the trusted job of caravan leader and eventually
became a successful merchant. Despite his success, Muhammad was
dissatisfied. He felt that the wealthy town leaders should honor their
families, be fair in business, and help the poor. Muhammad went into
the hills to pray. In about 610AD, he said he was visited by an angel
and told to preach Islam. Islam means surrendering to the will of
Allah. Allah is the Arabic word for God. Inspired, Muhammad
returned to Mecca. Everywhere he went, he told people to destroy
statues of false gods and to worship only Allah, the one true God.
Muhammad also preached that all people were equal and that the rich
should share their goods. In Mecca, where most people lived humbly,
this vision of a just society was very powerful. Muhammad was saying
Muhammad praying at the Kaaba
Notice that Muhammads face is not
that wealth was not as important as leading a good life. When the Day
shown. Most Muslims believe that it is
of Judgment arrived, he said God would reward the good people and
forbidden to show images of
punish the evildoers. At first, only his family became Muslims, or
followers of Islam. Soon, however, many of the poor were attracted to
his message that goods should be shared. Wealthy merchants and religious leaders did not like
Muhammads message. They thought he was trying to take away their power. They made his life
difficult and beat and tortured his followers. In 622AD, Muhammad and his followers left Mecca. They
moved north to a town called Yathrib. The journey of Muhammad and his followers to Yathrib became
known as the Hegira. The word comes from Arabic and means breaking off relationships. Later

Muslims made the year 622 the first year of a new Muslim calendar. Yathrib welcomed Muhammad
and his followers. Their city was renamed Medina, which means the city of the prophet.

1. Name the three bodies of water that surround the Arabian Peninsula_________________________
2. The distance between Mecca and Medina is ______________ miles.
3. Mecca is (North, South, East, West) of the Red Sea. (circle one)
4. Medina is (NW, SW, NE, SE) of the Tigris River. (circle one)


5. List two facts about Mecca:

6. List two facts about Medina:
List an example of one of the Five Themes of Geography in the section titled Trade and
Example from reading:

8. Fill in the blanks about Muhammad and the beginnings of Islam:

When Muhammad was about _________ years old, he claimed that he had been visited by an __________________.
He then began to preach Islam, which means _________________ to the ______ ______ of Allah, or ____________.
Muhammad told people to destroy ______________ of false gods and to worship _______________. He taught
that all people were __________ and that ___________ was not as important as leading ______________________.
9. At first, the ________ people of Mecca accepted Muhammads message, but the ________________ people did not,
because they thought ________________________________________________.
10. In 622AD, Muhammad and his followers left ________________ and traveled to the city of _________________,
which was later re-named ___________________, an Arabic word that means ___________________________.
11. This journey was called the hegira, which meant breaking off relationships. Why do you think this name was
chosen? ______________________________________________________________________________________
12. We know that Muslims consider this a very important date because ______________________________________

Match a bold, underlined word from the reading with each

synonym or definition.
Word from reading
Group of traveling merchants
People who travel to a holy place
Followers of Islam
Land surrounded by water on three

Leader of a tribe
Green areas in a desert

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